I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 376: Nun (seeking further reading)

The red round half-rimmed glasses were placed quietly beside the bed, slightly exposed and about to fall off.

But it doesn't matter if it falls.

Because there are hats and clothes underneath.

Sugar pressed on Li Qiuzhi and pulled the quilt to cover his white shoulders, but because the quilt was laid horizontally, a pair of calves that were originally covered were exposed.

A hole was torn in the semi-transparent black stockings, and the white skin of the calf was exposed.

At this time, Sugar has entered the "big break" state and has no strength. Of course, she also successfully completed the breakthrough. Not only that, her level has also reached forty-one.

"Mr. Annoying Adventurer"

Su Tang angrily drew circles on Li Qiuzhi's cheek with his index finger.

Huh, you actually let yourself do so many shameful things!

Li Qiuzhi touched her smooth and soft back, smiled and said:

"Sorry, but I can't help it. Breaking through requires a little more energy than usual to increase the level, so I can only make you work harder, Sugar."

This is the truth, but Sugar still pinched Li Qiuzhi's cheek to express his dissatisfaction.

Li Qiuzhi just hugged her and didn't care.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning. Under the influence of the "reconciling energy" that has a restorative effect, Sugar quickly rested.

The two changed their clothes and walked out of the room to the living room.

Li Qiuzhi planned to take Sutang to learn about the "wonderland" he got because of her. He hoped that she could come more often in the future and get to know Mona who was studying the stars here.

They are both scholars, and they are also on the path of exploring the truth of the world.

Although the directions are slightly different, there are obviously common topics.

At this time, Lisa called him in her mind and said that she would come to "Wonderland" to see how to plan her own laboratory.

After Li Qiuzhi agreed, she teleported directly to him.

"Hey, Miss Lisa!"

Seeing Lisa suddenly appear in a pointed witch hat and purple robe, Sugar shouted in surprise.

"Ah, it's Little Sugar. Are you having a tryst with the little adventurer here?"

Lisa looked at Sugar and said half-jokingly.

"That's not true." Sugar lowered her gaze guiltily.

Ugh, what should I do? Miss Lisa discovered that she and Li Qiuzhi did that kind of thing. Oh, it’s so embarrassing. She won’t laugh at me, right?

Sugar's little head is thinking wildly.

Li Qiuzhi didn't know what Sha Tang was thinking. If he knew it, he would comfort her by saying that Miss Lisa didn't see it and definitely didn't know.

Although from the faint smile on Lisa's expression, we knew that she had probably guessed it.

"Miss Lisa is planning to set up a laboratory here. By the way, do you want to get one for sugar too?"

Li Qiuzhi said suddenly.

Anyway, one is a good thing, two are a good thing, and there is no problem in having one more.

The floor of "Wonderland" now covers 130 square meters, and the dome is not too low from the ground. It would be no problem to add a few more laboratories to the first floor.

"Hey, is that okay?" Of course, Sugar wanted to be able to stay with Li Qiuzhi while doing research.

So I am a little bit interested in building a laboratory here.

"Of course." Li Qiuzhi pinched her fluffy ears, thought for a moment and said, "How about we re-plan this space and divide it into two areas, the living area and the research area for you. "

Only Mona's laboratory is okay now. Her astrology research has done nothing and will not affect others.

But Lisa's and Sugar's research are different. One studies elements and the other studies organisms. Compared with the study of astrology, it is obviously not too "quiet".

So it is better to separate the two areas.

"That makes sense. Let's discuss how to decorate our home."

Lisa said with a slight smile on her lips.

"Just discuss it with Mona and the other three. The living area does not need to be planned. It is mainly a research area for you."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

How to arrange the research area is left to professionals like them. By the way, Fischer, Her Royal Highness may have special requirements for her dormitory.

Call her over to discuss it together.

Li Qiuzhi asked Fischer via remote communication and received a reply that he was on an adventurer's association investigation mission and had to return to Mondstadt at noon to come in.

Well, the Adventurers Association does have quite a lot of investigation tasks.

Now that Fischer is out on missions, he rarely brings dry food and tents with him. When it's time to eat, Mona delivers them to him.

After all, why eat dry food when you can have fresh food? It’s not troublesome anyway.

As for why Fischer didn't come directly to Wonderland to eat, but Mona sent it there, the main reason is that the dimension of "Wonderland" follows Li Qiuzhi.

He goes out wherever he goes.

If Fischer teleports in, she won't be able to return to her original position, so she usually only comes to Wonderland after completing her mission and returning home to Mondstadt.

After all, at that time, whether it was Captain Qin, Lisa, Sugar or the others.

There is always one in Mondstadt, so teleporting back is very convenient.

"Okay, since the little adventurer wants to be lazy, leave this task to us." After Lisa said this, she asked Sugar to follow her to find Mona.

Li Qiuzhi also wanted to go to the snowy mountains to help Abedo, so he did not stay in the fairyland.

Longji Snow Mountain, camp at the foot of the mountain.

Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to control the "Moonlight Epee" and experienced the feeling of flying with a sword. It took about half an hour to reach the base camp at the foot of Longji Snow Mountain.

There are a lot more adventurers here than the last time I came here, and there is even a trend of developing into small villages.

After all, no matter how cold and dangerous the Longji Snow Mountain is, it can't extinguish the adventurers' enthusiasm for treasures!

The reason why Li Qiuzhi stopped here instead of flying directly to Abedo's camp in the snow mountain was mainly because he saw two familiar faces.

Barbara and Rosalia, two nuns from the Church of the West Wind.

They seemed to be heading up the snowy mountain, and were walking from the camp at the foot of the mountain to the snow-covered road.

Li Qiuzhi put away the "Moonlight Heavy Sword" and threw it back into the fairyland, then spread his wings of wind and slowly landed next to them.

"Hello, Barbara and Miss Rosalia!"

He greeted the two girls.

"Ah, it's Mr. Honorary Knight. Why are you here?" Barbara seemed surprised to see Li Qiuzhi.

Compared to Barbara's surprise, Rosalia's performance was much calmer. She just folded her arms and said lightly, "It's you."

This is normal. After all, Li Qiuzhi and she have not met each other a few times, so they are not familiar with each other.

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