I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 293 Meeting the little fairy

Li Qiuzhi accompanied several girls throughout the village, and finally came to Shen He's former home.

"Is there anything else here?"

The long back hem of Hu Tao's clothes gently swayed and caressed her white calves after a brief breeze.

"I don't know. The last time I came here, my father was gone and I never went in."

Shen He blinked his beautiful eyelids, covering his silver-white pupils with a hint of sadness for a moment.

"Then let's go in this time and return to the place where we once lived. Maybe the knot in my heart will be untied."

Yun Jin said with a smile.

"I don't know either, but I do miss this place from time to time."

Shen He moved his legs and walked to the damaged wooden door. He paused for a moment and then walked in.

Li Qiuzhi and the others also followed in.

A rotten smell came from inside the house, and the ground, windows, tables and chairs, etc. were all covered with dust.

Part of the roof is dented and in danger of collapsing at any time.

“The layout here is still the same as it was back then.”

Shen He looked around the small space and said calmly. The tone still sounds a bit touching.

"There seems to be a broken note here."

Hu Tao, who couldn't take any time to look around, found a note on the desktop that was extremely torn, but the main content could still be seen clearly.

"What's written on it?" Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

"Let me look at it and say, 'Ahe, I'm sorry for you. It was me who lost my mind! Just let me go and apologize to you in person!'"

Hu Tao looked at it carefully and found that it seemed to be written by Shen He's father in regret after the incident was over. He thought Shen He was dead, so he followed after writing.

"Do you want to take a look?" Hu Tao handed the broken note to Shen He.

Shen He did not refuse. He took the note and looked at it carefully. There were not many words and he read it quickly.

After a long time.

Shen He breathed out gently, put the notes on the table again, and said slowly:

"My father was a man who risked everything for his lover. If my mother had not died of illness at that time, he might not have woken up. Let's go. There is nothing left to stay."

After saying that, she walked outside.

Li Qiuzhi, Hu Tao and Yun Jin looked at each other, and Yun Jin crossed her arms and said:

"I feel like there is a sense of relief in her tone. No matter what, the purpose of this trip has been achieved. Shen He may be able to face this matter more calmly in the future."

"I think she is calm enough now, maybe it has something to do with her a little indifferent temperament."

Hutao spread his hands.

"Haha, let's go now. Let's not be left behind by Shen He." Li Qiuzhi glanced at Shen He who was almost walking away and said to the two of them.

After returning to the village for a walk, Shen He seemed to be a little more emotional.

It should also help her find the balance between immortals and humans.

Hu Tao and Yun Jin nodded and trotted to follow Shen He. Just as Li Qiuzhi was about to go out, he suddenly saw a thin book in the corner.

It says: Miscellaneous Talk about Mountains and Rocks

The moment he saw it, Li Qiuzhi's memory automatically came back.

When we were doing the Qun Jade Pavilion reconstruction mission in the game, the travelers and everyone came to Shen He's village, trying to find clues to something called the "Secret Flower Stone".

Those are also the materials needed to rebuild Qunyu Pavilion, and they seem to be used to build some kind of core.

If he finds it now, then when Ningguang prepares to rebuild Qunyu Pavilion, he can take it out to her.

Maybe he can win her favor.

The same principle applies to the Mingxia Floating Stone. Even Shen He used his immortal senses along the way to find out where Qixia Zhenjun's cave was.

Forget it, it depends on fate.

Anyway, it should be pretty good to be able to find the Secret Flower Stone.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and when going out, he picked up this book "Mountain and Stone Miscellaneous Talk" and followed Shen He and the others.

"So, next, shall we continue to look for this secret flower stone?"

Yun Jin looked at Li Qiuzhi and asked.

"Of course, we're going over there now, and it's almost time."

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly, indicating that he was right.

He had just studied "Mountain and Stone Miscellany" and told them about his desire to find the "Secret Flower Stone".

The book does record the detailed location of things like the "Secret Flower Stone".

It is in the center of the lake in the south of Tianheng Mountain. If you wait until dusk and look in the direction of sunset, you may be able to find it.

"Hehe, let's go then. This is the direction to return to Liyue Port anyway, so the stone is just as easy to grab."

Hu Tao's fair face showed an expression of interest.

"You can go anywhere." Shen He said lightly, tucking the white hair that reached his eyes behind his ears.

"Hey, okay."

Yun Jin sighed. She wanted to return to Liyue quickly, mainly because Yun Ning would nag her again if she stayed out for too long.

"Yun Jin, don't worry. With a master like me who is proficient in the wind element, it will be very fast to fly back with everyone."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

Then without any delay, he asked everyone to unfold the wings of wind, and he controlled the wind element to fly straight towards the lake in the south of Tianheng Mountain.

Riding on the breeze and watching the scenery below quickly pass by, it seems to have a poetic feeling.

Just after flying for a short time.

Shen He sensed a trace of immortal power below.

It was different from the immortal power of several immortals she was familiar with. Not surprisingly, it should be the immortal power left in the cave by the True Monarch Minghai Qixia.

Shen He told what he had discovered, attracting the attention of others.

Unexpectedly, they might actually discover the cave of an immortal.

"As expected of Shen He, he is really amazing. It seems we have to change our plan. Let's go see what the Xianjia Cave is like first."

Li Qiuzhi said slightly excitedly.

"Yeah, that's right!" Hutao nodded heavily, she was also very interested in this kind of thing.

Even Yun Jin didn't object. After all, she had never seen the cave of the Immortal Family. Being able to gain more knowledge would also be helpful for her drama creation.

"This is just a little trick to use immortal power, you don't need to brag about it."

Shen He shook his head and said embarrassed words in a cold voice.

"Haha." Hu Tao found Shen He very interesting.

Li Qiuzhi chuckled twice and controlled the wind element to land in the direction where Shen He sensed the immortal power.

When a few people landed on the ground, they found that there was nothing unusual here. There was a clear river in front of them, and there was a waterfall looking up along the river.

"Huh? That's strange. Could it be that the Immortal Cave is behind the waterfall?"

Hu Tao rubbed his forehead with his fingers, feeling a little strange.

"That's not the case. There are immortal spells here to cover up traces. The immortal power I sensed just now was overflowed from it. Now it has been erased by me. Have you seen any changes in the surroundings?"

Shen He said while using his immortal power to erase the magic that covered the traces.

"Ah, a little fairy appeared!"

Yun Jin pointed to the right side of the crowd. At some point, a fairy floating quietly appeared there.

"Let's follow it, maybe it can lead us to the real Immortal Cave!"

Li Qiuzhi, Shen He and Hu Tao naturally also discovered it. He smiled and said to everyone.

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