Eight-fold hall.

This is a shop that sells light novels, but due to the "lockdown order", business has been bleak recently.

Probably because there are fewer foreign guests.

Although Tianling is far away from here, it is not known what kind of power the Eighth Level God Son has used to bless these people.

Taking one step through the transformation of time and space, he appeared directly in front of the eight-layered hall.

But on the brightly lit streets, the pedestrians passing by were unaware of it.

He is truly a legendary monster.

This magic method is used to perfection, which makes people feel incredible.

"Okay, we're here, please come in." Yae Shenzi opened the door of the Eighth Hall and said.

Because business was not very good, Yae Kamiko asked the sales clerk to get off work early. After all, this showed that she was a good boss with a conscience.

Li Qiuzhi and others followed Yae Shenzi into the Eighth Hall, then closed the door and walked up to the second floor.

The space on the second floor is very spacious. Not surprisingly, this is probably where Yae Kamiko, the editor-in-chief, usually reviews manuscripts. There are many manuscripts that have not yet been officially published on the bookshelves on the wall.

"Everyone, please take a seat. Let me first explain why I appear there, lest the little guys misunderstand that I am a bad person."

The Eightfold Divine Son waited for everyone to sit down, then looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and continued:

"As I said before, I came here to help you cover it up because I found out that you were using your mental power to sweep around the Ten Territory. Then I met Miss Tengu and told her about the Kujo family's betrayal of the general."

"I have said it before, Mr. Eighth Palace Secretary, your accusation is not only dangerous but also ridiculous. We, the Heavenly Leader, uphold absolute loyalty to the General from top to bottom, and there is absolutely no chance of betraying the General!"

Kujo Sora was extremely angry that his loyalty was questioned!

"People will only believe what they want to believe. Little guys, you should have found something good from Tian Ling Shi Xing. Take it out and show it to our Miss Tengu."

Yae Shenzi's cherry-colored thin lips pursed slightly, and her lavender pupils looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"Wow, why do you look like you know everything? You couldn't be spying on us all the way!"

Paimon said with wide eyes. Ying also showed a vigilant expression.

"Oh, how could it be possible? It's just a guess. It's a guess." Yae Shenzi covered his lips and smiled slyly.

"Okay, this is what we found in Tianling."

Li Qiuzhi took out the official documents and letters from the "Wonderland", placed them on the table and moved them in front of Jiu Jiao Si Luo.

As for Yae Shenzi, she must have seen it with her mental power.

"This is the 'official document' that the family wants to submit to the General?" Kujo Sora looked at the official seal on it and felt that it didn't look like a forgery.

"Official Documents" are documents that San Fengxing needs to submit to General Leiden every once in a while, regarding the general overview of Fengxing's recent work.

The "Eye Hunting Order" is implemented by Tianling, so this "official document" should talk about the results achieved since the "Eye Hunting Order" was launched.

What positive or negative impact does it have on rice wives, society, and citizens, etc.?

Is there any problem with this "official document"? Kujo Sora opened the "official document" and looked at it with some doubts:

"The rebels, the suffering people, the soldiers who died on the front line, why are these not mentioned?!"

Kujo Sora discovered that what was written in the "Official Document" was the good impact caused by the "Eye Hunting Order" since its implementation, such as when the God's Eye of God's Eye holder was successfully taken away.

This leaves him without great power and unable to cause possible negative impacts on society.

But there was no mention at all of the resistance, the soldiers who died fighting on the front lines, and the people affected by the "Eye Hunting Order" and the war!

"Why does the head of the family want to hide it? Are so many lives not worth mentioning in his heart?!"

Kujo Sora was extremely angry.

"It's a very simple truth, isn't it? What if the general regrets writing these things down?" Yae Kamiko said, leaning back on the chair and folding his hands under his chest.

"Wow, are you so hateful? You should just throw this kind of person into the sea to feed the fish!"

Paimon also said angrily.

"The remaining letters are between your family master and the Fools. He secretly colluded with the Fools to deceive you all."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the letter on the table and said.

Listening to Li Qiuzhi's words, Kujo Sangluo temporarily suppressed his anger, picked up the letters, opened them and continued to read.

At this time, the Eightfold Divine Son looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said:

"Speaking of which, you must have met her, right?"

"She? Who?" Paimeng looked confused, not knowing what Yae Shenzi was talking about.

"You mean, that day at the Thousand Hands and Hundred Eyes statue, the space I accidentally caught a glimpse of when I took the sword, and the other Thunder General inside?"

Of course, Li Qiuzhi knew who "she" Yae Shenzi was talking about.

"Another Thunder General?" Both Ying and Paimon looked confused.

Because unlike the original work, Ying did not face General Raiden this time, so he has not been to the "One Heart Pure Land", so he does not know the second Raiden General.

"Adventurer, what nonsense are you talking about? How can there be two Generals!"

Kujo Sora finished reading the letter on the table and wanted to go back immediately to question Kujo Takayuki, but when he heard Li Qiuzhi saying that the general had a problem, he couldn't help but refute.

"Well, maybe what I saw was an illusion."

Although Li Qiuzhi knew what was going on, he couldn't show it. Faced with Kujo Sanra's doubts, he turned his attention to the Eightfold God Son.

Now that she mentioned it, she would probably explain it.

"Let me explain." Yae Shenzi took over the words naturally and said, "The Raiden General you usually see is just a 'doll'. The real Raiden General is in the space called 'Isshin Pure Land' in the sword."

Yae Shenzi slowly told everyone about the secrets of General Raiden.

In order for the country of Inazuma to have unchanging "eternity", Lei Movies must allow itself to be "eternal".

Only as a god can he have enough force to protect the eternal kingdom.

Otherwise, if she dies one day, who will guarantee the eternity of Rice Wife? What if the next person in power doesn’t want to inherit her ideas?

And because of the existence of "wear and tear", even gods have an end of life. This lifespan is not the lifespan of the body, but the lifespan of the soul.

As for the life span of a god's body, it is theoretically infinite and eternal.

After all, only in this way can Raiden use her own body to create an eternal 'doll' - General Raiden.

But even so, this eternity is not perfect.

Raikage herself still has a soul connection with General Raiden. If her soul is "worn out" and dies, the general will also cease his activities.

Therefore, we can only hide in the "Pure Land of One Mind", meditate day and night, and not experience anything in the outside world.

This way "wear and tear" is avoided.

Because "wear and tear" does not come for no reason. Generally, "wear and tear" occurs when you encounter something that hurts your emotions.

But as long as you keep meditating in a space and don't experience anything, your emotions won't be hurt, and you can avoid "wear and tear".

Theoretically, if you keep meditating, you can always avoid "wear and tear", which can be considered as a trick to achieve eternity.

"I see, in order to avoid 'wear and tear', Raiden needs to meditate, and meditation makes it impossible to move, so it seems like a feasible idea to make her body into a doll and let her move on her own."

After listening to the explanation of the Eightfold God, Paimon said with sudden enlightenment.

"All in all, the general is just a fool. When Kage thinks that the 'Eye Hunting Order' is beneficial to Inazuma's eternity, and orders the general to implement this law, the general will not spare any effort to implement it.

"Even if you get evidence that proves that Tianling Xuxing and the Fools are colluding, it's useless. Only by finding a way to change Ying's mind can the general's will be reversed."

Yae Shenzi nodded slightly and said.

"In other words, General Raiden is just the 'hands and feet' responsible for the operation. The real 'brain' is Raikage. If we want to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order', we must convince her, right?"

Ying pressed her chin to show that she understood.

She continued to ask:

"What needs to be done?"

"Haha, it's very simple. Just find a way to enter the Pure Land of One Heart and defeat her." Yae Shenzi said with a smile on his fair face.

"Hey, are you kidding? We can't defeat a god even if we multiply it ten times, right?"

Paimon spread his hands and looked at her speechlessly.

"Oh, normally it's not possible, but I know that guy Ying is very strong on the surface, but he also has a soft side secretly.

"Since you have already seen the shadow, find a way to get the general to draw his sword on you again to attract the shadow's attention, so that you may enter the 'One Heart Pure Land'.

"At that time, I will find a way to activate the eyes of God embedded in the statue of Thousand Arms and Hundred Eyes, and use the 'wishes' of Inazuma's people to impact the 'One Heart Pure Land' in her inner world.

"She will definitely enter a state of distraught and her combat power will be greatly reduced by then, so you can take the opportunity to defeat her."

Yae Shenzi smiled and said.

"Hey, is this really feasible?" Paimeng expressed his doubts when he saw that the Eightfold Divine Son spoke so clearly.

"This is the only way to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order'. My purpose is also to save this country that is about to fall into darkness, and that guy Shadow, so I won't lie to you."

The beautiful lavender eyes of Yae Shenzi looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"But if that's the case, then why don't you do it yourself?" Ying said slightly doubtfully.

"I am actually Shadow's 'affiliate', and 'eternity' is actually a dream she and I share, but I think 'eternity' is not completely static. Well, just because of this little difference, she got angry. Are you willing to see me?"

Yae Shenzi sighed and said.

"Uh, why do you think that Thunder Movie is like a child?" Paimon spread his hands and complained.

"That's right." Yae Shenzi tapped his chin in agreement, then looked at Li Qiuzhi and said with a smile, "And didn't the general ask you to find her in three days that day? Maybe it was your ability to stop time that attracted Ying's attention. .

"After all, the stasis of time is completely consistent with her ideal of unchanging 'eternity', and she must care about it very much.

"Based on what I know about her, she may ask you to teach her the ability of 'time', and it's something you can't refuse.

"But Ying won't take advantage of you. You can take the opportunity to put forward other demands including the abolition of the 'Eye Hunting Order'.

"After all, as long as it is related to 'eternity', whether it is a shadow or a general, they will find a way to get it. The reason why you were not captured on the spot that day was that you were given three days.

"It's just that she just promised to forgive you in front of many people, but taking you away will affect her dignity."

Of course she watched the "Eye Hunting Ceremony" that day, and after discovering that Li Qiuzhi used the power of time to take "Wu Xiang's knife", she knew that Ying would not let him go.

After three days, if Li Qiuzhi doesn't go to see her, she will definitely come to him in person.

Facing the pursuit of the top demon god, no one can run away.

"Hey, is that so? Aren't you in danger?" Paimeng said to Li Qiuzhi in a panic after hearing the analysis of the Eightfold Divine Son.

Ying glanced at Li Qiuzhi.

Although she was a little worried when she learned that her lover was being targeted by gods, she didn't panic too much. She knew that there was really no way for Li Qiuzhi to hide back in his personal space.

No one can be found there.

"Haha, it seems that Miss Shenzi's fox tail is exposed." Li Qiuzhi chuckled twice and said, "The dangerous method mentioned above is actually a backup option.

"The latter one, taking advantage of Lei Movie's desire to covet my 'time' ability, took the opportunity to make me propose that the abolition of the 'Eye Hunting Order' be your real purpose, right?"

"Oh~ I was discovered by you little guy. That's true. If you don't come to an agreement and start a fight, you can just continue to implement the previous plan.

"It would be better if we could come to an agreement, so that no one would have to take any risks to fight with the shadow and the general."

Yae Shenzi did not deny it.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, shook his head and said:

"Although the method you mentioned, Miss Shenzi, is quite good, my ability to 'stop time' comes from some kind of talent, and there is no way I can teach it to Miss Lei Movie."

If it could really be taught, he wouldn't have the thought of being self-conscious, after all, he could still take advantage of this to gain Ying's favor.

The problem is that it can't be taught. His ability comes from Lisa's affection skill!

"Haha, no matter what, Ying will not easily give up the time ability that is close to 'eternity' recently. Even if you don't know how to teach it, you can still cooperate with her to study the power of time. In this case, the 'Eye Hunting Order' will be abolished. She will not refuse your request."

Yae Shenzi thought for a while and gave another suggestion.


Li Qiuzhi was silent for a moment. What Yae Shenzi said made sense. If Lei Qianqiu really took a fancy to the ability of time, he probably wouldn't let him go so easily.

Although he can hide, why should he hide?

It's better to take this opportunity to get to know Lei Qianqian. As long as she develops a little favor and becomes friends, she won't embarrass herself too much.

"Okay, let's do it this way. If Lei Movie really likes my time ability, then I can try to make a request. If we can't reach an agreement and start a fight, Miss Shenzi, we will use the first method. !”

Li Qiuzhi smiled slightly, nodded, and said to the Eightfold Divine Son.

[Ye Shenzi has a good impression of you and gains 330 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (250/300)]

The strength of the Son of God has been changed from level 99 set at the beginning to level 96. This may be more reasonable, otherwise some might be too strong.

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