"up to you."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

Anyway, there is no difference between one more person and one less person.

"Let's go to the Adventurers Association and pick up a few commissions on the way."

Li Qiuzhi took Shen He and Hu Tao to the Adventurers Association. After all, how could one not accept a commission when going on adventures.

Moreover, he had made an appointment with Yun Jin and was waiting for her there.

Although he is so powerful, he is just a pauper with only more than two million Morads in savings.

"Let's go, let's go. After I made such a big deal with Emperor recently, I don't know if my luck has run out and there are no other customers, so it's good to go out and relax."

Hutao crossed his arms and sighed.

"Isn't it good to have no business? After all, it means the loss of no life!"

Li Qiuzhi couldn't understand it.

"Idiot, the clientele of Shengsheng Hall is not only funerals. We also provide various ceremonial services that people need, and sell incense, paper money, etc. The business of Shengsheng Hall is huge!"

Hu Tao looked at Li Qiuzhi with some dissatisfaction.

"So that's it. Sorry, it seems I misunderstood." Li Qiuzhi admitted his mistake obediently.

When they arrived at the Adventurers Association, they already saw Yun Jin waiting, seemingly chatting with Sister Lan, the branch president of the Liyue Adventurers Association.

"Hi ~ Yun Jin!" Hutao smiled and said hello, looking bright and lively.

"Hutao, why are you here?" Yun Jin was a little surprised.

"Didn't you just listen to this annoying guy saying that you want to go on an adventure together, so I came here when I had nothing to do."

Hu Tao painted her nails black, put her hands on her waist, which were in sharp contrast with her white fingers, and explained.

"Hey, okay, but you can't tease me!" Yun Jin's pretty face showed helplessness, and her sighing voice was so clear and sweet.

She has known Hu Tao since childhood and is a very good friend. She likes her fun, but she also gets upset when she teases her.

"Yeah, don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble!" Hutao patted his chest, indicating that there was no problem at all.

While they were chatting, Li Qiuzhi went to find Catherine and accepted several commissions.

One commission is to clean up the monsters that are robbing caravans on the road, and the other is that a certain big businessman's forest farm is overrun with slimes, and adventurers need to solve them.

The last one is similar. A group of water snake monsters have invaded the nearby river area and caused ecological damage, so they also need to be dealt with.

They are all on the way, and they are all about fighting monsters, so they don't waste too much time. When the time comes, you can just do it casually.

"Shen He, Yun Jin and Hu Tao, let's set off now after taking over the mission." Li Qiuzhi came back and said to several people.

"Yes." Shen He nodded calmly.

Just when a few people were about to leave, Sister Lan, the branch president, stopped Li Qiuzhi: "Please wait a moment!"

"Sister Lan, what's the matter?" Li Qiuzhi stopped and asked doubtfully.

"It's no big deal. You are a leader among adventurers. I just want to ask you to help me keep an eye on the news about the Hidden Edge Sword while you are adventuring and exploring outside."

Sister Lan explained.

I seem to remember that there is such a plot in the game... Li Qiuzhi thought a little surprised.

It is difficult to help Sister Lan find the "Zangfeng Sword". After all, the only clue is a name.

But the good thing is that you don’t have to look for it, you can just pay attention to it.

It's good to find it, but it's okay not to find it, so Li Qiuzhi agreed.

The village where Shen He once lived is not too far away on the southwest side of Tianheng Mountain, in the suburbs of Lisha.

"I didn't expect you to control the wind element so skillfully."

At this time, in the sky, Li Qiuzhi and his party opened their wings and took off in the wind. This wind was naturally controlled by Li Qiuzhi.

And Hu Tao remembered that some time ago, Li Qiuzhi flew up to Qunyu Pavilion and had to work with Ying and the two of them.

"Oh, I don't want to either, but there's no way, my talent is too good." Li Qiuzhi said narcissistically.

"Haha, Mr. Li Qiuzhi is surprisingly funny."

Yun Jin, who had just been chatting with Shen He, chuckled and said.

"Haha, it seems that the section of road where monsters often appear is coming soon. Let's go down and have a look."

Li Qiuzhi smiled, then took out a map of Liyue and compared it with the locations marked on the adventure commission.

"Let's go! This situation is perfect for writing a poem!"

Hutao controlled the wings of wind with her body, dived downwards, and sang:

"I am on the floating clouds, descending from heaven to eliminate demons!"

The two lines of soy sauce poems were easily composed by this famous "dark poet of the alley school" while she finished reciting these two lines of poems.

After it has dropped to a certain height.

Hu Tao, with sharp eyes, discovered a group of Qiuqiu people setting up a sentry tower on the transportation thoroughfare in the suburbs of Lisha.

She laughed "hehe" twice.

While he was still in the air, he took out a long spear that was all red and looked very powerful, and said:

"Try this hall master's 'Secret Spear Technique of the Past Life'!"

Dark red flames overflowed from Hutao's body, and the reborn butterflies transformed into flames were wrapped around her. She spun her body in mid-air and smashed down the Qiuqiu people's sentry tower.

"Why is this Walnut so frizzy? Didn't you see the two explosive barrels placed behind the sentry tower? Just hit it like this. I had already seen her being blown away in advance."

Li Qiuzhi held his forehead helplessly.

Thinking about it, when he was cleaning out monsters, he usually had to investigate carefully and make sure that the group of monsters could be dealt with before he acted.

Moreover, you can still attack sneakily if you can, and remotely if you can, and never give the enemy a chance to hurt you.

Hu Tao was on the good side and hit himself into the explosive barrel.

He was ready to summon tentacles over there to take away the explosive barrels to prevent Hutao from getting hurt.

"As a holder of the Eye of God, Hutao's body is protected by elemental power. The impact of this explosive barrel will only blow her away, and she will not be injured."

Yun Jin reminded.

"Uh, that seems to be it."

Li Qiuzhi was about to take action but hesitated a little.

The Chuqiu people's explosive barrels are made of fire slimes, and their power depends on the strength of that slime.

In Li Qiuzhi's golden judgment eyes, the fire slime in the explosive barrel was level 30, while Hu Tao was level 60. No matter how powerful the explosive barrel was, there was no way to harm Hu Tao.

But what if.

What Li Qiuzhi hates most is when a girl gets hurt in front of him.

It's not troublesome anyway. After thinking about it, he still released translucent spiritual tentacles from a distance in the void next to the explosive barrel.

Roll up the explosive barrel and throw it at the head of a Fire Ax Qiuqiu thug sitting on the ground.


The explosive barrel exploded in the head of the Qiuqiu thug, and the fierce flames engulfed it.

However, it only became disgraced, and the exploding barrel did not cause any damage to it.

Because this Qiuqiu thug has level 50 strength.

The loud sound alarmed other Qiuqiu people.

They are generally at level 30 or 40, and there is even a Qiuqiu shaman with a strength close to level 60.

At this time, they all swarmed towards the sound of the explosion.

Just at this moment, Hu Tao hit the sentry tower with his spear, destroying it easily.

But that’s about it.

Because Li Qiuzhi detonated the explosive barrel in advance, all the monsters surrounded him, but Hutao was trapped in a tight siege.


Hu Tao was confused.

In her imagination, she would fall handsomely from the sky, destroying the sentry tower and at the same time the explosive barrel behind it would raise a puff of smoke and dust around it.

Then with the help of the smoke and dust to temporarily cover the sight of the monsters, he took the opportunity to kill seven in and seven out.

Why am I suddenly trapped in a tight siege now?

By the way, I seemed to have seen a translucent tentacle just now. Was it that guy Li Qiuzhi?

Above the sky, Yun Jin's vermilion eyes looked at Li Qiuzhi faintly, saying that others are frizzy, but in fact you are the one.

"Ahem, it's not a big problem. Let's go down and help Hu Tao."

Li Qiuzhi avoided looking at Yun Jin in embarrassment. Shen He, who was between the two of them, felt an emotion welling up in her heart for some reason, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

This is...laughing?

"Huh, it's true."

Yun Jin sighed, took out her spear, put away the Wings of Wind, and jumped down.

The rising air lifted her skirt completely, revealing the purple pantyhose covering her buttocks and legs as it fell.

"Come on the flag!"

Yun Jin and Hu Tao stood side by side and shouted softly. Several opera flags transformed from rock elements blocked the elemental arrows of the bow-wielding Qiuqiu man.

"Hey, thanks, Yun Jin." Hutao thanked her.

There are so many monsters, even if she is stronger than them, it is still a bit stressful to deal with them. There is no problem in defeating them all, but she may also be injured.

Therefore, it is better to retreat when encountering this situation.

She can turn into a golden psychic butterfly and pass through anything with ease.

Basically no monsters can stop her.

"Shen He, let's go help them too." Li Qiuzhi glanced at Shen He and said.


Shen He nodded lightly and jumped to Hutao and the others together with Li Qiuzhi.

Hu Tao's strength is level 60, and Yun Jin has been practicing spear training since she was a child and is now at level 43. The two of them took some time and cooperated tacitly to defeat the monsters here without any damage.

However, how could Li Qiuzhi bear to watch a girl fight alone.

So he brought Shen He, who was stronger than the two of them, to join the battlefield and spent a few minutes to easily clear them out.

Li Qiuzhi also gained more than 6,000 experience points.

"Li Qiuzhi! You were the one who threw the explosive barrel just now!" After the battle, Hu Tao angrily came to Li Qiuzhi to question him.

Both hands were still holding his collar, standing on tiptoes and leaning forward to stare at him!

She suspected that this guy still remembered her previous prank and wanted to play a trick on her too!

"Isn't it because I'm worried that you didn't find the explosive barrel and that you were injured?" Li Qiuzhi made a mistake first and looked at Shen He and Yun Jin for help.

Shen He looked at both sides, and finally said to Hu Tao: "Well, he did this because he was worried about you getting hurt."


Hu Tao believed that Shen He was not a liar, so his tone and expression softened a lot.

"Okay, Hu Tao, I testify that it is true. Li Qiuzhi is indeed worried about you."

Yun Jin saw that Hu Tao was still a little suspicious, so she smiled and said a few words to Li Qiuzhi:

"By the way, during the battle just now, I found a treasure chest over there, and there are some goods that were snatched by monsters. Let's go and take a look."


Seeing that Yun Jin said the same thing, Hu Tao knew that it was indeed true. Her hand holding Li Qiuzhi's collar softened and she helped him straighten his collar.

She smiled sheepishly and apologized:

"Okay, I'm sorry. It seems you were really worried about me just now, haha."

[Hutao has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (0/500)]

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