I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 326 The End (Two in One)

Longji Snow Mountain, the camp of fools.

The portal has been set up, but the "Doctor" who has not yet left is looking at the place where the dragon is resurrected.

He never thought that the ferocious dragon did not fight with those people, but followed them!

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It's obviously the result of your hard work, but it's just been plagiarized in vain. How can you not be angry?

It's just that he is not that stupid to make trouble for these people again. He couldn't defeat so many people in the first place, and now that there is a demon dragon that is stronger than him, it is even more difficult to defeat him.

But it doesn't matter, just find the place again next time you have the chance.

As a scholar, the most important thing you need is patience.

"Hmph, let's go, idiots."

The "Doctor" glanced at the few Fool soldiers behind him, and then walked into the portal first.


The fools and soldiers did not hesitate and left immediately behind.

The door to the "wonderland" like a starry sky opened in front of Li Qiuzhi and Youla.

There was no need to wait for Li Qiuzhi to go in and search. Amber, who was waiting anxiously inside, saw the "door" appear and ran out quickly.

"Li Qiuzhi, are you not injured?"

Amber asked worriedly.

He was alone facing the "Doctor" and so many fools, and it was impossible not to worry.

"Of course it's okay. Look at how I look injured, and those guys from the Fools have also been driven away by us!"

Li Qiuzhi raised his arm to let Amber see that he was indeed uninjured.

"Phew, that's good!" Upon seeing this, Amber caressed her chest lightly, breathed a sigh of relief and expressed her dissatisfaction again angrily, "Huh, damn guy, don't do this kind of thing to me without permission in the future!"

[Amber has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (350/700)]

Seeing that his favorability level had increased again, Li Qiuzhi knew that Amber was not really angry, but he still apologized honestly and said:

"Okay, I'm sorry Amber. I'm mainly worried about your safety, so I can only let you hide first."

After saying that, he spread his hands and said that he was doing it entirely out of instinct.

"Just, even if it's like this, forget it this time, there can't be a next time!" Amber's fair and pretty face was slightly red. She didn't know how to refute, so she could only end the topic forcefully.

After all, she really couldn't help at the time.

"Hmph, you two were talking to yourselves and you actually ignored me. I will bear this grudge!"

On the side, Youla was worried about Li Qiuzhi when she saw Amber coming out. She folded her arms and said dissatisfiedly.

"Hey, I'm sorry Yura."

Amber touched her hair and said to Yura with a smile.

Naturally, she also noticed Yula, but she was always in that space full of stars, unable to know what was going on outside.

Therefore, I was overly worried about Li Qiuzhi, so I learned about his situation first.

Yura said "hum" and turned away, indicating that she would not forgive the two of them so easily.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Youla's arrogant look and thought it was very cute. He thought for a while and said:

"By the way, in order to have a chance to escape when encountering dangerous situations like today, I will give you a gift."

What he wanted to send was naturally a "road mark".

Youla and Amber already have a good impression of him, so they probably won't refuse. Li Qiuzhi also wants to take this opportunity to have the ability to teleport to them.

This will make it easier for him to continue to gain favor.

If you have nothing to do, chat remotely, maintain basic contact, and send it directly if you have anything to do. Then your favorability will not increase dramatically!

"What gift?" Amber asked curiously.

Youla also turned her head again and looked at Li Qiuzhi.

"A space transfer ability." Li Qiuzhi briefly introduced the "interstellar travel" skill to the two of them.

"What, can such a powerful ability be shared with others?"

Amber's pupils showed a very surprised look.

"Of course it's possible, after all, I'm so powerful." Li Qiuzhi said with a chuckle, and took out two golden "beacons" in his two palms.

He handed them to Amber and Yora and said:

"Just put them in your body."

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Amber and Youla looked at each other, although they didn't believe that they could obtain the ability to transfer space so easily.

But Li Qiuzhi wouldn't harm them, so it wouldn't make any difference if he tried.

If they can really gain the ability to transfer space, it will be of great help to them. As Li Qiuzhi said, they can leave in time if they encounter any danger.

So they pressed the two golden light groups into their chests.

Soon, the two people who received the feedback knew that they had indeed acquired the ability to shift space and communicate mentally.

"It actually does exist!"

Amber's eyes sparkled.

Then she and Yula tested each other, and they were indeed able to teleport to each other.

"Of course this is true, how could I lie to you?" Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Hmph, your gift is not bad. In this case, I can barely forgive you for ignoring me just now."

Yura raised her chin, revealing her white neck, and said proudly.

[Yura has a good impression of you and gained 285 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (90/700)]

"Hey, thank you for your gift!"

Amber also happily said to Li Qiuzhi.

[Amber has a good impression of you and gains 250 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (600/700)]

"This is nothing. Having said that, let's set off quickly to find the snow pig. The sky is getting darker again."

Li Qiuzhi was naturally happy to see that the two girls' favor for him had improved.

It's just that sharing the ability of "interstellar travel" with Amber and Yula just now delayed a little time. Now it's time to set off, lest there is nothing for the dragon to eat.

"Well, let's go."

Yora swung her legs in over-the-knee high-heeled boots back and forth and walked down the mountain to a place where snow pigs often appeared.

Then while walking, he told Amber in detail what happened next when she was sent to hide in "Wonderland" by Li Qiuzhi.

Amber also looked very surprised when she heard that the demon dragon Dulin was fooled away by Albedo.

Are all alchemists so powerful?

This seems to be true. No matter which world it is in, the upper limit of intellectual talents will not be low. Li Qiuzhi nodded secretly.

for the rest of the time.

Although it was getting late and most of the snow pigs had returned to their nests, Li Qiuzhi quickly found the snow pigs with his extensive search efforts using his spiritual power.

In order to prevent the Demon Dragon Du Lin from not having enough to eat, Li Qiuzhi and the others directly caught five snow pigs.

When it felt like it was about the same, Li Qiuzhi asked Youla to use ice elements to make a large box that could hold five snow pigs, and he carried it back to Abedo's snow mountain camp.

Why use such a troublesome operation instead of directly putting it in "Wonderland"?

This is mainly because Li Qiuzhi thought that "Wonderland" would be used to live in people in the future. What if he put a few pigs in and urinated everywhere and stinked the place?

Anyway, he couldn't accept it.

Snowy mountain camp in Abeddo.

Demon Dragon Dulin's relatively large body lay lying outside the cave, yawning in boredom, and rubbing his stomach from time to time, wondering why his brothers' friends didn't come back with food.


As expected of a giant dragon, the sound of his stomach growling was like a drum.

Holding the "refrigerator" in both hands, Li Qiuzhi, who had just walked back to the camp, looked at the dark dragon in the distance and thought to himself.

"Ah, is this the Demon Dragon Dulin? It's really scary!"

Amber covered her mouth and said in surprise.

The legs that were wrapped in white over-the-knee boots and continued to move forward hesitated a little, and were a little afraid to continue walking forward.

She had seen the ferocious look of the Wind Demon Dragon before, and she was afraid that the Demon Dragon Du Lin would suddenly become violent.

"Don't be afraid, with Abedo here, there should be no problem,"

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

"I'm not scared. It's just that it's my first time to see a dragon at such a close distance. I'm a little uncomfortable."

Amber glared at Li Qiuzhi.

"Haha, yes yes yes!"

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but laugh out loud. He didn't expect Amber to also have a arrogant side. Could it be that he was infected with Zi Youla?

"You're back!" Demon Dragon Dulin heard Li Qiuzhi's voices and raised his head in surprise, "Have you brought anything to eat?"

"Of course."

Li Qiuzhi walked up to the demon dragon Dulin and put down the "refrigerator" containing the snow pig.


Perhaps because it was too heavy, when the "refrigerator" hit the ground, it vibrated loudly, and the snow on the mountain next to it slipped a little.

Fortunately there was no avalanche.

"what is this?"

Demon Dragon Dulin looked at the snow pigs in the "refrigerator" curiously and asked.

"Uh, don't you recognize me?"

Li Qiuzhi was confused for a moment, and then he figured it out. He didn't know whether the Demon Dragon Dulin knew animals like pigs before, but now that it had just been "born", it was normal not to recognize it.

"This is a snow pig, an animal that lives on snowy mountains."

Li Qiuzhi tried to explain to the demon dragon Dulin.

But he didn't expect it to be the beginning of a "spiritual attack."

The mind of the demon dragon Dulin is indeed no different from that of a six or seven-year-old child, and he suddenly transforms into "a hundred thousand whys".

After Li Qiuzhi explained the snow pig, he asked what an animal was.

After explaining the animals, it asked why we eat animals, are animals delicious, and are there any immovable objects?

Li Qiuzhi's ten heads were not enough, and it was simply more tiring than being distracted and controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to fight together.

In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I quickly pulled Abedo out of the camp and let him handle it by himself.

He put out his translucent tentacles, grabbed the snow pigs and easily handled them with exquisite sword skills, and then asked Amber to use the power of fire element to roast the five pigs together.

With her exquisite fire control, this barbecue was perfect.

"It's delicious, it's delicious. Snow pig is so delicious. I will eat snow pig every day from now on!"

Soon, the dinner at the snow mountain camp began, and Demon Dragon Dulin was very satisfied with the delicacy that Li Qiuzhi called "Wufu Roasted Whole Pig."

Four and a half of them were in its belly.

Li Qiuzhi and the others combined couldn't finish half the head. After all, humans don't have as big an appetite as a dragon.

The demon dragon who was full soon fell asleep.

Li Qiuzhi and others continued to sit by the fire. He pondered for a while and asked the handsome young man:

"Albedo, what are your plans next?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the sleeping dragon Dulin lying on his stomach outside the cave.

This is what Amber and Yura want to know. After all, this is a dragon. Although it seems that there is no danger now, it may be in the future.


Abedo was silent for a long time and said:

"I've already understood it. The only thing Dulin remembers now is his mother, and even the name was the one I just told him.

"Its current mind is almost the same as when Master first 'created' it. If you leave it alone, there is indeed a risk of losing control.

"So I plan to let it live in the snowy mountains temporarily and teach it to learn to judge the good and evil of human beings, what it can and cannot do. This should be able to reduce the risk of it getting out of control and harming humans.

"At the same time, I will also study it to see if its body is really defective. If so, I will try to find a solution. This is also a little selfish of mine."

As a creation of "Golden" Reindot, Albedo is also afraid that he may lose control.

If you can discover your own problems by studying Dulin, that would also be good.

He has researched himself and found nothing yet.

Logically speaking, the risk of losing control is not high.

It's just that with Du Lin as an example in front of him, he thinks more and is a little worried.

"Well, this is indeed a good idea. Before Dulin's mind matures, it is better to let him run away less to avoid causing any disasters."

Li Qiuzhi agreed with Abedo's approach.

Even if there are not many adventurers in the snow-capped mountains, nothing will happen to Dulin as long as he keeps an eye on him.

Abedo made it so clear that Amber and Youla naturally had no objections.

"In that case, let's go back first. Such a big thing happened in the snow mountain, and we must report it to Captain Qin."

Amber stood up, patted her butt wrapped in brown shorts and said.

"Well, please help me conceal my identity. I don't want too many people to know."

Abedo nodded and said.

"Identity? Is there anything strange about your identity, Abedo?"

The red bunny ears knot on Amber's head swayed slightly, as if to express doubts.

Does Abedo not want people to know that the magic dragon Dulin was created by his master? Worried that someone will come to trouble him?

"Haha, Amber, please don't embarrass Abedo. Didn't he say he didn't want too many people to know about it? Anyway, he's not a hidden bad guy."

Li Qiuzhi pulled An Bo out.

When Youla told Amber what happened next, she did not tell Amber that Albedo and Dulin were also artificial creations.

After all, Abedo said before that this was his secret.

"All right."

Although Amber was curious, Abedo was her colleague and not a bad person, so she didn't ask.

Since it was already very late, Li Qiuzhi looked at his pocket watch and found that it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

It's really dark now and I can't see clearly, so it's hard to hurry.

Moreover, the snow-capped mountains are far away from Mondstadt, and it would take several minutes to return even by flying, so Li Qiuzhi decided to use "interstellar travel" to teleport back.

Fischer and Mona were both at home, which was convenient.

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