Zhengtao Swordsmanship·Secret 1 (1/1000)→Zhengtao Swordsman·Secret 10 (full level)

[Your secret skill has been upgraded to full level, please choose the direction of strengthening. 】

The extraordinary characteristic of this set of swordsmanship is "heavy pressure". A slash with one sword can cause a huge impact to the enemy.

It's like being hit head-on by a tank.

Coupled with the sharp and thick blade of the great sword, there is basically nothing that cannot be torn apart. Of course, it is much worse than the "Sword God of Ying".

[Layang: The heavy pressure can be continuously superimposed, up to three layers can be superimposed. 】

[Explosion Pressure: Heavy pressure turns into super heavy pressure, which can instantly cause greater impact on the enemy. 】

[Broken: Heavy pressure gains stronger shield-breaking ability, and the damage caused to rigid objects increases. 】

There are three strengthening directions, the first is to increase the sustained ability, the second is to improve the explosive power, and the third is to enhance the shield-breaking ability.

All are very useful features.

Li Qiuzhi briefly thought about it. The "Phaseless Rock" he was going to fight later had a very thick rock element shield.

I feel that choosing "Broken" is more suitable for improving the shield-breaking ability of swordsmanship.

With the selection completed, Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly to Ke Qing and the others, indicating that he was ready to take action.

"Be careful. If you can't handle it, we will help you."

Beidou patted him on the shoulder to express encouragement.

"" Li Qiuzhi looked helpless and thought to himself that if I can't win, your actions probably won't have much effect.

He opened a space and took out his "Moonlight Heavy Sword", then walked towards the "Phaseless Rock" in front of him.

When Li Qiuzhi was more than ten meters away from it, the Phaseless Rock woke up from its slumber, and its hard shell like a second-order Rubik's Cube began to tremble.

Then rising from the ground, the four parts of the shell separate slightly, revealing a rock elemental core in the middle.

Generally speaking, attacking this rock elemental core can cause a lot of effective damage to it.

The damage that can be caused by attacking the shell is relatively limited, or even none at all, unless its shell can be forcibly destroyed.

However, the shells of phaseless series elemental creatures are very hard, and unless they are crushed by strength, they are impossible to break.

Li Qiuzhi felt that he had such strength for this eighty-three-level phaseless rock!

He didn't care whether the core of the reviving phaseless rock was exposed or not. He raised the "Moonlight Heavy Sword" and suddenly crossed a distance of more than ten meters with his feet on the ground.

The epee wielding the Zheng Tao Swordsmanship seemed to be like a tsunami, striking the shell of the Phaseless Rock with great momentum.


The thick sword blade collided head-on with the hard shell. Its body did not move, but the ground behind it was cracked by the high-energy airflow carried by the sword.

Heavy pressure with its shattering effect also plays a role.

Faced with such a powerful blow, even the shell of the Phaseless Rock had a crack as long as a spider web.

The wisdom of the Formless Rock is the same as that of ordinary monsters. It is not very high and has no emotions.

Even though his shell was cracked, he still didn't fear Li Qiuzhi and tried to escape.

It just instinctively feels that someone has invaded its territory and disturbed its growth of the earth elemental power that it absorbs from the earth, and needs to be eliminated!

The cracked shell of the Phaseless Rock quickly recovered, and at the same time, it glowed with a golden-yellow light!

Li Qiuzhi only felt that a force burst out from the Wuxiangzhi Rock, as if he was instantly bounced away from an overwhelming mountain.

He did not confront this force head-on. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and jumped into the air, swinging the sword with one hand and slashing it down.

The blade came into contact with the shell again, and the crack that had not been completely healed was torn open again and became larger.

Just when Li Qiuzhi wanted to continue swinging his sword.

The Phaseless Rock suddenly rotated, and while Li Qiuzhi bounced away again, it flew into the air. The shell unfolded and exposed the core of the rock element.

Li Qiuzhi, who was standing on the ground, remembered this move. As expected, Wuxiang Rock would launch continuous long-range rock stab attacks.

If you are a melee character in the game, you can only dodge at this time and wait for the attack power of the Phaseless Rock to end.

If you use a bow and arrow character, just pay attention to dodge, this is an excellent opportunity to attack the core of the rock element.

But reality is not a game, and there is no saying that a character must use a bow and arrow to attack high-altitude targets.

For example... like this!

Li Qiuzhi locked his eyes on the phaseless rock high in the sky, raised his sword and threw it towards its rock element core!

The rotating sword carried fierce air currents, seeming to shake the entire space.

The speed was so fast that the Phaseless Rock had no time to put away its shell and was directly hit at the core of the rock element!


This core is much more fragile than its shell, and Li Qiuzhi's previous attack on the shell only made some cracks.

But the attack core can easily insert the tip of the sword into the core of the rock element with one blow.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 57259 experience points. 】

It is no surprise that even the powerful elemental beings who suffered such severe damage could only drink in hatred.

After all, the difference in strength lies here. Whether Wuxiang Rock can withstand one or two moves is because he wants to test his newly acquired swordsmanship.

"That's outrageous. You've only just learned this swordsmanship from me, but you feel like you can use it just like me!"

Beidou walked over with his legs wearing knee-high boots and said in surprise.

"Haha, this may be the role of having a high position." Li Qiuzhi replied with a smile.

"Oh? Are you saying that your swordsmanship and strength are much better than mine? You are very arrogant. How about we show off?"

Beidou did know that Li Qiuzhi's swordsmanship level was higher than hers after previous swordsmanship exchanges.

But this guy used her swordsmanship as a metaphor for being in a commanding position, and it was still in front of her. Isn't it too arrogant?

She felt that her dignity as the eldest sister had been challenged, and she had to say something to express it.

"Well, I just had an exhausting battle. I think I need to take a rest, so I'd better stop fighting now."

Li Qiuzhi also realized that he had said the wrong thing, and then decisively gave in.

Beidou has a strength of level 86 and masters super high martial arts. He should be able to win, but it is not as easy as the Phaseless Rock.

Let’s forget it for the time being. It’s not early now. Let’s continue to complete the task and discuss it later when we have the opportunity.

"It's already dark. I guess the treasure thieves and pirates have returned to their strongholds by now. Let's hurry up and finish our work and return to Liyue Port."

Keqing folded her hands under her chest, glanced at Li Qiuzhi and Beidou, and signaled them to stop arguing and take action.

"Okay, since there are more important things, let's discuss it next time."

Beidou nodded.

"Speaking of which, what should we do with this thing? The rock elemental power here is so strong, if we leave it alone, it will be resurrected soon."

Before leaving, Hutao pointed at the body of Wuxiangzhiyan and said.

This kind of higher elemental life is not so easy to die. As long as it stays in an environment rich in the same elemental power for a month or two, it can basically recover from its injuries and resurrect with full blood.

Li Qiuzhi had been in Tiwat for a long time, and he still knew a little bit about these common senses. He thought for a while and said:

"I'll take it to the fairyland space. Then it will be fine if I don't give it the rock elemental power to absorb."

He wanted to ask Lisa, Sugar and others to help research some elemental technology, so naturally he couldn't let go of this advanced elemental life material.

Sugar's wind spirit was researched by imitating the formless wind. Mere imitation research has produced such powerful results.

Although this is also related to her own control of the wind element.

But now that she is given a body that can study the formless rock at will, she can probably gain a lot.

Especially Lisa, who is studying elemental power, the Phaseless Rock will undoubtedly help her even more!

As he thought, he walked up to the Phaseless Rock, first pulled out his "Moonlight Heavy Sword", and then summoned several huge translucent tentacles.

It was very easy to take the Formless Rock into the fairyland space.

Then Li Qiuzhi felt that the fairyland space had grown by another square meter, reaching 208 square meters.

Obviously, the shell of the Phaseless Rock and its rock element core are both good treasures.

Night falls and the stars shine brightly.

Li Qiuzhi's follow-up operations were relatively smooth, mainly because these treasure stealing groups and pirates really had to return to their strongholds at night.

And the strongest ones are only at level 40 or 50, which can indeed dominate ordinary people, but it still won't cause much trouble to Li Qiuzhi and the others.

I used the invisibility field to touch over and found that the number of people counted was indeed what they said. There was no need to hit them when they met. A mental shock would make everyone faint.

Then just cast the "Command Spells" one by one.

All three strongholds did this, and no one escaped!

After successfully controlling them, Li Qiuzhi and the others asked these evil people to tell them the crimes they had committed. Those who committed unforgivable crimes were directly thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

If the crime does not lead to death, but there are also serious crimes, they will be arranged to work as undercover agents among other treasure stealing groups and pirates. Only when they return alive can they have a chance to face legal trial.

In the end, those who commit misdemeanors have a chance to make amends and atone for their sins, which is naturally like those treasure thieves encountered by Salt of the Earth.

Slowly recruit more members of the treasure thief group and pirates at sea to strengthen themselves, and then guide them to correct their evil ways, help maintain order at sea, and reduce the occurrence of incidents that threaten social security.

That's basically it. With the Qianyan Army's overt and covert assistance, it's only a matter of time before this group of controlled pirates become a behemoth in the gangster world.

At that time, the Qianyan Army will fight crime openly, and a powerful pirate group will assist secretly.

Such an approach that takes both black and white will definitely reduce the occurrence of evil things.

There were more than a hundred people in total, setting up "Command Spells" one by one, and telling them what to do in the future. I have to say that it took a lot of time.

Li Qiuzhi and others all felt a little tired.

"Finally done. I'm so tired and hungry. Let's just teleport back and go to Wanmin Hall for dinner."

After a busy day, even the quirky Hu Tao is a little tired.

"Yeah, that's fine. You can just come and sit in my fairyland space for a while, and then I can take you back with me."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Well, it's okay, but the Death Star is still outside. I have to go over and inform the crew first."

Beidou said there was no problem.

Now that he had made his decision, Li Qiuzhi opened the Wonderland space and invited a few people to go in and sit for a while.

Then he used his mental power to fly with his sword, and returned to the Death Omen in less than five minutes. Beidou came out and ordered them to return and rest.

Guyun Pavilion is not too far from Liyue Port. You can go back soon and there is no need to stay here.

After giving the instructions, Beidou entered Li Qiuzhi's fairyland space again, and then Li Qiuzhi teleported directly back to Liyue Port.

This time he appeared next to Shen He.

The last time she came to Liyue Port with Li Qiuzhi, she was dragged by Ningguang to help make the Immortal family talismans and set up the formation of the Qunyu Pavilion. She had no time.

It's just a little more leisurely at night.

Now Shen He is living in the home of his senior sister Gan Yu, but Gan Yu seems to be not at home at this time. Li Qiuzhi looked around and didn't sense her.

"Senior sister, she is working overtime. If you want to find her, you can wait a little later."

Shen He said while pouring a cup of tea for Li Qiuzhi.

"That's not true, I'm just curious." Li Qiuzhi sat down on the chair, picked up the cup and took a sip of tea.

Well, it's a little cold, but the tea poured by Shen He is very delicious even if it's cold.

He held Shen He's hand, made some room for her to sit next to him, smiled and asked:

"Are you still used to living at your senior sister's place? If you feel lonely, how about staying at my place?"

"Senior sister, I like how clean this place is, but I always feel like there is something missing without you." Shen He looked at Li Qiuzhi and nodded calmly, "When I finish helping Miss Ningguang arrange the formation of the Qunyu Pavilion, I will come over to accompany you."

Hearing that Shen He did not refuse, Li Qiuzhi felt happy. He hugged Shen He, kissed her on the face, and said:

"Okay, then it's settled!"

If you live in a fairyland, you can see each other every day, and your good feelings will be filled up easily within a few days!

Being kissed like this by Li Qiuzhi, Shen He suddenly found that her heartbeat had accelerated a lot. She lowered her head and covered her chest, wondering why this was happening?

Just when she was confused, Li Qiuzhi remembered that she and Keqing in the fairyland space had not had dinner yet.

In order to prevent them from waiting impatiently, he had to say goodbye to Shen He first.

"Okay." Shen He nodded slightly, and his silver-white hair swayed.

She was going to wait for her senior sister to come back and ask her why her heartbeat was so fast.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (120/800)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi felt that this was an unexpected surprise.

It's not far away from Shen He's full affection for him!

After bidding farewell to Shen He and leaving Gan Yu's home, Li Qiuzhi turned invisible and quickly flew to the vicinity of Wanmin Hall with his sword, found a corner where no one was paying attention, and released Ke Qing and the others.

Hutao, who was already hungry, rushed towards Wanmin Hall.

Shouting "Xiang Ling" loudly and asking her to prepare food quickly, Li Qiuzhi and Beidou were helpless.

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