I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 339 Giant Beast in the Sea

The next day, the star sign of death.

Under the sunny sky, two sails protruded from the deck and stood like towering green pines. Wild waves and waves kept beating against the huge wooden hull, and there was a sound of "swishing" breaking through the water.

There were two figures standing on the bow of the dragon's head and an elf with floating pure white hair.

"Haha, with such a nice weather, you should have a few sips. Do you want to try it?"

Captain Beidou's long black hair danced lightly in the sea breeze. She took out the wine bottle and looked up to the sky to take a sip, and said with a heroic smile.

"No, no, it's not necessary. We are not interested in drinking." Paimon shook his head and waved his hands in refusal, "By the way, is there anything wrong with Captain Beidou calling us here so early in the morning?"

Ying pressed the white petal headdress that was blown a little loose by the sea breeze, and there was also some confusion in her amber eyes.

"The weather is so good, it's a good time for a long voyage, and it's also a time for certain creatures to hunt. In short, we are being targeted by a big guy."

"Big guy?" Pamon scratched his head.

Ying gently parted her soft lips and asked, "How big is it?"

"Haha, you'll know just by looking at it. It's coming!"

Beidou laughed twice at first, then his pupils shrank slightly, he put away the wine bottle, and quickly took out a large sword with a red blade and a silver-gray blade.

Very suddenly.

Suddenly, a huge tentacle covered with suction cups sprang out from the sea ahead, heading straight towards the bow of the ship.

"Catch the waves!"

Beidou placed his sword horizontally in front of him, and lightning flashed around his body, forming a thunder elemental shield surrounded by thunder beasts to surround himself.

At the same time, when Beidou's shield was taking shape.

The huge suction cup tentacles carried the power of breaking the mountain, and slammed down heavily with a "bang" sound, hitting Beidou without any accident, and the entire ship that was still sailing seemed to brake suddenly.

That huge force not only caused the Death Omen to stop, but even the stern of the ship was slightly raised.

"Ah, Beidou!"

Paimon and Ying raised their hands to block the wind pressure and looked ahead with some worry.

Fortunately, nothing happened. Even if Beidou hit Beidou with a force that could stop a moving giant ship, it was unexpectedly blocked easily.

"Okay, that's awesome, can you do it?"

Paimon was stunned, then looked at Ying beside him and said.

"It's not possible yet, but Li Qiuzhi should be able to."

Ying shook her head. Although she had recovered a lot of her physical strength in the past few days and became stronger, she was still a little far away from the power to "stop the ship".

"Oh." Pamon nodded with some disappointment.

She thought travelers could do it too.

At this moment, Li Qiuzhi's voice suddenly sounded in Ying's mind, saying that he wanted to teleport over.

She was currently being attacked by an unknown creature. Since Li Qiuzhi wanted to come over, she naturally agreed without even thinking about it. She might as well come over to help, lest other people on the Death Omen Star be in danger.

"Drink and pay back everything!"

At this moment, Beidou's Thunder Beast Shield suddenly converged and turned into flashing lightning that gathered on the sword, and then swung it out towards the huge suction cup tentacles.

The sword intent that destroyed everything burst out, and even the sky seemed to darken for a moment.

"Perfect bounce?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded next to Ying. Although she knew who it was just by feeling, she still instinctively glanced at him sideways.

Under the ordinary short black hair, there is a pretty handsome face.

The first impression he gives is that he is relatively gentle and easy to get along with. This is indeed the case. These are the only advantages of this guy.

When you get along with a girl for a long time and the friendship is not shallow, this guy will reveal his true colors.

Become a villain who only bullies them!

After bullying, he will provoke other girls, and then ignore the one he has succeeded in, leaving her to be exposed to wind and rain at sea.

Humph, not only is he a villain, he is also a shameless bastard!

"Okay, I shouldn't have come so late. I didn't explain to you yesterday. The main reason is that I helped Mond solve some potential dangerous factors in the past few days, so I couldn't make it in time."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the expressionless Ying and seemed to notice that she was a little angry. He could probably guess that he felt he was being left out after not seeing her for a few days.

He held Ying's left hand with both hands, rubbed it gently, and continued:

"I'm going to help fight monsters on the ship these days, and I'll stay with you at the same time."

"Hey, you two, don't let me fight for life or death, please just play with me from behind, okay?"

Beidou used that perfect rebound to counterattack, and the giant beast in the sea seemed to be in pain and retreated temporarily, leaving a large section of broken contact.

The giant beast was not weak, and it was difficult for her to stop it from leaving while it was still in the sea.

However, it is not without gain. The size of this cut-off is enough to feed the entire ship for two or three days, and the energy contained in the body of this powerful beast is not less.

Eating it can play a certain role in strengthening the body.

Beidou showed a satisfied expression because of this. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Li Qiuzhi, who had appeared at an unknown time, holding Ying's hand.

Smelling the sour smell of love emanating from the two of them made her feel full even without eating!

"Haha, I'm sorry Captain Beidou. As an apology to the giant beast in the sea, let me take action."

Li Qiuzhi let go of Ying's soft hand, slightly embarrassed.

It's indeed a bit wrong to do this. It seems that I need to pay more attention in the future, but fortunately Beidou is not someone who cares about these things.

"Oh, you want to take action? But it has already dived into the deep sea. Can you attack it?"

Beidou took back his sword, held his right wrist and twisted his fist, and said in slight surprise.

"I can't guarantee it. Let's see if we can catch up."

Even if Li Qiuzhi has strength, he is not a complacent and arrogant person, so he can only say that trying does not guarantee success.

After all, you can't lift yourself too high, otherwise it will be more painful if you fall.

"Well, let me see what you can do!"

Beidou became interested. He could appear behind her quietly and only made her aware of someone behind him when he spoke. This method was indeed good, but he didn't know what his frontal strength was.

She is a combative person, and I have to say that her hands are a little itchy now!

"Okay, show off your shame."

Li Qiuzhi directly summoned the "Sword God of Ying" without hesitation, and asked "her" to quickly dive into the sea and chase the giant beast.

It will really go far later.

The sea monsters that can fight Beidou are not weak no matter how you think about it, and you can't let go of the experience points that are already in your mouth.

As long as there is sunlight, the view of the sea is still clear.

No matter how bad things were, Li Qiuzhi could still use his mental power to locate the giant beast in the sea and would not lose it within a kilometer or two.

Maybe it's because the body is really huge.

The giant beast in the sea didn't swim very fast, and it didn't take long for the "Sword God of Ying" to catch up with it and get within a hundred meters of it, and could see its slightly blurry huge figure.

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