I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 268 The fools are coming

Although this young man is very powerful, he is obviously just an ordinary person, and now he is saying that he can do things that even immortals cannot do.

Amazing indeed.

But Grandma Ping believed that this young man was not aimless, so she nodded and said:

"I can indeed use my magic to bless you with simple clairvoyance, so I'll leave it to you to find Osel's weakness."

Grandma Ping cast a beam of immortal power onto Li Qiuzhi's body.

Li Qiuzhi felt that his spirit was a little "heavy", as if he was carrying something.

at the same time.

He found that he could indeed see the huge body of the demon god Osel clearly through the sea water.

The appearance of the Whirlpool Demon God feels like a sea snake with three heads. Its body is so huge that even with the blessing of immortal magic, it is impossible to bring his entire body into view.

Fortunately, Osel's weakness was discovered by Li Qiuzhi. There were two of them, in the gaps between His necks.

"How is it? Young man?" Grandma Ping asked with a smile.


Li Qiuzhi nodded and stated the weak spot he found.

"Fellow immortals, you heard it. Since attacking the head has little effect, let's try this young man's method."

Grandma Ping said to the immortals in the distance.

"That's fine."

Xieyue and Liuyun did not refuse. Anyway, they would attack Osel's body everywhere, so there was no harm in giving it a try.

After using the immortal power to recharge the energy of the "Final Machine".

Several immortals also used the magic of being able to see underwater. They aimed at the gap between Osel's necks and fired a beam of destruction that seemed to be able to wipe out everything.

It hit the whirlpool demon Osel directly.


It was like pouring cold water into a red-hot iron pot, and there was a sound of the water being violently evaporated.

Although Osel's body was not directly penetrated, he was still able to scream in anger when he was attacked by the "Terminal Machine" twice before.

And at this time.

The majestic Demon God of Whirlpool could only lower his heads in pain, forcing himself in front of the beam to cut off its attack on the body.

Guide the elemental power and control the collision of sea water and light beams.

Trying to consume the energy of the beam in order to reduce the damage you receive.

As for why not hide? This is because He still has half of his body stuck in the seal and has not yet come out.

"This should be effective now!" Paimeng hid behind Li Qiuzhi to prevent being seen and attacked by water elemental creatures.

"Of course. As long as we continue to maintain this suppressive momentum, I think we can beat him back into the seal with a few more attacks."

Li Qiuzhi is still very confident about the favorability skill from Fischer, the "Great Illusion Dream Senro Vientiane Violent Qi Sin-Severing Eye".

"Haha, Mr. Honorary Knight, you have made a great contribution this time."

Floating in mid-air, the condensed light continuously attacked the demon god Osel with huge gems created from rock elements. He also changed the trajectory of the attack and all aimed at his weak points.

Gan Yu also changed his attack position.

Her archery skills are very good, much better than Li Qiuzhi's.

A single blow can freeze his head, which can very well restrict Osel's defensive movements.

"Hmm, boy, good job."

After the attack, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who continued to charge the "Returning Machine", glanced at Li Qiuzhi and complimented him casually.

At the same time, their favorable impression of Li Qiuzhi also improved slightly.

[Ningguang has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (210/400)]

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (100/200)]

"You actually suppressed the devil and beat him?"

Dadalia, who was hiding near the mountains near Yunlaihai and observing the battlefield, had a slightly gloomy expression.

His purpose of using the "No Taboo" to release the Demon God was to force the Rock King Emperor who was hiding behind the scenes and pretending to be dead to watch the show to come out.

But now it is definitely not in line with his expectations.

"Sir, Sir, it seems that those people from Liyue Seven Stars can threaten the Whirlpool Demon God with those ballistae. Do you need your subordinates to lead a team to destroy them?"

A firefly warlock appeared behind Dadalia and offered his own advice.

"Go ahead and destroy those ballistas."

Dadalia thought for a while and realized that this seemed to be the only way to continue to force the Rock King out.

"For Her Majesty the Queen, we must complete the mission!"

The Thunder Fire Warlock nodded, and then used space transfer to disappear.

At this time, the water elemental creatures summoned by the demon god Osel in the Jade Pavilion have been almost eliminated through the efforts of Qian Yanjun and Li Qiuzhi.

The enemies Li Qiuzhi defeated alone increased the experience column in his character panel by 50,000 experience points.

In addition to the 30% experience point gain given to him by the enemies he defeated, Li Qiuzhi's experience points totaled more than 70,000 at this time.

It should be no problem to upgrade to level 70 now.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was thinking this, several portals suddenly appeared on the additional formation platform of Qunyu Pavilion.

Then the soldiers from the advance team of Fools, who were tall and relatively common, rushed out.

The first thing they did was rush towards several "final machines".

There are also guerrillas holding fire guns who walk out of the portal and aim at the "end machine" and fire continuously. The bullets with fire elements are like a ball of fire, shooting forward.

As the vanguard soldiers of the Fools, the weapons they use are all elemental weapons that can control elemental power to a certain extent.

As for the better evil eye, they haven't been able to use it yet.

After all, there is no way to mass-produce that kind of thing like elemental weapons.

"Bang bang bang!"

Before several flaming bullets hit, Shen He was frozen by the reaction, turned into ice cubes, fell to the ground, and then shattered.

Reality can be different from the plot in the game.

Not only do they have more backbone combat power like Li Qiuzhi and Shen He, but they also have Gan Yu, a high-end combat power who is not restrained by the demon god.

These fools are not executive level combatants.

Even if you want to destroy the "final machine" by surprise, there is no way.

No matter how much you come, you will only be frozen into an ice sculpture.

In other words, even if the Fools used the portal to come to Qunyu Pavilion to launch an attack, it would be meaningless. They were all here to deliver food.

Of course, with Li Qiuzhi and the others here, there was no need for Gan Yu to take action.

The many fools who came here were still a little strong, and the weakest ones were all above level 40.

Ordinary Qianyan troops all use long spears, so there is no way to deal with their elemental weapons.

So Li Qiuzhi directly used his spiritual tentacles to pick them up unexpectedly and throw them into the sea, letting them keep company with the Whirlpool Demon God.

It was at this time.

The vortex demon god Osel broke free from the freezing control of the ice element, and the three heads worked together to breathe out huge energy at the Jade Pavilion!

Please read~

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