I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 453 Count Rabbit, attack!

Xumi, Jingliuli Workshop.

"Doctor" felt a little surprised when he saw Li Qiuzhi and Nasida appearing here.

The former caused one of his "slices" to suffer a lot, and the latter should have been placed under house arrest by the great sage in the "Jingshan Palace".

Appearing here now means that the great sage has failed.

"Long time no see 'Doctor', last time I traded the thunder element 'God's Heart' from Inazuma. I remember it was what your Majesty the Queen needed.

"I got Sumeru inexplicably and colluded with the great sage to come up with some 'god-making plan'. Is this also allowed by your queen?"

Li Qiuzhi and Naxida came a little closer, then stopped and talked casually.

"You know so clearly that the Great Sage is really a waste."

"Doctor" spoke calmly, and then continued:

"However, it is not a good habit to break into other people's places without permission and explore unknown secrets."

Just when he finished speaking.


Suddenly there was a bell ringing.

A majestic invisible sound wave arrived silently, but before Li Qiuzhi could respond, it dissipated without a trace.

Nacida was also aware of this sound wave. Thanks to her own power, her ability in mental power was very good.

It can even pull the opponent into a dream state silently.

Therefore, it is not too difficult to use mental power to disrupt this sound wave so that it becomes disordered and disappear automatically in an instant.

"'Doctor', how long are you going to do evil? Sumeru is not a place where you can do whatever you want!"

Nacida took a step forward and asked aggressively.

At the same time, he continued to use mental power to fight back secretly.

After all, the "doctor" took action first, and it seemed that it was not so easy to make him stop the experiment today.

Not to mention asking for guilt and accountability, etc. These require them to show their strength that the "doctor" is afraid of!

"Little Lucky Grass King...heh, don't try to interfere with me with your mental power, you can't do it."

"Doctor" felt some kind of mental change and chuckled.

The situation is a little trickier.

With this little Grass God around, his spiritual and soul abilities wouldn't be of much use.

It seems that if you want to deal with them quietly, you can't do it... He continued to smile under the black mask, raised his hand and said:

"Elemental power is a wonderful thing. The fusion between fire and thunder will produce a more powerful overload reaction.

"Then you think that when this overloaded power is released, use huge mental power to lock it in.

"Then what will happen if the two elements of thunder and fire are continuously input?"

The "Doctor"'s palm first burst out with flames and then lightning, and when the two merged, he instantly became violent.

But when the overloaded power was about to explode, the invisible mental power forcibly locked and compressed them into a small crimson ball flashing with lightning.

With the continuous input of the two elemental forces, the red color of the red ball became more intense and began to change to dark red.

Its hidden power of terror is gradually revealed.

"You're crazy!" Nasida looked at the operation of "Doctor" and said with some surprise, "If it explodes, this secret realm will collapse instantly, and you will also suffer heavy losses by then!"

"This workshop will be meaningless when you successfully sneak in."

"Doctor" said nonchalantly.

The "God of Positive Machinery" has been manufactured, and various experimental instruments here have completed their tasks.

Although it is a pity to give them up, it is not something difficult to accept.

Li Qiuzhi, who was next to Nasida, somewhat admired the decisiveness of the "doctor". When he saw that the situation was not going well, he immediately enlarged his moves, right?

In this case, he didn't need to say anything to him. He summoned a cute Rabbit Count with his backhand, but it was just a specially customized version.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he used it since Amber's affection for him reached the maximum level and he obtained such a terrifying skill.

"Hey, this is so cute?" Nasita looked at "Count Rabbit" with bright eyes.

"nice one!"

Li Qiuzhi did not throw "Count Rabbit" over, but gently placed it on the ground, and then launched the invisible field again.

Pulling Nasida down to the "shallow space".

Watching Li Qiuzhi and Nasida disappear, leaving only a strange doll, even the "doctor" felt a little confused.

At the same moment, "Doctor" suddenly felt an endless sense of crisis in his heart.

While subconsciously throwing away the "Overload Singularity" in his hand, he summoned multiple elemental shields to protect himself and disappeared in place.

As for the "skirmisher", don't worry about it. With the "God of Opportunity" protecting him, there shouldn't be any problems.

After all, the "God of Positive Opportunities" is his own handiwork, and he knows its defensive performance well.

At the same moment when he moved to the distance, the "overload singularity" exploded.

The cute "Count Rabbit" who kept wiggling his buttocks suddenly burst into endless light and heat!

The terrifying wave of fire element explosions instantly engulfed the "Overload Singularity", and the next second "Doctor" watched the terrifying explosion impact and the wave of fire elements coming.

His expression remained unchanged, and he just silently added a few layers of elemental shields to himself and the "God of Positive Opportunities".

According to the information from the "slice" who had dealt with Li Qiuzhi several times, this young adventurer was much more powerful than his "slice" and "skirmishers".

But for him, Li Qiuzhi was far inferior to him before, but now he can threaten him.

I have to say that this growth rate is very terrifying.


Soon the explosive impact and flames filled the entire secret space, and this secret space could not withstand this blow that was comparable to that of a demon.


The sound of something fragile cracking echoed in the "Doctor's" ears. It was the sound of the secret realm barrier breaking, and it was also the sound of his elemental shield breaking.

The "Doctor" frowned, immediately increased the output of elemental power, and repaired his shield.

Soon, the entire secret realm was torn to pieces by the raging flames, and the "Doctor" and "The God of Opportunity" who successfully blocked the attack were instantly ejected.

A huge purple machine suddenly appeared in the sky above the forest, just when it seemed to be falling to the ground.

The "skirmisher" inside finally established a connection with the "God of Opportunity" and was barely able to control it to float without continuing to fall down.

At this time, the "Doctor" stood on the shoulders of the "God of Opportunities", looking around with a solemn expression under the mask.

Now he is in a bad mood.

After suffering an attack in vain, the "Doctor" found that he could not detect any aura from Li Qiuzhi and the two of them.

In order to prevent them from suddenly appearing, a powerful strange doll was thrown out.

He had to be more cautious!

Sorry for the poor status, there is still only one update, I will adjust it as soon as possible. (have no choice)

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