I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 461 World Tree (two in one)

Li Qiuzhi opened the character panel and looked at the two prompts that popped up:

[Successfully collected the rare treasure "The Legend of the Salt Demon God" and obtained the spatial characteristics·Hide: In the "Golden Treasure House", the training efficiency of hidden skills is doubled, making it easier to obtain new insights. There is a smaller probability after reaching the full level. Enlightenment, improves the hidden skills practiced by one level, up to the upper limit of mystery level. 】

Looking at the spatial characteristics obtained by collecting "The Legend of the Salt Demon God", it may be related to Heulia's experience of hiding everywhere with her people.

The spatial properties obtained are also related to this.

It can increase the speed of practicing hidden skills. This feature is quite good, but unfortunately the upper limit can only reach the secret level.

The hidden ability he currently possesses, "Shadow of the Abyss", is at the secret level, which means that this feature is temporarily useless.

When you find a new stealth skill later, that's when it will come into play.

At that time, it may be possible to quickly upgrade multiple stealth skills to the secret level, and then merge them with the "Shadow of the Abyss" to transform into a god-level stealth skill.

This will be much simpler than slowly integrating and improving.

Speaking of stealth skills, Heulia was able to hide with her people for so long during the Demon God War, so she should be somewhat good at it.

Later, you can ask her. While Li Qiuzhi was thinking to himself, he looked at another prompt in the character panel:

[Successfully collect the rare treasure "The Legend of Thunderbolt General" and obtain spatial characteristics and inheritance: in the "Golden Treasure House", when imparting knowledge and experience, you can slowly understand more concise and efficient teaching methods, and the learners' understanding will be improved and their learning efficiency will be improved. improve. 】

Lei Dengzhen passed on the god status to his sister Lei Yingying, and Yingying handed over Ina's wife to the general for protection.

Indeed, "inheritance" is reflected everywhere, which can improve teaching efficiency and improve learners' understanding.


Li Qiuzhi took a breath. This complements the spatial characteristics provided by "Salt Demon God". It will make it easier to learn any skills in the future!

After checking the newly acquired spatial characteristics, Li Qiuzhi met Ying and Paimon.

Let's leave the fairyland space together and come to the Huachengguo where Daochenglin is outside.

After so many days, Nacida should have put the Order in order, and it was time to take Ying there to help her clean up the pollution of the "World Tree".

During the few days in Huachengguo, Ying also successfully eradicated Ke Lai's "Devil Scale Disease".

Ke Lai was so excited that he also had a lot of affection for Li Qiuzhi:

[Ke Lai has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (60/600)]

After helping Ke Lai recover from his illness, Li Qiuzhi continued to explore Daochenglin with everyone in the next two days.

By the way, check to see if there are any dead zones in this area, and if there are any, clear them out.

But it may be that Dao Chenglin's death zone has been cleared temporarily, and they only defeated some monsters in two days.

It's not a pity that we haven't encountered the Dead Zone. The absence of the Dead Zone means that the risk factors for people passing by Daocheng Forest are reduced.

Being safer is obviously a good thing.

Today, Li Qiuzhi and the others had nothing to do in Daochenglin, so they said goodbye to Tinari, Kelai and the other rangers for the time being.

Ke Lai was a little reluctant to hear their farewells, but she also knew in her heart that Li Qiuzhi and the others could not stay here forever.

So she nodded gently while saying goodbye to Li Qiuzhi and others.

A little embarrassed, he touched the green hair on the side, looked at the ground and said:

"Well... um, um, please bring Amber here to play more often. I, I will entertain you well."

"Hehe, Ke Lai's little thoughts are all on his face. Don't worry, we will definitely come and see you with Amber."

Paimon, who was flying beside Ying with a tiara on his head, said with a soft smile.

"Eh, that's not it..." Kelai's mind was broken by Paimon, his gaze lowered, and his face felt a little hot.

Well, it's so embarrassing, I feel like a child...

"Haha, since Kelai wants to see Amber often, let me give you a gift before I leave. Then you can go to her easily."

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but smile when he saw Ke Lai's embarrassed look, and then summoned a golden ball of light and handed it to her.

"What is this?" Kelai looked confused.

"Hmph, this was the key item that I used to transform into a living person. As long as you have it, you can also learn my teleportation magic!"

Paimon put his hands on his hips and explained the function of the "beacon".


Ke Lai's eyes flashed with stars when he heard this. He never thought that Mr. Li Qiuzhi could give others the ability to teleport at will!

If she had this ability, wouldn't she really be able to go to Amber at any time?

"But, can you really give me such a precious thing?"

Although I really want it in my heart, such a powerful ability must be rare, and I don't have anything worthy of reward.

"It doesn't matter, it's not something difficult for me to do."

Li Qiuzhi saw Ke Lai's heartbeat, and without giving her a chance to refuse, he directly thrust the "beacon" into her hands.

"Then, thank you."

Kelai finally accepted the gift and integrated the "Beacon" into his body, mainly because the temptation of being able to contact Amber at any time was too great.

She really wants this ability!

[Ke Lai has a good impression of you and gained 330 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (390/600)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompt that popped up on the character panel and said with satisfaction:

"You're welcome, we are friends, aren't we? Just send Kelai here, otherwise Tinari and the rangers will have to worry."

"Yeah!" Kelai nodded slightly and stopped swinging his legs wrapped in asymmetrical knee-high stockings back and forth.

"Then Kelai, let's go first!"

Li Qiuzhi and Ying waved goodbye to Ke Lai.

"OK, bye!"

Ke Lai looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others who continued to walk away, and waved gently as well.

The black short skirt was slightly lifted by the breeze in the forest, revealing her snow-white thigh skin.

After watching Li Qiuzhi and the others out of sight, Ke Lai also turned around and walked back.

At the same time, I can't wait to start using the "interstellar travel" ability to test whether I can contact Amber!

The sun was shining brightly.

It was almost noon, and Li Qiuzhi and his party, who had left Huachengguo, finally arrived at Xumi City.

The reason why it is so fast is mainly due to the use of the "power of light" to travel through space.

Therefore, we rushed from Huachengguo to Xumi City in less than half a day.

The second time he came to Xumi City, this time Li Qiuzhi did not see the scholars from the Order Academy distributing "Void Terminals" to outsiders entering the city.

It was probably Nasida who told her to stop doing this.

After all, although the manufacturing cost of "Void Terminal" is not expensive, if distributed in large quantities, it will accumulate to a considerable expense.

Since there is no need for a large amount of "computing power" to help develop the "God of Right Machines", there is naturally no need to waste this resource.

As for what if someone wants a "Void Terminal", there is a high probability that they can still buy it from the Order Academy.

Because the "void" system is not closed like in the original work.

"Wow, there are so many people here, and the clothing style of the Xumi people is indeed different from that of other countries!"

Entering the city, Paimon looked at the pedestrians around him curiously.

“People in Mondstadt tend to wear skirts and long boots, while people in Liyue prefer to wear robes, and Daozhi is a fur-sleeved coat that can be tied around the waist with a rope.

"For Xumi, the main color is green, with a robe underneath and a jacket outside."

Ying followed little Paimon's gaze and said.

"Well, it is a rainforest country after all, and the entire capital of Xumi City is built on a huge tree.

"Therefore, it is normal for the Xumi people to develop a style similar to that of trees and close to nature under subtle influence."

Li Qiuzhi put his arm around Ying's shoulders and said.

"Let's explore Xumi City later. Now go to the Teaching Court to meet the little Lucky Grass King and help her check out the situation of the World Tree."

Ying felt a little hot and pushed away Li Qiuzhi's arm on her shoulders in disgust.

"It's okay. I went there last time, and now I'm familiar with the road."

Li Qiuzhi had no choice but to hold Ying's arm, and then led her and little Paimon towards the Teaching Academy.

It didn't take long.

The group of people quickly walked to the Order House. When the guards here stopped them and asked about their purpose, Nasida happened to come out from inside.

It seemed that he had noticed the arrival of Li Qiuzhi and the others early and had made time to come out to meet them.

"Lord Little Lucky Grass King!"

The two guarding soldiers immediately saluted and said hello.

"Well, thank you for your hard work. They are my friends. Just leave the rest to me." Nasida nodded slightly and said to the two soldiers.


The guarding soldiers naturally obeyed the orders, and then continued to do their guarding work, leaving Li Qiuzhi and the others to the arrangements of Little Jixiang Grass King.

"You are here, please come in with me." Nasida said to Li Qiuzhi and the others.


Li Qiuzhi nodded and followed Nasida in with Ying and little Paimon.

Paimeng suddenly walked quietly from Ying's right side to Li Qiuzhi's left side, leaned close to his ear and whispered in his ear:

"Is she the little Lucky Grass King? Why does she look so small?"

"Hey, if you ask me about this, I don't know either." Li Qiuzhi replied helplessly.

Little Paimon, you are so brave. You actually told a god that he was short behind his back. Do you really think that if you whisper, he won't hear you?

"Okay, just a little curious."

Paimon looked at Nasida in front of him, who seemed to be about the same height as him, but was the god Xumi, and said.

After passing through the gate of the Order, Nasida, who was walking in front, turned back and said with a smile:

"Gods don't grow as fast as humans. Although I have been born for hundreds of years, if I use a tree as an analogy, I'm probably still just a seedling."

"Hey, so that's it!" Pamon said in surprise.

"That's right."

Naxida turned her gaze to Li Qiuzhi and asked:

"You said you were going to bring experts over to help manage the World Tree. Were they your other two partners?"

She also knew Ying and Paimeng. After all, they were in the same group as Li Qiuzhi, who was also a very famous traveler.

"Yes, Ying's ability is a bit special, and there is a high probability that it can also have an effect on taboo knowledge."

The people in the teaching academy were confused, and Li Qiuzhi did not explain to Naxida in detail that what he controlled was the pure power of the abyss.

"Well, I believe you."

Naxida has not yet thought of a solution to the problem of World Tree pollution, so she can only place her hope on Li Qiuzhi and the others.

If it doesn't work, let's think of other ways together.

"Hmph, don't worry, we have helped so many people and we have never failed!"

Paimon patted his chest with confidence, and then continued:

"By the way, when are we going to see the 'World Tree'? I'm really curious about what the legendary 'World Tree' looks like!"

There was a curious look in her starry eyes.

"You can always go to the World Tree if you want. Let's go to a quiet place first."

As a god of Sumeru, more importantly, her body is part of the "World Tree".

It can be linked to the "World Tree" and teleported there at any time.

"Hmm, okay, I'm already looking forward to it!" Pamon said as he spun around in mid-air and flew back to Ying.

Soon, Li Qiuzhi and the others followed Nasida to the Wisdom Palace, and then took the elevator to the upper floor of the Wisdom Palace.

Here Li Qiuzhi saw the great sage again.

It had only been a few days, and despite the cooperation of the great sage, Nasida's rectification of the Order Academy was going smoothly.

But after all, the time was too short, and many places still required the continued cooperation of the great sage, so for the time being, he had to help Nasida in the Order Academy.

According to Nasida's estimation, it would only take about four or five days before she would be able to take the Order of the Order into her own hands and resume operations.

At that time, arrangements can be made slowly, with the great sage showing up less frequently, slowly delegating power and completing a smooth transfer of power.

Choosing a new great sage to help her in this way would completely return the Order Council to its normal state of having the Grass God as the top talker.

Li Qiuzhi ignored the great sage who was working and followed Naxida to an empty side hall.

She turned around and faced Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimon, and said seriously:

"Okay, there should be no problem here. Speaking of which, I have been locked up since I returned to the Order, and I have been studying in the 'Void' system.

"So I have never been to the World Tree for such a long time. Let's see what it's like.

"Now it's finally time to shoulder the responsibility of becoming the grass god. Please help me this time!"

"Helping others is what we are best at, so just leave it to us!"

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

[Nasida has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (250/500)]

"Well, then I'm going to start teleporting!"

Nasida nodded to express her thanks again, and then faint fluctuations of divine power appeared in her body.

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Thanks to "Li Xian of World of Warcraft" for the 500-coin reward!

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