I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 342 Time flies (please follow up)

"Captain Beidou, please stop bragging about this guy. On the surface, he is as humble as you, but in his heart, you don't know how proud he is!"

Ying and Paimon both put their hands on their waists and looked at Li Qiuzhi with disgust.

"Ahem, let's use this sea area quickly to prevent the smell of blood from attracting more monsters."

Li Qiuzhi touched his nose awkwardly and changed the topic.

"Haha, that's right." Beidou chuckled twice, then looked at the strong man at the helm with his unshielded right eye and said, "Hailong, let the brothers stop sleeping and speed up to use this sea area. ."

Not only are there a row of huge paddles on both sides of the Death Star, but there are also two propellers at the tail that look like wooden wheels.

With them, even when there is no wind and the sails are useless, the Death Star can still travel normally.

For example, when there is wind now, activating the sails at the same time can slightly accelerate the Death Star. If it encounters any danger, they will be of great use.

The only drawback is that both the propeller and the two rows of large paddles extending from both sides of the hull are driven by humans.

It takes several sailors to swing an oar, so if you want the Death Omen to speed up, everyone has to stop sleeping.

Watching Hai Long go to the cabin and start calling for people, Li Qiuzhi suddenly said to Ying:

"Do you think it's possible for us to get a steam engine?"

If the Death Star is equipped with a steam engine, it will not only save manpower, but also improve its performance a lot!

He had not seen anything similar in Mondstadt or Liyue, maybe there would be in relatively developed Fontaine and Zhidong.

But no matter what their situation is, since nothing similar to a steam engine appears in Mondstadt and Liyue.

This shows that at least the steam engine market in these two countries is blank. If they can develop a steam engine, they can still make a lot of money!

Anyway, with the development of society, the emergence of steam power should be inevitable. Rather than letting others make the money, it is better for them to do it!

Moreover, the steam engine essentially boils water. For this kind of thing, the fire element ore may be used to replace the coal mine. It is pure and pollution-free, and there is no need to worry about the damage to the climate and environment caused by the emergence of the steam engine.

As for the problems that fire element ores are scarce and more expensive, it is not worth using them to boil water. In fact, these problems can be easily solved.

After all, although there are not many fire element ores, fire slimes are not uncommon!

If you catch them and lock them together, it is very feasible to use them to boil water instead of a fire source. After all, this is what people in Qiuqiu do, and these "predecessors" have already practiced it.

Moreover, as elemental beings, they can absorb the fire element in the environment to survive, so there is basically no need to put any thought into raising them.

If you really can't throw a piece of fire elemental ore in, judging from Li Qiuzhi's experience, you can probably "eat" a pile of fire slimes for a long time.

This is much more affordable than simply using fire element ore and burning coal, and it doesn't require much care and is very convenient.

Li Qiuzhi has already thought of the hot sales of the "Fire Slime Steam Engine" when it was born. After all, the role of the steam engine is so huge that it even promoted the industrial development of Mondstadt and Liyue!

"You said it easily, do you know how to design it?"

Her amber eyes glanced at him, shook her head and said.

"As long as you know the principles and have ideas, just ask Ning Guang to find some scholars in related majors to set up a laboratory to study how to figure it out."

Li Qiuzhi put his arm around Ying's shoulders, kissed her cheek naturally, smiled and gave a very lazy but still feasible solution.

Great inventors only need a little inspiration and clear thinking, and leave it to others to solve specific problems.

"You guys seem to be able to do it"

Ying stumbled and stood up close to Li Qiuzhi, then put his chin on his head and thought about it without caring, and found that it seemed to really work.

"Well, the two of them are talking about something incomprehensible again."

Paimon spread his hands helplessly.

"Haha, we don't understand either." Beidou looked at the sky with a smile, and then said to Inazuma's wandering samurai, "Manyo, there is no wind now, please come and help."


Maplehara Manyo nodded, and casually activated the wind elements between heaven and earth to let them blow on the sails to help the Death Omen star move forward.

See this situation.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying also stopped to discuss, and also caused an appropriate amount of wind elements to blow on the sails, which could be regarded as sharing the pressure of Wanyu.

Under the vast night sky, the Death Star departed from this sea area at an extremely fast speed.

But before leaving completely, Li Qiuzhi summoned the "Sword God of Ying" and asked "her" to stay where she was, just in case the corpse and blood of the giant beast really attracted many monsters.

Wouldn’t that be a great way to gain experience points?

After leaving that sea area, the following days became boring and boring life at sea.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi will not stay on the ship forever.

When you have time, you have to go back to Mondstadt to spend time with Fischer, Sugar, and many other girls, as well as Shen He, Hu Tao, and Yun Jin from Liyue. Whoever has free time can go chat by themselves.

This is necessary in order to gain favor.

And Mona often came to "Wonderland" to study the mysterious starry sky. She often spent so much time studying that she forgot to eat or sleep. Li Qiuzhi also had to deliver food to her, so she couldn't be hungry.

When they were busy, Li Qiuzhi looked for monsters on the sea to gain experience points.

You really wouldn’t know it until you’ve been to the sea. There are so many monsters here, and most of them are fish monsters, such as black-eyed fish with two rows of serrated teeth, sharp knife sharks that swim extremely fast and can use thunder elements, etc.

In just a few days, the types of monsters Li Qiuzhi saw exceeded what he had seen in more than half a year on land.

The ocean is indeed a huge unknown world!

In addition to cultivating relationships with girls, he is also more concerned about the "Sweet Flower Merchant Association".

I often go to Ningguang to learn about the production progress of bicycles, chess and cards and other entertainment and educational game toys. The former is still in the stage of setting up factories and production lines.

The latter is relatively fast. It only took a week to complete all production preparations and was ready for mass production.

It doesn’t take half a month for the “Tiantian Flower Merchant Association” store to open and sell its first product!

Li Qiuzhi is also looking forward to this, which means that the day is not far when he and his wife will make profits and become rich!

Regarding the steam engine, Li Qiuzhi also talked to Ningguang in detail. She also attached great importance to it and had already begun to set up a steam engine laboratory for research.

After all, it can trigger a series of industrial reforms, greatly liberate productivity and make people's jobs more diversified.

And promote the social progress of the country's powerful steam engine, in addition to businessmen, how can Ningguang Tianquanxing not be moved, no matter how much money is spent and the loss is made, it must be brought out!

Full days make people feel less time passing by.

Soon, a month passed, and Li Qiuzhi himself, as well as the people and things around him, underwent relatively huge changes.

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