I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 321 Outstanding Adventurer

A "doctor" is not someone who is obsessed with research and cannot use force.

After discovering that this golden sword energy could turn corners, he directly released an elemental shield to block it.


Under the mask, the corners of the "Doctor's" mouth curved up, and he said with a smile of interest.

There is something even more interesting!

Li Qiuzhi frowned slightly when he saw that the "Sword God of Ying"'s attack was in vain. He was worthy of being the second best among fools. Even if he wasn't in his prime, he was still so powerful.

He smiled, and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to use his sword intention to condense golden swords around him. They spread all over the sky, which symbolized the return of thousands of swords to the clan.

"These tens of thousands of swords, let's see how you hide!"

Li Qiuzhi's thoughts moved slightly, and all the golden swords in the sky were aimed at "Doctor" at the same time, following the downward movement of the "Sword God of Ying"'s palm.

They disappeared instantly.

The "Doctor's" brain was frantically sounding the alarm. Almost as soon as those golden swords disappeared, he immediately left the place without choosing to resist.

His mental power is very strong and his intuition is generally unerring.

This is indeed the case. Those golden swords suddenly appeared densely at the original location of the "Doctor", colliding with each other and merging.

If he hadn't dodged quickly, those long swords would have ignored his elemental shield and instantly penetrated his body.

What an outrageous attack.

"Doctor" felt a slight headache. This kind of attack that could travel through space was too troublesome. He would be hit even if he was not careful.

The partial golden swords that collided and merged with each other condensed into an even larger giant sword.

It was parallel to the ground, and the tip of the sword was still pointed at "Doctor" and continued to stab. The unused golden sword in the sky also traveled through space again trying to nail into the enemy's body.

"Huh, pretty good strength, worth my while."

"Doctor" sneered, and the elemental shield suddenly shrank and became close to the body surface, so that there was no gap for Li Qiuzhi to attack.

After all, if his attack travels through space, it cannot penetrate directly into a person's body.

At this time, those attacks easily hit "Doctor", but most of them were blocked by his personal elemental shield.

Fortunately, Li Qiuzhi has two characteristics, "Ruijie" and "North Wind", both of which are effective against shields.

The former can easily break a crack in the "Doctor's" elemental shield, while the latter can give Li Qiuzhi's attack a chance of turning into the Breath of the North Wind and penetrating the shield.

With so many long swords, there must be one that can break through the "Doctor's" defense.

Soon, "Doctor"'s body was stabbed by a golden sword, and his body surface was covered with cold air. He was finally injured.

It's just that for "Doctor" this little injury is only a minor injury at best.

"Haha, even a mere ant dares to hurt me!"

"Doctor" shook away the golden sword and cold air embedded in his body, and a certain arrogant temperament emanated from him.

Incidentally, a huge burst of spiritual power was condensed into a thin needle and shot out at the "Sword God of Ying".

To deal with this kind of incorporeal spiritual incarnation, only those who use spiritual power are the most efficient and able to attack the incarnation.

What a coincidence, he happened to be able to use this kind of mental attack method.

Defeating this incarnation is no problem!

Li Qiuzhi did not let the "Sword God of Ying" freeze in place. He flew out of the way, opened the golden shield, and continued to shoot the golden sword at the "Doctor".

Seeing his attack being easily blocked, "Doctor" suddenly felt bored.

This is an opponent whose strength is about the same as his own. When there are only two of them, they can at most cause minor injuries to each other, and then no one can do anything to the other.

While he is the real body, the person opposite is just an incarnation!

If you can't find the opponent's true identity, even if you win, there's no point. It's just a waste of time.

Thinking of this, "Doctor" glanced at the golden incarnation boredly, found the opportunity to burst out his mental power again, slammed it several hundred meters away, and left with the phaseless ice.

He has been found in the snowy mountains, and the Knights of the West Wind may soon get the news and go into the mountains to look for him.

Although "Doctor" is not afraid of them, he does not want to be disturbed during the experiment.

Therefore, it is in your best interest to complete the experiment and leave with the data before being found.

The "Sword God of Ying" that was knocked away just now flew back quickly.

But he found that "Doctor" and Wuxiang Zhibing had long disappeared. It could be seen that he did not want to get entangled with him.

But it didn't matter, Li Qiuzhi didn't want to fight him, as long as he could save those adventurers, it was just a pity to let go of the phaseless ice.

Not only is it the mission target for Li Qiuzhi and the others, it also provides a lot of experience points after defeating it!

The boss monster that I met last time, the Exploding Flame Tree, seemed to be only at level 65. After defeating it, I was given more than 30,000 experience points. The level of this phaseless ice was higher than it.

It must be more than thirty thousand to defeat it.

Li Qiuzhi felt that he had missed 100 million, and his heart began to hurt.

With a slightly regretful emotion, he controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to come to a pile of human-shaped ice sculptures, and lightly shook the sword with good control, causing invisible air waves to sweep past.

The ice that had frozen these unlucky adventurers crackled and fell from their bodies.

Since he had not been frozen for long, the adventurer's strong body still managed to persevere without losing consciousness, but slight suffocation was unavoidable.

At this moment, they all collapsed on the snow, breathing heavily.

Seeing that they had nothing to do, Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to leave. Now he would naturally continue to look for Wuxiang Bing or "Doctor".

After all, whether you want to drive them away or defeat them, you have to find talents after all.

"Oh, please wait! Thank you for saving us!" The leader of this adventure group could vaguely sense what was happening outside when he was freezing just now.

Knowing that this golden being saved them.

She was about to express her gratitude, but she didn't expect that he left before she could finish her words. Alas, it seemed that she could only find a way to repay her when they met again.

Xingying Cave, in an unknown passage.

Li Qiuzhi was still following Abedo and the others towards the snow mountain camp.

He just ignored those adventurers, naturally he wasn't pretending to be cold, but the "Sword God of Ying" couldn't speak. He stopped where he was and accepted the thanks, but didn't respond aloud.

Well that would obviously be more rude, so forget it.

Li Qiuzhi organized his thoughts and was about to tell Amber and Youla about the "Doctor" running away. Suddenly, a prompt popped up on the character panel:

[As an adventurer, you have enough reputation among the adventurer group to obtain the title: Outstanding Adventurer]

oh! Li Qiuzhi was pleasantly surprised that he had received a title inexplicably!

He couldn't wait to click on the title to see what effect it would have:

[Excellent adventurer: Many adventurers and ordinary people have heard of your reputation. In future adventures, the experience points gained from defeating powerful enemies will be increased by an additional ten percent. 】

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