I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 468 The Upside Down City (2-in-1)

As the energy surged freely at the mouth of the earth's veins, it was slowly suppressed and pushed back by Li Qiuzhi.

He quickly pressed it back completely, blocking the hole.

But what is a little bit problematic now is that Li Qiuzhi has blocked the overflowing earth energy, but if he walks away now, it will still leak out again.

in short.

It was like a water pipe leaking. Li Qiuzhi blocked the gap with his hands, and it would naturally be exposed again when the water was released.

He had to find a way to repair the gap once and for all.

In the original work, it was blocked with Purshina's light nails. That thing was accidentally discovered and repaired by a Sumeru scholar named Purshina.

Its function is to block the gap in the earth veins and to use the energy of the earth veins themselves to maintain operation.

The technology of this light nail seems to be related to Kanria, they are the pioneers in utilizing the energy of earth veins.

It's just that he doesn't have this thing now, so he has to try other methods to block the leyline opening.

If there is really no other way, just ask Nasida to help find the scholar who owns the light nail in the Order Academy and ask him to come over and help.

But the situation is obviously not that troublesome.

When Li Qiuzhi was controlling the energy of the earth's veins, he discovered that he could use the energy of the earth's veins itself to achieve a function similar to Purshina's light nail, sealing the mouth.

After all, no matter what effect the light nail has, it is achieved by using the energy of the earth's veins, and he can now control the energy of the earth's veins to a certain extent.

As long as you spend a little time researching, you may not be able to do the same thing yourself.

So Li Qiuzhi began to use the energy of the earth veins he controlled to mix into the energy overflowing from the earth veins.

Try to use the ley line energy itself to seal it in.

But every time he used earth vein energy to seal the mouth of the silt and prepared to remove the control of the energy, the sealed mouth of the silt would be opened.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while, and it might be because his method of using earth vein energy was too rough.

At least it's much worse than Pulshina's bare nails.

However, in his feeling, earth vein energy, elemental power, harmonious energy, etc. are all the same energy, but they are different in nature.

But the operation method and usage are similar.

In other words, he can use earth energy like elemental power.

The elemental power is the same as the demonic power of Shen He's Immortal Power, and can be used to arrange some formations.

By analogy, it is not a problem to use leyline energy to arrange formations.

Then he only needs to use the energy of the earth's veins to set up a sealing formation, and this formation can absorb the energy of the earth's veins to maintain his existence.

Wouldn't this be able to achieve the same effect as Pulshina's bare nails? Perhaps the principle of Purshina's bare nails is similar to this.

As for how to create the sealing formation, it's much simpler.

Although Li Qiuzhi didn't have too in-depth knowledge of formations, he still had quite a few formation masters around him.

For example, Shen He, who was taught by the Immortal, was helping Ningguang's Qunyu Pavilion arrange various formations, and Sister Lisa, who can use magic formations for long-distance teleportation.

There is even a thunder movie that allows you to make a godlike figure called a general, which should also involve knowledge of formations.

In addition to the above, there are also the Eighth Level God Son, the God of Wisdom Nasida, etc. With so many formation masters, it is impossible to not even know a single sealing formation.

The first thing Li Qiuzhi asked was naturally about the thunder movie that stretched out a soft palm from the fairyland space to press his back and send energy to himself.

One thing is nothing but two masters...

So he asked Lei Movie through "Beacon" about the sealing formation.

"It's a simple matter." Lei Qianqian did have a deep knowledge of formations. She thought for a while and said:

"It's hard to learn on the fly. I'll build it slowly and you can just follow along."

"That's fine."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

It is indeed too late to learn now. It is better to imitate the formation and master the formation first.

The thunder movie located in the fairyland space emits substantial spiritual power along its arms. They turn into an energy vein and slowly begin to build a formation.

Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to carefully perceive every step of Lei Movie, and simultaneously controlled the energy of the earth veins to copy Lei Movie.

Under his strong mental perception, basically there will be no mistakes.

Soon, the sealing formation constructed by Lei Qingqing using his mental power appeared completely.

Its appearance is similar to that of an ordinary magic circle, and its color is translucent.

After all, it is just a formation model built with substantial mental power.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi's replica built using the energy of the earth's veins has also been completed. He can feel the energy of the earth's veins that is constantly circulating in the formation.

It proves that this formation can work. As for the effect, you will know if you try it now!

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi pressed the sealing formation into the silt mouth of the earth vein. In an instant, the sealing formation was like a piece of tape, completely blocking the silt mouth.

The arranged sealing formation began to automatically absorb the energy in the earth's veins to maintain its own existence.

In this way, as long as the earth vein energy always overflows from the earth vein silt mouth, there is no need to worry about the formation suddenly failing one day.

Until the earth veins repair themselves and no longer overflow the energy of the earth veins, the magic circle will disappear due to the exhaustion of energy.

"Huh, it's done. Thank you for your hard work." Li Qiuzhi said as he moved his sore wrist.

If it weren't for the support of Lei Movie, he wouldn't be able to fight against such turbulent earth energy. After all, this is the power of nature.


Lei Qingqing responded and took his arm back when he saw that Li Qiuzhi had solved the problem.

"It seems that it's been done, and it's very efficient.

"Let's go to the second leyline mouth where energy is leaking out. The environment here is very dark, and I almost want to sleep."

Ye Lan raised her arms and covered her mouth with her palms, raised her head lazily and yawned.

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (380/400)]

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said, "In that case, let's go."

Even with the lighting of lumen stones, the underground mining area still looks unusually dark.

Li Qiuzhi and the others walked quickly on the road full of scattered ore, and headed towards the second leyline opening that leaked energy.

This second place where energy leaks is a little deeper, near the place known as the Rugged Stone Hall.

It was a little far away from the current location, and it took Li Qiuzhi and the others more than ten minutes to get here.

There are many large stones here, no wonder it is called the Stone Hall, and there is a huge hole in the middle, and you can continue walking down if you walk inside.

However, Li Qiuzhi and the others do not need to run into the stone hall for the time being, because the second ground opening is located in the passage near the stone hall.

With Ye Lan, who was familiar with the terrain, everyone quickly found the earth vein opening that needed to be repaired, which was a little surprising.

The location of the silt here may be due to the fact that the relationship here has not been noticed for a long time. This silt is not only the energy of the earth veins surging out.

There is also black mud and monsters.

Of course, there is nothing to worry about, after all, as long as Li Qiuzhi takes action to clean them all up.

The highest level of these monsters is only sixty, so it won't take him much time to clean them up.

Experience points +2356

Experience points +1953

Experience points +2231

Watching the prompts for gaining experience points keep popping up, after Li Qiuzhi cleaned up the monsters, he was ready to attack the "black mud".

"Wait a minute." Ying suddenly stopped Li Qiuzhi and said.

"Well, what's wrong?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at her doubtfully, and Paimeng and Yelan's eyes also moved to Ying.

"I seem to be able to feel that the power of 'Black Mud' is also somewhat similar to the power of the abyss. I want to try to see if I can master its power."

Ying explained.

Although the black mud spurts out along the earth's veins, they are not the energy of the earth's veins, but an abyssal power hidden in the earth's veins.

Otherwise, there is no way to strengthen monsters or anything like that. Of course, there is everything in the earth line, including Mora and experience books.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a power of the abyss.

Li Qiuzhi also knew from the information in the original work that the black mud was indeed related to the abyss. He thought about it and said to Ying:

"Then give it a try. It won't be a loss if you can learn something."

"Hey, do you want to try to control the power in the "Black Mud" like the 'Power of the Dead Realm' and the 'Forbidden Knowledge'?"

Paimon looked a little surprised, then became a little worried and said:

"I feel like these 'black mud' are quite dangerous, please be careful!"

Although Ye Lan didn't ask, she understood what Ying was thinking. She seemed to want to control the power of "black mud". Is this really possible?

She looked curiously at what Ying would do next.

I saw Ying slowly moving her legs wrapped in over-the-knee boots and walking towards the "black mud" ahead.

At the same time, her hair color turned to light gold, and her whole person's temperament became much colder. This was when she entered the "Princess of the Abyss" state.

In this state, although Ying didn't feel any familiar feeling in the "black mud".

But I did feel something similar to the "power of the dead domain" in the black mud, and I could try to control it.

Ying walked to the edge of the "black mud" and began to use her mental power to capture the "power of the black mud", because she has the ability to master the "power of the dead zone" and "the power of forbidden knowledge" as well as the "power of the devil scale disease" experience.

She also entered the state of enlightenment smoothly, and began to observe and interfere with the "power of black mud" on the premise of having experience.

It didn't take long for Ying to successfully master the "Power of Black Mud". Obviously its level was similar to that of "Power of Death Realm".

It’s not too difficult to master.

After successfully mastering another power, Ying used the pure power of the abyss to disguise the "power of black mud" he had just mastered.

And slowly penetrated it into the black mud in front of him. After a while, the power contained in the black mud in front of him was completely penetrated by the same energy that had penetrated in.

In the end, Ying instantly removed the "power of black mud" under his control, and the black mud emerging from the mouth of the earth vein also disappeared.

"It seems to have been successful." Ye Lan touched his chin and said with an unexpected expression: "Without further ado, I will leave this earth vein opening to you."

After saying that, she turned her head and looked at Li Qiuzhi.


Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly.

With the experience just now, he continued to ask Ying to help transfer energy, and built a sealing circle to successfully hide the earth vein mouth.

The two leyline openings have been successfully sealed. Even if black mud still emerges throughout the mining area in the future, it should not be very frequent.

"Hey, now both places are done, only the last one is left." Paimon said excitedly.

She had been in such a dark and depressing environment for so long, and she wanted to get out a little bit.

"That's right, Ye Lan, please continue to lead the way."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the tall woman next to him and said.

“Well, the last one is in the unnamed ruins under the cave in the center of the rugged stone hall, but we may have to find the specific location.

"Because the cave is too high, those scholars have no way to go down, so they can only barely get the general direction of the last leyline mouth,"

Ye Lan said with her arms crossed.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Now one of Ying and I can sense the energy of the earth's veins, and the other can sense the black mud, so we won't be able to find it."

Li Qiuzhi said.

"That's right, let's go then, finish the last leyline opening and call it a day!"

Yelan raised her hand and stretched, revealing the white skin of her arms and armpits, and then waved to Li Qiuzhi and others to follow.

Soon they came to the cave in the middle of the stone hall. Without any hesitation, they unfolded the wings of wind and jumped.

Slowly descending downwards.

There is no way, the view in the deep cave is blocked, the cave wall is not flat and there are many stone protrusions, so using the Wings of Wind to land smoothly is a better choice.

Probably a few minutes later.

Li Qiuzhi and the others passed through the long cave and landed deeper into the rocky abyss.

Then they saw a scene that surprised them.

——At this time, they were still floating in the air, with dark red land below them, and a dark red flame-like sphere suspended on the land.

If it's just like this, it's actually nothing.

Several people shifted their perspective from bottom to top, looking ahead and above their heads. They could see an entire inverted city standing in the opposite direction from the top.

"Wow, what is this? It feels a bit weird!"

When Paimon saw the city, he was not surprised by the novel sights. Instead, he felt that something was wrong.

Not only did she feel this way, but Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Ye Lan also felt this way.

"Perhaps what the guards outside said about the strange Qiuqiu people has something to do with this place. Come on, let's go and see what's going on later."

Li Qiuzhi relied on his understanding of the plot to speculate on the relationship between the two.

He looked at the flame sphere below, smiled and continued:

"But before that, we should block the last leyline opening. I can feel its leyline energy gushing out wantonly, right below us.

"It's just that some people don't seem to welcome us."

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