I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 289 The place where we haven’t returned for a long time

“‘Sir’ has many meanings to people.

"Firstly, it is a courtesy title for older men, and then it is a title for a certain profession such as 'storyteller'. Finally, it can also be used to address a knowledgeable person.

"And 'Mr. Yun' is one of the most knowledgeable people.

"In recent years, many of Yunhan Society's famous new plays were written by Mr. Yun alone. He is such an excellent singer and has such talent in writing, so he deserves the title of 'Mr.'"

Zhongli looked as calm as ever and gave little Paimeng some knowledge.

"Uh, so that's it?" Paimon touched his hair, not knowing whether he understood or not and nodded.

"The show seems to be starting again."

Ying rested her right elbow on the table, rested her chin on her palm, and glanced outside with her amber pupils, realizing that the next drama seemed to be about to begin.

The moon is like silver frost, pouring on the roof of the house.

After listening to a series of stories and biographies related to the emperor, many people burst into tears on the spot thinking that Prince Yan had left them forever.

When I left the show, I couldn't let go for a long time.

It was also today that they deeply realized that the emperor was really gone, and they would have to rely on themselves to protect Liyue from now on.

"Oh, why did the emperor pass away like this? Why should he go through this calamity properly?"

Xingqiu was also inexplicably emotional.

"Maybe there is a compelling reason."

It was rare for Paimon to say a kind word to Zhongli.

"Maybe." Xingqiu nodded, "Now that the guests have dispersed, I think Mr. Yun has some free time. Let's go and thank her."

Li Qiuzhi and the others nodded. After all, they had specially reserved a seat for them, so they naturally wanted to express their gratitude.

Although Xingqiu asked for it, they also enjoyed the convenience.

"Well... please bring me your thanks. I have something else to do, so I can only thank you in person next time."

Zhongli stood up from the chair he was sitting on, nodded and said.

Liuyun Xieyue and the others found him at noon and asked him to meet at his old place, but they postponed it for a while when they heard that Mr. Yun had a performance.

If you don't go, they will be angry.

"Well, brother Zhongli, let's see you next time. If you have time, please come to my house and sit down. My father and brother will definitely be able to talk to you."

Xingqiu smiled and said politely.

"Haha, since it is Master Xingqiu's invitation, I will definitely pay you a visit when I have time."

Zhongli also chuckled twice and replied politely.

"These two talented people are here again..."

Paimon was speechless and held his forehead.

It's like this when we meet, and it's like this when we say goodbye. I really don't understand the culture of Liyue people...

"It's the same over there, they're all so...well, profound and profound."

Li Qiuzhi thought of when he was on earth, watching TV series and many people were polite when they first met.

He himself is pretty much the same.

Watching Zhongli walk out the door, Xingqiu nodded, led everyone out of the private room, and walked behind the stage curtain.

Soon, they saw Mr. Yun sitting and resting on a table behind the stage.

After all, I sang three songs in a row, and each song lasted no less than half an hour. This was quite tiring.

"Friends, welcome. Do you think my singing on stage just now was okay?"

Yun Jin saw the second young master of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce coming with a few people from a distance, so she spoke.

"Yeah, Mr. Yun sang very well!"

Listening to her clear and sweet voice even in the audience, Paimon couldn't help but nodded in reply.

"Haha, you don't have to address me like that, just call me Yun Jin."

Yun Jin covered her mouth and said with a smile:

"Speaking of which, I recognize a few of them, including the flying elf, the golden-haired traveler, the mysterious white fairy, and a young and handsome Liyue native.

"The story of your help in repelling the Whirlpool Demon God has spread throughout Liyue Port from the mouths of the Qianyan Army who were present at the time."

[Yun Jin has a good impression of you and gains 160 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (60/200)]

Young and handsome Liyue native. Well, although there is a discrepancy in the Liyue native, the description of young and handsome is correct. Li Qiuzhi nodded secretly with satisfaction.

Moreover, she had a good impression from the very beginning. It seemed that Yun Jin had a good first impression of herself.

"I see. When I asked you to save a seat, you agreed so readily."

Xingqiu said as if he understood.

"Of course, these people you mentioned are all heroes of Liyue, how can I not make friends with them."

Yun Jin's vermilion eye shadow outlines her slightly heroine-like appearance, which makes her look like a hero recognizing a hero.

"Haha, although Miss Yun Jin, you make it sound like we are very powerful.

"But in fact, we just helped fight, the water elemental creatures summoned by the Whirlpool Demon God, and the Fool soldiers who tried to interfere with us.

"The ones who really defeated the demon were the immortals and the two Lords of the Seven Stars."

Li Qiuzhi was quite modest and down-to-earth. Although Yun Jin said he was a bit vain, he couldn't really think so.

If it is now.

With his super strength, he might really be able to cause some trouble to the Uzumaki Demon God.

"Oh? Mr. Hero, there are many details in it. Can you tell me your story in detail?"

Yun Jin put her legs wrapped in purple pantyhose stockings together under her skirt, and placed her heels lightly on the beam at the foot of the chair. She asked Li Qiuzhi to continue speaking with an inquiring look in her eyes.

"Haha Mr. Hero"

What kind of name is this? Li Qiuzhi touched his cheek with some embarrassment. He looked at the little Paimon flying on the right side of the screen:

"Little Paimon, it's time for you to show off. You are the best at telling stories."

"Okay, let me talk about it casually."

Paimon raised his chin proudly and vividly recounted what happened at that time.

"It's really amazing. It's hard to imagine how brave you are to stand in front of the legendary ancient demon. I have to record it quickly."

Yun Jin sighed while taking out a pen and paper from the Eye of God.

"Uh, Miss Yun Jin, what are you doing?" Paimon asked as if he was confused.

"Record your stories. I want to adapt the story of your fight against the Uzumaki Demon God into a new drama. Stories based on true stories are far more contagious than fabricated ones."

Yun Jin didn't hide her thoughts.

"What, use our story to write a new drama, then, Paimon, I will also appear during your performance, just like the Emperor and the Uzumaki Demon just now!"

Paimon's starry eyes are really going to sparkle like stars!

"Of course, if you want." Yun Jin replied affirmatively.

"So Miss Yun Jin, your other works are all based on reality, right?"

Ying crossed her arms and asked curiously.

"Well, that's not entirely true. Some dramas based on legends and rumors are also very popular.

"For example, in "Goddess Pi Guan", the key point is to make everyone really believe that there is such a story protagonist, so that it will be infectious. Infectivity is the basis of a qualified drama."

After Yun Jin recorded the story, she saw that her father was willing to discuss the drama with her, and she was happy to share it.

""Goddess Pi Guan" tells the story of a young girl becoming a hero.

“The girl’s mother is seriously ill, and her father wants to use fairy magic to cure her, but instead summons an evil demon.

"The devil told his father that his wife's serious illness was entirely due to the fate of the girl Guchen Jiesha, and he only needed to sacrifice the girl.

“In the end, the girl was abandoned by her father in a cave with dangerous monsters, but the girl was not willing to die. She fought with the monster for several days, successfully defeated the monster, and was finally saved by a passing immortal.

"This may be a bit monotonous. When I sing "Goddess Pi Guan" again in the future, I will invite you to listen."

Yun Jin spent less than two minutes briefly introducing "Goddess Pi Guan".

Although Ying didn't ask, she wanted to share it because it was one of her favorite stories.

"Guchen Jiesha? Why does it sound so familiar?"

Paimon rubbed his head in distress, feeling that he had heard this word somewhere before, and that he was about to remember it but couldn't.

"Isn't this what Shen He said himself? She has the two rare fates of Gu Chen and Jie Sha, and then Zhenjun Liuyun locked them with a red rope."

Li Qiuzhi remembered this.


Paimon clapped his hands and looked at Shen He. He was about to ask her if this was the case, but found that her expression seemed a little sad.

"Hey, what's wrong with you, Shen He?"

She felt a little confused and didn't know why Shen He had such an expression.

Others also noticed Shen He's abnormality and looked at her with some worry.

Li Qiuzhi knew the reason for this, because "The Goddess Piguan" tells the story of Shen He. It is not a rumor as Yun Jin thought, but it is true!

Perhaps it was inevitable that Shen He would feel a little sad when he suddenly heard about what happened when he was a child.

"That "Goddess Pi Guan" seems to be talking about my aunt's experience."

Chongyun thought for a while and said.

Their family still knew something about what this distant relative had experienced. At that time, they did not know that her father would be superstitious about demons, otherwise he could prevent this tragedy from happening.


Everyone except Li Qiuzhi was a little shocked when they learned that such a thing happened.

Yun Jin stood up even more anxiously, came to Shen He in two steps, and apologized a little unreasonably:

"Yes, I'm sorry, Miss Shen He, I didn't know the rumors were true, but I still mentioned your sadness in front of the person involved!"

Shen He breathed out silently, and his sad expression soon became much lighter:

"No need to apologize, I don't care.

"Although I have never understood why my father did this, after such a long time, everything is just a useless memory."


Yun Jin looked at Shen He, she didn't seem to care.

No matter how hard he tried to hide it, the sadness still existed faintly on Shen He's face.

Yun Jin never thought that the goddess in "Goddess Pi Guan" really existed, but she also never thought that she would bring up her unhappy things as soon as they met.

The guilt in her heart and her love for the "goddess" gave her a strong desire to help Shen He.

Yun Jin thought for a while and said:

"Miss Shen He, how about we go to the village where you once lived. Maybe facing the place that once caused you pain can untie the knot in your heart.

"I want to help you, and I hope you can face this matter more calmly in the future."

"help me?"

Shen He put his right hand on his chest, not knowing what to do for a moment, and subconsciously moved his eyes to Li Qiuzhi.

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