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Chapter 427 Peace Talk (Two in One)

Inazuma, Kujo Jinya.

This is the frontline base camp of the shogunate army. All the later supplies and command operations are here.

"General Kujo!"

The soldiers standing guard at the gate of the shogunate's camp saw two people descending from the sky, and one of them was Kujo Sora, so they immediately asked how they were doing.


Jiu Jiao Shuangluo responded and led Li Qiuzhi into the camp.

"Miss Shangluo, are you negotiating here this afternoon? Miss Coral Palace will not take the risk of coming here."

Li Qiuzhi asked curiously as he looked at the heavily guarded camp.

"That thoughtful strategist will naturally not come here. Our negotiation location is on the beach at the junction of Kujo Jinya and Tatasha.

"In order to prevent accidents, both of us will bring some troops to guard it."

Kujo Sora explained simply.

"I see."

Li Qiuzhi recalled the negotiation scene between the two armies in the original book, and it seemed that this was indeed the case:

"Since the general wants me to negotiate peace with you, then Miss Sanluo, please tell me what kind of conditions the shogunate army can accept."

If he wants to help negotiate peace, he must first know the bottom line of both parties, otherwise it will be difficult to grasp the degree of advancement and retreat.

"Well, I will talk to you in detail later."

Kujo Sora naturally understands this truth, and this is exactly what she will do next.

It didn't take long.

The two walked to an Inazuma-style wooden building, which was also guarded by shogunate soldiers.

However, with these nine people taking the lead, it was easy to walk in without being blocked.

There is a lot of space inside the building.

There are two large columns in the middle to support the roof. There are some tables and chairs placed side by side on both sides of the columns.

At a slightly higher position in the back, there is a slip with many documents.

Judging from the overall layout, this should be Kujo Sora, the general who commands everything on the front line.

A place like the combat command room where you usually work or discuss action plans with other soldier captains.

But now the two sides have stopped fighting, so there are not as many people here as before.

Kujo Sora walked to the desk at the back and sat down on the chair there.

She pulled out a prepared document and handed it to Li Qiuzhi, and at the same time parted her soft lips and said:

"This is the specific condition that the shogunate needs from Haiqi Island to agree to. You don't need to look further if it says that a consensus has been reached.

"The remaining conditions that are still controversial are the key points that I need to trouble you to persuade for peace."

"Well, let me take a look first."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and found a chair nearby to sit down. He had already understood the areas where the shogunate and Haiqi Island could not reach consensus.

Now is a more detailed explanation.

First of all, regarding the army of Haiqi Island, the shogunate definitely hopes that Haiqi Island can be disarmed, and then the shogunate army will be stationed to protect Haiqi Island.

When Li Qiuzhi saw this condition, he knew that Xinhai would not agree to it.

After all, without armed forces, she could not guarantee whether the shogunate army would turn around and attack the people of Haiqi Island.

As a goddess miko, she must consider various situations.

Li Qiuzhi would not agree to this kind of thing where he was unable to take the initiative, and the stalemate would continue at worst.

Anyway, the "lockdown order" is gone, and trade has been opened up, so Haiqi Island will not be short of supplies in the short term.

I believe the shogunate also understands this, and proposing such conditions that are basically impossible to accept should be just to lower the other party's psychological expectations.

It's just to make it easier for Haiqi Island to accept the shogunate and other conditions that are not so excessive.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the second condition on which no consensus was reached.

This condition is related to taxation. After all, Haiqi Island is part of Inazuma, so the relevant policies will naturally be finalized after the peace talks.

Only in this way can the interests of both parties be protected.

Haiqi Island also understands this. Being able to enjoy the protection of various economic and trade policies of the shogunate, it is natural to fulfill the corresponding tax obligations.

Haiqi Island also understands this, but they feel that the tax rate on Haiqi Island is about five percent higher than that of other cities.

This is very unreasonable.

Originally, Haiqi Island was greatly affected economically due to the war, and they were asked to pay more taxes. Isn't this an act of rubbing salt on the scars?

Therefore, Haiqi Island did not agree to this condition, and also asked for tax exemption for five or six years to allow them to recuperate.

Normally speaking, the shogunate can collect taxes equally without discrimination, or it can be more generous and exempt them for one or two years. It is indeed inappropriate to increase the tax rate.

After all, this will increase the burden on the residents of Haiqi Island.

It feels like it should also be used to lower the psychological expectations on Haiqi Island.

The remaining issues include the management rights of Haiqi Island. The shogunate wants to get involved. No wonder no consensus has been reached for so long.

"Miss Shangluo, are these conditions too harsh? Normally, people wouldn't agree to it."

Li Qiuzhi felt a little embarrassed, how could he tell Xinhai about such conditions.

"Of course I understand this. After all, if I don't give them a blow in this regard, I don't know how open they will be!"

Kujo Sora snorted, and then continued:

"According to the general, the military advisor of Haiqi Island, Coral Gong Xinhai, is a rare talent.

"Haiqi Island can be autonomous if it wants, but it cannot be completely autonomous. It can be tax-free if it wants, but it cannot be given too much."

When Li Qiuzhi heard Kujo Sanluo's words, he somewhat understood what it meant to be a general.

In short, Haiqi Island can be autonomous, but must it be under the supervision of the shogunate? Well, it is still very reasonable.

"If that's the case, then I should be able to talk to Xinhai and ask her what she means."

Li Qiuzhi rested his chin and thought for a moment.

"While the formal peace talks haven't started yet, go over and talk to her now."

Jiu Jiao Shan Luo folded his hands under his chest and told Li Qiuzhi the location of the Hai Qi Army's temporary camp in Ta Tao Sha.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I will do my best."

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and said.

"Well, I'll leave it to you." Kujo Sora expressed his gratitude.

[Kujo Sora has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (60/400)]

Li Qiuzhi walked out of the shogunate army's camp and then looked in the direction of the Haiqi army's camp.

This time, he was not going to fly over, but was going to use the ability to travel through space. This ability came from the God-level skill "Power of Light".

After the "Yingzhi Sword God" was promoted to the divine realm level and gained abilities similar to the power of gods.

Its characteristics are not only usable by the incarnation of the golden sword spirit with a glowing appearance.

For example, in the past, the "space shuttle" feature required using the "Ying Sword God" to summon the incarnation of the sword spirit and letting "her" cut out the sword spirit to trigger it.

Now, even if Li Qiuzhi doesn't summon the incarnation of sword intention, he can still use it easily, and it doesn't necessarily have to be an attack.

There is no problem in using it on yourself or summoning the incarnation of the sword to achieve silent and shadowless space travel on your body!

There is also a feature like "Thousand Shadows". After his sword skills are upgraded to the divine level, Li Qiuzhi can use it to summon more than one incarnation of the golden sword intention.

As long as there is energy support and maintenance, you can summon up to a thousand!

But now he wants to maintain the existence of the sword spirit phantom, and he can only summon nine at most. Later, he will use it to let "them" explore the beast realm, and the efficiency will be much higher.

Regardless of the duration, if it is just used for burst attacks, there is no problem in summoning ninety-nine "Ying Sword Gods" within half a minute.

There is also the "sharpness" characteristic that can break any defense, and now it can even be used on its own fists

Li Qiuzhi smiled and temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​​​imagining the various ways of using the God-level skill "Power of Light".

Start using the "Power of Light" space shuttle feature to rush to Haiqi Island, and complete the current mission first.

He took a step forward, and then disappeared silently into the void in front of him, just like the "Sword God of Ying" once launched his sword energy to attack.

When Li Qiuzhi appeared again, as if he had shrunk to an inch, he directly stepped several kilometers away and appeared quietly!

The same was true for the second step. When the third step was completed, he had already appeared in front of Hai Qijun's camp.


The soldiers guarding the camp of the Haiqi Army were shocked when they saw a man suddenly appear in front of them out of thin air, even though they had excellent psychological quality.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was about to explain, one of the soldiers looked at him as if he had remembered something and said:

"Hey, this seems to be the 'honorary general' that Mr. Coral Palace mentioned in the announcement. I remember that he did a lot to abolish the bad government of the shogunate!"

"Yes, it seems that he is indeed the 'Honorary General'. If it is him, it would be normal for him to appear out of thin air."

Another soldier said the same thing.

Soon the soldiers recognized Li Qiuzhi one after another, and he relaxed a little. It seemed that he didn't need to spend time explaining himself.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

"Hello everyone, I'm here to see Lord Xinhai, please go and inform me."

"Okay, Honorable General!"

The first soldier who recognized Li Qiuzhi just now took the initiative and walked into the camp to inform Coral Palace Xinhai.

Not long after, Xinhai, who had long coral hair and his legs wrapped in white knee-high socks, followed the soldier and walked out.

Next to her was Wu Lang, a victorious general.

"It's you, why did you come here?"

Coral Palace Xinhai's boots stepped on the sandy ground, leaving shallow footprints as he walked up to Li Qiuzhi and asked with a smile.

"I was invited by the shogunate to make peace. How about we go inside and talk."

Since this was not something that couldn't be said, Li Qiuzhi simply explained it first.

"Oh?" Xinhai folded her arms and looked at him with eyes as dark blue as the sea. There was a hint of surprise in her expression. She nodded lightly and said, "Well, just follow me."


Li Qiuzhi followed Xinhai and Wulang to a room in the camp, which looked like a conference room.

There are so many tables and chairs, and the sunlight coming in from the window makes the place very bright.

"Honorary General, did you bring any news from the shogunate?" Coral Palace Xinhai asked Li Qiuzhi to sit down on the chair and asked curiously.

"Even" Li Qiuzhi naturally wouldn't hide it from Xinhai and told the shogunate's conditions.

After listening to Li Qiuzhi's words, Coral Palace Xinhai's fair face showed some dissatisfaction:

"Hmph, Haiqi Island has been governed by the 'Miko, the Living Goddess' as the supreme leader for generations. Why should we let them supervise it!"

"Lord Coral Palace is right, and not everyone in the shogunate thinks that peace talks are a good thing. If we ask them to supervise, they may deliberately embarrass us!"

Goro didn't trust the shogunate very much either.

"Then Xinhai, what do you think is appropriate?"

Li Qiuzhi was called by the general to negotiate peace because of his friendship with Xinhai. He was not an expert on how to negotiate, so he could just ask directly.

No need for any psychological games or anything like that.

"What everyone on Haiqi Island hopes for is that we can be completely autonomous without any interference from others, and then we can conduct normal transactions with other cities in Inazuma.

"Of course we will also fulfill our obligation to protect Dao Wife. After all, Haiqi Island is also a part of Dao Wife."

Coral Palace Xinhai expressed his thoughts.

To put it simply, it means that Haiqi Island will develop its own development as before, and the shogunate cannot interfere, but they will also do their due duties of taxation and protecting Inama.

Of course, Haiqi Island has fulfilled its obligations, and the shogunate must also actively formulate policies to conduct business transactions, cultural exchanges, etc. with Haiqi Island.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and felt that what Xinhai said was quite reasonable. Since the problem could not be solved for the time being, it would be good to maintain the original situation.

"I can see that the shogunate is quite sincere in asking you to come over to persuade us to make peace. As long as the shogunate agrees to our conditions, we can take a step back in terms of taxation.

"How about two years of tax exemption, allowing Haiqi Island to recuperate, and returning to normal in the third year?"

Coral Palace Xinhai seemed to have thought about this condition for a long time, and took this opportunity to express it.

"Well, I think it's good, but I have to go back and ask Kujo Sora first. She is solely responsible for this matter now."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. He definitely couldn't decide, so he had to go back and talk to Kujo Sanluo.

If she can also take a step back, so that both parties take a step back, there will be no problem in reaching a consensus.

"Okay, Honorable General, I'll leave this matter to you."

Coral Palace Xinhai said with a smile.

She saw that Li Qiuzhi didn't just talk to him because he was the person invited by the shogunate to make peace.

At the same time, he also took into account the interests of Haiqi Island, so he had a slightly better impression of him.

It seems that he still has his heart set on the "honorary general" of our Haiqi Island!

[Coral Palace Xinhai has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (280/600)]

Li Qiuzhi felt a little happy when he saw the favorable impression prompt that popped up.

It seems that this person who is said to mediate the conflicts between the two parties actually has a similar job as "passing the microphone", which is quite good.

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