At dusk, the setting sun casts a golden filter on the leaves of the trees.

After passing through the woods, you can see the clear lake ahead. This lake is so big that it includes not only Wangshu Inn, but also Dihua Prefecture.

Liyue people call this area Bishuiyuan.

It probably means a plain full of clear water.

But it is dusk after all, and the water, no matter how green, is dyed golden.

"That black shadow is not in the woods. Has it passed over to Mingyun Town?"

Mona's hat blocked part of the sun for her, leaving only a shadow on her fair face, trying to hide her sighing expression.

"It's possible. Anyway, let's go over and take a look first."

Li Qiuzhi had no means of tracking him, he just hoped that the black shadow that looked like a mandrill was flying in one direction without turning or anything.


The two opened the wings of wind and with the help of the wind element, they flew towards the shore that could only be vaguely seen on the other side.

There is a breeze blowing on the water surface, and when you look down, you can see many swimming fish, some swimming alone, and some clustered together in groups.

If Xiao Keli, who likes fried fish, sees them, she must be very happy.

After a long time, the two landed on the opposite shore, leaving shallow marks on the beach with their shoes.

"There still doesn't seem to be anything strange here."

Li Qiuzhi looked around and found that the wind was calm and there was no trace of any black shadow.

Go to the right to reach Mingyun Town, and go to the left to reach a place called Salt of the Earth.

No matter which way you choose, there is only a half chance of being right and a half chance of being wrong.

"Let's go to the mountain ahead and stand higher to see if we can find anything unusual."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

"He's running so fast. Maybe he won't stop near here at all. Otherwise, forget it. I'll just go back and find the old woman for help."

Mona sensed trouble and had already given up. She was mainly afraid of the black figure.

This is the astrologer's intuition.

"We've come here, how can we just give up like this? Let's go, it's not far anyway."

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect Mona to back down so easily. Let's not talk about whether your master can exorcise the power of the suspected immortal. Moreover, if you go back, how can I win your favor?

To this.

Li Qiuzhi was reluctant, so he succeeded in convincing Mona with emotion and reason.

After all, she hadn't accomplished her goal. It would be too embarrassing to just go back after getting her master's box.

But as an astrologer, there is no such thing as unfounded intuition. It seems that there is some kind of danger factor in that dark shadow.

Therefore, she suggested taking necessary protective measures during the next search for the shadow.

Or be ready to run away at any moment.

Li Qiuzhi naturally believed in Mona, so he used "Form Invisibility" to cover the two of them in the invisibility field before continuing to act.

But using invisibility, you can't use elemental power for the time being, so you can only slowly climb up the hillside by walking.

Fortunately, both of them are in good physical condition and will not feel tired from this.

Perhaps on the hillside, their vision and hearing were less disturbed by trees and other disturbances. The two of them did hear a slight sound coming from the direction of the salt of the earth.

"With this kind of movement, could someone be fighting?" Mona looked in the direction of the sound doubtfully.

Li Qiuzhi looked similarly and could indeed see someone fighting over there.

But it was too far away to see clearly.

"Let's go down and take a look. We shouldn't be discovered in my invisible field."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

The two of them walked down the hillside towards the salt side of the earth. The speed was much faster than when they came up. However, even if they walked down the hillside, there was still some distance before they could really get close to the place where the battle was.

After a long time, when the two actually arrived at the fighting venue, the sky became slightly darker.

It seems to be nightfall.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi and Mona finally saw clearly what was happening on the battlefield at this time.

On the ground that was eroded by the tide and left only sand, there were Qiuqiu people lying all over the place, whether they were ordinary Qiuqiu people or large-bodied Qiuqiu people.

There are even many Abyss mages.

But their bodies were all pierced by spears, and they were already lifeless.

At this time, there were only two people standing on the battlefield. One of them was a man wearing a Nuo mask whose face could not be seen clearly. The wind elemental power on his body was so violent and strong that it was about to turn into black.

There is no doubt that this is Mandrill.

The dark shadow that flew past Wangshu Inn just now was indeed him.

Although he stayed at Wangshu Inn all day long, few people saw him. It seemed that the only thing that could make him show up voluntarily was to slay demons.

Mandrill probably sensed the presence of monsters here and came to clean them up.

The other one surprised Li Qiuzhi a little. It was very tall, had a strange appearance, and was wearing clothes of an indescribable style.

It gives people a deep and terrifying feeling.

But its appearance was somewhat familiar to Li Qiuzhi, having seen it many times in the game.

——That is the apostle of the abyss who uses the water element!

After coming to the Teyvat continent for so long, this was the first time he saw these guys hiding so deeply. Of course, this should also be related to the fact that he did not take the initiative to provoke them.

After all, it was not strong enough before, so there was no need to send it to the door.

The Apostle of the Water Abyss didn't seem to be in a very good condition right now. He was kneeling on one knee, gasping for air. His body was covered with gun marks, and one of his arms had disappeared.

I don’t know if it was torn to pieces by the hurricane on Mandrill’s body.

Li Qiuzhi turned on the Golden Judgment and took a quick look and found that the level of this Abyss Apostle was level 90. He was really not weak. He must have been one of the top leaders in the Abyss Cult.

Why did it suddenly appear here and start a fight with Mandrill?

"Something's wrong!"

Mona suddenly spoke up.

"What's wrong?"

Li Qiuzhi carefully observed the Apostle of the Abyss and found that it was indeed about to lose. Could it still make a comeback?

Wait, it seems like it can leave at any time through the teleportation network. Why does it have to fight the mandrill here!

There's something really wrong with thinking about it this way.

"Oh, it's not the monster that's wrong, it's the guy wearing the mask. There's something wrong with him!"

Mona saw that Li Qiuzhi was observing the wrong person and reminded him helplessly.


Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised, and then he looked at Mandrill again. After careful observation this time, he did find something wrong with Mandrill.

The wind element he spread out was too manic, as if he was a little uncontrollable.

Moreover, the wind element on his body that is about to turn black seems more like it is fused with something, something Li Qiuzhi is no stranger to.

I saw it when the "Sword God of Ying" killed the toad demon.

Not surprisingly, it’s “karma”!

Hiss, no wonder the Apostle of the Abyss didn't run away. It turned out that he saw the onset of Immortal Mandrill's "karma", which was a bit troublesome now.

I don’t know if Mandrill Shangxian can still hold on.

"Hmph, since the Demon-Conquering Immortal has chosen to stop our actions, let me remove a great enemy from the Order forever tonight!"

The Apostle of the Water Abyss stood up staggeringly. The water elements gathered around him like a torrent, and his figure rushed over instantly like a ghost.

Mandrill's "karma" has indeed occurred.

He also didn't expect that on this day, these inhuman things from the Abyss Cult would come here to cause trouble.

I wanted to finish them off in a short time and then go back, but I unexpectedly found a guy with good strength. At first, it could only barely support two of his moves.

Now that my "karma" has struck, it's a bit difficult for me to hold a gun.

Mandrill could only grit his teeth, enduring the pain and exchanged blows with the apostle of the water abyss. The rich and black wind element seemed to erupt uncontrollably, and both sides of the attack were thrown away.

"Li Qiuzhi, is the man wearing the mask someone you know? Are we going to help him?"

The fear that Mona sensed came from Mandrill's "karma". If she didn't help him suppress it in time, he might become a monster even scarier than that monster.

"Of course I want to help, wait until I get ready."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

He took out the twenty-three rough stones he had harvested from his adventure in Narumi Qixia Cave and absorbed them, and then gained 69,000 experience points.

Together with the remaining experience points on the character panel, the number exceeded 100,000 in an instant:

[Experience Points: 128282]

There's not much to say, there are no skills to upgrade for now, only level up.

Experience Point-82000

Lv82 (0/82000)→Lv83 (0/83000)

A huge stream of heat surged out of his body, strengthening every cell in his body. The increase in strength brought by each level above level 80 cannot be ignored.

This way I have more confidence than before.

Soon, the reinforcement ends.

Li Qiuzhi and Mona were still at a safe enough distance from the battlefield. Even if they were temporarily released from invisibility, they might not be noticed.

So you can make an ambush first.

Li Qiuzhi lifted her invisibility, summoned the "Sword God of Ying" that was the size of a figure, and controlled her to ambush in a dense patch of grass.

Although Mona looked a little confused.

But he also knew that he was no longer invisible at this time, and he might be discovered if he spoke, so he remained silent and watched Li Qiuzhi's actions quietly.

The "Sword God of Ying" is gaining momentum.

"She" did not take out the golden sword this time, but clenched her fist. When the Abyss Apostle and Mandrill collided again, they happened to be closest to "her".

The space seemed to suddenly freeze.

The "Sword God of Ying" rushed towards the two of them at the speed of teleportation, quickly grew in size, and in the astonished eyes of the two, punched Mandrill in the face!

The Abyss Apostle looked at his opponent and was a little stunned as he flew out.

Mona, who was also paying attention to the situation here, suddenly widened her eyes and saw that her soft lips had a tendency to open slightly, as if she was about to make a sound of surprise.

Then he was immediately covered by Li Qiuzhi, who had been wary of him for a long time.

I didn't have time to explain so much just now, so I'd better explain it later, otherwise it would be bad to be noticed.

Sorry for being late...

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