"It's so magical. This thing can make a seed germinate in more than ten minutes?"

Li Qiuzhi said with some disbelief.

"It seems so. It doesn't seem to be very powerful in healing injuries, but it unexpectedly has the effect of stimulating seed germination!"

Sugar also clenched her fists excitedly and said.

"So, its value is also very high, it can be regarded as the result of an accident!"

Li Qiuzhi can naturally see the value of this "healing ointment" that can promote the growth of plants.

If its cost is low, it can be promoted to thousands of households on a large scale, and the entire world will not be short of food in the future.

Even if the cost is not cheap, if it is only used in precious and rare plants, it is still valuable!

“Phew, while it does seem to work, alchemists need to be rigorous about their work.

“So next I need to test its range of effects and whether there will be any side effects.

"But there are not many plants that can be used for experiments in the laboratory. Mr. Adventurer, please go with me to find plants in various states outside Mondstadt."

Sugar looked at Li Qiuzhi expectantly.

"Of course there is no problem." Li Qiuzhi replied with a smile.

There's nothing going on today, so it's just a good time to spend time with Sugar, and maybe I can get some more favorability points.

"Well, let me prepare first." Granu began to pack the equipment needed for the outing experiment.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly thought that since the relationship with Sugar had become a couple, it was time to take this opportunity to give her the ability of "interstellar travel".

In this way, she will be guaranteed both in terms of safety and convenience of life in the future.

A few minutes later, Granu prepared all the necessary items and came to Li Qiuzhi, ready to talk to him about the experimental plan.

Before she spoke, Li Qiuzhi said, "By the way, Sugar, I have something else I want to give you."

After speaking, Li Qiuzhi explained the ability of "interstellar travel" to Sugar.

It can protect her safety, and can also communicate and transmit remotely.

Naturally, Sugar would not refuse such a convenient ability.

[Sugar has a good impression of you and gains 160 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (176/900)]

When the golden "mark" like a star map merges into the body.

Sugar immediately sensed several other people who had "marks".

They appear as simple figures in Sugar's mind, and can choose to communicate and transmit at will.

Among them is Li Qiuzhi, who has short black hair and looks okay.

Miss Ying with a white flower on her head and Paimon, the flying elf.

And Miss Fisher, the excellent investigator of the Adventurers Association.

And the last girl she didn't recognize, wearing a hat with bright red plum blossoms on the side.

Judging from her dressing style, she must be from Liyue.

"Why are they all girls?" Sugar looked at Li Qiuzhi with some jealousy.

It doesn't take a lot of thinking to know that other girls with the ability to "interstellar travel" must have a close relationship with Li Qiuzhi.

But when he agreed to become a couple with him, this bad guy never told her!

"Well...that's because, well, except for little Paimon, the other girls are just like you thought.

"But don't worry, I love you all equally."

Li Qiuzhi held Sugar in his arms and truthfully explained his relationship with them.

Of course, her relationship with Hu Tao has not yet reached the level of a couple, but she already has a "road mark."

It is very easy to communicate with her, and it is only a matter of time before we finally become a couple.

So, um... Li Qiuzhi is not wrong to say this.


It was already like this, and Sugar had no choice but to express his dissatisfaction with a "hum".

Only then did she realize that she seemed to like Li Qiuzhi very deeply.

Even if he had other women, she wouldn't be able to dislike him if he was so flirtatious.

What a disgusting guy.

Although Sugar didn't hate it, she was still a little dissatisfied.

Li Qiuzhi naturally saw it and was experienced in dealing with it.

As long as you say more nice things, it'll probably be fine.

After all, the favorability level is already at level nine, and Sutang will actually be very tolerant of Li Qiuzhi. Even if he is dissatisfied for a while, it will soon pass.

Mondstadt, Clear Springs.

This outing experiment is just to test the "healing ointment" accidentally developed by Sugar to accelerate the growth of plants, and whether it has any effects or side effects on other plants.

Especially crops.

In addition to hunters, Qingquan Town also has many people who grow crops. It is the closest town to Mondstadt.

It was just right for Li Qiuzhi and the others to experiment with the "healing ointment".

After Sugar decided to go to Qingquan Town, Li Qiuzhi also remembered that he had not seen Mr. Dulav for a long time, so he bought two bottles of wine to visit him.

As for wine, I brought fruit wine with a low alcohol content to prevent him from getting drunk.

Hiss, I was so thoughtful!

With this in mind, Li Qiuzhi asked someone on the streets of Qingquan Town for the location of Mr. Dulav's home, because he was the hunter leader of Qingquan Town.

Basically everyone here knows where his home is, so it's easy to find.

It happened that Mr. Durav was not out hunting today and was resting at home. Naturally, the two of them happily exchanged greetings when they met.

But when he took out the wine, Durav's expression changed.

Hesitantly trying to get him to put it away, Li Qiuzhi didn't understand what was going on at first, but suddenly saw Diona appearing behind Durav at some point.

"You're dad's best friend!"

Diona shouted angrily and was about to hit her with a broom, but Li Qiuzhi ran away quickly.

I almost forgot, Diona hated her father's drinking, so he should have delivered the wine to his door when she was not around.

Realizing his mistake, Li Qiuzhi found a secret place nearby to hide two bottles of fruit wine, and gave Mr. Duraf a wink when he left.

It must not be difficult to understand based on his experience, and it is not a problem to easily find the two hidden bottles of wine.

After leaving Durav's house, he first talked to Sugar, and then used the ability of "interstellar travel" to teleport to her.

The midday sun shines vertically.

In front of me is a flower field in Qingquan Town, but it has not bloomed yet, and even the flower buds have not grown, only the leaves are green and faint.

Li Qiuzhi didn't know much about flowers, so he didn't know what species it was.

"This is an ordinary sweet flower. I just did an experiment with seeds in the laboratory. Now let's try what will happen with the sweet flower in the growing stage."

Sugar explained briefly.

She had just asked the owner of this flower field for permission to experiment with two sweet flowers growing in the corner.

In this way, even if there is any problem, it will not affect other flowers.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, watching Granu take out the "healing ointment" and pour a little on the roots of Tiantianhua.

Suddenly Li Qiuzhi saw it move.

Just when he thought the effect was so powerful, Tiantianhua would grow taller immediately.

But he saw the soil in the flower field cracked, and the sweet flower that had been treated with "healing ointment" jumped out of the ground.

Familiar appearance, and huge elemental power overflowing.

This is - frost cheating flowers!

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