I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 409 Nourishing the Soul (Two in One)

[Successfully collect the rare treasure "Heulia's Divine Salt" and obtain the space characteristic·soul nourishing: the "golden treasure house" space can slowly strengthen the origin of the soul and quickly restore various soul, consciousness, spirit and other injuries. 】

It turns out that those white salt crystals are called "divine salt". But how come it is related to the soul and gives it the spatial characteristic of "nourishing the soul"?

Generally speaking, the spatial characteristics obtained by collecting rare treasures are more or less related to the corresponding treasures.

Could it be that these "divine salts" still have the faint consciousness of the Salt Demon God Heulia sleeping there? It's like the part of Raiden's consciousness that was sealed in Raiden's movie "Dream Isshin".

It's just that the latter is specially left, and the former is just a normal death?

Prince Yan defeated so many demon gods, but most of them were sealed and not completely killed.

Among them, one might consider what might be left behind after killing the demon god, and what bad effects it would have on weak humans.

Just like the salt disaster that broke out after the death of the Salt Demon God.

It is obvious that a powerful existence like the Demon God will leave behind things related to it even if it dies, such as "Demon God's Residues", "Demon God's Resentment", "Demon God's Remains" and the like.

In short, it is not a clean death.

Even though the Demon God of Salt is not as powerful as other Demon Gods, she is still a Demon God in essence. Those who killed her were just ordinary humans. Even if she was willing to die, she probably did not die that completely.

This is probably the basic characteristic of the devil.

Although I don't know if his guess is correct, these "divine salts" should indeed be related to the soul.

Moreover, it was transformed into the body of the Demon God of Salt.

This is a great reason to suspect that there are indeed some soul fragments or spiritual consciousness of the Salt Demon God remaining in the "Divine Salt".

Li Qiuzhi's mental power did not detect any abnormality for the time being. It may be that his mental consciousness has been worn away by time to a negligible level.

The newly acquired "soul nourishing" characteristic of the fairyland space should also be useful to her.

If this spiritual consciousness becomes stronger in the future, it will probably be perceived by Li Qiuzhi using his mental power.

If it was really as he thought, could he be on the way to resurrecting a demon god?

Although there is only soul.

This possibility is not small, and Li Qiuzhi suddenly felt that this was a bit dangerous...

After all, even if it is a soul, it is still a demon with power. If he breaks out and hurts someone after recovering, he will regret it.

But he didn't want to give up the "sacred salt", which was more than thirty square meters.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it carefully and found that he had a way to solve this problem.

As long as you pay attention to the "Divine Salt" every day, and discover the existence of spiritual consciousness, you can immediately set a "Command Spell" for her that is loyal to you.

This not only saves more than thirty square meters of "divine salt", but also obtains a demon-level thug!

As expected of me, it’s perfect! Li Qiuzhi thought happily.

"Idiot attendant, what did you bring back? This place suddenly became so big?"

There were several girls chatting in the living room after dinner. When they saw Li Qiuzhi coming back, Fischer among them asked curiously.

"Well, there are a few powerful divine objects that have expanded the space of Wonderland by 70 square meters. Now the size of the entire space is about 205 square meters."

Li Qiuzhi came to the sofa and sat down next to Fischer, then leaned over and rested his head on her legs wrapped in black stockings, feeling the girl's softness and fragrance.

"Huh, bad guy!"

Fischer blushed slightly and stretched out his hand to pinch Li Qiuzhi's face.

"Then, I want to create a farmland in the research area and plant some plants from various countries for research!"

Sugar next to little Amy said excitedly.

"Well, of course there is no problem. The space has become so much larger. You can re-plan it. When Ying comes back, just let her use rock elements to transform it. It will be very convenient."

Li Qiuzhi rubbed Fischer's palm and said.

"We have to change it again, can't we do it all at once? It's so troublesome!"

Mona leaned against the sofa and raised her right hand and put the back of her hand on her forehead, revealing the white skin of her armpits, with a distressed look on her face.

"There's no way around it. The fairyland space isn't big enough yet, so we can only leave it like this for now. When it's big enough, we'll transform it into a luxury villa, the kind with a garden and a square!"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"How many divine objects do you have to find to make the space grow to that point!" Mona felt that this was a bit difficult and could not be achieved in a short time.

"It will happen sooner or later anyway, there's nothing wrong with looking forward to it."

As Li Qiuzhi said this, he secretly touched the zipper of little Amy's clothes on her back. He slightly pulled down the short skirt and slid it off her body.


Fischer subconsciously exclaimed, and then protected his upper body wearing a bra.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi acting hooligan again, Mona made a disdainful sound, and quickly left this place of right and wrong to avoid getting angry.

Sugar was also blushing and was about to leave, but unfortunately she was a step too late when Li Qiuzhi stretched out his hand and hugged her waist.

early morning.

Fischer and Sugar rested on Li Qiuzhi's arms respectively. They were a little too tired last night, and even with the help of the "sinking" trait, they didn't wake up for the time being.

However, after the strengthening of "harmony energy", their levels were upgraded by two levels.

Little Amy successfully reached level 60, and Sugar also reached level 43. Due to Sugar's improvement, the wonderland also grew by two square meters, reaching 207 square meters.

This is already much larger than many commercial buildings on earth, and it has more than one floor.

Basically it's enough for the time being.

Because he promised to buy Mona some related research instruments for studying the starry sky today, he did not disturb the sleep of the two people around him and got up first.

Coming to the hall, Li Qiuzhi saw that Mona had already prepared breakfast very actively.

"Hurry up and wash up and come over to eat, otherwise the new star trajectory calculator will be bought by others!"

Mona came over and pushed his back toward the bathroom while urging him.

"I know." Li Qiuzhi yawned, "Astrology is probably not a popular profession, so how could that instrument be bought just before we left today?"

"Besides, they should have it in stock, so there's no need to be in such a hurry."

As he said this, he suddenly turned around, pressed Mona against the wall next to her, and pressed her soft lips against hers.

"Well, what are you doing!"

Mona pushed Li Qiuzhi's shoulders and stepped on him with her feet wearing gold high heels in an attempt to resist this bastard who bullied her again.

But it was clear that, as before, all resistance was in vain.

More than ten minutes later, Li Qiuzhi let go of Mona, who had become as soft as a bone and didn't even have the strength to stand. She slowly slid down against the wall and crouched down.

She gasped slightly and glared at him with confused eyes.

"Okay, I feel more energetic and not sleepy at all. Let's go have breakfast and then buy research equipment!"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Bad guy!" Mona gritted her teeth and rushed over.

Li Qiuzhi naturally wouldn't shy away from a beautiful girl throwing herself into his arms. He directly held Mona in his arms, and then carried her to the dining table.

After breakfast, the two used "interstellar travel" to teleport to Lisa who was in Mondstadt.

She had to work in the library, so Li Qiuzhi smacked Lisa in the mouth while no one was paying attention, and then left the Knights headquarters and headed toward the city center.

As the capital of Mondstadt, all kinds of goods are sold in Mondstadt.

Although the market for the astrology research instruments Mona needs is not too big, Mora still makes money from the expensive ones, so there is naturally no shortage of businessmen to do this business.

This time, the store that Mona brought Li Qiuzhi to sold astrology research instruments was considered to be the largest one in Mondstadt. It was called "Star Research Instrument Store" and was opened by people from Fontaine.

According to Mona, this store gets its goods directly from Fontaine's workshop, which is much cheaper than other stores with intermediate channels.

"Boss, business is coming!"

Mona couldn't wait to shout as soon as she walked into this store with simple yet noble decoration and obvious Fontaine style.

The owner of this store is a middle-aged man wearing a conspicuous black hat and a sharp beard.

He was sitting on a chair at the moment, reading the latest issue of the Steambird newspaper, but as a businessman, he was extremely sensitive to the word "business".

When I noticed that a guest was coming, I quickly prepared to greet him warmly.

But when he saw that the visitor was Mona, he sat down again with a disappointed look on his face and continued to read the newspaper, while sighing and saying:

"Why are you a poor girl again? Just watch what you want. You won't buy it anyway."

"Hey, what do you mean? I just passed by a few times and came in to observe and compare the price of the equipment here with other stores to see which one is more affordable. How can you conclude that I won't buy it?"

Although what the boss said was true, Mona was still a little angry.

"Hey, every time you come in and stare at those astrological instruments, you can't take your eyes away. You obviously want to buy them, but in the end you leave dejected. What's that if you're not poor?"

The middle-aged boss spread his hands speechlessly.

"Huh, I told you that I carefully inspected the quality of your instruments, so I couldn't afford them. Now I just think your products are good, so I made up my mind to buy them!"

Mona defended dissatisfiedly, crossing her arms.

"Oh?" The boss looked at Mona in surprise when he heard that Mona seemed to be really willing to buy, and then turned his eyes to the young boy behind her.

He nodded understandingly:

"I see. No wonder you are so confident today. It turns out that you are with the famous honorary knight!"

"What do you mean I am hooked up with this guy? This guy should be hooked up with the greatest astrologer in the world. It is his honor to be able to provide research funds to this astrologer!"

Mona raised her white chin proudly.

"Yes, it is indeed an honor for me to provide research funding for Miss Mona."

Naturally, Li Qiuzhi would not discredit Mona in front of outsiders, so he agreed with it and then continued:

"We want to buy the latest model and the best-performing 'star track calculator'. Boss, do you have any recommendations?"

"Ah, okay, please come with me and I will introduce you personally!"

Now that the honorary knights have spoken, the store owner naturally understands that there is real business, so he treats the two of them with enthusiasm again.


Mona nodded with satisfaction. This is the normal attitude towards receiving guests.

Mona, who saved face, had a slightly better impression of Li Qiuzhi, who barely helped out:

[Mona has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (700/900)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorable impression prompts on the character panel with a faint smile on his face.

He was only two hundred points away from reaching the full level of favorability, and he would soon gain another favorability ability. He secretly decided to bleed a lot and buy Mona whatever she wanted.

Seeing as how good I am to her, it shouldn't be difficult to get the last two hundred points of favor!

Next, under the warm introduction of the store owner, Mona just bought the "star track calculator" that she had been interested in some time ago, which can assist in calculating star tracks.

The original price is 5 million molas, but after the discount, it costs 4.66 million molas. It is indeed quite expensive.

No wonder Mona in the original work has a fixed income from royalties, but she still worries about Maura every day.

However, these millions of moras are just a small amount of money for Li Qiuzhi, who has a net worth of over 100 million. He paid the bill just now very happily and did not feel distressed at all.

Then Mona stepped on him quickly and called him a fool in her mind. Why did she give him money so quickly before she even bargained?

Li Qiuzhi was a little embarrassed, and it seemed that he was a little complacent again. Fortunately, Mona reminded him, otherwise he would have spent hundreds of thousands of money in vain.

Just like on Earth, when pricing the valuable items sold here, they usually set an inflated price to leave some room for bargaining.

If you buy directly without negotiating the price, the boss will naturally be happy, and only the customers who want to save face will be taken advantage of.

When bargaining and discounting, the boss does not lose money, and the customer feels that he has made a profit. This is how a shopping experience that is satisfactory to both parties is achieved. I have to say that a flexible mind is very important for businessmen.

After leaving the store, Mona said she was going to buy astrological information.

Li Qiuzhi also followed her wishes and followed her to a bookstore that provided the service of purchasing genuine academic materials.

If you need any academic materials, you have to pay a deposit and postage, and then someone will help purchase them, because many of the latest academic materials are in different countries.

There is no Internet in this world, so you have to go to relevant countries to buy it.

But if you make a special trip to buy it yourself, it would be a waste of time, so it is normal for bookstores to provide purchasing services.

Anyway, they usually have to purchase goods, and by doing purchasing on behalf of others, they can also increase their income.

When Li Qiuzhi and Mona left the bookstore, the deposit and postage for purchasing academic materials had cost two million Mora!

It's really scary!

It seems that if you don’t have money, you really can’t do academic research.

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