Liyue Port, on the way to Yuehai Pavilion.

The eccentric Hall Master Hu was driving Li Qiuzhi, excitedly turning the pedals of his bicycle and traveling quickly on the hard brick road.

She leaned forward slightly.

Her long reddish-brown hair and the long tail of her clothes were blown back by the airflow, and happened to "hit" Li Qiuzhi in the back seat.

There is no way.

He could only hold Hu Tao's naughty twin-tail hair and back in his palms to prevent them from moving around, while stroking the soft and smooth hair.

"Idiot, don't move."

Hu Tao noticed something strange, but just said something and didn't pay too much attention.

She pressed the handle of the front of the car with both hands, and her wide sleeves swelled up due to the large amount of airflow, and slid up slightly to reveal a white arm.

The snow-white thighs sticking out from under the black shorts swayed alternately up and down, which also slightly dazzled Li Qiuzhi's eyes.

How come you have such well-proportioned legs?

The white socks slightly covered only half of the calf, which made people feel warm and soft.

Li Qiuzhi thought so and tried to do so.

He thought for a while, then gently leaned forward and pressed his long auburn hair against Hu Tao's back.

Then he put his hands around her waist, his wrists resting on her soft belly, and his fingers just touching her ribs.

Then he leaned close to her ears covered by her hair and asked:

"Hall Master Hu, your legs must be tired after riding for so long. Do you want me to rub them for you?"

"Yeah! What do you want, you bastard!"

Hu Tao suddenly found herself being hugged, and even she couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. She subconsciously grabbed the arm lying across her lower abdomen with a free hand and said:

"Hurry up and let go. I'm not tired at all. Don't try to use this excuse to take advantage of me."

"I've been riding bicycles since I was a child. I don't know if I'm tired or not. Especially riding for a long time will cause wear and tear on my knees, so you'd better let me rub them for you."

Li Qiuzhi said as if sharing his experience.

Then his hands involuntarily slid down along Hutao's waist, first touching the black shorts, and the caressing touch contained a hint of softness.

"Ugh! You hateful guy!"

Hutao gritted his teeth. If he hadn't been riding a bicycle, he would have pounced on Li Qiuzhi and bit him!

"Don't worry, I really don't mean to take advantage of you. I just want to give you a massage."

Li Qiuzhi smiled, and then turned on the "morphological invisibility" to make the two people and the bicycle invisible, so as to prevent pedestrians from seeing his somewhat indecent behavior.

After all, Hall Master Hu has to take care of his image in front of outsiders, and he still wants to have some shame.

Hu Tao also noticed that he had entered the invisible state, and knew that it was Li Qiuzhi who was responsible.

This bastard thinks so carefully about taking advantage of girls, why can't he spend his thoughts elsewhere?

she thought angrily.

Li Qiuzhi said it was just a massage, so it was really just a massage, and he would not lie.

He reached out to Hu Tao's snow-white thighs and stroked them gently. His fingers immediately sank into the soft skin, feeling the warm touch, and then he gently massaged Hu Tao's muscles to relax them.


Her thighs felt numb and a little itchy, and Hu Tao could only purse her lips to prevent herself from making strange sounds.

Very good, you really dare to take advantage of me!

Yuehai Pavilion is coming soon, I’ll give you a good look later!

Li Qiuzhi didn't know what kind of revenge plan the lovely person in front of him was planning. He was still immersed in kneading Hu Tao's legs.

Unfortunately, Hutao's legs were a bit wobbly from moving up and down on the pedals, so the massage experience was not a good one.

The snow-white soft calf is hard to touch

After all, the length of his hand is limited. Fortunately, he still has mental tentacles. As long as the sensory feedback is full, there is no difference between touching it with his hands. Even because of the mental power, the touch will be clearer.

Li Qiuzhi thought.

Two translucent tentacles stretched out silently in the void at Walnut's feet, and kept moving at the same speed as the bicycle.

Finally, it slowly wrapped around her calf and caressed the soft calf.

Hutao, who was riding a bicycle, suddenly trembled, and small bumps appeared on his skin. He was mentally prepared for being touched on his thigh by Li Qiuzhi just now.

She could barely bear it.

But the translucent tentacles suddenly touched her calves, and the combination of numbness made her body feel weak.

"Li Qiuzhi, you pervert!"

The unbearable Hutao really didn't want to let this bastard mess around anymore. After arriving at a remote corner, he stopped the car and turned around and jumped back. Unprepared, Li Qiuzhi and the bicycle fell to the ground at the same time.

The difference is that this time Hutao rides on him!

Li Qiuzhi looked at the angry Hu Tao and said with some embarrassment: "Hu Tao, please calm down. I was wrong and I'm sorry. I will never do it again."

Before he could finish speaking.

The angry Hutao pinched Li Qiuzhi's cheeks with both hands and twisted them from side to side:

"You like to take advantage, right? You like to knead, knead, and touch, right? This time I'll let you rub it all!"


Li Qiuzhi felt the burning pain coming from his cheek and couldn't help but take a breath.

What a strike!

Hu Tao seemed to think it was not satisfying enough, so she leaned down and bit him on the ear. Li Qiuzhi almost screamed, but luckily he held it back in time and managed to maintain his dignity.

"Phew, you are so angry that you dare to bully this hall master!"

After more than ten minutes, Hutao patted his butt and stood up, then stepped on the stomach of Li Qiuzhi, who was lying on the ground like a dead fish, and then continued with a little anger:

"Asshole, stop pretending and get up quickly. We need to continue on our way!"

[Hutao has a good impression of you and gains 260 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (60/700)]

Li Qiuzhi, who had no reaction at first, immediately became energetic when he saw the favorability prompt on the character panel. He gently held Hutao's feet away, stood up quickly, patted the dust on his body, and said with a smile:

"Haha, I'm sorry, I was indeed wrong just now. I promise I will never do it again today!"

"Today?" Hutao raised his eyebrows, crossed his arms and stepped on Li Qiuzhi's feet, gritting his teeth and said, "That means he will do it again in the future!"

"Not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!"

Li Qiuzhi rolled his eyes and said.

Hutao clenched his fists, really wanting to beat this bastard again so that he wouldn't have to get angry with this guy.

If you dare to bite him next time, keep biting him until he surrenders!

Thinking of this, she hummed and said:

"It's you who will carry me this time, so that you don't do anything to me again!"

"Okay, no problem."

Li Qiuzhi really stopped teasing Hu Tao this time.

It just so happened that this was a secret corner between two buildings. Without anyone noticing, he removed the invisible area, got on his bicycle, carried a cute girl, and continued towards Yuehai Pavilion in the breeze.

After the two stopped arguing, they arrived at their destination soon.

After asking the secretaries of Yue Hai Pavilion, they heard that Ning Guang was free, so Li Qiuzhi asked them to inform them.

Soon, Li Qiuzhi and the others were invited in.

The Yuehai Pavilion was very large, and the two of them walked around under the leadership of the secretaries, and finally saw the Tianquan Star Ningguang in a pavilion beside a small lake in the courtyard.

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