I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 373 Temporarily Return to Mondstadt

Mondstadt, Library of the Order.

Li Qiuzhi appeared next to Lisa wearing a purple pointed witch hat. Originally, he was rushing to Daozuma City with Xiao Gong, Ying and Paimon.

But on the way, he suddenly received a spiritual call from Lisa, so he was temporarily called back.

Wait for them to leave for a while, and then teleport there without any delay.

"Oh, didn't the little adventurer agree to visit my sister in two days? Could it be that he met a cute girl in Inazuma and was delayed?"

A smile formed on Lisa's lips, and she stood up from the chair. The skirt of her robe fell down and gently touched her calf, which was clinging to the opaque black stockings.

"As expected of Miss Lisa, your intuition is so accurate."

Li Qiuzhi took the initiative to hold Lisa's hand, waited for her to get closer subconsciously, and then took the opportunity to hug her.

"Haha, the little adventurer is so bold. He actually wants to attack my sister in the library."

Lisa also didn't expect Li Qiuzhi to do this suddenly. Her body trembled slightly unaccustomedly, and then returned to her big sister, I know everything.

[Lisa becomes fond of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (400/900)]

Looking at the good impression that was brought up again, Li Qiuzhi had a bad thought:

"Haha, it's so early, even the students and scholars who work hard won't come here so quickly."


He stroked his hands along Lisa's lower back, reached under the hem of her skirt and rubbed her round buttocks wrapped in lacy black silk shorts.

The fair skin on Lisa's face suddenly turned red, but her ladylike bearing and elegance could not be lost. She quickly calmed down and looked pitifully at Li Qiuzhi's cheek, who was very close at hand:

"Little adventurer, do you like to bully your sister so much? Humph, you have to be punished for doing this~"

As she spoke, she put her arms around Li Qiuzhi, pressed her palms on his lower back, and started to discharge electricity.

Li Qiuzhi felt a little numbness in his waist.

But he is no longer the same person as before, and now Lisa's discharge can only play a massage and relaxation role for Li Qiuzhi.

But since Lisa was going to punish him, he had to fight back.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly kissed Lisa's small mouth, which still showed a faint smile. Lisa's bright green pupils were dilated, and her mouth was blocked and she could only make an indistinct sound of "Ouch".

The two flashlights were not released, and they just pressed his lower abdomen, instinctively trying to push Li Qiuzhi away, but it obviously had no effect.

After Lisa saw that resistance was ineffective, she simply stopped resisting.

She even cooperated with Li Qiuzhi to kiss each other, and clumsily tried to regain the initiative in a field in which she had no experience.

Obviously, as the eldest sister, Lisa was unexpectedly immature in this regard. No matter how hard she tried, she finally fell powerlessly on Li Qiuzhi and could only let him take what he wanted.

More than ten minutes passed.

Lisa grabbed Li Qiuzhi's collar angrily and wiped her mouth, feeling a little frustrated and said:

"Hmph, you little adventurer is really hateful. I feel how Qin feels. I know clearly that my sister and I have no experience, but I don't know how to give in!"


Li Qiuzhi instinctively wanted to refute, but suddenly realized that he was indeed stronger, but if he was not strong, everyone would be reserved and rarely take the initiative to ask him for advice.

In the future, maybe you can try to start it yourself, and then leave it to the girls themselves.

After all, if you are strong throughout the whole process, you may feel that you are being bullied. Even if the experience is quite comfortable and happy, you still have to show your arrogance and unwillingness to admit defeat.

"Okay, next time, Sister Lisa, you can take the initiative, I will never resist."

Li Qiuzhi said as they sat down on the chair next to Lisa.

"Oh, the little adventurer has already made up his mind for next time. Hum, it depends on your performance. I asked you to come back just now to fulfill your promise. Who would have thought that you would take the opportunity to bully me!"

Lisa pursed her soft lips and said.

"How could I forget to solve such a big problem of the side effects of your Fate Seat? What we were doing just now is one of the solutions."

Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly to relieve his embarrassment, and then explained to Lisa that "reconciling energy" has the effect of extending life.

When he broke through to level 70, the characteristic gained from the "Reconciliation" specialty was to extend his lifespan.

According to the information feedback from the expertise and Li Qiuzhi's own daily practice, this life-extending effect, like other characteristics, is also linked to his own life level.

For example, he is now level 89.

Consuming all the "harmony energy" in the body can extend Lisa's life for eighty-nine days at a time. In the kiss just now, he deliberately increased the concentration of "harmony energy", which consumed about ten percent of the energy in the body.

So now Lisa has gained eight point nine days of life.

And the recovery speed of "harmony energy" itself is not slow.

After it is used up, it can be replenished with the energy of the "charging body". The energy of the "charging body" can absorb various energies existing in nature for recovery.

That is to say.

As long as Lisa pays attention when learning new knowledge and comes to him regularly to recharge her lifespan, she doesn't have to worry about the influence of her "hourglass seat".

After listening to Li Qiuzhi's explanation, Lisa couldn't help but blush slightly.

How come he has such a rogue ability? Doesn't this mean that if he wants to prolong his life in the future, he will have to make out with him frequently? I can only say that he is indeed a little adventurer.

Awakening all abilities is so consistent with his inner nature.

When they kissed just now, Lisa could indeed detect some kind of energy strengthening her body, so she knew what the little adventurer said was true.

Lisa nodded, barely agreeing with the plan just now.

For the boy you like, it's okay to stick together and do those things a little more in the future. Well, you have to be careful not to make Qin and the other girls in the Little Adventurer jealous.

However, his words just now seemed to indicate that there were other ways, so Lisa leaned on Li Qiuzhi's shoulder and asked curiously:

"Then what are the other ways?"

"The other one is Wonderland, my portable space. As long as I stay in it, no matter what I do, my life will not pass away. There will be no disasters, no disease, and no wear and tear."

Li Qiuzhi said while playing with Lisa's chestnut hair hanging on his shoulders.


Lisa's bright green pupils were as bright as crystals. The space she went to last time that seemed like she was in the starry sky was actually the ideal "eternal" place.

So what do you want to study in the future? You can let the little adventurer prepare a laboratory for you inside!

"The little adventurer will definitely not reject his sister, right?"

Lisa expressed her thoughts and looked at him expectantly with a lazy and elegant expression.

"Of course." Li Qiuzhi smiled and said close to Lisa's fair and delicate ears hidden under her hair, "But when the time comes, sister Lisa, don't reject me~"

Update early today, there will be another chapter tonight!

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