I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 349 Corrupt Rice Wife Official

"Identity and purpose?"

When Paimon heard the lady in front of him ask, his face turned slightly bitter.

I had never thought of asking these questions before. They had not discussed it at all.

"Uh, we're here for this." Paimon hesitated to say something, but the complete thoughts and logic had not yet formed in his mind.

"Huh? What's the matter? Please tell me the purpose of your visit so that I can register."

Yinshan fiddled with the ends of his neck-length hair with his fingers and looked at little Paimon with a slightly confused look.

"We are here to do the specialty and ore business."

Ying touched her fair chin and thought about her answer.

There is indeed a lot of ore stored in her load-bearing space, as well as Mondstadt and Liyue specialties, so it is not nonsense and can withstand inspection.

"Specialties and minerals," Yinshan asked again, "Currently, only businessmen from the 'All Nations Chamber of Commerce' are allowed to operate this type of import and export business. Do any of you have relevant business licenses?"

"Uh." This time Ying was also stuck.

This was the first time she had heard of "All Nations Chamber of Commerce", so how could she have their business license?

"Miss Thomas, the registrar, must know you. Why don't you go and talk to her."

Li Qiuzhi stood behind Ying and Paimon and whispered to Thomas next to him.

He vaguely remembered that in the game plot, the various registration and residence procedures for travelers who had just arrived at Inazuma were all handled by Thomas.

"Hey, don't worry, I've already prepared your documents for landing on the island."

Thomas smiled and nodded, then took out the procedures documents of several people from the Eye of God, walked forward and handed them to the registrar:

"Miss Yinshan, this is their landing procedure document."

Yinshan, who had short neck-length hair, took the document, looked at it briefly and found that there was nothing wrong with it, nodded, and said to everyone with a smile:

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with the documents. Welcome to the outlying island."

Hearing her words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

If there is no formalities for landing on the island, they will probably be classified as illegal landing personnel, and they will have to be driven back in despair, or they may stay secretly and become "black households".

If you are caught like this, you will go to jail.

Of course, no one could find Li Qiuzhi even if he wanted to hide, but it was not good to have no formal procedures after all.

"Damn it, if you have prepared all the information, why didn't you take it out earlier!"

Paimon glared angrily at Thomas with his hands on his hips.

"Haha, I just want to see how you guys respond, sorry, sorry." Thomas said with embarrassment, touching his hair.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying both looked at him speechlessly.

"Hmph. Then we have to go to the 'Yuanguo Supervisory Department' next."

Paimon floated slightly up and down in the air, changed his posture and said as if he was holding his arms.

"Yes, please continue to follow me!" Thomas nodded with a smile.

He thought the little guy Paimon was very interesting.

"Oh, it feels so troublesome. Why do you need so many procedures to become a rice wife? Mond and Liyue don't have so many things to do, and the places to complete the procedures are not in the same place. Isn't this embarrassing!"

Ying, who was walking side by side with Li Qiuzhi, complained slightly, her fair-skinned face showing signs of decline.

She obviously had trouble with such trivial matters.

"These rules are all formulated by the 'Designation Commitment', one of Inazuma's three major disciplines. They are mainly responsible for trade and managing national wealth."

Thomas, who was walking in front, said casually when he heard Ying's complaint.

"That's it." Ying nodded.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

"You can think of yourself as doing a commission. We don't have to do these trivial things less when we accept the commission."

Find a kitten and join the construction team as a temporary worker or something.

"Okay, that's right, just think of it as giving yourself a commission."

Ying's skirt was gently blown by the breeze, and her white thighs between her white over-the-knee high-heeled boots and bloomer shorts were exposed from Li Qiuzhi's perspective.

She noticed Li Qiuzhi's peek, her pretty face flushed slightly, her hand pressed down on the hem of her skirt slightly, and then she squeezed Li Qiuzhi's thigh.

Huh, I think about those weird things all day long.

Li Qiuzhi continued walking while rubbing the slightly painful side of his leg. At the same time, he naturally moved his eyes upward to look at Ying Zhen. What's wrong with me when I look at my wife?

He seemed to feel Li Qiuzhi's dissatisfaction.

Ying's face was expressionless, and she stretched her soft white hands to Li Qiuzhi's waist and gently pinched the soft flesh there, as if she wanted to twist it.

Li Qiuzhi opened his mouth, but finally gave in and honestly moved his gaze forward.

I happened to see a building with a similar style to the watchpoint just now, but it was different in appearance and much larger.

Thomas, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, turned around, and said with a smile:

"Okay, this is the 'Yuanguo Supervision Department'. It seems that it is not off duty yet. We can go in and go through the residency procedures."

"You won't ask for any more documents this time, right?"

Paimon spread his hands and looked at him.

"Haha, that's not necessary. After completing the procedures for landing on the island, you only need to pay for the subsequent procedures for staying on the island."

Toma shook his head and chuckled, then waved for everyone to follow him and walked into the "Yuanguo Supervisory Department".

Li Qiuzhi and the others followed Toma in the "Yuanguo Supervision Department" and found the relevant person in charge of the residency procedures.

Also a beautiful lady.

"Hello, do you guys need to go through the procedures for staying on the island? You should have gone through the procedures for landing on the island, right?"

Lily Hua said with a smile.

"Well, here is our permission document to land on the island, and then it is the three of us who will go through the residency procedures."

Li Qiuzhi nodded in response and handed the document obtained from the monitoring station to the staff member.

Bai Hehua took it and looked at it casually. After confirming that it was stamped by the inspection station, she nodded and said:

"There is no problem with the documents. Next, I will handle the residency procedures for a few of you. Please pay the handling fee, which is three million molas."

"Three million moras!" Paimon's eyes widened. "Does it cost three million moras to go through the formalities? Did you say an extra 'ten thousand'?"

"Our work is rigorous. If one person has one million molas, there is no miscalculation."

Lily Hua replied with a smile.

Even if Li Qiuzhi remembered this in the plot, he was slightly shocked. His current total of all molas only amounted to 5.15 million.

Just go through the formalities and lose most of it. Isn’t it too exaggerated?

Sure enough, the officials in Inazuma are so corrupt now. I really don’t know how much money they have stolen from foreigners using this excuse.

Fortunately, Thomas was more powerful this time. He knew that Li Qiuzhi and the others could not handle these matters, so he quickly stepped forward and said:

"Haha, Miss Bai Hehua, do you think I look familiar? These are my friends."

Sorry for being a little late.

Thanks to "Kong" for the 100 coin reward!

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