Snowy mountain frontline camp.

This is a temporary supply location built to facilitate adventurers to explore the snow-capped mountains. Here, adventurers can easily buy various supplies.

There are even synthesis tables and blacksmith shops.

When Li Qiuzhi and the others came here, they found that there were many adventurers gathered here.

Of course, in order to maintain order, there are also West Wind Knights patrolling nearby.

"Wow, it's my first time to fly continuously for such a long time with the Wings of Wind. It feels great!"

Amber seemed to be still immersed in the fast flight just now, and said excitedly to Li Qiuzhi.

"Can that guy Qin do this kind of thing? If I had known, I would have asked her to come with me. After working with so many documents all day long, I really need to come out and relax."

It was also the first time that Yula found that traveling was so easy.

[Amber has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (300/500)]

[Yura has developed a good impression of you and gained 210 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (35/500)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi said that it would be no problem if you like to fly a few more volumes.

"Although the wind element is a very convenient elemental force, it is a pity that it does not have a powerful elemental reaction, just like you ice and fire can produce a powerful melting reaction when they come together!"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Each element has its own characteristics, and comparing them to each other is meaningless."

Amber shook her head.

"That's true!" Li Qiuzhi agreed, "So now that we have arrived at the snow mountain, what do you want to do next?"

"Let's first ask our colleagues patrolling here. They should know about the phaseless elemental beings attacking the adventurers."

Amber's white over-the-knee high-heeled boots hit the ground.

He said while crushing a piece of dry soil.

"Perhaps you can find the adventurer who reported this incident, and start from the place where he encountered the attack."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

Originally, it was normal for monsters to attack people.

It is impossible for the Knights to send people to find trouble just because a monster in the snow-capped mountains attacked humans. After all, there are many such monsters.

Unless that monster is really strong and very threatening to humans.

After all, monsters generally have their own territory. If an adventurer is attacked, as long as he finds an opportunity to escape, he will most likely be able to escape.

This time, the formless elemental life reported by the adventurer is not only powerful but also actively attacks humans everywhere, so this is the reason why Captain Qin sent people here.

The reason why this formless elemental life actively attacks humans is unknown, and its whereabouts are not fixed.

You need to ask people who have encountered it to confirm its approximate range.

"There is a West Wind Knight resting under the tree in front. Let's go over and ask him if he knows what's going on."

Youla looked around, and with sharp eyes she spotted a West Wind Knight leaning against a birch tree.


Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly.

The three of them walked on the road and mixed in with the adventurers who were coming in and out of the camp. They walked along the front for a while and came to the West Wind Knight under the birch tree.

"Amber, hello Captain Yora and Honorary Knight!"

The young male West Wind Knight saw Li Qiuzhi and the three of them lifting their backs away from the tree trunk they were leaning on, as if they were caught by their boss for being lazy, and greeted them.

"Okay, Oles, you should take a break after patrolling for a long time. You don't need to be nervous."

Amber recognized this colleague and smiled softly as she called out his name.

"Ah haha." Orlais touched the short orange hair on his head and smiled awkwardly, "Um, do you guys have anything to do with me?"

"It's like this. We heard that there are dangerous phaseless elemental beings in the snowy mountains that are actively attacking humans. Do you know what's going on?"

Amber asked directly without hesitation.

"Oh, that's what you're asking. It does happen, but I don't know much."

Oles nodded.

"As long as you know, tell me what you know. In fact, we were sent by Captain Qin to investigate this matter."

Li Qiuzhi yawned a little tired and said.

"I see, I will tell you everything I know in detail."

Orlais was full of respect and continued in an admiring tone:

"The situation is like this. It happened at noon yesterday. The dark adventure group ran into the snowy mountains for adventure a few days ago.

"This adventure group goes on adventures to find treasures secondarily. They tend to go to seemingly dangerous places to train themselves, and this time is probably no exception.

"But what is surprising is that at noon yesterday, the dark adventure group, which had just entered the snowy mountains for a few days, ran out in a very embarrassed state, and their leader's hand was frozen.

“If it weren’t for the nuns from the West Wind Church in the camp, their leader wouldn’t have been able to save him.

"According to what they said, their adventure group discovered a lot of valuable ice fruits when they were exploring a cave. Just as they were about to pick them, a phaseless ice covered in black air broke out of the ground and attacked crazily. them.

"I had no choice but to run if I couldn't stop him. But even if I ran down the mountain with all my strength, I was still seriously injured."

"So, they are the first ones to encounter the formless elemental life, which is the formless ice?"

Yura put the back of her finger on her chin and said thoughtfully.

"Well, they have returned to the city to recuperate now. According to what they said, the place where they met the Phaseless Ice was over there in the Sleeping Dragon Valley."

Oles nodded and said.

"In addition to them, have any other adventure groups been attacked by the Phaseless Ice?"

Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

"Of course there is. In addition to their unlucky Benny Adventure Group, they were also attacked just this morning. They are currently resting at the Adventurers Association. You can go and ask."

Oles has told everything he knows.


Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised, but of course he soon stopped feeling surprised. After all, he was Bennett, so no matter what danger he encountered, it was reasonable.

After getting new information, Li Qiuzhi said goodbye to Orais and came to the headquarters of the Adventurers Association.

Sure enough, I saw Bennett here, whom I hadn't seen for a long time. He didn't seem to be hurt much. To his surprise, Li Qiuzhi also saw Lei Ze beside him.

It seems that after the last trip to the Wolf Leader, the two of them became very good friends and went on adventures together.

"Long time no see, Li Qiuzhi. Are you coming to the snowy mountains for adventure too?"

Bennett didn't expect to see Li Qiuzhi here unexpectedly, so he asked first before he could speak.

"We are going to the snow-capped mountains, but we have a mission." Li Qiuzhi told us that they were looking for the phaseless ice. "I heard that you also encountered it. Can you tell us where you met it?"

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