The mysterious girl's pointed witch hat looks like a starry sky decorated with golden edges.

Underneath it is a fair face slightly obscured by a wide brim of a hat, and the long hair tied into twin tails is also dotted with stars.

She suddenly yawned and stretched out her legs wrapped in panty-style black stockings. The left calf part had a starry sky blue gradient.

The mysterious girl controlled a scroll of water elements and disappeared from the rock she was sitting on.

Just when the two were confused, the next moment, she appeared directly in front of Li Qiuzhi and Shen He.

"Huh? That's not right. Could it be that my astrology is wrong? No, this is impossible." The mysterious girl touched her chin with her black-gloved hand and said something to herself.

"Who are you and why did you stop us?"

Shen He frowned. Perhaps it was because she had learned a lot of common sense during her time with Li Qiuzhi and the others, which had improved her "particularly direct" temperament.

Therefore, it was rare that he didn't immediately take out his gun and drive the girl in front of him away.

The mysterious girl did not reply, and directly summoned something similar to a magic circle in front of the two people to operate. After a while, she dispersed the magic circle, sighed, looked at Li Qiuzhi and said:

"Oh, I see. The fates of you and that blonde girl have been deeply intertwined. No wonder my divination was biased, and I mistakenly thought that she would pass by here today."

"Oh? So you're here to meet me?" Li Qiuzhi looked at Mona and asked in surprise.

"Yes, my name is Astorogis Mona Megistus, you can call me Mona. I am an astrologer and I am going to Mondstadt to get a box."

Mona explained her purpose of coming to the two of them.

In short, she wanted to compete in astrology with the friend who kept her master's box, but unexpectedly discovered that she had left Mondstadt and the box was in the hands of her successor.

Mona felt that the successor was similar to her, they were all masters who were better than their masters.

In order to be able to secure victory in this contest, Mona wanted to accept an apprentice.

Because the knowledge they inherited from their master must be passed on forever.

If she had a disciple, she would be ahead of her when it came time to meet the successor of her master's friend.

"I see, but I have already taken a boat to Inazuma. It seems that Miss Mona, you are a little late."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said with a smile.

Sure enough, it was the plot of Mona's legendary mission in the game. Originally, she was waiting for her to be screened here, but she unexpectedly waited for her.

"That's right, but you and the blonde girl are the same. They are both great heroes of Mondstadt, and their status is worthy of mine. How about you become my apprentice. Of course, you can just pretend, no need. Really becoming a master and a disciple.”

Mona crossed her arms and thought for a while, then said as if she thought of something.

Hearing Mona's words, Li Qiuzhi glanced at Shen He beside him, and then said to Mona:

"Well, Miss Mona, although I am somewhat interested in your plan, I have other things to do right now, so I can't help you for the time being."

"Oh, isn't it just to send this white-haired girl with extraordinary temperament back? I'll just accompany you for a while, and then I'll go to Mondstadt with you."

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi was willing to agree, Mona nodded quickly and said.

"Oh? Did you predict this using astrology?" Li Qiuzhi's pupils showed an unexpected look. He didn't expect astrology to be so powerful.

"Haha, these are all trivial matters. After all, I am the great astrologer Mona!"

The girl raised her chin and said proudly.

"In that case, what's your opinion, Shen He?" Li Qiuzhi looked at Shen He and asked.

After all, Aozang Mountain is where her master lives, and she doesn't know whether Zhenjun Liuyun would welcome strangers disturbing her.

"Well, there should be no problem."

Shen He nodded slightly and said.

"Humph, thank you very much, but before I leave, I want to go outside Tianheng Mountain and say goodbye to the owner of the inn where I'm staying these days."

Mona said with a sigh of relief.

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (100/200)]

She had already used up her mora, and she still relied on the inn's boss Zhu to help her from time to time to keep herself from going hungry.

But even so, she hadn't eaten anything for a day since her last meal, and her stomach was almost touching her back, making a "gurgling" sound.

No, I have to hold back, I can't be so embarrassed in front of the "apprentice" I just met!

Li Qiuzhi didn't know why Mona looked so troubled, but he still had some impression of the innkeeper she mentioned.

The main reason was that he had several jade mines in his family, and he also opened an inn and started his own business. He was so envious at the time, how could he not be impressed?

"Okay, that inn isn't far from here anyway."

Li Qiuzhi didn't have any objections.

Perhaps because of the discrepancy between the current time and the plot of the original work, Boss Zhu did not lose his jade ring, one of his more than 500 heirlooms.

After a brief farewell, everyone flew towards Mount Auzura.

With the rapid flight assisted by Li Qiuzhi's wind elemental power, he soon arrived at Aozang Mountain. At this time, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng was not found on the top of Aozang Mountain.

I don't know if he went to other immortals or stayed in the cave to study his own mechanism skills.

"Well, Shen He, let's go first. I'll come see you when I have time."

After Li Qiuzhi landed at the top of Aozang Mountain, he had nothing to do, so he said goodbye.

Anyway, with the ability to "travel between stars", it is very easy to meet Shen He.

"Well, thank you for sending me back. I will come to see you next time when I go down the mountain." A smile suddenly appeared on Shen He's fair and cold face.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (430/600)]

Leaving Aozang Mountain, Li Qiuzhi and Mona flew in the direction of Mondstadt City.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly heard the sound of "gurgling" coming from the side. He turned his head and found Mona looking listless, with her right hand still covering her lower abdomen.

It was obvious that the sound just now came from her belly.

"Don't get me wrong, I was just in a hurry to go out this morning and forgot to eat breakfast. It's definitely not because Maura can't afford it!"

Mona noticed that Li Qiuzhi was looking at her with strange eyes. Her face suddenly turned red with embarrassment and she hurriedly explained.

"Haha, that's it. Speaking of which, I'm a little hungry too. Why don't we go get something to eat before heading to Mondstadt."

Li Qiuzhi didn't expose Mona, but just smiled and said.

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