I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 464 Clearance (two-in-one)

"World Tree" space.

Ying, who has mastered the contaminating power of forbidden knowledge, once again connected with the consciousness of the Great Ci Tree King and entered her memory.

Faced with the siege of forbidden knowledge this time, Ying did not need to use the pure power of the abyss to resist.

She converted the power of the abyss into the "power of forbidden knowledge". This power is a light dark red, which is obviously different from the deep purple of the power of the abyss.

When Ying converted the "power of forbidden knowledge", the forbidden knowledge here instinctively regarded her as a "same kind" and stopped attacking.

Ying stretched out her right hand, facing the forbidden knowledge in front of her with her palm, and released her "power of forbidden knowledge".

Dark red energy spread out from the body, and the moment it came into contact with the forbidden knowledge that polluted the Great Merciful Tree King, it assimilated the power within it.

Become part of the "power of forbidden knowledge" that she controls.

Because they felt that they were in a "same kind" relationship, there was no resistance at all to the forbidden knowledge that polluted the Great Ci Tree King.

After a while, it was slowly eaten away.

Forbidden knowledge without the power of pollution is not a harmful thing now.

There is a high probability that it will not have any impact on the Great Merciful Tree King and the World Tree.

After Hu mastered the forbidden knowledge, Ying also breathed a sigh of relief, took the initiative to disconnect from the consciousness of the Great Ci Tree King, and returned to his own body.

"How's it going? Is it done?"

Watching Ying open her eyes, Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

"There should be no problem." Ying nodded gently, her golden hair swaying slightly as she looked at the Great Ci Tree King:

"How do you feel now?"

Nasida, Paimeng, and Li Qiuzhi all turned their attention to King Daci Shu.

"It feels… it feels good."

King Daci Shu felt his state of consciousness carefully.

She has not forgotten the forbidden knowledge in her memory. Although she still cannot understand it, it will no longer cause her pain and harm!

And the whole person felt much more relaxed, as if a heavy burden had been lifted!

She said with a smile:

"Ever since I was contaminated by forbidden knowledge five hundred years ago, I have been in pain all the time. Now I can finally relax for a while."

"In this case, it means that the problem of pollution of forbidden knowledge has been successfully solved, right?"

Paimon clapped his hands and said with an excited smile.

"Yes, the 'World Tree' is no longer threatened by forbidden knowledge. Presumably the world's rejection of forbidden knowledge has stopped now.

"The people affected by this can finally breathe a sigh of relief!"

King Daci Shu felt inexplicably guilty for not being able to completely solve the pollution of forbidden knowledge.

After so many years, many Sumeru people must have lost their lives due to the "Death Zone" and "Demon Scale Disease".

As if sensing the depressed mood of the Great Ci Tree King, Nasida stepped forward and held her hand and said:

"No one will die from this again."

Sumeru City.

The stone-paved roads on the streets are much cleaner and tidier than the mud roads outside the city.

Ordinary citizens, businessmen, and foreign tourists are all walking on the same street, creating a thriving scene.

"It's such a prosperous scene cough cough."

A young girl wearing somewhat noble clothing was walking on the side of the street, looking at such a beautiful scene with a little envy in her eyes.

I envy those ordinary citizens who can work hard and contribute to building a beautiful Sumiru.

She envied those businessmen who could be like her father, using the money earned from business to support the family and take care of herself.

She also wanted to take care of herself and not make her father work so hard.

I envy those travelers who can travel throughout the world of Teyvat and see the colorful scenery.

Unlike her, she has never left Dalian Xumi City since she was a child.

"Miss, walk slowly. The sun will start to get stronger soon at noon. You are weak and should not stay in the sun for too long."

Behind the girl, who was dressed in a slightly luxurious and elegant style, was an accompanying bodyguard, who was also a girl.

It's just that her physique is much stronger, not at all as weak as the girl she calls young lady.

He has long black hair that looks like a lion, sharp and straight eyes, healthy wheat-colored skin and faintly visible abdominal muscles.

It all shows that this female bodyguard may have a lion-like bravery and a bold and cheerful personality.

Logically speaking, such a character should give people the impression that he would not be willing to be the bodyguard of a rich lady.

Being the boss of the mercenaries or the leader of the adventure group would fit the way she feels, which is how most pedestrians on the street feel.

that's the truth.

There were many passers-by who knew the girl's name, and they were even more shocked that someone could hire the famous "Blazing Maned Lion" as a bodyguard.

Hiss, this is too rich!

"I know, Disiya cough, let's go over there and sit for a while before going back. I'm a little tired after walking for a long time, so I need to take a rest first."

The elegantly dressed girl - Dina Zedai coughed lightly and looked at the shady bench under the roots of the sacred tree in front of her.

"You are a lady, of course you have the final say." Desiya opened her mouth and yawned, looking indifferent.

She was walking with Dina Zedai, and suddenly smiled and looked at her young lady and said:

"By the way, you are in good condition today. You walked probably several hundred meters from home in one breath, and now you feel tired."

When they reached the shade of the tree, Dina Zedei sat down on one side of the bench on the street, leaving some space for Disiya.

She lowered her head in depression, looked at her hands folded in her lap and said:

"The 'Devil Scale Disease' will only continue to get more serious. It's not like you don't know that I have taken countless precious medicines since I was a child, but they have no effect at all."

If Little Lucky Grass King hadn't encouraged her through dreams, she might not have been able to hold on.

"Don't be so pessimistic. There is no disease in this world that cannot be cured. It's just that no one has found a cure for this disease yet.

"Perhaps in some corner of the world, someone has a way to cure the 'Devil Scale Disease'. If it doesn't work, let's ask Little Lucky Grass King for help.

"As the omniscient God of Wisdom, she must know how to cure the 'Demon Scale Disease'!"

Desiya said trying to comfort her young lady.

"Little Lucky Grass King is a benevolent god. If she had a way, she would not bear the pain of her people suffering from diseases, but she has not found any results after so many years."

Dina Zedei sighed and said.

When she was comforted and encouraged by Little Lucky Grass King in a dream, she could also feel the same low mood in him.

He seems to be blaming himself for his own incompetence.

"Well, the world is such a big place, and no one can tell whether there is a cure for 'Devil Scale Disease'."

Desiya leaned on the backrest of the bench, looked up slightly and said:

"Perhaps one day, the Little Lucky Grass King will use his supreme power to directly help all patients with 'Devil Scale Disease' to eradicate the disease from their bodies."

She grew up with Dina Zedei and was very aware of the pain she endured. Because of this, even though she didn't want to think so.

But for the treatment of "magic scale disease", I feel that there is very little hope.

We can only place our hope in the gods, hoping that one day, the gods who protect the people of Sumeru will be able to eliminate all "demon scale diseases" in the world at once.

"Haha, Disiya, why do you have such an idea? Although the little Lucky Grass King is protecting us, she is not omnipotent.

"As her people, we can't ask her for everything. Using our own wisdom to overcome all difficulties and solve problems is what we, as wise people, should do!"

Dina Zedei was amused by Desiya.

"Devil scale disease" suddenly disappeared. How is this possible? Is there really such a happy thing in the world?

Dina Zedai moved her right hand up slightly to hold her wrist covered by her sleeve.

"As long as you don't lose hope, anything can happen!" Desiya said seriously, crossing her arms.


After a while, seeing that Dinazede beside her remained silent, Disiya thought that her words of comfort were wrong.

So he turned his head and looked at Dina Zedai and said:

"What's wrong? Am I thinking too ideally?"

"" Dina Zedei was still silent and did not answer. At this time, her heart felt like a huge wave was surging.

My heart was beating fast.

Because she was holding her left wrist at this moment, and she actually felt that it was just her slender and soft wrist underneath, not the familiar hardness!

She knew exactly what this meant.

The superficial symptom of 'Demon Scale' is the growth of gray-black hard scales on part of the skin of the human body.

The gray-black scales on her skin grew on her two arms.

As usual, she should be able to feel the hardness of the gray and black scales under her sleeves when she holds her wrist.

But now I only feel the softness and smoothness of the sleeve fabric, and there is no hard feeling at all!

How is this possible? Is it true that his "demon scale disease" suddenly disappeared like what Desiya said? !

Dinazedai stared at the ground without blinking, her right hand tightly holding her left wrist, her heart beating faster and faster.

She wanted to believe what Desiya said to comfort her, but her reason told her that it was more likely just her own illusion.

Because after listening to Desiya's words, such a beautiful fantasy came into my mind.

Otherwise, how could the "magic scale disease" that had accompanied her since childhood and tortured her disappear all of a sudden!

There is only one possibility that it is an illusion!

"——Hey, hey, miss, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me. I can't explain to you what's wrong with you!"

Disiya saw that Dina Zedei was in a daze and had no response no matter how she called.

Suddenly, as a mercenary who was majestic both on the battlefield and in peacetime, she couldn't help but panic.

Dina Zedai is not only her employer, but also a very good friend who has been with her since childhood!

If something goes wrong with her, Disiya feels like she can't accept it!

"Hoo" Dina Zedei was brought back to consciousness by Dixia's voice, and she managed to calm down her wave-like mood.

He shook his head slightly and said to the girl who cared about him:

"Don't worry, Disiya, I'm fine. I just feel a little strange suddenly. I don't know if it's an illusion."

Dina Zedai's feeling still hasn't changed. The wrist she holds in her palm really doesn't feel hard at all!

Those disgusting gray-black scales seem to have really disappeared!

But she didn't dare to roll up her sleeves to confirm, worried that her feelings were just fake and that she was looking forward to having fun in vain.

Might as well leave it like this, just let me keep this hope. Dina Zedei covered her wrist, feeling the soft arms that no longer had gray and black scales.

She didn't dare to confirm or break her fantasy, so let her maintain a trace of hopeful happiness in this fantasy.

"what happened to your hand?"

Disiya didn't know what Dinazedai was thinking. She saw that her young lady kept covering her wrist and thought something was wrong.

Worried, he held her hand in his hand, and then gently rolled up his long sleeves.

"don't want!"

Dina Zedei was worried about being disillusioned and instinctively wanted to stop it.

Unfortunately it's too late.

Disiya looked up in confusion when she heard her words, not knowing why the lady stopped her.

However, the movement of his hand did not stop due to the inertia of muscle memory, and he directly rolled up the sleeve of Dina Zedei's left arm.

What was revealed underneath was a piece of skin as white as jade.


Desiya looked down again and grabbed her young lady's arm and fell into silence. Dina Zedei, who was attracted by Desiya's silence, also looked down.

Then fell into silence

Things like this don't just happen to Dina Zede.

All patients in Sumeru who were tortured by "Devil Scale Disease" ushered in the happiest and most beautiful day in their lives.

Teaching Order.

Nasida took Li Qiuzhi and Yinghe Paimon out of the "World Tree" space.

Although she had successfully solved the forbidden knowledge in the memory of King Daci Shu just now, her current situation only left a trace of consciousness.

Even if they could maintain their human form, it would be much better than the situation where Raiden Jin and Heulia could only maintain their spherical forms.

But if it is left alone, there is no doubt that this trace of consciousness will slowly "wear out" and die completely.

So Li Qiuzhi suggested that the Great Mercy Tree King should go to the fairyland space to cultivate. Anyway, she could no longer take care of Xumi's affairs in this situation.

Just leave everything to Nasida, the current Grass God.

And he thoughtfully considered that King Daci Shu might still be worried about Xumi, so he gave her and Nasida a "beacon" respectively.

Nasida can be teleported in at any time to share with her things related to Sumeru, or ask her how to govern the country.

It's like a thunder movie with Shin.

King Daci Shu and Nasida were very happy about this, and had a lot of good impressions of Li Qiuzhi:

[Nasida has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (340/700)]

[The Great Merciful Tree King has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (370/500)]

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