I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 366 Hai Qijun (two in one)

Ba Ying Island, Evil Eye Factory.

Since the value of "Ms." is relatively high, after discussion, everyone decided to keep her in "Wonderland" first.

It doesn’t matter whether the fools will come to redeem people or directly rob them.

Anyway, "Madam" has to find a way to get the information about the fools in her mind.

Li Qiuzhi didn't care about this, but it was still very important to Meng and Liyue. After getting this information, they might be able to use it to improve Ningguang's favor.

There is no need for Captain Qin, her feelings about herself are already at full level.

After deciding, Lisa took out some elemental materials and spent some time smelting them into liquid.

Then he drew a purple rose mark on each of the "lady's" limbs and forehead.

They are the nodes where the elemental power dispels the barrier. They are like a faucet, which will continuously release the elemental power in the "lady's" body, and then isolate the elemental power in the atmosphere for her to absorb.

Unless she creates some elemental power out of thin air, she will definitely not be able to use elemental power anymore.

Moreover, "Wonderland" is a portable space that belongs exclusively to Li Qiuzhi. Generally speaking, it does not automatically generate elemental power like Teyvat.

Therefore, the elemental power present inside was emitted when Li Qiuzhi and others used elemental power, and there were also many elemental materials piled up and slowly overflowing from the material.

Generally speaking, the concentration of elemental power in "Wonderland" is not high.

As long as everyone absorbs it regularly and keeps the elemental power inside at a low range, even if the "lady" wants to absorb it, there will be no elemental power for her to absorb.

After proving that there will be no accidents when "Wonderland" takes "Ms." into custody.

Li Qiuzhi carried "Ms." and opened the door to the wonderland, followed by Lisa and Ying and walked in.

The first thing you see when you enter "Wonderland" is Paimon sitting on the sofa in the middle living room, anxiously waiting for everyone, Mona and Captain Qin who are drinking tea casually.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi and the others coming back, Paimeng said in surprise: "You are back. How is the battle going?"

"Here, I got an executive officer from the Fools." Li Qiuzhi put down the "ma'am" he was carrying on his shoulders and replied with a smile.

"Wow!" Paimon saw clearly that it was "Ms." Instinct recalled her ferocious look, shrank his body and flew behind Ying, and then he realized that the guy seemed to have fainted, and said with a small sigh of relief. :

"Huh, I was shocked. I thought this guy was coming in."

"Haha, there is no reason to fail without me."

Li Qiuzhi said confidently.

Paimon thought of Li Qiuzhi's unpredictable strength, and quite agreed with his words, but she would not praise this guy:

"Hmph, Ying must have played a huge role in it, and you were able to catch this executive officer so smoothly! Of course, the most important thing is that Paimon and I cheered you up behind the scenes!"


Ying thought Paimon was going to praise her, but she didn't expect it was just a casual comment, and in the end she took the credit.

"Okay, let's get this guy settled first." She shifted her gaze to the "ma'am" and said in a slightly speechless tone.

"Yeah." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Speaking of which, the space in "Wonderland" is semicircular, and the size of the ground is the sum of his and Sugar's levels, which is now one hundred and twenty-eight square meters.

The height will also increase with the increase of area. In the future, if more people live there, it will be no problem to divide it into two floors.

Now, the hard rock element plate created by Ying on the right side was nailed with wooden boards to separate three rooms, where Li Qiuzhi, Ying, little Paimon and Fischer lived.

On the left, I helped Mona organize a laboratory to prevent her from placing experimental instruments and various books randomly.

If it was accidentally damaged, Li Qiuzhi couldn't afford to pay for it. After all, each of her books cost hundreds of thousands of molars.

There is a small library behind the laboratory. You can read books in your spare time, or if you want to study quietly and do research, there are tables and chairs in it.

Then there are kitchens and bathrooms in the back, the living room in the middle, and most importantly, a warehouse for stacking various materials.

Summary: This is already a qualified place to live.

Now if you want to detain "Ms." here, it seems that you have to build a confinement room or an interrogation room to lock her up. After all, she can't be allowed to wander around in "Wonderland".

Just leave this matter to Ying. It doesn't take long to build a house using rock elements.

Not long after, another small room was erected behind the "Wonderland" next to the library. It was completely made of rock elements and was specially reinforced and thickened. Lisa also arranged related magic circles.

To ensure that nothing went wrong, Li Qiuzhi threw "Ms." inside and locked her up, waiting for her to wake up and then interrogate her for information.

"Okay, now that the matter has been settled, little adventurer, don't forget to promise me~"

Lisa, who was wearing black pantyhose instead of lace stockings today, suddenly approached Li Qiuzhi, hugged his arm and touched his cheek with her soft lips.

[Lisa becomes fond of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (180/900)]

"Ahem." Being looked at by Captain Qin and Ying Youyou with a bit of jealousy, Li Qiuzhi did not dare to blatantly go any further, and said to Lisa with an awkward smile, "Don't worry, I will come back in two days to help you solve the fate seat." The problem."

"Then it's agreed~" Lisa smiled slightly and kissed her again.


It was quite a novel feeling to be contacted by a girl so actively. Li Qiuzhi felt a little excited.

"Lisa, it's already past one in the morning. Don't you want to take care of your skin and don't want to stay up late? Go back and take a shower and rest!"

Captain Qin got up from the sofa and came over to pull Lisa and said.

"Haha, Qin, you look quite cute now." Lisa allowed Captain Qin to hold her arm and teleport back. She didn't know which one of Amber, Youra, or Sugar she would be teleported to.

Watching the two people leave, Li Qiuzhi felt the residual warmth on his arms with a little pity, thought for a while and said:

"Mona, just stay here and watch the 'lady' until she wakes up and tell us. I, along with Paimon, will go outside to clean up the battlefield."

"Well, it's very late at this time. Come back quickly."

Mona sat on the sofa, stretched her legs slightly, yawned, and leaned on the back of the sofa to take a nap while saying nervously.

In fact, she was a little scared of being alone with the Fool Executives.

"no problem."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. It wouldn't take much time to clean up the battlefield.

"Wow, the ground has turned black, it's so scary!" Paimon, who followed Ying out of the "Wonderland", said while looking at the battlefield outside.

"It's all done by that 'lady', she just set fire everywhere!"

Li Qiuzhi put all the blame on the "ma'am". After all, it was indeed her who caused the fever.

"The Secret Realm of the Evil Eye Factory collapsed. In addition to ejecting us, other Evil Eyes in the Secret Realm that had completed the production of 'Crystalized Bone Marrow' did not disappear. At the same time, they popped up and landed nearby.

"Especially the evil eyes. These things are so dangerous and must be collected as soon as possible. They cannot be picked up by passers-by."

Ying Ning thought for a while and said.

"Then I'll go find the Evil Eye. You and Paimon can just collect it if you find anything valuable." Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly, and then began to search with all his mental energy.

"Hehe, leave it to us." Pamon patted his chest and said happily.

Next, Li Qiuzhi and others began to clean up the battlefield nearby.

This is not difficult for Li Qiuzhi. After scanning it with his mental power, he can just summon his spiritual tentacles to take them back wherever there is an evil eye.

After about twenty minutes, both Li Qiuzhi and Ying had collected almost all the valuable things nearby.

For example, there are fifty-three evil eyes that have not been burned by the "lady's" flames and are still usable, and there are a lot of burned ones. Of course, even if they are intact, they are of little use.

After all, it is something that consumes lifespan.

They are collected just in case someone catches them doing evil and harming others and themselves.

In addition, Li Qiuzhi also collected a large amount of "crystallized bone marrow".

Compared with the evil eyes, these "crystallized bone marrow" are much more useful. If I remember correctly, this kind of thing grew from the remains of the snake-like demon god that General Raiden killed on Yalu Island.

They contain the demonic power of the big snake, and can not only be used as auxiliary materials to make weapons, but can also be used as breakthrough materials.

There is also a way for fools to use them to create the evil eye.

No wonder those guys would build the Evil Eye Factory on Yaru Island, because the big snake died here, and it was the place with the most "crystallized bone marrow" in Inazuma.

By collecting it on their own on Ba Ling Island and cooperating with the investigation team, the Fools actually collected a large amount of "crystallized bone marrow" in the Evil Eye Factory.

Not counting those that were broken and lost due to the battle, Li Qiuzhi collected them all and found that there were at least seven or eight tons.

This is worth a lot of money even without selling it. It can be regarded as a windfall.

Li Qiuzhi put all the collected "crystallized bone marrow" and evil eyes into the warehouse of "Wonderland". Ying and Paimon came back soon, but they didn't find anything good.

Only a broken huge elemental energy furnace was brought back, which was the one used to provide energy to the Evil Eye Factory.

This thing was of no use to them, but if it was handed over to the Knights, they might have a chance to research some black winter technology. Li Qiuzhi thought about it and put it in the warehouse.

Fortunately, this elemental energy furnace is not too big and can barely fit in the warehouse.

"Huh, that's it. Let's go back and rest." Paimeng wiped his sweat and said with a sigh of relief.

In fact, she didn't do much physical work of moving, she just flew around to help see where there were good things.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and just when he was about to open a space crack and return to the "Wonderland", he seemed to notice something and looked to the right.

In his mental perception, there were about twenty people running towards this side quickly.

Ying and Paimeng looked out along Li Qiuzhi's gaze and saw clusters of bright lights in the dark night. With their excellent eyesight, they could spot that they were swaying torches.

"It seems that someone is coming. At such a late hour, could it be that the noise of the fighting just now alerted the nearby residents?"

Ying put her white fingers against her lower lip and said speculatively.

"Huh? The sky on this small island is like a thunderstorm area. It is always gloomy. Will there really be anyone living there?" Paimon said in surprise.

She was indeed right.

When I first arrived at Baying Island, I obviously found that the climate here was a bit abnormal, although it was not like the thunderstorm areas outside the sea with constant thunder and rain.

But there is no sunny climate.

It certainly doesn't look like it's habitable.

"After all, we haven't visited the entire island, so we don't know if there are people living there. But now that someone has come here and you are curious, let's take a look at who they are."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

Ying and Paimon nodded their chins without any objection. While they were talking, more than 20 people who took out torches had already rushed over.

The leader was a young man with fluffy ears on his head and a puppy-like tail growing from behind him.

Li Qiuzhi knew him. After all, he looked exactly like the character Wu Lang in the game. Naturally, he would not admit his mistake.

Goro is one of Inazuma's rebels. Officially speaking, he should be the general of the Haiqi army on Haiqi Island, and the people wearing uniforms behind him should be the general's soldiers.

It turned out that they were the ones who came over, and that was right. After all, Ba Ling Island seemed not far from Haiqi Island, the headquarters of the resistance army. It was normal for them to be able to deploy their troops nearby.

"W-what's going on?"

"Who are they?"

Looking at the messy battlefield and several suspicious characters who appeared here late at night, the Haiqi soldiers began to discuss in a low voice.

"Quiet!" Wulang, who had animal ears, first shouted to his soldiers. He waited until they stopped talking and then looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

The instinct of beasts told Wulang that these people were very dangerous, and it seemed that questioning them loudly would lead to disaster.

So he asked in a friendly manner:

"Hello, we are soldiers from Haiqi Island. We noticed the movement here and rushed over from the nearby camp. What happened here?"

"Soldiers of Haiqi Island? Aren't you the shogunate army? I remember that Inazuma only has one type of army, the shogunate army, right?"

Paimon asked confused.

Wulang looked at the hair colors of Li Qiuzhi and the others, and then said with sudden realization: "Oh, it turns out you are foreigners, no wonder you don't know."

He thought for a moment and explained:

"Although our Haiqi Island belongs to Inazuma, we have our own army for some reasons. Of course, it is not convenient to talk to you because you are a little suspicious.

“If you could, could you first tell us what’s going on here?

"If it can be confirmed that you are not dangerous, then you are welcome to come to Haiqi Island as a guest. If you have any questions, you can ask Master Xinhai."

Although these people appeared in the wild late at night and seemed to have fought, his beastly instincts and the first impression these people gave him did not seem to be bad people.

So after understanding the cause of the matter, I wanted to see if I could invite them to Haiqi Island.

If Lord Xinhai can convince these people who can put a lot of pressure on him to help the Haiqi Army, then their confrontation with the Shogunate Army will be much smoother.

Of course, the premise of everything is that these few people in front of them are indeed not suspicious people, nor are they from the shogunate army.

Change first and then change.

Procrastination has struck again, what I lacked yesterday must be replenished tomorrow!

So annoying (crying)

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