"Shen He, do you want to go with us?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the girl in front of him with long white hair and an extraordinary temperament and asked.

Her breast-covering short top swayed slightly in the wind, and the black jumpsuit fit tightly against her plump and plump skin, forming a soft and perfect arc.

"I'd better not go."

Shen He glanced at a few people with his silver-white pupils and shook his head hesitantly.

In fact, she wanted to go for a walk with Li Qiuzhi and the others.

But they were looking for the Rock King Emperor for business, so after thinking about it for a while, they decided to forget it.

"Hey, didn't you say you want to find a balance between the lives of immortals and humans?

"That Prince Yan must understand. You and we can go over and ask him."

Paimon remembered that they promised to help Shen He find a suitable lifestyle for her between humans and immortals, so he wanted to go with Shen He to ask Zhongli.

"Little Paimon has a point."

Ying's hands naturally hung on her waist, and she lightly tapped her fair chin and said.

"No, I still want to observe and experience it with you. It doesn't make sense to me to directly ask the emperor for answers."

Shen He has his own ideas in this regard.

"That does seem to make sense." Li Qiuzhi subconsciously touched the clothes on his chest and said in deep thought.

In the final analysis, what Shen He needs is an understanding.

Getting verbal answers doesn't help.

"In the past few days, I will still be waiting for you at Miss Ningguang's Qunyu Pavilion. Come to me when you are done."

After Shen He finished speaking, he swung his legs and was about to leave when he suddenly stopped again as if he realized something.

Miss Ningguang's Jade Pavilion seems to have "died" with the devil just now, and now she seems to have no place to live.

"Yes, Qunyu Pavilion has been destroyed. Doesn't Shen He have no place to live?"

Paimon spread his hands and frowned.

"That's right, maybe I can stay with your senior sister for a few days first." Li Qiuzhi also realized that this seemed to be the case, so he suggested.

Gan Yu would not refuse to take in his junior sister for a few days.

"Such a major event has happened in Liyue Port recently. Senior sister must be very busy. I don't want to disturb her."

Shen He thought for a while and felt that this plan was not feasible.

"Then why don't you come to Mondstadt and stay for a few days? It might be helpful to you to see the life of a foreigner."

Ying thought for a moment and said.


Shen He had never been to Mondstadt before, or in other words, she had rarely been to Liyue Port, the capital of Liyue, in Aozang Mountain. If she were alone, she would not go to Mondstadt.

After all, she was unfamiliar with the place and she wasn't the kind of person who liked traveling.

But since it is an invitation from friends, there is no problem. It may be easier to understand something by looking at the lifestyles of people in different countries.

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore." Shen He nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 170 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (180/300)]

Li Qiuzhi and Shen He first came to the Hall of Purity to look for Zhongli, but they heard from the ferryman in the hall that Mr. Zhongli had gone to visit Beiguo Bank.

Several people were walking on the street heading to Northland Bank.

"I remember that Beiguo Bank is the property of the Fools. There is also one in Mondstadt. Zhongli must have known that Young Master released the devil and caused trouble for the Fools."

Paimon guessed so.

"Well, it's not impossible." Ying crossed her arms and nodded thoughtfully.

"You see, that 'young master' provided funds for the 'Send Immortal Ceremony', and he introduced us to Zhongli. Maybe these things were done by the cooperation of the two of them."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"Huh?! Prince Yan is cooperating with the Fools? Isn't this impossible?"

Paimon rubbed his face, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Hey, let's go in and take a look and we'll find out." Li Qiuzhi said with a chuckle as he looked at Beiguo Bank, which was just up the stairs.

Shen He followed a few people and listened silently to their conversation without joining in the chat.

Due to her bad luck in life, she could easily hurt those around her, and she had no one to talk to except her master.

After getting to know the people in front of me, I found that I really liked the atmosphere of getting along with them, and I could feel their naturalness, harmony and sincerity.

When I get along with them, I will occasionally have a slight emotional fluctuation. Maybe this is what I am missing.

Northland Bank, banking hall.

"Rosalyn, the so-called cooperation requires at least the exchange of information. I treat Mr. Zhongli as a good friend, but you actually teamed up to plot against me!"

Dadalia looked at the colleagues in front of him angrily.

This is a woman wearing a black and white long skirt and a black crown covering half of her cheeks. Her codename is indeed "Ms."

"Haha, didn't you have a lot of fun in the end? You even released the Uzumaki Demon God. We had no such plan."

Rosalin's lips curved up into a smile.

Looking at the "young master" who seemed to want to say something else, Rosalin suddenly turned her gaze to the door behind him: "Oh, our acquaintance is here to cause trouble."

Li Qiuzhi and the others walked into the lobby of Beiguo Bank.

Then he discovered the "gongzi" who had escaped in the "Golden House", and the target Zhongli he was looking for on this trip.

But surprisingly, there is an unexpected person here, another executive of Fools who once stole Wendy's Heart of God in Mondstadt - "Ms."

"Wait, why are you here!"

Paimon watched the "lady" appear and his eyes widened like stars.

"It's you. It seems you still remember me. After all, it's hard to forget when you see your friend's heart of God being taken away and there's nothing you can do about it."

Rosalin mocked Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"Wow! I'm so angry. This woman is still teasing us about Wendy!" Paimeng stamped his feet in mid-air angrily, then turned to Li Qiuzhi and Ying and said, "Hurry up and beat her. Get Wendy’s heart of God back!”

"Don't be impulsive, this is the territory of fools, and there is another guy with good fighting ability."

Ying was not emotionally disturbed by the "ma'am"'s ridicule. She glanced at the "gongzi" and said warily.

"Haha, I'm sorry.

"Now that I think about what I did just now, it was indeed a bit impulsive. However, although I took advantage of you a little, I have no ill intentions towards you. If you want to attack Rosalin, I will never interfere!"

Dadalia looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others with slightly embarrassed expressions.

He himself was also very dissatisfied with being deceived by Rosalin and Zhongli. He would be happy to see Rosalin in shame.

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