I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 398 The General’s Approval (Two in One)

Having already reached this crucial step, Li Qiuzhi will naturally not back down.

Besides, General Thunder just wants to test his power of time, so he probably won't hit him hard. If you want to fight, then go ahead!

"Okay, since the General wants to have a test, let's do it."

Li Qiuzhi opened a space crack and took out his "Moonlight Heavy Sword", and at the same time summoned the "Sword God of Ying" to attach to his body.

The sword intention spread throughout the body, and the golden long sword also overlapped with the "Moonlight Heavy Sword".

Coupled with the hourglass shadow on his head, this is close to his peak state of "full firepower".

The reason is proximity.

It's because my "Land of Dandelion" ability hasn't been used yet, and since it's not a life-and-death battle, it's still important to keep some trump cards.

"A bit brave." General Leiden praised him indifferently.

After saying that, the next moment, the blade of the naginata turned towards Li Qiuzhi and struck at him. Before the blade even reached him, one could feel its sharpness as if it could cut through space.

The "Special Training Against Thunder and Lightning General" that Yae Kamiko gave him was not in vain.

He reacted in time and immediately used "Chihayazhen" to jump into the air to avoid the blade. At the same time, his body also gained some speed and flexibility bonuses.

Li Qiuzhi's many full-level swordsmanship knowledge and skills came into play, allowing him to instinctively choose the most suitable angle to respond.

The "Moonlight Heavy Sword" wrapped in sword intent took advantage of the moment when the general's upward slashing action was not completed, and struck her head.

General Thunderbolt's lavender gem-like pupils reflected the heavy sword. She stepped forward with her right foot wrapped in stockings and wooden high heels. It was as if the video had been disconnected and reconnected, and she jumped into another position in an instant. .

But the heavy sword he chopped passed past the general's head.

Oops! Li Qiuzhi's pupils shrank in mid-air, and General Thunder and Lightning had already broken into the gap revealed by his swing of the sword.

Looking down slightly, you can see the general's fair face with tear moles at the corners of his eyes.

She looked at Li Qiuzhi with a calm expression, raised her left hand that was close to the dark purple long sleeve, and hit his abdomen with her elbow.


The space shook, and circles of invisible air ripples swayed.

Li Qiuzhi felt a sharp pain in his stomach. The huge force made his back arch, knocking open the air on both sides and being launched like a cannonball!

In less than a second, he hit the stone pillar behind him and made a hole, causing rubble to fly for a while.


At this time, other pain sensations in the body suddenly flooded into the brain.

Blood flowed from the corner of Li Qiuzhi's mouth, and he felt that his whole body was paralyzed. He could only barely hold up his upper body and panted slightly.

As expected of a general, even if he has so many expertise blessings, he is still far from being a top-level demon, and "elemental immunity" is not effective against physical damage.

This is why he was so seriously injured all of a sudden!

After all, the experience of special training is still difficult to deal with the thunder and lightning general who crushes him in strength.

But this was not a big problem. He immediately turned the purple hourglass upside down and shed a few grains of sand, targeting himself and activating the reversal of time.

The pain in Li Qiuzhi's body began to slowly subside, and finally disappeared.

If it weren't for the pillar behind him and the hole he made was still there, everything could be treated as if it didn't happen.

Li Qiuzhi recalled his physical condition five seconds ago!

"Can we turn back time?" General Thunderbolt looked at Li Qiuzhi standing up as if nothing had happened, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"General, do you recognize its value to 'eternity'?"

Li Qiuzhi asked casually.

"That's not enough." General Raiden was not so easily convinced. She picked up her naginata and teleported over again.

Seeing the general continue to swing his sword unceremoniously, Li Qiuzhi first blocked it with the blade of his sword, and then activated time reversal. This time, the target he locked was not himself.

It was General Thunder, and the locked range was not only herself, but also the entire space around her.

Because only in this way can her movements return to the previous state, otherwise just locking her body will only reverse the state of her body like Li Qiuzhi did.

With the activation of the power of time, General Thunder and Lightning retreated back to the point where he had just come over but had not yet drawn his sword.

Most of the energy in Li Qiuzhi's body was consumed instantly, but he also gained an advantage and sent the "Moonlight Epee" in his hand towards the general's abdomen.

It was too late for the general to come to his senses. The tip of the sword with golden sword intent easily cut through her clothes, but stopped when it touched the snow-white skin.

No matter how sharp the sword tip is, it can only poke a soft dent in the skin of the general's lower abdomen, and then he can no longer move forward.

This is the body of a god. Unless it is a being of the same level, it is difficult to be injured.


General Thunder and Lightning thought so too, but she suddenly felt a slight tingling pain in her abdomen, and a drop of bright red blood slowly overflowed and flowed to the tip of the sword.

Li Qiuzhi also saw this drop of blood, and then he suddenly remembered that his sword intention had the characteristic of "sharpness".

This characteristic makes the sword extremely sharp and capable of cutting through anything.

It seems that it is also useful for the body of the gods, but it is very slow. It takes a second or two before it barely breaks the skin and spills a drop of blood.

Then the skin on the general's abdomen healed quickly, and without giving Li Qiuzhi a chance to continue poking her, he punched him away.

She didn't use the naginata because she was merciful, so as not to cut him in half without even having a chance to go back in time.

General Thunder glanced at Li Qiuzhi, who flew backwards and hit a pillar. She touched her lower abdomen with the white center of her index finger and found that it was completely healed. Then she said with a "hum":

"Very good, I approve your deal."

Obviously, that kind of time power is pretty good. Even she, the top god, couldn't detect it when used. Suddenly, she returned to the position a second ago and was successfully attacked!

Therefore, the general recognized Li Qiuzhi and his power of time.

[General Thunder and Lightning (Thunder Movie) has a good impression of you and gets 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (130/300)]

Although he hit the pillar again, Li Qiuzhi was not injured.

Looking at the favorable opinion prompt that popped up on the character panel and hearing what the general said, it seemed that the two blows he received were quite useful.

Hum hum, when I become stronger, I will let you come back.

Li Qiuzhi, who was secretly excited, took back the "Moonlight Epee" with a drop of blood still remaining on the tip of the sword. He didn't know if there was anything special about the blood of the gods?

Well, you can take it back to Granu and Lisa to study it.

He stood up, dusted himself off, and said:

"Huh, thank you General for your approval."

Well, although there was a fight in the end and he was beaten twice by the general, the task of abolishing the "Eye Hunting Order" was successfully completed!

"Not bad. It's surprising that he was able to hurt the general."

Lei Qianqian came over and said.

"No, maybe the general is not familiar with the power of time."

Li Qiuzhi didn't dare to be proud, he was afraid that the general would give him another blow. He thought for a while and continued:

"Then if you want to start studying the power of time now, I may not be able to release it now. The energy has been exhausted in the battle with the general just now, and it needs to be done tomorrow."

He didn't know when Lei Qianqian wanted him to start helping her study the power of time. In order to prevent her from saying that she would start immediately, Li Qiuzhi decided to explain it in advance.

"Is that so? Well, okay, come and see me tomorrow after your energy is restored."

Lei Movie nodded slightly.

"Okay, General. Well, it seems that both of you are generals. I'm still a little confused about where this place is. Can you tell me a little bit, General?"

Li Qiuzhi asked this question again.

The main reason is that no matter who sees the two generals, they should be surprised and confused. He acted like he was not surprised and seemed to have known about it for a long time. It may be very troublesome to explain later.

Perhaps it was because of his increased favorable impression, but Lei Movie did not ignore his question this time:

"This is the 'Pure Land of One Heart', my inner world. As for me, you can call me Shadow, and now she is the general."

Lei Qingqing glanced at the general and said.

"Okay, Master Kage."

Li Qiuzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It would be a bit strange for the two of them to call them "General" all the time.

"Then if there is nothing else to do now, I will go back first. After all, I have to tell my companions about cooperating with the two adults to study the power of time."

he continued.

"Okay, then you can go back first." With the favorability level, both the shadow and the general became easier to talk to, and they agreed to him without much hesitation.

The next second, the space changed again.

Soon, Li Qiuzhi and General Leiden returned to the castle tower instantly.

"Let's go. Regarding the abolition of the 'Eye Hunting Order', I will inform Tianling to implement it."

General Thunder crossed his arms and said calmly.


Li Qiuzhi nodded and walked outside. It was time to go back and inform Shenzi and Ying that they had successfully completed their mission.

After walking out of the castle tower, he nodded to the guard outside the door, and then a shogunate soldier came up after a while and took him out as if he had come.

After leaving the castle completely, Li Qiuzhi walked to a hidden corner of the street and teleported back.

Inazuma, Narukami Taisha Shrine.

When Li Qiuzhi appeared next to Ying, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had been facing the two top gods Huanying and General alone before, and it was still a little stressful.

Let alone on someone else's territory.

"Oh, the little guy is back. It hurts a lot after being beaten twice by the general. Come on, touch your head!"

Yae Shenzi learned about the process of Li Qiuzhi meeting Ying and the general through Yushou, and was quite worried when he saw him fighting with the general in order to make the plan go smoothly.

[Ye Shenzi has a good impression of you and gains 290 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (100/500)]

"Ahem, Miss Shenzi, I'm not a child, so you'd better stop doing such comforting gestures to me."

Li Qiuzhi avoided Shenzi's hand. If she touched it, wouldn't he feel like a child? This is absolutely unacceptable!

"Haha, the little guy is shy." Yae Shenzi took back his hand and smiled slyly.

"Hey, have you been beaten by the general? Didn't things go well?" Paimeng, who was floating next to Ying, didn't know the specific situation. When the son of God said that Li Qiuzhi had been beaten, he said a little worriedly.

Ying also had the same expression, but she looked at Li Qiuzhi and found that his clothes were intact and did not look injured, so she felt a little relieved.

"This is not a big problem, just a discussion."

Li Qiuzhi slowly told the whole story.

"So, you successfully persuaded that Lei Qian and the general to abolish the 'Eye Hunting Order', you did a good job!"

Paimeng flew over and patted Li Qiuzhi on the shoulder, looking pleased.

Li Qiuzhi was speechless, treating my shoulder as a sandbag, right? He stretched out his hand and flicked little Paimon on the forehead. She said "Yeah", covering her forehead and glaring at him angrily.

"But in this case, you will have to 'work' at Lei Film from now on. Does it really not matter?"

Ying looked at him worriedly.

Even gods would not be able to study and understand things like the power of time so easily. Then doesn't Li Qiuzhi have to be bound to her all the time?

"It doesn't matter. If she can't research anything, then when I get to know her well, I can take her to 'Wonderland' and let her study 'Eternity' directly. This way I will have time to go on adventures with you." ”

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Ying and Paimeng looked at Li Qiuzhi with disdain. Of course they knew what "mixed familiarity" meant, but they just had bad intentions for other girls again, this guy!

This guy did have the strength and a bit of charisma, but that was enough to trick girls like her and Fischer.

But if he wanted to deceive General Thunder and Lightning, she was a little unconvinced, and she was also a little worried that Li Qiuzhi would be split in half accidentally.

"Little guy, you are really brave." Yae Shenzi laughed dumbly. She thought for a while and continued, "Well, saving Kage and saving Inazuma, these things are our business.

"Now, little guy, you have to pay the highest price. From now on, you will have to see those two wooden heads every day. If I don't give you some compensation, I will feel very guilty."

"Oh, compensation?" Li Qiuzhi's eyes lit up when he heard that the Eightfold God Son wanted to give him something.

Ying had previously promised him that he could ask for anything he wanted, and he said that he wanted to abolish the "Eye Hunting Order", which really helped everyone.

But in this case, you will only pay the price but get no benefits at all.

Although he thought it had nothing to do with the idea of ​​conquering the shadow and the general, he would be very happy if someone was willing to give him something as compensation.

"Haha, yes, the little guy has helped so much, I can't let you suffer no matter what."

Yae Shenzi folded his hands under his chest and said with a gentle smile:

"How about just doing what that guy Ying promised you? Well, as long as I can do anything, you can do it~"

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