I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 362 Accident (two in one)

Li Qiuzhi continued to discuss with everyone and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the plan.

He began to notify Captain Qin and Lisa to come over.

He had this idea a long time ago and had discussed it with Captain Qin and Lisa in advance.

Leader Qin also feels that the Fools are very disgusting with the fact that the Fools built the Evil Eye factory in Inazuma to produce evil eyes and tried to influence the situation in Inazuma.

Although the factory is not in Mondstadt, if there is a chance, the upright Captain Qin would also like to destroy this kind of thing that is not beneficial to mankind.

Therefore, he agreed to Li Qiuzhi's request after thinking briefly for a moment.

Lisa was very reluctant. She was lazy and didn't want to fight during the time when she was supposed to be resting.

In the end, Li Qiuzhi agreed to help Lisa solve the side effect of her Life Seat depleting her lifespan when she acquired new knowledge, and she readily agreed.

After all, it is very uncomfortable for a scholar not to be able to study and acquire new knowledge.

Lisa's destiny "Hourglass" has the ability to help her accelerate research and learning, but this is in exchange for lifespan.

How much new knowledge is gained, how much life is consumed.

For Lisa, a lazy and elegant woman, longevity and youthful appearance are obviously more important than studying and acquiring new knowledge.

So she lay down...

Now that Li Qiuzhi said that he could help her solve this problem, Lisa could not help but be moved.

She didn't think that Li Qiuzhi would lie to her, after all, the little adventurer was not such a person. So there's nothing wrong with staying up late for a while and helping the little adventurers fight.

After Li Qiuzhi notified Qin and Lisa, they quickly teleported over.

Two tall figures appeared next to Li Qiuzhi.

"Haha, is this the Rice Wife? Even the grass on the ground has accumulated excess thunder elements and turned purple. It is indeed the place where the will of Lord Thunder God is enveloped."

The black butterfly pattern high heels were slightly sunken into the waterlogged beach. Lisa, who was wearing a pointed witch hat, took a look at the surrounding environment and said.

Behind the beach is a cliff covered with purple grass.

She could feel that the thunder element here was much stronger than that over Mondchen.

Captain Qin looked at everyone, nodded and said hello.

Her eyes lingered on Mona for a moment, and she could clearly feel that this strange girl was also the one who mastered "interstellar travel".

If nothing else, Li Qiuzhi must have thoughts about her. Thinking of this, Qin glared at Li Qiuzhi next to her with some dissatisfaction.

I really don’t know how to restrain myself at all! Qin thought helplessly.

Okay... She doesn't care anymore. He can find as many as he likes, as long as he takes responsibility.

Either to myself or to other girls.

Li Qiuzhi did a pretty good job in this regard. At least he often came to the acting leader's office and didn't neglect her.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Captain Qin who was having random thoughts, held her hand and said with a smile:

"We have obtained the location of the Evil Eye Factory. Next, Captain Qin, you can go to the fairyland to drink tea or take a rest."

Qin was not used to being held by the hand in front of so many people, and a faint blush appeared on her fair face.

Then he quickly took his hand back, nodded and said, "Well, no problem, you... proceed with caution."

"Hehe, Captain Qin is shy again." Paimeng looked at him and said with a smile, "Well, I can't help you with your actions later, so I'll just go to Wonderland to accompany Captain Qin."

"Yeah, that's right."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. Little Paimon was not very strong. He usually took risks, but this time he would probably face the Fools and the Executives. It would be better to hide.

Captain Qin and Paimon temporarily arrived in Wonderland.

There are also Li Qiuzhi, Ying, Mona, and Lisa here, and the things that need to be prepared are also ready to be completed.

So without too much hesitation, Li Qiuzhi activated the invisibility field to cover everyone, and began to move towards the location of the Evil Eye Factory that Mona had divined.

The enemy is overt and we are in the dark, this is an advantageous situation!

It's a little far from the beach of Baying Island to the Evil Eye Factory of Yurenzhong, in order to avoid using elemental power to interfere with the invisible field.

It took them half an hour to reach their destination.

To be precise, only Li Qiuzhi and Ying came over. Lisa and Mona ran for a while and then said they were tired and went back to Wonderland to chat with Captain Qin and Paimon.

Call them out when you reach your destination.

That's fine, you don't have to waste so much energy.

After arriving at the destination, the two slowed down and walked "swaggeringly" on the dirt road.

Li Qiuzhi obviously felt that the surroundings were a little too quiet. It seemed that there were many Fool soldiers standing guard in the dark.

"This is a forest, and there aren't any large buildings. Could it be that the Fools built the Evil Eye Factory in a secret realm?"

Ying held her waist and kept searching the area with her eyes.

"This is the only possibility. Otherwise, no matter how big Ba Ling Island is, it will be easy for others to discover it."

Li Qiuzhi agreed with Ying's guess.

"Look, there is a mark of the wheels of a transport cart in this puddle. Maybe it was left by those fools when they transported the 'Crystalized Bone Marrow'."

He suddenly noticed something unusual in the puddle in front of the dirt road and said.

"So, Mona's divination is indeed correct. Let's go forward in the direction of the wheel." Ying raised her eyebrows in surprise, and then said with a smile.


The two continued to walk forward for a while, and finally saw a small camp of fools in a relatively open area.

There are many such camps of Fools in every country in Teyvat. Generally, these camps are established by the advance teams of Fools who illegally invade other countries.

They basically carry elemental weapons developed by the Solstice Kingdom, which are very difficult to deal with.

Ordinary adventurers would stay away from them if they encountered them, and few would be willing to conflict with them, but even so, their general strength should not be too high.

Probably between level 30 and 40.

But at this time, in Li Qiuzhi's golden judgment eyes, the average strength of the advance team of Fools in the camp in front of him was actually sixty levels!

There is no doubt that they are also elites among fools.

It was unreasonable for such an elite to guard a wild camp, so Li Qiuzhi and Ying swaggered around to search the Fools' advance camp in the hope that no one would find them.

Sure enough, within a few minutes.

The two found a portal in the mountain wall behind the camp, with two gunmen guarding it.

If nothing else, it should be the Evil Eye Factory inside.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying stood in front of the portal and looked at each other. Instead of alerting the enemy, they decided to go in first to find out the specific situation inside.

The portal is a door that connects two spaces. There is no special energy fluctuation after it is opened.

They didn't have to worry about being disturbed by some force and breaking their invisibility when walking through the portal, so they stepped directly into the portal under the guard of the two Fool soldiers.

During the whole process, the two Fools and soldiers at the door did not notice anything.

Just like opening the door normally and stepping into the room from the living room, except for the change in the space in front of me, there is no movement that would attract attention.

Here is a passage leading to nowhere, with stained kerosene lamps hanging on the walls on both sides covered with rusted pipes.

There are also two soldiers guarding behind the portal.

But Li Qiuzhi and Ying who came in invisible were not found.

The two of them did not attack the two soldiers immediately to avoid being noticed by the Fool Executives.

"Let's look ahead." Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and said to him.


Ying blinked her white eyelids to cover her amber pupils for a moment, and nodded her head in response.

In the following time, the two began to slowly explore the Evil Eye Factory.

The purpose is very simple, first confirm the strength of the Fools in the Evil Eye Factory, then launch an attack on the strongest Fool Executive to win with one blow, then slowly deal with the others, and finally destroy the entire Evil Eye Factory.

After all, the first-mover advantage cannot be wasted.

In the invisible state, even though the Fools patrolled very frequently, Li Qiuzhi and Ying still easily visited the entire Evil Eye Factory.

It seems to be divided into several areas.

For example, the raw material area is filled with raw materials such as "crystallized bone marrow", the production area for producing evil eyes, the furnace core area that provides energy, and the dormitory area for the soldiers of the Fools.

By eavesdropping on the conversations of the Foolish Soldiers, Li Qiuzhi knew that both the "Ms." and "Skid Soldier" executives were present at the Evil Eye Factory at this time.

Among them, "Ms." has just returned from Inazuma Castle.

The reason why there was such a large crowd was said to be to welcome the "Doctor", and that guy also came to Inazuma for some unknown reason.

"That 'doctor' actually came over. Fortunately, we didn't find the Evil Eye Factory and launch an impulsive attack. Otherwise, the result might not be as smooth as we thought."

The fluorescent gaze looked down at the ground, showing a thoughtful look.

She raised her head and looked at Li Qiuzhi and continued:

"I heard from those Fools Soldiers that the Fools Executive Officers are currently in the conference room discussing something. Do we want to go over and take a look?"

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect that "Doctor" would also come to Daozi. Could it be that his little butterfly was flapping its wings again.

Now the plan to destroy the Evil Eye Factory may not go as smoothly as expected.

"Well, let's go take a look first." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

The appearance of "Doctor" was indeed beyond his expectation. He did not appear in the original work.

If there was any reason for him to come to Daozhu, it was probably when Li Qiuzhi and the others made him suffer a small loss at Longji Snow Mountain, and then came to warn his two colleagues to be wary of them.

Lest they fail to get the Heart of God because of Li Qiuzhi's mistake in Dao Wife.

This is not impossible, after all, it is not a secret that they came to Inazuma.

With the "doctor"'s thoughtfulness, it's normal for him to remind the "lady" and "stragglers".

Besides, whether he can get the God of Thunder's heart is also very important to him.

It was about an experiment involving gods in Sumeru during his "heyday".

Li Qiuzhi had to confirm whether the "doctor" who came here was the "slice" from his heyday, and if the "doctor" who came here was the "slice" who had the strength comparable to a god.

He had to pretend that he hadn't come tonight.

If it was the one he met in Longji Snow Mountain, then Li Qiuzhi felt that he could still give it a little fight. At least erasing this evil eye factory wouldn't be a problem.

It didn't take long for Li Qiuzhi and Ying to hear the location of the conference room from the chatter of the soldiers.

When he arrived near the conference room of the Evil Eye Factory, Li Qiuzhi had already noticed several powerful qi forces inside, two of which were relatively familiar. Not surprisingly, they should be "Ms." and "Doctor".

There is also a relatively unfamiliar one, which should be the "skirmishers".

Since the door of the conference room was closed, it was impossible for Li Qiuzhi to push the door in. He took Ying to a corner and used the "form of concealment" feature.

Quietly, a small part of the wall was made transparent.

Suddenly the scene inside the conference room appeared in Li Qiuzhi and Ying's field of vision, and the bright yellow and translucent light of the kerosene lamp filled the entire conference room.

The layout in the conference room is very simple.

There is a brown round table placed in the middle of the spacious room, with a row of wooden chairs with backrests surrounding the round table.

Three figures sit diagonally.

"Ms." Rosalin, the eighth executive officer of the Fools, wears a black mask that covers half her face. "Doctor" Dottore, the second executive officer, also wears a black mask but covers her eyes, exposing only two cheeks.

There was also Scaramucci, the sixth executive officer, "Skid Soldier", with his back to Li Qiuzhi and the others, wearing a wide hat with a long hat curtain.

When Li Qiuzhi saw them, the golden sin-judging eye that had already been opened also saw through their strength.

In order they are:

[Level: eighty-six]

[Level: eighty-nine]

[Level: ninety]

"Ms." is still the same as the last time I observed it. It is still level 86 in normal state. The strength of "Mr." when the evil eye is released is not yet known.

A conservative estimate may be above level 90.

"Doctor" was obviously the "Slice" he met in Longji Snow Mountain, not the one in his heyday, which made Li Qiuzhi feel a little relieved.

On the other hand, the regular strength of "skirmishers" is actually level 90, which is a little unexpected.

But this is understandable, after all, the background of this "skirmisher" is not simple. He was the "practice" of the Thor movie before making the Thunderbolt General.

How could a doll made by a god be weak?

"There are actually three executive officers gathered together. Well, how about we wait for a while, wait until one of them leaves here, and then attack again when we are a little empty?"

Ying was a little less confident, although she couldn't intuitively see the strength of the Fools' executives inside.

But with my own vision and experience as a powerful person, I can roughly judge that these people are slightly stronger than me, and it will not be easy to defeat them.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it for a while and felt that what Ying said was right.

After all, there is no need to start a non-winnable battle to destroy the Evil Eye Factory. It won't run here anyway, and there are three of the Fool Executives here all day long.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was about to quit and come back when he saw a suitable opportunity.

Suddenly, I heard loud shouts coming from inside:


Then out of the corner of his eye, he saw the violent thunder rushing toward him and Yingjuan from inside like a swift dragon!

Change first and then change

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