Rice Wife, Shenlifu.

Everyone was really a little regretful that they couldn't meet the "Princess Egret" they had heard about for a long time, but since they have such a custom, they really can't force it.

Looking at Li Qiuzhi's regretful expression, Ying pinched him silently with disgust on his face.

"Ahem, in that case, Miss Kamisato, please get to the point. Is there anything you need our help with?"

Li Qiuzhi coughed slightly in embarrassment.

"Well, as famous travelers, not only did you take the 'Musuang's Sword' to rescue Toma, but you also went to Kamisato Yashiki to help us without any trouble.

"If I still follow the rules and can't even meet you, then I have lost the etiquette of the Kamisato family. Everyone, please come over. I will ask you in person first."

The girl's gentle and elegant voice continued to come from behind the screen.

[Kamizato Ayaka has a good impression of you and gained 260 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (160/200)]

oh? Have you gained favorability points before even meeting me?

Li Qiuzhi was slightly surprised.

But it's right to think about it, he is quite famous, and the powerful strength shown by taking the sword of General Thunder and Lightning will naturally make it easier for people to like him.

Not to mention saving Thomas.

All these things were enough for this "Egret Princess" to have a slight liking for Li Qiuzhi without formally getting to know him.


Thomas was very moved when he heard that his lady's reason for breaking the custom was actually considering his little domestic servant.

"Hey, if that's the case, let's come over."

Paimon said happily.

After all, everyone is still looking forward to seeing the rumored "Egret Princess".

Li Qiuzhi and others, led by Thomas, walked around the screen and saw the wider living room. Normally, only the host would come in here to meet with guests.

Nowadays, the eldest lady of a socialist family is violating the long-standing rules by doing this.

However, in the eyes of the people of Inazuma, "Princess White Heron" takes very good care of common people like them, and is willing to do things herself no matter how troublesome they are. She is not at all like a traditional lady from a famous family.

So at this moment.

In order to show respect for the travelers, it is normal for her to not stick to the details of the past.

There are many floor lamp cabinets placed in the living room, and the soft candlelight emitted brightens the entire space. There are cushions on both sides, which should be where guests sit.

In the middle and back position, there are desks used for office work.

Sitting behind the document was none other than Kamisato Ayaka, the eldest lady of the society who was nicknamed "Princess White Heron".

Her beautiful long, snow-white hair was styled into a tall single ponytail, and her forehead was covered with thick, tip-length hair.

The fair face was facing Li Qiuzhi and the others.

The gentle girl was dignified and prudent, and she gave a faint smile: "Dear travelers, welcome to the Kamisato Mansion. I am the eldest lady of the Kamisato family, Kamisato Ayaka. Please take good care of me."

"I am Paimon, and these two are Ying and Li Qiuzhi. We should be the ones taking care of them!"

Paimon said with a "hehe" smile.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying nodded slightly. After all, they were important figures in the society. If they simply looked after them, they could live happily in Daoqi!

"Haha, how could it be? Aren't you just here to 'take care' of us now?"

Kamisato Ayaka lightly unfolded the folding fan in her hand, covered her lips and said with a smile.

She was wearing a gradient blue feathered fabric and a dark blue pleated skirt. Her chest and abdomen were wrapped in black armor, and there were two pieces of skirt armor covering both sides of the skirt.

The dark blue skirt also covered the white legs that were sitting upright with their knees bent.

"Well, taking care of her doesn't count. I heard from Toma that Miss Ayaka needs our help with something. Can you elaborate on her?"

Li Qiuzhi terminated the mutual courtesy between the two.

"Well, you three, please sit down first."

Kamisato Ayaka nodded gently, and waited until Li Qiuzhi and the others were seated before saying slowly:

“Today, under the implementation of the ‘Eye Hunting Order’, the wishes of the people of Inazuma have been trampled on. Due to their duties, they are the closest to everyone. Seeing that the people are suffering from such a situation, we really have trouble sleeping and eating!

“And with the implementation of the ‘Eye Hunting Order’, everyone has seen that this is not beneficial to ‘Eternity’ at all, but more disputes have arisen.

"So, travelers, please lend me your power and let us end this farce!"

"Oh, so you are asking us to rebel together with you? Just like Xinhai?"

Paimon nodded his head and said clearly.

"Xinhai? Do you have any contact with the resistance?" Kamisato Ayaka showed a surprised expression.

Although the tone of his mouth was questioning, he was already convinced in his heart. If there was no contact, how could he use such an intimate title to call that magical Miss Military Advisor.

"Ah no we didn't, just just"

Paimon didn't expect that he had accidentally exposed the secret of their connection with the resistance. Seeing that he had no way to hide it, he made a helpless gesture of holding his forehead.

"Haha, there is some connection. The Coral Palace lady also asked us to convey their wishes to General Thunder, hoping that she will abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order'."

Li Qiuzhi didn't pay attention and explained the situation directly.

If other people knew about it, they might have to hide it a bit, but for those who are also dissatisfied with the "Eye Hunting Order", just say it clearly.

"I see."

The Travelers are so powerful, it is normal for the resistance to ask them for help, so Kamisato Ayaka expressed understanding.

She thought for a while and explained:

“Although the social leaders also hope to abolish the ‘Eye Hunting Order’, it is not the rebels who are going to war like that.

"My brother is the head of the society, and he has already investigated that the Kujo family proposed the 'Eye Hunting Order' to the Shogun because of collusion with the Fools.

“But due to the tight security of the Kujo family, even if we dispatched the ‘Final Series’, a ninja organization that is unique to our society, we have not yet obtained conclusive evidence.

“Therefore, I would like to ask you to sneak into Kujo’s house and obtain evidence of Kujo Takayuki’s collusion with the Fools. Then we can report it to the General.

"I believe that when she knows that she has been deceived by the Kujo Family and the Fools, she will punish the Kujo Family. Then there is a high probability that the 'Eye Hunting Order' will be abolished!"

Kamisato Ayaka explained in detail what Li Qiuzhi and the others needed to do for help.

The summary means that they have investigated the Kujo family's collusion with the Fools, but they do not have enough strength to come up with solid evidence from the Kujo family.

This requires help from the more powerful Li Qiuzhi and others.

"So that's it, then we understand, this guy is the best at doing sneaky things, so feel free to leave it to him!"

Paimeng nodded with a smile, pointed at Li Qiuzhi and said.

If he just goes to Kujo's house to look for evidence, there is really no reason to refuse. As long as he is not asked to fight General Raiden, there should be basically nothing that can stump him in Inazuma.

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly and said:

"This matter is indeed not difficult. We can help, but there is no guarantee that the evidence will be found. After all, I don't know where Kujo Takayuki will put the evidence."

He didn't talk too much, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he couldn't find it when the time came.

In fact, if you can't find him, you can also ask "Ms." to get some evidence, but this will risk exposing her, so after thinking about it, let it go.

After all, her value among fools is greater.

"Of course."

Kamisato Ayaka was very confident about Li Qiuzhi and the others. Knowing that Li Qiuzhi said this just because of his modest nature, she said with a smile on her pretty face:

"I already knew yesterday that you will go to see the General in two days, so it would not be appropriate to introduce you to the General as a reward.

"So travelers, do you want any other reward?"

Asking others for help, Kamisato Ayaka will certainly not let their efforts go in vain, otherwise they will not be willing to take action next time.

"Is there anything special you need in return?"

Paimeng looked at Li Qiuzhi and Ying and asked.

Well, this really stumped them a little. What they needed more seemed to be something to enhance their strength.

But, now that he and Ying are so strong, ordinary weapons and holy relics are useless.

Unless they were strengthened to full level, they would not be short of four-star weapons and holy relics in the initial state, but the cost of strengthening them to full level would be too much.

Just go to Tianling Temple to get some evidence, and there is no need to fight. He is too embarrassed to ask for any full-level holy relics or weapons.

I feel like it’s better to just ask for Mora, after all, Mora is more versatile.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said:

"In this case, let's just assume that we have accepted the commission from the agency. After all, we are also adventurers. Miss Kamisato can just give us some commission money."

"A commission fee, of course."

A beautiful smile appeared on Kamisato Ayaka's fair face.

As the famous family of Inazato, the Kamisato family naturally has no shortage of Mora, and she can give the travelers a satisfactory reward.

It would be better to say that Li Qiuzhi did not take advantage of this opportunity to propose something such as the need for a golden five-star holy relic.

It was a very troublesome request for the Kamisato family to fulfill, but only Mora was needed. This was a small advantage for the Kamisato family.

[Kamizato Ayaka has a good impression of you and gained 240 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (200/300)]

"Hey, that's a happy decision!"

Paimon said excitedly.

She discussed the specific commission matters with Kamisato Ayaka, and she prepared a big meal for Li Qiuzhi and the others at noon.

As for when to take action, the initial decision is tonight.

After all, it’s not too late.

In the afternoon, Li Qiuzhi planned to go back to Mondstadt City, because the "spirituality" of the "Lingge" had been collected, and this time he had to find Xiao Keli to try his luck.

Ying and Paimon went to find Kamisato Ayaka to study the architectural layout pursued by Tianling.

The main purpose is to speculate on where the evidence of Kujo Takayuki's collusion with the Fools will be placed, so that there is no need to search around without any clues at night.

Not only is it a waste of time, but it also increases the possibility of being discovered.

After confirming that he was temporarily free, Li Qiuzhi contacted Captain Qin and prepared to teleport to her, but was rejected.

Because she was holding a meeting with the captains of the West Wind Knights to arrange the exploration of the beast realm.

Albedo's "Smuggled into the Beast Realm Demonic Bear Leather Holster" officially confirmed that the research was successful. He heard that Fischer could share Oz's vision, so he lent Oz to him yesterday.

He hid it in a leather case specially made for Oz's size and successfully flew to the beast realm along the golden sword mark left by Li Qiuzhi.

But because of its appearance, the demon bear over there thought it was an invasion by another beast-level monster, and it was almost swallowed by the demon bear. Fortunately, Fischer summoned it back in time.

After the success of this experiment, Abedo took the risk and put on the leather holster himself to go to the beast realm.

Apparently the experiment was very successful.

Because it was a normal magic bear holster, Abedo was not attacked by the opposite magic bear when he passed by.

With such major research results reported to Captain Qin, she also decided to officially launch the "Anti-Invasion Plan" of the Beast Realm, so she gathered many senior leaders of the West Wind Knights.

People like Kaiya, Abedo, Lisa, etc. met together to discuss preliminary discussions on exploring the beast realm.

Because it was a preliminary discussion, the purpose was to inform the other captains of the West Wind Knights that they knew about this matter, and Li Qiuzhi already knew about it, so naturally there was no need to be dragged to the meeting.

Since this is the case, Li Qiuzhi will not bother them by teleporting.

After all, there were not only people familiar to Li Qiuzhi, but also other unfamiliar West Wind Knights. His sudden appearance would be too high-profile.

So he asked Lisa to find an excuse to leave the conference room, and Li Qiuzhi teleported her there before going back to the meeting.

Li Qiuzhi teleported to the second floor of the Knights' headquarters, where the meeting room is located. Because there were too many people involved in the discussion, the acting leader's office was not big enough.

So everyone came up to the conference room on the second floor.

Li Qiuzhi was not interested in such a big scene. After telling Lisa the purpose of his visit and asking about the solitary room where Xiao Keli was downstairs, he walked down to the Knights Hall on the first floor.

He quickly finished walking up the steps and was about to arrive at the door of the solitary room.

Then I saw the door open by itself, and a little head wearing a fiery red hat came out sneakily.

Looking left and right, as if he thought no one had noticed him, he turned back and said inside:

"Sister Noelle, if Captain Qin is not here, let's run away quickly. I want to go to Xingluo Lake to fry fish!"

"Hey, this won't work. Captain Qin asked me to keep an eye on you. I can't let you run around."

Noelle said with a soft tone.

"Don't worry, Keli went to Xingluo Lake to fry fish, not run around." Keli said in denial.


Li Qiuzhi walked outside the door and felt a little helpless when he heard that Noelle seemed to be persuaded by Keli.

Noelle still has such a soft temper and will not reject others. It seems that taking care of little Keli is a difficult task for her.

Maybe Captain Qin also noticed this and wanted to train her.

Just give her the job of looking after Xiao Keli.

Li Qiuzhi thought thoughtfully. Just when he was about to knock on the door and enter, the door of the confinement room was pushed open with force.

Accompanied by a "go away"!

Xiao Keli ignored Li Qiuzhi standing outside the door, took Noelle's hand and ran out.

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