Two arrows condensed with strong fire elements accurately hit the heads of the two Qiuqiu Shamans under Amber's superb archery skills.



Finding that their companions were being attacked, the people of Qiuqiu became angry!

Especially Qiuqiu Frost Armor King, he dared to sneak attack in front of it. If this happened like this, it would still lose its majesty!

How can I accept my younger brother in the future?

Therefore, the Qiuqiu monsters rushed over directly along the trajectory of the bow and arrow, regardless of whether they noticed the person who was attacking them.

After all, they are monsters that survive in harsh environments in the wild, and their fighting instincts are quite strong. The direction they rushed toward was exactly where Li Qiuzhi and the others were hiding.

"Count Rabbit, attack!"

Amber quickly took out an explosive "Count Rabbit" doll from the Eye of God, threw it forward, and landed in the middle of the snow-covered road.

at the same time.

Count Rabbit wriggled his butt and danced on the spot, full of mockery.

The people in Qiuqiu, who were not very intelligent, were indeed attracted by Count Rabbit. They thought it was the culprit who attacked their companions, so they changed their direction and rushed towards Count Rabbit.

The bow-wielding Qiuqiu also aimed at Count Rabbit.

"good chance!"

Li Qiuzhi saw that all the monsters were attracted by the dancing Count Rabbit, and he immediately took out his moonlight epee from the "Wonderland".

While King Qiuqiu Frost Armor was also attracted by Count Rabbit and Rabbit, he rushed over with his big sword in hand.

The distance of about tens of meters is basically equivalent to nothing for Li Qiuzhi.

The moment he exerted his strength, his body appeared above the face of King Qiuqiu Frost Armor as if he ignored the spatial distance.

No elemental power was used, and no sword intent was used.

He just took the big sword and used brute force to slap King Qiuqiu Frost Armor on the head.

"Hoo ho!"

The big sword tore through the air with a "bang" sound. Even with the strength of King Qiuqiu Frost Armor, he was hit without even reacting!

Its hard mask like diamond ice crystals instantly shattered, and the huge impact caused Qiuqiu Frost Armor King's huge body to continuously retreat, plowing two huge traces on the snow.

Suddenly there was such a big movement.

The other Qiuqiu people who were attracted by "Count Rabbit" were also suppressed.

They looked at their "boss", as if they were worried that it would fall down like this. The surroundings became quiet for a while, except for "Count Rabbit" who was still dancing buttocks.


Qiuqiu Frost Armor King did not disappoint his younger brothers. It did not fall down because of a heavy blow. Even though its mask was broken, it roared towards the sky, showing its unruly nature!



The other Qiuqiu people, seeing that their boss was fine, shouted excitedly and cast provocative glances at Li Qiuzhi, who had fallen to the ground.

seems to be saying.

Look, stupid humans, how dare you sneak attack our boss, and he will tear you apart later!

Things seemed to be developing like this. Under the expectant eyes of his younger brothers, Qiuqiu Frost Armor King approached Li Qiuzhi step by step with heavy steps.

"Oh? I didn't expect your forehead to be quite hard."

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. According to his judgment, even if the elemental power was not used in the attack just now, brute force alone should be enough to defeat it.

After all, the gap in strength lies here.

But it doesn't matter. If the estimate is wrong, just strike again and it doesn't take much effort.

Watching King Qiuqiu Frost Armor slowly approaching, Li Qiuzhi picked up the sword with one hand and prepared to jump up and attack again.

Just when he was about to exert his strength.

Qiuqiu Frost Armor King's legs suddenly softened, and his whole body fell forward. "Bang" snowflakes flew everywhere, and the huge monster's body was half buried in the snow.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 8046 experience points. 】

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi also saw the prompt that popped up on the character panel.

"Phew, I was shocked. I thought King Qiuqiu was really that strong and could withstand his own blow."

Li Qiuzhi breathed a sigh of relief.


When the other Qiuqiu people saw this situation, their hearts shrank suddenly, and panic began to rise in their hearts.

I didn't expect that this human being was so strong and could knock down their boss with one blow.

After all, it is a monster with some intelligence.

They already instinctively want to escape. The impression that this human being is invincible has been deeply engraved in their minds.

Now as long as one Qiuqiu person starts to run away, all the Qiuqiu people will disperse in a rush.

But they hesitated out of fear, fearing that the one who escaped first would be noticed and attacked by Li Qiuzhi first, so they lost this opportunity forever.

"Count Rabbit" danced for a long time and reached his limit.


The doll suddenly exploded with great power, and the first thing affected was the snow on the ground.

The snow thrown up by the explosion was like a smoke bomb, blocking the sight of people in Qiuqiu.

Yula, who had been preparing for a long time, took this opportunity to rush into the snow and fog and began her hunting moment!

Li Qiuzhi and An Bo were not idle either.

When they see some Qiuqiu people running out by mistake, they will immediately launch an attack to end their evil life.

Not long after, the snow dust dispersed.

Seeing all the monsters lying on the snow, Amber exhaled, wiped the non-existent sweat from her forehead and said:

"Phew, we finally got rid of them. Now we can move on, and other adventurers don't have to worry about being robbed by monsters!"

"Yes." Li Qiuzhi put away his sword, nodded and said with a smile, "Speaking of which, were you impressed by the move I just used to defeat King Qiuqiu Frost Armor? Do you feel that I am very strong?"

"Hmm, one blow actually made King Qiuqiu retreat more than ten meters. It's a lot of strength!"

Amber praised him cooperatively, and then naturally developed a little affection for Li Qiuzhi.

[Amber has a good impression of you and gains 160 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (460/500)]

Li Qiuzhi smiled with satisfaction, and then looked at Youla.

Trying to gain favor from her as well.

"Hmph, it's just so-so. What's there to show off about this kind of thing!"

Yula said helplessly.

However, Li Qiuzhi's blow just now was indeed quite powerful, and it was comparable to hers.

This was not bad, and she began to look forward to going back to compete with him after the task was completed!

[Yura has a good impression of you and gains 170 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (205/500)]

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now. Let's continue to set off and exchange battle experiences on the way. Otherwise, it will not be so easy to leave when there are more people."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Seeing all the monsters fall, the adventurers will naturally want to know who can do such a powerful thing, and they will inevitably pull them to inquire.


Neither Yola nor Amber had any objections.

Everyone continued to walk up the mountain, but after a while, not even a hundred meters away, it suddenly started to snow, and it became heavier and heavier.

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