I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 344 Lei Yin’s power appears


The closer to the thunderstorm area, the stronger the wind became. Just when everyone was about to help furl the sails, Li Qiuzhi summoned several translucent tentacles, which appeared on several sails of the Death Star.

Roll them up easily and secure with string.

The series of actions were so incredibly fast that many crew members, as well as Manyo and Ying who were about to take action, were stunned.

"You guys, you did a good job." Beidou raised his eyebrows, feeling a little impressed by the convenient ability, and then quickly shouted to the crew, "Return to the cabin in time before entering the thunderstorm area."

[Beidou has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (30/500)]

When you enter a thunderstorm area, there is a possibility of lightning striking down at any time.

Although she could block it, what if she was careless and didn't have time to take action.

For safety reasons, it is better for everyone to go back to the cabin and hide.

After all, except for her and Wan Ye, the Death Omen Star was relatively powerful and could basically not be afraid of the thunder and lightning here. Others, even as strong as the sea dragon, could not survive being hit unharmed.

"Okay, big sister!"

Many crew members responded in unison and quickly ran into the cabin and returned to their crew quarters.

After a while, only Beidou, Wan Ye, and Li Qiuzhi were left on the deck of the Death Star. They were all very powerful combatants, and they were enough to deal with any situation.

At this time, Beidou was at the helm of the boat, and the thunderstorm area was getting closer.

As for how the Death Star sails after retracting its sails, there are naturally still crew members shaking two rows of giant oars and propellers.

This is the benefit of "hybrid".

Li Qiuzhi summoned his spiritual tentacles and made a brief judgment. The Death Star was about five nautical miles away from the thunderstorm area, which was about 9,260 meters, nearly ten kilometers away.

"Ugh, even though the distance is still so far, the dark clouds in the sky are already giving people a terrifying and oppressive feeling!"

Paimeng huddled behind Ying and said nervously.

"If Paimon feels scared, just go to that guy's 'Wonderland'. Anyway, there is a Miss Mona hidden in the 'Golden House'. You don't have to worry about no one accompanying her."

Ying glanced at Li Qiuzhi, and then said to Paimon.

The wild sea breeze blew the skirt that was cut diagonally downwards, and the white thighs above the knee-high white high-heeled boots and the blooming shorts were slightly exposed.

Li Qiuzhi felt Ying's gaze and touched his jawline with a slight embarrassment, but did not choose to talk.

Although Li Qiuzhi's flirtatious behavior can be tolerated by them as long as their favorability is high enough, some minor emotions are inevitable.

You can't refute at this time, just admit your mistake.

"No, no, as a traveler's best friend, how can I let you face danger alone?"

Paimon shook his head firmly and said in a brave tone.

"Okay, if the wind gets strong later, just hold on to my streamer and don't let it blow away."

Ying said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll catch it now." As he said that, Paimon stretched out a pair of small hands to grab Ying's ribbon that was also blown by the sea breeze.

Li Qiuzhi smiled at the two people who had such a good relationship, and then continued to look at the thunderstorm area.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi also used his mental power to feel that the thunder element in the air was unusually active, and the number seemed to be greater than in the normal environment.

"Everyone, please note that the extremely rich thunder element environment here will attract many monsters related to thunder elements to survive in the thunderstorm area. The closer you are to the center of the thunderstorm, the more monsters there will be and the more dangerous they will be."

Beidou had traveled through more than one thunderstorm and was quite experienced in this, so he said it to remind everyone present.

"Is it a monster? In that case, let me explore the path first."

Li Qiuzhi originally thought that there should be no living creatures in the thunderstorm area. After all, even monsters would not want to approach such a dangerous place.

But monsters related to the thunder element are indeed different.

Just like the holders of the Eye of Thunder Elemental God, the elemental power in their bodies will strengthen their bodies, and the resistance related to those elements will be higher.

Therefore, it is not inconceivable that those thunder monsters can survive in thunderstorm areas.

Li Qiuzhi thought thoughtfully, and then summoned the "Sword God of Ying" to fly forward to explore the path. The purpose was naturally to kill as many monsters as possible.

A month ago, the body of the giant sea beast that Li Qiuzhi killed did attract a lot of monsters.

But it was obvious that most of them were killed by Li Qiuzhi.

It provided him with a lot of experience points, and coupled with the monsters he met in the past month, Li Qiuzhi's character panel has accumulated 220,000 experience points.

He is relatively wealthy for the time being.

But just as Ningguang said, "There is never too much Mora," so of course the same goes for experience points.

After all, the existing experience points can only allow him to advance two levels at most, and he is still far away from the realm of "doing whatever he wants" and cannot slack off.

Soon the "Sword God of Ying" saw a ferocious-looking black turtle emerging from the water.

It looked up at the sky, not knowing what to see in the pitch-black sky with thunder and lightning jumping all the time.

[Level: sixty-eight]

As soon as Li Qiuzhi opened his golden sin-judging eyes, he could see both its strength and the weakness of its neck.

He had never seen this kind of monster before. Before taking action, he described the appearance of the turtle out of curiosity, and asked Beidou and Manyo if they recognized it.

"This kind of turtle is called the Black Thunder Giant Snapping Turtle. It usually lives in places where thunder element ores grow in the deep sea. It seems that the thunder element here is so strong that it even attracts monsters from the deep sea."

Maplehara Manyo explained.

"And it's quite ferocious. Our ship will definitely be attacked if we drive past it. Let's solve it if we can."

Beidou has rich knowledge and knows all kinds of monsters in the sea.


Li Qiuzhi nodded, and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" flying high in the air to slash the turtle's neck casually. In a flash of golden light, the turtle's head and body separated without even reacting.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 8083 experience points. 】

With so many experience points, it seems that the monster has good fighting ability.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was secretly happy and prepared to control the "Sword God of Ying" to move forward, he subconsciously looked at the sky that the turtle had been looking at just now.

The black clouds roared, a bolt of lightning passed through, and the entire sky suddenly became as bright as day.

No, it shined brighter than the day, just like a flash bomb was released, and Li Qiuzhi could clearly see the purple figure hidden by the black clouds.

It looks like a giant bat, with lightning flashing all over its body.

[Level: ninety-one]

Looking at this unexpectedly high level, Li Qiuzhi's pupils shrank slightly. He knew this purple creature - Lei Yin Quanxian!

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