Longji Snow Mountain, Xingying Cave.

It was already noon when Li Qiuzhi and others arrived here, and the temperature became even colder after the snow, but they didn't need to put on cotton clothes yet.

Li Qiuzhi's body is strong enough, so the cold can't do anything to him.

Youla herself uses the ice element. The elemental power in her body makes her ice resistance very high. Her physical strength is not much worse than that of Li Qiuzhi, so she is naturally not afraid of the cold.

Amber has the power of fire element in her body, so she doesn't have to worry about being frozen.

"This is the entrance to the southwest of Xingying Cave. It is said that many monsters in the snowy mountains are in the cave. We have to be careful."

Yula crossed her arms and looked into the cave.

It looks a little dark inside. Both the walls and the ground seem to be dyed with a layer of ice blue, including the grass growing on the ground. It looks a little magical.

I don't know if those grasses absorbed too much cold air and mutated.

"Well, let me go to the front."

Li Qiuzhi's eyes were dyed golden, and he opened the "Great Illusionary Dream, All-Seeing, Wild Qi and Sin-Cutting Eyes".

In this way, as long as a monster enters his field of vision or there are any abnormal traces of elements, he will be able to detect it immediately.

"Okay, let's go."

Amber Yura and Amber nodded.

Li Qiuzhi took the lead in stepping into the entrance of Xingying Cave, and what he saw was a much larger space than what he saw outside.

The grass underfoot feels slightly hard.

It's completely different from the soft ones you usually encounter, as if the moisture has been freeze-dried.

The three of them walked along the road for a while, and the walls on both sides of the passage suddenly expanded. Well, that's a bit inaccurate. It should be said that they disappeared.

That's right, while Li Qiuzhi and the others were walking, they found themselves stepping on a natural and graceful bridge.

The bridge connected to a small hill below, which was bare and devoid of anything.

Further down is a lake with many ice floes floating on the water. It is estimated to be more than 100 square meters in size. The water is clear and there are fish that can live in cold water swimming.

In the middle of the lake, there is an iceberg standing.

At first glance, there is nothing special, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a treasure box on the top of the iceberg, and it is also an exquisite treasure box.

It's placed in such a conspicuous place, yet no adventurer has taken it away.

I don’t know if no one has discovered it yet, or if there are still some unexpected obstacles.

In any case, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh, and Li Qiuzhi also has the kind of beauty that will not let go of any treasure chest within his field of vision.

As he walked, he summoned translucent tentacles and rolled them towards the treasure chest.

The whole process went surprisingly smoothly.

Li Qiuzhi's spiritual tentacles rolled up the delicate treasure box smoothly, and then quickly retrieved it.

Just when the treasure chest was almost in front of everyone.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly noticed a very conspicuous line of words on the top of the treasure chest.

[Level: sixty-two]


He instinctively stopped the translucent tentacles in mid-air.

How can a treasure box have levels? This is something Li Qiuzhi has never encountered before. Is there really such a monster as a "mimic"?

"Why don't you take it?"

Amber put her brown-gloved hands on her waist, and her fingers pressed a few soft dimples on her lower abdomen through her clothes.

"This treasure chest is a bit strange, it seems to be alive"

Li Qiuzhi touched his chin and revealed his findings.


Amber and Yula said in unison.

It was obvious that they were also very surprised. There were countless strange monsters on the Teyvat continent, but the treasure chest was alive. This was the first time even they had heard of it.

"Could it be a spiritual illusion?"

Youla's arms were resting on her upper abdomen, and her soft chest covered with black stockings was slightly raised, making her look even plumper and fuller.

"Probably not. No illusion can hide it from my eyes."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head.

"Okay, don't move. If that's the case, let me burn it for a while!" A smile appeared on Amber's fair face.

At the same time, she had already taken out the West Wind hunting bow, put on the arrows, stretched the bowstring, and attached the fire element. A series of actions were completed as smoothly as clouds and flowing water.

When she aimed at the treasure chest and was about to attack.

The Mimic Monster may have sensed the danger. After discovering that he had not succeeded in ambush, he suddenly started shaking and struggling!

"Oh, is it really moving?" Li Qiuzhi showed a curious smile, "Amber, burn its butt!"

"Yeah, don't say such weird things!"

Amber frowned slightly, let go of his hand, and the fire element arrow flew out with a whoosh, and then accurately hit the moving treasure chest.

The crimson flame spread instantly and enveloped the entire treasure box.

Even Li Qiuzhi's translucent tentacles felt some burning pain.

Soon, the monster that was suspected to be a treasure monster changed a lot. Its appearance was like flowing water, slowly expanding and getting bigger.

Even Li Qiuzhi's spiritual tentacles were opened with a gap.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the translucent tentacles to relax slightly, the monster, which was still changing and could not clearly see its final appearance, disappeared in mid-air without making any movement!

"Space transfer? Is it the Abyss Mage in disguise?"

Yora often dealt with the evil monsters of the Abyss Cult, so when she saw the monster's space transfer, she naturally thought of them.

"Could it be that the Abyss Cult has some conspiracy in the snowy mountains?" Amber also guessed.

"Wait, it doesn't seem to be the Abyss Order. Look at the iceberg below."

Li Qiuzhi was about to say something when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the monster reappearing on the top of the iceberg in the lake.

This is not the abyss mage that Yula and the others guessed.

It is a lilac flower as tall as an adult, with several purple-white flames hanging from the tips of its inverted leaves.

It looks incredibly magical.

"What is this? There is such a big and strange cheating flower. Not only does it disguise itself as a treasure chest, it can also move through space.

"Even if I let Sugar use bio-alchemy to mutate it, there's no way to mutate it into such a powerful cheating flower!"

Amber said in surprise.

"It's indeed strange. Let's capture it and take it to Albedo for study."

Li Qiuzhi frowned. He seemed to remember that in the game, the plot about the snow mountain was also related to a strange kind of cheating.

However, the cheating flower was even bigger, and its appearance was different from the one in front of me.

Whether there is any relationship between the two is a bit difficult to guess.

Forget it, Captain Qin said that Abedo had a camp in the snowy mountains, so he happened to grab him and let him study what was going on.

Think so.

Li Qiuzhi directly summoned three translucent tentacles and grabbed the strange flower-deceiving monster on the top of the iceberg a little far below!

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