I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 414 Chihaya Kamaga-ryu (two in one)

After improving his newly acquired secret swordsmanship, Li Qiuzhi looked at the remaining experience points of more than 70,000, and decided to improve other skills as well.

What I am planning to upgrade is Kamari-ryu swordsmanship. After reaching the full level, it will be integrated with other swordsmanship.

Experience point-44999

Kamari-ryu Swordsmanship·Secret 1 (1/1000) → Kamari-ryu Swordsmanship·Secret 10 (Full Level)

[Your secret skill has been upgraded to full level, please choose the direction of strengthening. 】

As before, three options appear:

[Mingxin: Enter a state of concentration during battle, without being disturbed by mental distractions. 】

This direction of strengthening somewhat overlaps with the "clarity" of my swordsmanship.

[Cold air: When you swing the sword gracefully and flexibly, a layer of cold air will be attached to the sword body, which has a certain shield-breaking effect. 】

This seems to overlap with the specialty "North Wind".

[Fubuki: The elemental combat environment created during the battle has a larger range and can slowly and automatically restore the consumed elemental power. 】

Li Qiuzhi did a brief research and chose the strengthening direction called "Blowing Snow".

Relatively speaking, this effect is relatively large.

A lot of knowledge about Kamiri-ryu's swordsmanship appeared in his mind.

Li Qiuzhi analyzed the Kamiri-ryu swordsmanship and found that its basic swordsmanship has the shadow of "Genryu swordsmanship".

However, it is only a partial similarity. After all, after so many years, many of Inazuma's swordsmanship schools have been improved from generation to generation, and they are no longer the same as the original swordsmanship.

Of course, this does not mean that they are better than Yuanliu swordsmanship. Obviously this is impossible.

The reason why there are different schools of swordsmanship is that people with different qualifications and wisdom develop different directions based on their own insights and research.

After all, it doesn't mean that powerful swordsmanship like "Genryu Swordsmanship" is suitable for everyone.

Otherwise, as it is an arcana-level swordsmanship, General Raiden has not restricted everyone from learning it. According to common sense, this swordsmanship should be the most popular in Inazuma.

Mainly because it's too difficult.

Rather than forcefully learn and achieve nothing in the end, it is better to change the original swordsmanship to one that suits you.

Although the power is a bit weak, with the arcane swordsmanship as the basic guidance, no matter how weak it is, it will not be much weaker.

This should be the reason why Inazuma has so many swordsmanship schools.

However, the swordsmanship concepts or techniques of these schools have not reached the height of "original swordsmanship" for the time being.

Just like Li Qiuzhi's full-level Kamiri-ryu, it is already a very powerful swordsmanship among Inazuma.

But there is still a very big gap between esoteric teachings and mysteries.

Its original extraordinary characteristic is that when swinging the sword, it appears light and elegant, and its moves are agile.

If the user also masters elemental power, he can let his own elemental power surround his body and create a combat environment suitable for him.

It will become much easier to guide the elemental power in the atmosphere, and it can also increase the power of the attack.

After reaching the full level, Li Qiuzhi chose the direction of "blowing snow" to strengthen the combat environment.

It makes the characteristics of swordsmanship even more powerful.

But even so, compared with the "all kinds of secrets" that can turn the ultimate move into a basic attack, it is still inferior.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and began to integrate the three secret-level swordsmanship skills of Kamiri-ryu swordsmanship, Ga-ryu swordsmanship and Chihaya Shin at the same time.

I hope I can get another new secret-level skill!

Kamisato-style swordsmanship·Secret 10 (Fubuki/can be fused) + Ga-style swordsmanship·Secret 10 (clear/can be fused)+Chihaya Shinju·Secret 10 (Fubuki Akino/can be fused)

→Chihaya Kamaga-ryu·Secret 10 (Fubuki, Seimei, Ryukadaki Akino)

Li Qiuzhi watched as several skills on the character panel slowly twisted and finally merged into a new skill.


It's a bit of a pity.

It just superimposes the characteristics of several secret-level skills, and has not transformed into a secret-level skill.

It seems that we need to continue to integrate other swordsmanship skills.

However, there are no sword skills that can be improved on the character panel for the time being, and even if there are only 30,000 experience points left, it is not enough.

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv90 (0/900000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiqi

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Ying no Sword God·Mystery (sharpness), Genryu Swordsmanship·Midenden 10 (all kinds of secrets), Chihaya Kamiga-ryu·Secret 10 (Fubuki, Seimei, Rukafeng Akino), Form Concealment·Secret 10 (field), Wind Element Control 10 (full level), Fighting 10 (subtle), Ninja Technique·Smoke Bomb 1 (1/1000), Ninja Technique·Invisibility Technique 1 (1/1000)

Expertise: [Advent] [Girl Savior] [Anti-Devil Enhancement] [Plenty of Life] [Gospel of the Sky] [North Wind] [Spiritual Tentacle] [Reconciliation] [Thousand-Year Body] [Abyssal Vortex] [Charging Body] ][Elemental immunity][Command spell][Spiritual grid][Wuxiang's thunder]

Experience points: 30644

Speaking of which, I don’t know when Keqing will take a break. It has been many days since the last time I told her to exchange sword skills with her. She should be free anyway.

Well... I'll go see her tomorrow.

If she is busy, she can also go to Beidou and learn her extraordinary swordsmanship that can destroy seas and mountains, and gain a good impression in the same way.

I don’t know if she is in Liyue Port...

As for the general, since he is already learning the "Original Swordsmanship" from her, he will also learn the "Wu Xiang's Sword" later.

If you haven't finished learning these, asking her to learn other sword skills will make you look a little greedy.

In this case, let's not bother her for now.

The sky was full of stars as if the Milky Way was flowing in the night sky. This afternoon, after continuing to learn swordsmanship in the castle tower, Li Qiuzhi and Ying returned to the fairyland space.

He has not told General Raiden that his "Original Swordsmanship: Kaiden" has reached the maximum level yet. It will take at least ten days to slow down, otherwise it will be a bit unreasonable to exaggerate.

You should show yourself to be improving every day, so that at least there is a learning process, so that you can say that your talent has suddenly dawned. Otherwise, if you reach the full level just after learning, it will be easy to expose your abnormality.

It doesn't matter that the general and other friendly people know that he has a character panel.

He is afraid that Tianli or his maintainers will notice him in some way, become wary of him, grab him, and destroy him directly.

It is not impossible for a powerful being like Tianli to have such means.

However, Li Qiuzhi learned through the plot that he seemed to be sleeping and would not notice him for the time being.

After all, as long as you kill monsters, you can gain experience points and become stronger. Sooner or later, you will reach the level of Tianli. Li Qiuzhi does not want to test whether Tianli can tolerate an abnormal existence like his.

Now that I am level 90, I should still be just a minion in the eyes of Tianli and his maintainers.

If you don't hide yourself carefully, you will probably be noticed by the Heavenly Law or the Maintainer once you reach a certain level of strength.

It’s better to be steady and careful.

It is better not to do things that will attract the attention of the gods.

Li Qiuzhi thought of this and was going to see how Mona was doing in studying the stars.

After she studies the coordinates of the earth, she can think of a way to travel to other planets in the universe like Ying before, and return to the earth for a visit.

If you encounter a planet full of bad things like monsters on the road, you might be able to become a god in one day and transcend the laws of nature in two days!

There are seven gods in Teyvat now, and powerful monsters are either sealed or killed, giving Li Qiuzhi no chance to grow quickly.

Fortunately, he discovered the Beast Realm. I hope there will be more and stronger monsters in the Beast Realm. If he can really become a god in one day, what will he be afraid of?

When the time comes, run up to Him and say: Little brother, can you give up your seat?

Haha, this is safer.

He has so many beloved girls in Teyvat, and it is impossible for him to take the initiative to provoke powerful beings like Tianli, which would put them in danger.

Unless we make preparations in advance, send everyone into the fairyland space to protect them, and then come out after the incident is over.

But this way their respective careers will also come to a standstill.

Especially since Captain Qin also manages an entire country, his influence is too great to do this easily.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi cannot reveal his ability to threaten Tianli for the time being, lest the maintainers come looking for him.

In fact, as long as the character's face is not exposed, and Li Qiuzhi doesn't seek death by trying to fly out of Teyvat like a traveler, Li Qiuzhi feels that the maintainers of heavenly principles will not notice him.

After all, the travelers in the original book were strong enough, probably no weaker than the Seven Gods. No one paid attention to them when they came to Teyvat, and they were just stopped when they were leaving.

Forget it, don't think about it so much. Those things are too far away from you. Let's go see what progress Mona has made in studying the starry sky after buying a star trajectory calculator.

Li Qiuzhi temporarily put all the disturbances behind his mind and walked to the research area on the second floor.

Speaking of which, if Mona couldn't study the coordinates of the earth, he wouldn't even know what he was going to do after leaving Teyvat. He couldn't just wander around in the dark universe.

Just think about finding a planet with many monsters. The scale of the universe is measured in light years. Without a spaceship, it is impossible to even fly out of the Teyvat Galaxy.

Not to mention finding a monster planet.

With Teyvat's current technological level, it is still some distance away from a spaceship. Only by developing elemental technology can it be possible to overtake in a corner.

Or wait for Ying's strength to recover and let her take him to travel to the stars.

Li Qiuzhi felt like he was holding on to both hands. While continuing to develop elemental technology, he was waiting for Ying to regain his strength. Finally, he had to bypass the keeper of heaven and escape from Teyvat.

Well, there are many difficulties... Li Qiuzhi shook his head and smiled, feeling that it was quite challenging.

Research area on the second floor.

There are now three laboratories here, namely Lisa's, Sugar's, and Mona's.

Among them, Sugar's is the biggest, because she has to grow many experimental plants, while Lisa's and Mona's laboratories are similar.

Lisa and Sugar are not here now, because they have to go back to the Knights to work during the day, and they only conduct research here at night and during their breaks.

Mona is different, she's here all day and night.

Li Qiuzhi took two steps and came to the door of Mona's laboratory. The door here was unlocked and opened with a slight push.

Li Qiuzhi stopped as soon as he took a step. On the ground where he was about to step, there was a piece of paper filled with various calculation formulas.

Huh, I almost stepped on it. Everything floated away without even noticing. I don’t know how long Mona calculated this.

"Aren't you worried that you can't find things?"

Li Qiuzhi picked up the paper on the ground, walked to Mona who was operating the instrument on the table, and said.

"I'm not someone who puts things around. I just have to hurry up and study it, so I can't control it for the time being."

Mona continued to concentrate on operating the instrument in her hand.

"Okay, how is your research on the stars now? Is there any progress?"

Li Qiuzhi put the white paper on the books on the table, then put his arms around Mona's waist and picked her up. He sat on the chair and let her sit on his lap.

"Well, you guy, please don't bother me, okay?"

Mona turned back and glared at Li Qiuzhi in shame.

"It doesn't matter, you're busy with yours and I'll hug mine, it doesn't matter."

With a smile on his face, Li Qiuzhi put his left hand on her belly which was close to the thin black fabric, and his right hand reached to her thigh wrapped in pantyhose and black stockings.

"Damn it, stop moving!" Her lower abdomen and thighs were being caressed and kneaded, and Mona couldn't concentrate on her work at all.

"Haha, it's almost night now. Ying is cooking downstairs. You should rest for a while."

Li Qiuzhi's hands moved even wider, and his upper abdomen and soft calves were all within his caressing and kneading range.

With no other choice, Mona stepped on Li Qiuzhi angrily. In this situation, she could only temporarily stop her research work, and then endured the strange feeling in her body for a while, took a breath and said:

"Although this starry sky has expanded a lot, I have already studied about three thousandths of it. After all, the movement rules of many planets are the same. Except that they will slow down when encountering new cosmic phenomena, others will become faster and faster. ."

"I see, did you encounter any difficulties?"

Li Qiuzhi leaned close to Mona's cheek, kissed her earlobe and asked.

The girl wiped her ears in disgust, thought for a moment and said:

"It's just the case that several star systems have recently revolved around the same place, but there are no celestial bodies in that place. I can't figure it out for the time being."

"That should be a black hole."

Li Qiuzhi recalled his shallow knowledge of astronomy and tried to help Mona.

It's a pity that I'm not such a great academic on Earth, otherwise, memorizing a few more formulas would have greatly helped Mona.

Fortunately, I still remember the famous and basic Newton's laws, relativity, thermodynamics, etc., as well as pulsars, neutron stars, etc.

Regardless of whether he had any effect or not, Li Qiuzhi told Mona everything he knew.

Listening to this knowledge, Mona was stunned for a long time, and then seemed to think of something.

Suddenly he turned around and knelt down on Li Qiuzhi's lap. He grabbed both sides of his cheeks with his hands and said angrily:

"You guy, if you know so much, why are you telling me now?"

If she had told her earlier, she could have researched more things!

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