I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 406 The Miraculous Use of the Command Spell (Two in One)

"Well, since it is the hall master's order, I should try my best to fulfill it."

Zhongli looked at the receipt in his hand helplessly. He actually liked walking around the street more than working.

He thought for a while and continued:

"However, Hall Master Hu, the demand in our industry has long been full. If we spend money to expand our business scope, the probability of losing money is very high."

In such a huge Liyue, it is inevitable that people will get old, sick and die every day.

But even this has an upper limit. Now Liyue's funeral industry is in a balanced state after years of optimization. Expanding related businesses is basically a waste of mora.

"Oh? Keqing, you seem to understand very well!" Hutao crossed his arms with a look of surprise on his face, "Then I'll leave Maura to you anyway.

"If you see there is a new business worth investing in, you can invest in it. If it doesn't work, just deposit it in Liyue Bank."

Hu Tao looked like she was throwing away the shopkeeper and walked away after saying that.

"Haha, it seems that Prince Yan's retirement life is not going well either." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"It's funny. After all, it is my duty as a guest to help the Palace of Purity."

Zhongli chuckled.

"Ahem, brother Zhongli, I have something to ask you." Li Qiuzhi nodded and got down to business.

"But it doesn't matter."

Zhongli raised his hand to signal Li Qiuzhi to ask casually.

"You know, I am an adventurer. I took an adventure in the Salt of the Earth some time ago and discovered a sealed ruins. After investigation, I found that there used to be ruins of the Kingdom of Salt, and they were sealed by you. ."

Li Qiuzhi briefly explained the situation.

After listening to Li Qiuzhi's words, Zhongli put his chin on his head and nodded thoughtfully:

"Are you saying that you wanted to take an adventure there, so you came to tell me?"

"Well, that's pretty much what it means. After all, I am an adventurer. I always yearn for unknown treasures, and the ruins of a demon god are really exciting.

"But it was sealed by you after all. I don't know much about the specific situation. I'm afraid something unexpected might happen if I break the seal rashly, so I came here to ask your opinion."

Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly.

He still knew what was going on specifically through the original work, but since he was going to get the treasure, there was no need to make it so clear.

"The Salt Demon God Heulia is a gentle demon, but the world at that time did not give her the same gentleness.

"She was assassinated by her own people. Her remains erupted into endless salt crystals and flooded the entire Salt Kingdom. Only a few Salt people escaped.

"In order to prevent the salt crystals from spreading to the outside world, I sealed the place after discovering this situation. Thousands of years have passed, and the salt disaster there has long since subsided. If you want to explore, you can go.

“It’s not a bad thing to be able to bring back the former land of salt.”

As Li Qiuzhi thought, Zhongli did not object to Li Qiuzhi's adventure in the ruins of the Salt Demon God.

"She was assassinated by her own people. Even if she is not very powerful, she is still a demon after all. Is she so gentle that she would not resist even if she was assassinated by her own people?"

Li Qiuzhi showed doubts appropriately.

"Exactly like this, she can still smile calmly even when facing people who are pointing sharp weapons at her. She is a demon god worthy of respect."

Zhongli looked reminiscing.

The Demon God of Salt is too gentle. He is afraid that the Demon God's war will affect his people, and then blindly avoids it.

In the end, he managed to come to the Salt of the Earth and survive peacefully, but in the end, he died of his own people, which is a bit ironic.

After listening to Zhongli's story about the Demon God of Salt in the Hall of Purity, Li Qiuzhi came outside the city to wait for Keqing.

No, Keqing is a very punctual person and there is no need for Li Qiuzhi to wait.

When he just walked to the archway, he saw Keqing with lavender twin ponytails standing on the wooden arch bridge waiting.

"Keqing, I didn't keep you waiting too long." Li Qiuzhi walked over quickly and said with some embarrassment.

"I just arrived not long ago, so let's set off now without further ado."

Keqing shook her head slightly and said.

The way the two of them went to the Salt of the Earth was by using the Wings of Wind. With Li Qiuzhi being able to control the wind element, the flying speed would not be slow.

At about one o'clock in the afternoon, the two successfully arrived near the Salt of the Earth.

They did not approach rashly to avoid being discovered by the members of the treasure stealing group here. Next, the two of them landed on the ground, and then Li Qiuzhi expanded the invisibility field, became invisible and approached the Salt of the Earth.

"Your secret technique is quite useful." Ke Qing said with emotion as she walked next to Li Qiuzhi.

"It's very useful against people who can't release their mental power, but it's not very useful when encountering enemies who can release their mental power."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"That's it, even if you can release your mental power, no one can use it all day long."

Keqing thought Li Qiuzhi was being modest.

Her strength has improved slightly recently, but she is still a little far away from being able to unleash her mental power in her sixth breakthrough.

"That's right." Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then asked out of memory, "Keqing, do you know Yelan? She also seems to have mastered the art of invisibility. I would like to find an opportunity to exchange experiences with her."

"Ye Lan? I know her, but I'm not too familiar with her. She is Ning Guang's intelligence agent. If you want to find her, you should ask Ning Guang. Of course, I can help you if you meet her."

Keqing pressed her soft lower lip against her soft lower lip and thought for a moment before saying.

"Okay, I'll trouble you then."

During the exchange between the two, they soon came to the Salt of the Earth area.

"Where is the place where the adventurers reported that there was a treasure thief group?" Li Qiuzhi turned to look at Ke Qing beside him and asked.

"I'll point the way, you follow me."

Keqing stepped forward with her legs wrapped in black pantyhose and looked at the woods on the right.

Li Qiuzhi followed up and at the same time used his mental energy to search, and soon locked in a group of treasure thieves about two kilometers away.

He told Keqing about this situation.

Then the two of them sped up and ran towards the treasure thief group. Two or three minutes passed quietly like this.

"Sister Bao'er, is the information you got reliable? We have been searching for two days. Not to mention the ruins of the Demon God of Salt, we haven't found even a hair of a grain of salt. Otherwise, we should withdraw.

"We have driven away so many adventurers in the past two days. If we don't leave, they will come with the Qianyan Army!"

The temporary camp of the treasure thief group. There are more than ten members of the treasure thief group here at this time.

The leader was a young woman wearing a hood, and a man in a turban opposite complained as he finished the last piece of barbecue.

"Idiot, of course salt has no hair!" The young woman wearing a hood cursed in turn, and then continued, "When those adventurers go back to report, Qianyan Army gets the news, and there is no four or five days to do it. !

"As long as we find the ruins of the Salt Demon God in the next two days and get the treasure inside, we won't have to worry about it for the rest of our lives. You idiot are still afraid of this!"

"Okay, sister Bao'er, don't argue with him. After two days of searching without any clues, everyone is a little annoyed."

A bald member of the treasure thief group analyzed while trying to persuade him to make peace:

"We have searched this forest separately on the southern slopes and on the east and west sides. Since we haven't found anything, it may be in the territory of the Rock Helmet King and the Abyss Mage to the north.

"We can't deal with them, why don't we contact Fei Gang and Zhuang Hu? We don't have a chance if we add them!"

"Calling them? Are you a fool too? If we really rely on them, we won't even be able to lick our scum!"

Bao'er rolled his eyes, feeling that his subordinates were all guys with low IQ, but that's right, if they were smart enough, they would be the boss!

She thought for a moment and said:

"In this way, let's withdraw for the time being, go back and get some more elemental potions, and then get a big one. When the storm is over, we can come back and let these garbage monsters ascend to heaven where they are!"

"Okay, listen to Sister Bao'er, let's withdraw now." The other members of the treasure stealing group felt that there was no problem.

Just when they were about to leave, they suddenly felt as if their heads were being hit hard by an invisible hammer. Their heads went blank for a moment, and with a few "pop, pop, pop" sounds, everyone fell to the ground.

[Defeat powerful enemies*16 and gain 11069 experience points. 】

"They are indeed looking for some kind of treasure. The Salt Demon seems to have seen it in the history books."

Ke Qing and Li Qiuzhi, who had been hiding nearby and eavesdropping for a long time, used their mental power to stun the treasure thieves and then revealed themselves.

"They are too weak. They don't even need me to summon tentacles. I can directly release my spiritual power and make them all faint."

Li Qiuzhi said with a slight smile.

He had just observed with the Golden Sin-Judging Eye that Sister Baoer, who seemed to have deceived travelers and took away archaeological artifacts in the original Liyue area daily mission, was only level 50.

She is also the most powerful among this group of treasure thieves.

For him at level 90, it didn't take much effort to catch them.

"Well, it's all thanks to you that we were able to catch them so neatly and no one ran away."

Keqing said with a smile:

"I brought enough ropes to tie them up. Later I will notify the Qianyan Army and ask them to take these criminals back."

"Speaking of which, I have a good idea."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the members of the treasure stealing group who had been knocked unconscious by him, and suddenly an idea came to his mind.

"What's the idea?"

Keqing put her hands on her upper abdomen and looked at the young adventurer next to her with her beautiful purple eyes.

"I have the ability to forcibly restrain their behavior."

Li Qiuzhi introduced the effect of the "Command Spell" specialty to Keqing:

"Do you think it's possible to make them obey our orders and then put them back into the treasure-stealing group to serve as spies?

"In the future, let them notify the Qianyan Army of any actions of the treasure thief group, and then you can ambush and catch more treasure thief groups in advance!"

"How can you have such a powerful ability to forcibly restrain other people's behavior?" Ke Qing was a little surprised when she heard Li Qiuzhi's words, and at the same time, she also thought about his thoughts seriously:

"Although the Treasure Thief Group is large, it is a very loose organization internally. It is very common to form gangs, just like these people in front of me.

"In other words, they won't know if other treasure-stealing gangs have any actions that are detrimental to society, so asking them to be spies is of little use.

"And even if it works, Qianyan Army doesn't have enough manpower to arrest them. After all, there are too many of them."

She shook her head. This idea was good, but with only a dozen people, it still had too little impact on the Treasure Thief Group, the largest international organization with the largest number of people in the world.

If something is wrong with them, the treasure thief group may do something harmful to society in retaliation.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and felt that what Ke Qing said made sense. Even if this method worked, it was impossible for the Qianyan Army to capture all the treasure thieves. How to manage it would be a problem.

So is it possible to let them take care of themselves?

Another idea came to his mind:

"Keqing, you said, we will secretly control this treasure-thief group, and then help them gradually grow, and eventually become the largest treasure-thief group in Liyue area.

"With a treasure-stealing group controlled by the Qianyan Army, will this be able to completely solve the problem of the treasure-stealing group harming society?"

"Are you saying that since there is no way to completely solve the problem of rampant treasure stealing gangs by arresting them, then let them completely obey our orders, as long as they are not allowed to do bad things?"

Keqing said with surprise on her face.

"It would be too scary to use 'command spells' to control them all. It would be very troublesome if ordinary people thought that we had mastered some magic to control everyone.

"So we only need to control some high-status treasure-thief group leaders, and then instruct them to guide the treasure-thief group to open up wasteland and farm land, or to become an adventure group to explore and make a living.

“As long as it doesn’t harm society, it’s a very successful thing.

"Of course, there is no need to show mercy to those who commit heinous crimes. They must get the punishment they deserve!"

Li Qiuzhi understood that all the seven human kingdoms in Teyvat were quite peaceful. As long as they were willing to do things, they would not be hungry. These guys who came out to join the treasure stealing group were either stupid or bad.

A person with evil intentions who wants to make a fortune overnight.

But there are too many of these people, and no country can catch them all. Moreover, there are monsters in the wild, which are very dangerous, and it is difficult to carry out large-scale arrest operations.

It doesn't seem worth it for soldiers to risk their lives to capture them.

Moreover, if you push too hard, it may trigger a large-scale conflict or even a war with the treasure thief group.

In the end, it is the ordinary people who suffer.

Therefore, the best way is to become them, integrate with them, and finally control them and make them obedient, which can solve many problems.

"Your idea is also feasible to a certain extent, but whether it should be done or not has to be discussed by Qixing together and cannot be decided blindly.

"But these treasure-stealing groups in front of us can be tested on a small scale first to see how effective they are. If they can really succeed, it will indeed be a thing of great benefit to society."

Keqing is a person with vision and the courage to change. She is also willing to try methods that may reduce the prevalence of treasure stealing gangs.

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 260 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (360/500)]

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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