I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 435 Meeting Yelan again (two in one)

"We wanted to knock on the door, but it wasn't locked properly. It opened with a light knock."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the sleepy Gan Yu and explained.

"Hey, is that so?"

Gan Yu looked down at the table, her icy blue hair slightly covering her eyes to hide the embarrassment in her heart.

"Ganyu, you don't have to work overtime every day. The only way to get ahead is to share the work appropriately."

Many of the complex information compilation tasks in Yuehai Pavilion are basically handled by Gan Yu.

Others don't have this ability yet.

But in this case, the entire Yue Hai Pavilion seems to be too dependent on Gan Yu, which is very detrimental to the growth of other people.

It's just that Yue Hai Pavilion is busy with work and must rely on Gan Yu to operate efficiently. Ning Guang is also quite troubled by this situation.

Alas, Gan Yu's ability is too good, and it's a problem that others can't keep up.

Not only did Gan Yu's work increase to the point where he often had to work overtime, but no one else could help.

I have to think of a way to improve it, Ning Guang thought as she held her fair chin against it.

"Okay, okay, I'll let someone share some of the work." Gan Yu closed his eyes, shook his hair and said.

"I think it's appropriate for Shen He to help you."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and continued:

"Once your junior sister has finished setting up the various formations in Qun Jade Pavilion, she will have nothing to do, and returning to Aozang Mountain to practice will not help her adapt to human life.

"It would be nice to have her help you, my senior sister. She can cultivate and adapt to life at the same time."

Although Shen He seems not suitable for intelligence work.

But moving files, getting something, and just following Gan Yu's instructions without thinking too much is definitely much more efficient than ordinary people.

She can even summon "Lu Ling" to help.

"Shall I ask Shen He to help me? Well, it's not impossible. Let's go back tonight and ask her if she is willing."

Gan Yu thought for a moment and felt that it would be a good idea to ask his junior sister to come over for help.

She nodded, suddenly shifted her gaze to Li Qiuzhi and Ningguang, and said doubtfully:

"By the way, are you here looking for me? What's the matter?"

Ning Guang nodded gently, parted her soft lips slightly and said:

"Yes, Gan Yu, I want you and Li Qiuzhi to go to the Layer Rock Abyss to investigate what happened there. If it can be handled, we can handle it by the way."

"You want me to go on a business trip, but I haven't finished the work at hand yet."

There was a hint of surprise in Gan Yu's soft tone.

"It doesn't matter, just let me handle it." Ningguang said with a smile while hugging her chest.

She is also a professional when it comes to intelligence work.

"Well, that's no problem. When will we set off?"

Gan Yu heard Ning Guang's words and nodded to express that there was no problem.

"Miss Gan Yu looks very sleepy. How about you take a rest first and we can set off again later?"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for your concern, but it doesn't matter. I will cheer up. This little sleepiness will not affect my working status."

A gentle and sweet smile appeared on Gan Yu's fair face under her ice-blue hair.

[Gan Yu has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (0/400)]

"Since this is okay, let's set off." Seeing that Gan Yu didn't care, Li Qiuzhi said with a tap of his chin.

Lisha suburb.

The ore trucks that could often be seen in the past have disappeared from the roads, and only the traces of the wheels on the dirt floor prove its former prosperity.

"There is a giant rock abyss ahead. We are almost there."

Gan Yu, who was flying in the air side by side with Li Qiuzhi, looked ahead and said.

"What a strange terrain?" Li Qiuzhi was very surprised when he saw the inward-sloping terrain of the layered rock abyss in the game.

Now seeing it with my own eyes is no exception.

"A long time ago, an unknown 'celestial star' fell from the sky, piercing the surface of the earth and creating a 'big pit' called the Great Abyss of Rock."

Gan Yu, who was flying slightly forward, introduced Li Qiuzhi to the origin of the giant layered rock abyss while continuing to move forward.

Although Li Qiuzhi knew a little about the Strata Rock Abyss, he was definitely not as good as Gan Yu.

So I still listened very carefully.

After a while, the two flew directly above the giant rock abyss and found a huge dark hole at the bottom.

“That’s the mouth of the Great Abyss, which is where you enter the underground mining area of ​​the Strata Abyss.

"But it's closed now, and the Qianyan Army is guarding it to prevent anyone from entering. Let's go down first and show them our pass."

Gan Yu said.

Li Qiuzhi naturally acted as he was told.

The blessing of the wind element was dispersed in a moment of thought, and then the two of them slowly descended towards the mouth of the great abyss.

In less than a minute, they stood on the solid ground and walked towards the Qianyan Army camp stationed in front.

After handing the pass issued by Ningguang to Qian Yanjun who was guarding here, the two of them took the wooden elevator down to the underground mining area smoothly.

During this period, the Qianyan Army also gave them two "lumen stone hand-held lamps" props. Without this thing, it would be difficult to move in the dark underground mining area.

In Li Qiuzhi's opinion, this prop was similar to a flashlight.

Unfortunately, it is not the "Lumen Stone Catalyst" that can be used to clear black mud in the game. Otherwise, you can use it to clean up black mud when you encounter it.

Probably still under research, Li Qiuzhi thought to himself as he looked at the descending elevator.

However, with the strength of him and Gan Yu, they should be able to clean up the black mud even without the "Lumen Stone Catalyst".

After all, reality does not stipulate that a "Lumen Stone Catalyst" is needed to affect the black mud, as in the game.

While Li Qiuzhi was thinking, the elevator quickly reached the bottom and stopped.

This is the miners' camp in the underground mining area. Although there is no one there for the time being, the "lumen stone lamp" left behind is still on.

So there is no darkness here as expected.

"Let's go this way next. That should lead to the depths of the mining area."

Under the light blue fluorescence of the "Lumen Stone Lamp", Gan Yu took out a map of the underground mining area and looked at it.

He pointed to a corner on the map with his white fingers and said to Li Qiuzhi.

Li Qiuzhi took a look, nodded slightly and said:

"No problem, but even with the map, we still know too little about this place. Let's wait here and let more professional people come over."

After saying that, he took out the amber gem given by Ning Guang and banged it against the wall with a little force.


Along with the crisp sound, a circle of bright yellow ripples began to spread along the wall.

"Hey, this is what Ning Guang gave you?"

Gan Yu felt the familiar rock elemental power fluctuations, looked at Li Qiuzhi curiously with his beautiful pupils and asked.

"That's right, Ningguang said that we can contact Ye Lan. Ye Lan entered the Rock Abyss a few days ago. It should be much easier for us to have her lead us."

After Li Qiuzhi finished knocking, he put the amber gem away again.

"Well, that's a good idea. Let's wait here." A look of surprise appeared on Gan Yu's white face.

"By the way, Miss Gan Yu, we don't know when Ye Lan will come over. Instead of waiting here, why don't we exchange archery skills.

"Speaking of which, when I came to Layer Rock Abyss, I also had the idea of ​​​​looking for Miss Yelan to ask for advice on stealth skills."

Li Qiuzhi casually opened a space crack and took out his adventurer's hunting bow from the fairyland space.

In the game, Gan Yu's archery skills are very powerful, and I don't know if they are secret level or arcana level.

Even if he doesn't use archery much now.

But it's quite good to learn to use the "sword-based" characteristic of "Ying's Power" and integrate the extraordinary characteristics of Gan Yu's archery.

"Hey, let's exchange archery skills? It's not impossible." Gan Yu has been busy with official duties recently and hasn't touched a weapon or practiced archery for a long time.

Thinking that there would inevitably be a battle later, it would be fine to warm up first and find the state.

"Okay, thank you Miss Gan Yu."

Li Qiuzhi had a smile on his face.

For the next time, Li Qiuzhi waited for Ye Lan to appear while exchanging archery skills with Gan Yu.

After all, he had also learned Wendy's profound "Godly Archery", so he was not completely helpless in front of Gan Yu, a master of archery.

The word "exchange" is also worthy of the name, and everyone can gain new gains.

Underground mining area, Serpent Cave.

Yelan, who used the power of water element to hide her figure, looked at the giant ruins snake crawling around on the opposite platform and frowned secretly:

Unexpectedly, there is such a terrifying ruins mechanism deep in the underground mining area, and it also has the power to summon black mud.

Are the changes in the stratified abyss related to it?

She had been in the Strata Abyss for a few days, and her investigation into the underground mining area had begun since the time of the blockade.

Thanks to her excellent invisibility, she can easily bypass many powerful monsters and conduct careful investigations.

Just now, she finally reached the depths of the underground mining area along the way and basically figured out all the problems in the layered rock abyss.

Mainly due to the appearance of black mud that can strengthen monsters, the underground mining area has become extremely dangerous and normal mining cannot be carried out.

Yelan originally thought that as long as the black mud and strengthened monsters were cleared away, it would be enough.

However, after she cleaned up a few, she suddenly saw a new group of black mud popping up again.

She understood at that time that if she didn't find the reason why the black mud was born, no matter how much she cleaned, it would be in vain.

They will keep popping up.

So she investigated in depth along the way, and finally came to this cave and discovered this terrifying ruins snake.

Yelan wasn't sure if it created the black mud, but it knew how to summon the black mud that other monsters couldn't.

I feel like this giant ruin snake is very suspicious no matter what!

It's just that she felt from a distance that the aura of this giant relic snake was very terrifying, and she couldn't challenge it alone.

You have to go back and find help.

Just when Ye Lan thought of this, she suddenly felt the amber gem hanging on her waist vibrate slightly.

Um? Did Ningguang come to find her?

Ye Lan took the gem in his hand, looked at it, and then put it down again.

It just so happened that I also encountered a problem. If Ningguang was there, I might be able to try the strength of this giant ruin snake.

After taking one last look at the giant ruins snake, she began to return to the main mining area without hesitation.

The legs wearing high-heeled tight leather boots started running quickly, and in the invisible state, they were like a speedy shadow that no one in the world could detect.

They rushed out of the Giant Snake Cave in a moment without causing any disturbance.

Not even the air was disturbed!

[Comprehended skill: Flowing Sky Shooting Technique]

Looking at the prompts that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi exhaled. It was really not easy. After trying so many times, he finally managed to get started.

He opened the character panel and checked:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv91 (362/910000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiqi

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Light·Divinity 1 (0/10000), Sky Shooting Technique·Mystery 1 (1/5000), Ninja Technique·Concealment and Mystery Domain 10 (Elimination, Lost Way, Domain), Wind Element Control 10 (Full Level) , Fighting 10 (in detail)

Expertise: [Advent] [Girl Savior] [Anti-Devil Enhancement] [Plenty of Life] [Gospel of the Sky] [North Wind] [Spiritual Tentacle] [Reconciliation] [Thousand-Year Body] [Abyssal Vortex] [Charging Body] ][Elemental immunity][Command spell][Spiritual grid][Wuxiang's thunder]

Experience points: 53982

Is it really the secret level? Li Qiuzhi looked at the description on the character panel and nodded secretly.

He had vaguely felt it when he was learning it just now. The sophistication of "Liu Tian Archery" and "God's Archery" were not compromised.

However, it may be because he has mastered the God-level skills, which makes it much easier to learn the secret-level skills from a high position.

In just half a day, I successfully mastered the "Flowing Sky Shooting Technique"!

If it was a secret-level or ordinary-level skill, would it be possible for him to reach the full level just by practicing it for a few days without even using experience points?

Li Qiuzhi felt that he would have to find some ordinary or secret-level skills to try in the future.

If it really becomes that easy, he will no longer need to use experience points for skills below the secret level in the future. He will just have to practice hard on his own.

The savings can be reserved for more powerful skills or leveling up!

"Phew, it seems that you have successfully mastered my archery skills, so let's stop here. Ye Lan is here."

Gan Yu put away his bow and arrows, looked out sideways and said.

When Li Qiuzhi heard Gan Yu's words, he also looked outside and saw a young woman with shoulder-length hair walking towards them.

She was wearing a white Xiapei that looked like a coat. She looked quite cool, but wasn't it Ye Lan? She finally came over.

"What kind of magical combination are you? Did Ningguang ask you to come here to help?"

Yelan walked forward in her pant-style high-heeled tight leather boots, and found that the person calling her was not the guy Ningguang.

But Gan Yu and Li Qiuzhi.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Miss Yelan. It's true as you said, we were sent by Miss Ningguang to investigate the Layer Rock Abyss with you."

Gan Yu nodded slightly and continued:

"Excuse me, what is the situation here now? Is there anything you need our help with?"

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