I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 478 Promotion (two-in-one)

The beast realm, the territory of the demon bear.

The "Sword God of Ying" explored for hundreds of kilometers and finally encountered another group of beast-level monsters.

What I encountered this time was a monster similar to a bee, but as big as a fist.

The general level is between level five and fifteen, and some strong ones can reach level twenty.

Although the strength is not strong, the number is relatively large.

There are thousands of bee monsters in a huge beehive. As long as you clean it up, you can get a lot of experience points.

There are already 700,000 experience points on the character panel, and there are still 240,000 left to level up.

Well, just controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to clean up the hives here should be enough!

Li Qiuzhi thought as he hugged the two girls Keqing and Hutao.

Then without any hesitation, he controlled the "Ying Sword God" to attack the monsters. After all, they had already opened a space rift that should lead to Teyvat.

It is better to clean them up quickly, otherwise it is not good to let them cause trouble.

At this moment, when Keqing in her arms seemed to find that she couldn't break free no matter what, her somewhat confused mood finally calmed down.

There was just a faint blush on his face and an unhappy look.

Shameless guy who bullies girls!

When she realized that Li Qiuzhi was looking at her, Keqing snorted, turned her face away and didn't want to pay attention to him, and cursed again secretly!

"If you don't let me go quickly, I'll hold you for as long as I want, and I'll bite your ears again!"

Hu Tao let go and stared at Li Qiuzhi with a dissatisfied look on his face.

"Ahem, okay." Li Qiuzhi let the two of them go awkwardly, which was indeed a little too much.

"You guys, you wouldn't be so rude to every girl!"

Seeing Li Qiuzhi let go, Ke Qing quickly walked away from his arms, then angrily pinched his cheeks with both hands and pulled them out!

"Uh surrender, I'm sorry, I was wrong"

Li Qiuzhi held Keqing's white wrist and said vaguely in an attempt to get her to let go of his cheek.

But when Keqing got the chance, how could she let him go so easily? She must come back with revenge!

"Deserve it!"

Hu Tao folded his arms at the side, looking like he was watching a good show.

Li Qiuzhi had no choice but to let Keqing knead his cheeks at will. It didn't hurt anyway and was about the same as massaging.

His attention continued to be immersed in the "Ying Sword God" on the other side of the beast realm. At this time, she was already under his control.

Using golden sword intent to turn into a golden cover, it surrounded the entire hive and space cracks.

He also deliberately used a smaller sword intention cover to surround the space crack alone.

Make sure no monsters can escape.

The monsters that noticed the threat buzzed and flapped their wings rapidly, revealing the shiny black stingers on their tails.

It is entangled with the "power of erosion" and can erode even space.

But in a short period of time, there was no way to reopen a space crack, so they bounced near the space crack like bullets.

Use the bee needle wrapped with "erosive power" to violently attack the golden sword shield.

Logically speaking, such a weak monster should have no way of having any impact on Li Qiuzhi's shield.

But the "power of erosion" is so special that it can even erode space itself.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi could clearly feel that his protective shield was being slowly eaten away by thousands of beast-level demon bees.

At this speed, his shield can last up to half an hour.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi did not waste time and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" outside the large shield to slash the golden sword energy against the demon bees.

The moment these sword energies appeared, they traveled through space and appeared next to the bee swarm.

The sword energy passed by silently.

All the demon bees that blocked the path of the sword energy became "half-divided" demon bees, and some had their wings cut into half horizontally.

Kind of cut in half from start to finish with the terrifying bee-stitch as black as ink.

Li Qiuzhi's character panel popped up prompts one after another simultaneously:

Experience points +122

Experience points +98

Experience points +145

Most of these Beast Realm Demon Bees are not very strong, and a single one does not have many experience points, but there are too many of them.

The total experience points gained are quite considerable.

Li Qiuzhi happily continued to control the "Sword God of Ying" and launched an attack on the magic bees.

Ke Qing saw that he dared to smile while she was squeezing his cheeks. She immediately felt provoked and used her fingers harder.

He also released a trace of the thunder elemental power in his body, making a "sizzling" sound.

"—Hiss! It's numb, it's numb, let go!"

Li Qiuzhi took a breath, gently patted Ke Qing's arm and said.

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Keqing, who wore a hairstyle with cat ears and twin tails, finally felt like her great revenge had been avenged when she saw Li Qiuzhi like this.

She knew in her heart that this little thunder and lightning would not have much impact on the bastard Li Qiuzhi.

It's just this guy pretending.

But what she wanted was this submissive attitude, so after continuing to squeeze for a few seconds, Keqing let go of her hand and said with a "hum":

"How dare you be so rude to me next time!"

"Dare you dare next time?" Li Qiuzhi rubbed his slightly red cheeks and said firmly in an imperceptible voice.

For a strong person like Ke Qing, no matter how quiet her voice was, it had no effect. She immediately raised her beautiful eyebrows and tried to grab Li Qiuzhi's cheek again.

Li Qiuzhi moved very quickly this time. He immediately hid behind Hu Tao, coughed lightly and said in resignation:

"I was joking just now, how dare I be rude to you, as an apology I will give you an apology gift.

"If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can always come to me to solve them!"

After saying that, he saw that Keqing had no idea of ​​continuing to beat him, so he walked out from behind Hu Tao, took out a "beacon" and put it in front of her.

"Hmph." Keqing put her hands on her hips and huffed arrogantly, looking at the golden light ball with satisfaction:

"What's this?"

"An ability." Li Qiuzhi explained briefly.

After hearing the explanation, Keqing had a look of surprise on her fair face, folded her hands under her chest and said with some surprise:

"Are you going to give such a valuable thing to me like this?"

Being able to teleport to each other and communicate remotely in real time is obviously a very precious ability, so I gave it to her like this.

"Oh, just keep this guy for you, and he has already given away a lot to other girls!"

Hutao told Keqing carefully how many girls Li Qiuzhi had given "beacons" to:

“When I used this ability to teleport to Mondstadt to play, I teleported to a girl named Amber, and to Inazuma, it was a girl named Xiaomiya.

“In addition to these two girls, there are many other girls who can be teleported to those two places.

"In short, this guy has given away countless 'beacons'. Don't think it is rare or precious.

"If you feel that way and are still grateful to him, then you have fallen into his trap. The correct approach should be to accept it with peace of mind.

"If this guy does anything rude to you in the future, he still needs to be beaten. Don't be restrained by this!"

"I see, you, you philandering bastard, can't you have some other hobbies? You just like girls so much?"

Keqing looked at Li Qiuzhi with contempt.

Now she can see clearly that this guy is just a complete pervert!

Li Qiuzhi pulled his sleeves awkwardly and asked, "Don't you like that I like you?"

Who cares which girl the philandering guy likes!

Keqing blushed slightly when she heard this, took the "road sign" over, changed the subject and said:

"Humph, I will reluctantly forgive you this time!"

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (200/800)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi knew that he had finally figured out Ke Qing.

Hum hum, I will let you know what the more "rude" behavior is in the future!

Just when Li Qiuzhi was thinking wildly and Hutao was explaining to Keqing how to use the "beacon", the battle in the beast realm was almost over.

Although those beast-level demon bees have the ability to erode the golden shield of the "Ying Sword God", the "corrosion power" is not strong or not.

It is directly related to their strength.

If they have a golden king beast, they may be able to break through faster. They are generally more than ten levels, and the highest is thirty or forty.

By the time they broke through the golden shield of the "Ying Sword God", they would all have been wiped out long ago.

Just like now, all the Beast Realm Demon Bees have almost been cleared away.

In the end, the Demon Bee Queen, who was the size of an adult's head, was cut into two pieces by the sword energy after she once again charged against the golden shield unwillingly to no avail.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 605 experience points. 】

The character panel pops up prompts in a timely manner. Li Qiuzhi glanced at the character panel again:

[Experience point: 1058351]

The experience points have increased from 700,000 to more than 1 million, an increase of about 300,000.

It seems that there are indeed a lot of these magic bees.

Based on an average of 150 experience points per Demon Bee, there are at least 2,000 of them.

It would obviously be very dangerous if they reached Teyvat, but luckily they were eliminated in advance.

In other words, a hive has more than 300,000 experience points, and if you encounter a few more, the speed of leveling up is not that fast!

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi held strong expectations and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to continue exploring!

He has been exploring the beast realm for many days, and the area he has explored is about five or six hundred kilometers radiating from the original Demon Bear territory.

The area is very large, and there are not many beast-level monsters that can be encountered.

For such a low-density biological community, firstly, the environment of the beast realm is not good, and secondly, the beast realm must not be too small.

There are many things worth looking forward to and exploring.

Li Qiuzhi thought to himself, and then he didn't keep the more than one million experience points, but immediately invested them in the level.

Experience points-940000

Lv94 (0/940000)→Lv95 (0/950000)

The long-lost warmth appeared in his body, and every cell in his body was like a burst of rain after a long drought, continuously devouring this energy.

And these energies continued to push his body to evolve and become stronger, and his level reached level ninety-five in an instant.

There are only five levels left, and with less than five million experience points, it can be upgraded to level 100. What kind of transformation will happen then?

Li Qiuzhi was a little looking forward to it.

"Why are you dazed? Let's go. Let's go to the formation center to find Shen He. It's time to work with her!"

Hutao, who had taught Keqing how to use "Star Travel", poked his stomach with her white fingers.

"Uh, that's right."

Li Qiuzhi came back to his senses from the aftereffects of the upgrade, moved his eyes to Keqing and said:

"How about it, do you want to come with us?"

"No, you are a troublesome bad guy. I have to go find Ningguang to talk about other things!"

Keqing merged with the "Beacon" and felt the existence of other girls who also had "Beacon", and found that there were twenty girls including her.

He is truly a playboy and a bad man. She doesn’t want to deal with this guy for a moment!

Ke Qing glanced at Li Qiuzhi dissatisfied, then turned around and walked out with her soft legs wrapped in black stockings.

Since Ke Qing had something to do, Li Qiuzhi smiled and did not continue to disturb her.

Next, he and Hu Tao went outside to find Baishi, one of Ningguang's secretaries, and asked her to help take them to the formation center.

It should be the relationship that Ningguang had mentioned in advance, but she did not refuse this time.

He happily took Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao to the formation center, which was on the lower level.

You can go down from the middle staircase.

Soon the two of them followed Baishi to the center of the formation. Shen He, who had long silver-white hair, was meditating.

After all, she was just here to watch the formation, and she didn't need to do anything until something went wrong.

As for the formation center, there will generally be no problems. It is just that we are holding a banquet today and we need to use the teleportation function of the formation to pick up every guest.

Just in case something went wrong, Shen He was asked to watch here. Normally, several of Ningguang's secretaries would just come and take a look occasionally.

Baishi had work to do and left first, while Hutao waved hello to Shenhe and said:

"Hi, Shen He, long time no see!"

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Shen He opened his eyes and nodded in response, then looked at Li Qiuzhi:

"You seem to have become stronger again?"

"Often taking risks outside is also a kind of practice." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Recently, Shen He helped Gan Yu share some secretarial work at Yuehai Pavilion, so he didn't bother her much.

But it is still common to use "beacons" to chat.

"How's it going? Are you getting used to the job?"

Li Qiuzhi and Hu Tao also found a place to sit down next to Shen He and started chatting mode. This was considered their work officially started.

"It's okay. Senior sister takes good care of me and teaches me a lot."

Shen He moved his position and sat down next to Li Qiuzhi again. He hugged his arm and asked curiously:

"You seem to like this very much?"

She often saw Li Qiuzhi staying with other girls, hugging each other.

So she felt that she should not be an exception.

"Of course I like it!"

Li Qiuzhi let Shen He hold his arm and nodded his chin gently to answer.

"That's good." A faint smile appeared on Shen He's fair face.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 280 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (400/800)]

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