I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 307: The stars are all under control (please read more)

"Scared me to death, such a scary person!"

Mona patted her chest and said with a slight sigh of relief.

"Haha, the great astrologer Mona, don't be afraid anymore," Li Qiuzhi said jokingly.

"W-What nonsense are you talking about? Am I afraid? When I get stronger and my astrology improves, I can do whatever I want to divine!"

Mona felt that she was being looked down upon, and her face turned red as she tried to show off.

"By the way, what did the Abyss Cult do here? Immortal Mandrill walked too fast just now and I forgot to ask."

After Li Qiuzhi finished laughing, he felt a little doubtful again.

If I remember correctly, the Salt of the Earth should be the only two treasures sealed in the ruins worth the Abyss Order, possessing the power of salt.

Forget it, forget about it.

After all, that ruin seems to have been sealed by the emperor. Without the guidance of that old man Zhongli, it is basically difficult to enter.

Even the guys from the Abyss Religion are the same. Their space transmission network is not omnipotent.

"Hmph, don't try to trick me into divination of these weird things again. If you want to know, just go to him and ask."

Mona is already very wary of things involving high levels of power. It's okay if she can't divine anything, but what if she divines some mysterious and powerful person again.

And with her level of genius, there is no reason why she can't divine things, so for the sake of her own safety, she won't do it.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to ask you to divine. I'm just curious." Li Qiuzhi smiled and continued, "Let's go. It's just dark now, and we can still fly for a while."

stone gate.

Li Qiuzhi once again came to the town he met when he first entered Liyue.

The night here is not as lively as Liyue Port, but it is still brightly lit.

Various food stalls, tea stalls, etc. are scattered throughout the streets.

"Mona, are you hungry?"

Li Qiuzhi and Mona were walking side by side on the street, and after thinking for a while, he asked her.

A few hours had passed since their last meal, and he had also gone through a battle, which had to be said to be a bit exhausting.

It's time to eat something... Uh, okay, Li Qiuzhi has a "charging body" and the consumption just now is actually nothing.

He just smelled the aroma coming from the food stall and felt a little bit greedy.

"Restricting material desires is part of spiritual practice. How can we destroy spiritual practice because of the desire for food and drink?"

Mona shook her head and hummed.

When she had only a little mola for meals, she had no problem eating only bread every day for a month.

What if now, because of the temptation of these snacks, I have developed a naughty mouth and can no longer eat bread in the future.

"Okay, then I'll buy it myself!"

Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly to express his understanding, then turned around and bought a few kebabs from a stall selling kebabs.

"Why do you buy so much for your own food?"

Mona asked doubtfully as she walked away.

"Eat enough at one time, and you won't be tempted by them again for a while."

Li Qiuzhi shared his experience.

He used to do this on Earth. Suddenly he wanted to eat some snacks on a whim, so he would buy a lot of them and be satisfied all at once, so that he would not think about it again later.

Of course, this is when money is not so tight.

Once a person becomes poor, his brain will not allow the thought of "wanting snacks" to appear in his mind, just like Mona's situation now.

"Okay, then eat quickly, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist the temptation."

Mona forced herself to look away from the kebab Li Qiuzhi was holding, swallowed, and touched her lower abdomen with her right hand, feeling a little hungry.

No, I have to hold back! I won't just give in!

"Actually, what I mean is that if you want to eat, you can eat as much as you want at one time. You don't have to be patient. Otherwise, you will feel tired for a long time and won't want to eat again.

"Speaking of which, we also packed some food at Wangshu Inn. How about we find a place to eat them?"

Li Qiuzhi felt that Mona was a little cute at this time, so he couldn't help but want to bully her.

For example, hold the deliciously delicious kebab in your right hand near Mona and swing it around casually.

"Hey, you guy, what are you doing!"

Mona clenched her fists angrily, pretending to hit Li Qiuzhi.


An inappropriate sound sounded. It seemed that Mona's brain and body had different opinions on whether to hit someone or not.

"Damn it, I don't care!"

A faint blush flashed across Mona's fair face, and with lightning speed, she snatched all the barbecue skewers from Li Qiuzhi's hands.

"Here, leave some for me!" Li Qiuzhi held his forehead, feeling like he was shooting himself in the foot.

He had no choice but to turn around and go back to buy a few more copies.

Otherwise, it would be Mona tempting herself with a kebab.

Next, the two of them found a place on the street to finish the food in their hands, including the food packed at Wangshu Inn.

"Hiccup~ It's all your fault, why did you tempt me with food?"

Mona felt a little sleepy after eating, feeling like the roasted meats of the next few years had entered her belly.

She is not a glutton, but people are always greedy sometimes.

"It's so late and we can't make it. It's time to rest. Are there any hotels open in Shimen at this time?"

Sitting on the stone guardrail with a small river outside, Mona looked up at the starry sky, leaving only Li Qiuzhi to ask with a fair face.

"Ten o'clock. Yes, there is, but I have a place where you can lie down in the starry sky and fall asleep. You don't have to pay. Do you want to come and see it?"

Li Qiuzhi took out his pocket watch, looked at it and said with a smile.

He found that Mona seemed to have a special liking for the starry sky, maybe because she was an astrologer, and there happened to be a starry sky in his "wonderland".

I feel like Mona would like it.

"How could there be a place like that? You're not trying to trick me with some magic tricks, are you? I'm not a little girl!"

Mona looked disbelieving.

"You'll know if you go in and take a look."

Li Qiuzhi snapped his fingers, and a "door" suddenly appeared in the void in front of the two people and opened. The door was glittering with stars, as if it led to the stars.

This is actually just a temporary connection between "Wonderland" and reality.

The entrance does not have to be in the form of a "door", it can also be a space crack, round, large or small, but it will look better this way.

"This is?!"

Mona opened her eyes wide. Is it really a starry sky over there?

"Let's go!"

Seeing Mona's curiosity, Li Qiuzhi no longer hesitated, took her hand and lightly jumped forward before being swallowed up by the starry sky on the other side of the "door".

The two people's vision changed.

From the night countryside scenery of Shimen to the endless starry sky, Mona felt like she was surrounded by stars!

“How could such a beautiful place exist?”

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 260 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (320/400)]

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