"Well, of course there's no problem."

Although it was different from what Li Qiuzhi thought, it seemed to be a good experience to personally use the Jade Pavilion to smash the Whirlpool Demon God.

"Okay, traveler, the task of breaking the floating stone will be left to you later."

Ning Guang turned his gaze to Ying, who had just walked over.

"Okay." Ying nodded and agreed.

It didn't take long for Qun Yu Pavilion to fly over the sea area where the whirlpool demon Osel was.

Osel activated his power again, forming a huge whirlpool on the sea surface in an attempt to attract the Jade Pavilion in advance and destroy it.

But He had just come out of the seal not long ago, and half of his body was still stuck in the seal. The divine power possessed by his body was several times less than when he was in his prime.

And now it has been hit hard and its weak point has been hit.

In general.

Osel, the Demon God of the Whirlpool, has been unable to break through the shield of the Jade Pavilion under everyone's defense.

Seeing that the time was almost right, in order to avoid the continued interference of the demon god Osel, Gan Yu released an elemental burst - descending the heavenly flowers!

A huge ice spirit bead with a unicorn pattern appeared on her white and soft palm.

She threw the Ice Spirit Pearl downwards.

Then hovering in mid-air, countless icicles began to fall, covering an area that could completely envelope the Demon God of the Whirlpool.

In an instant, Osel's body and the nearby sea began to freeze.

Although it can't cause him much harm, the restrictions on his movements are real.

Take this opportunity.

Li Qiuzhi followed Ningguang's instructions and released several giant tentacles in the void on both sides of Qunyu Pavilion to wrap around Qunyu Pavilion.

It's like a slingshot.

Qun Yu Pavilion is the stone in the slingshot. The buoyancy of the floating stone is used as the force accumulated by pulling back with the hand before launching the slingshot. As long as the floating stone is destroyed later with a sword.

The group of jade pavilions can be launched downward by translucent tentacles like a slingshot.

As for picking up Qun Yu Pavilion directly, well, that's impossible.

Don't look at the current spiritual tentacles that are so big that they can even wrap around Qunyu Pavilion.

But in fact, the strength it possesses is still about 500 kilograms, and there is no way to lift Qun Yu Pavilion.

And the Qun Yu Pavilion weighed more than 500 kilograms. Based on its size and height, Li Qiuzhi felt that it used 10,000 tons as the unit of weight. Specifically, was it tens or millions of tons.

This is not clear.

"Fellow immortals, I ask you to bless Mr. Honorary Knight with immortal magic."

Ningguang said to Zhenjun Xieyue and Grandma Ping who had just returned from sending off Qianyan Army.

"Haha, it's not difficult to simply increase the strength of others."

Grandma Ping smiled and nodded.

She pointed at Li Qiuzhi, and a white fairy power blessed him.

Li Qiuzhi instantly felt that his consciousness was much heavier, as if he was burdened with something, but at the same time, he also felt a steady stream of power emerging from his body.

And this power can be applied anywhere you want.

Could this be the immortal power of immortals? Li Qiuzhi thought a little surprised, feeling that it was more wonderful than the elemental power.

"This is an immortal technique I created in my spare time. It can preserve part of the immortal power and give it to others. It was originally intended for my disciples to use to protect themselves when they encounter danger. Now I will give you a copy."

Grandma Ping put her hands behind her hands and briefly explained to Li Qiuzhi.

"Okay, thank you, Grandma Ping."

Li Qiuzhi expressed his gratitude.

He could feel that although this immortal power was not much, using all the blessings on the spiritual tentacles should be able to give Qunyu Pavilion a good initial speed.

Just like the rubber band of a slingshot can be stretched farther, it can fly faster and more powerfully when it is finally launched.

Coupled with the gravitational acceleration of Qun Yu Pavilion's free fall, the power can be imagined.

"Since A Ping has blessed you with immortal power, I will use the strong wind to boost Qunyu Pavilion." Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun did not bless Li Qiuzhi with the immortal power, but used wind pressure to boost Qunyu Pavilion. A downward thrust.

Xieyue and Zhenjun Lishui also blessed him with immortal magic.

One of them blessed the translucent tentacles with the magic of "increasing strength", and the other blessed Li Qiuzhi with the magic of "purifying the heart and improving the eyesight".

There is no need to say "increased strength".

"Pure the Heart and Brighten the Eyes" is a magical method that temporarily enhances mental power.

With stronger mental power, Li Qiuzhi can naturally make his mental tentacles emit more powerful power.

Soon everything was almost ready.

In the end, Ning Guang used the power of rock elements to increase the weight of Qun Jade Pavilion. Ying Ye saw that the time was almost right and directly inserted his sword into Qun Jade Pavilion.

The power of the sword penetrated the ground and hit the floating stone in the foundation of Qunyu Pavilion.

The moment it breaks.

The floating force acting on the Jade Pavilion suddenly disappeared. At this moment, it was like a slingshot letting go of the hand holding the stone.

Qun Jade Pavilion was like a cannonball, hitting the whirlpool demon Osel below.

The immortals also quickly used their magic to take everyone away to avoid being affected by the explosion in Qunyu Pavilion.

After Li Qiuzhi and the others moved away at an extremely fast speed, in less than a second, there was a violent explosion behind them, and the entire sea surface stirred up waves.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 125220 experience points. 】

As the air waves of the explosion dispersed the dark clouds in the sky, a ray of sunlight penetrated, and a prompt to defeat the demon came from Li Qiuzhi's character panel.

"The Uzumaki Demon is gone, have we succeeded?" Paimon said, looking at the original position.

After a while, the wind and waves calmed down, and the Jade Pavilion was shattered into pieces in the explosion, and Osel disappeared with it.

"The evil and ominous aura of the devil has indeed begun to fade away."

Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun nodded.

"The effectiveness of the 'Absolute Barrier' has disappeared, and the Demon God Osel has been severely injured and restored under the seal. It is impossible for him to cause trouble again!"

Zhenyue Zhenjun thought for a moment and continued.

"Ah, is it just suppressed in the seal? I thought He was already dead?"

Paimon said with some surprise.

"Hmph, how can the devil be killed so easily by us?

"Besides, there will be more troubles after killing him. The demon god's residue alone will give birth to countless demon karma. At that time, Liyue will have no peace!"

Lord Liuyun flapped his wings and flew, glanced at Paimon with his bird head and hummed.

It seems that this is indeed the case. In the original plot, Osel was suppressed again and did not kill him.

Li Qiuzhi nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, that's it. No wonder the Rock King also used this method to seal Him."

Paimon touched his hair, showing that he understood something but didn't understand it at the same time.

She suddenly remembered the information she had asked Li Qiuzhi about what happened in their 'golden house', and said with a little doubt:

"Speaking of Prince Yan, that Fool Executive released the Demon God because he didn't find the 'Heart of God' in the Emperor's Immortal Body, and wanted to force the Emperor to show up.

"Now that we have settled the matter with the Demon God, what happened to Prince Yan?"

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