I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 484 Solution (two in one)

The weakened blue wind bullet crashed straight into several people.


Noelle, who was standing in front, let out a sweet shout, held the West Wind sword in both hands and struck at the wind bullet!

Like the roar of a storm, the wind bullets collided with the sword blade mercilessly.

The powerful impact tried to knock Noelle away!

But under the influence of the heart-protecting armor and his own extraordinary strength, he only retreated slightly.

The heels of the over-the-knee high-heeled armor boots made a deep scratch on the sandy ground.

But it was still successfully blocked in the end.

"It's my turn next!" The elemental power in Bennett's body surged. He jumped up on the spot and then slammed down, releasing an elemental explosion.

The realm of “Amazing Journeys” encompasses everyone.

Everyone can feel some kind of power blessing them, giving people a feeling of full strength.

Unfortunately, Bennett's strength is too different from Li Qiuzhi's, and these power blessings are negligible to him.

It doesn't make much difference if you have it or not.

After releasing the elemental burst, Bennett lightly raised the one-handed sword attached to the fire element and jumped again, jumping to a high place and slashing towards the core of the wind!

The Wind Core did not expect that a weak human being would dare to attack him.

It turned its hard shell slightly, as if disdainfully, and then Benny specifically touched it.

Just a little bit of air flow caused by the rotation sent him flying back.


Bennett's body fell out of the air uncontrollably.

Sure enough, it was too much, so Li Qiuzhi quickly used his mental power to "catch" him to prevent him from falling to the ground and getting injured.

"Phew, it's so dangerous!"

Bennett said with a sigh of relief after landing safely.

"You're not injured, let me treat you!" Barbara put a "singing ring" on Bennett just in case.

"It's okay, just a slight scratch."

Before Bennett could finish speaking, the demonized wind core condensed the wind elements to form a giant palm, which he shot down at several people from the sky!

Before the palm could reach them, the terrifying wind pressure acted on them, as if they were standing on the beach facing a typhoon.

Noelle and Barbara's skirts couldn't stop swinging wildly.

The semi-transparent black stockings that hug her soft legs tightly, and the printed white stockings are slightly exposed.

Rosalia, on the other hand, crossed her arms and looked motionless.

Li Qiuzhi knew this palm, and no one except Rosalia could do it.

Therefore, he did not hesitate at all, his thoughts moved slightly, and starting from his feet, a "picture" like a forest quickly spread out.

Huge trees, hundreds of meters high, grow straight up from the ground, heading towards the endless blue sky.

They pierced the giant palms formed by the condensed wind elements, blocking the raging wind. The wind pressure that seemed to have the power of heaven and earth disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the portal under the core of the wind, the island at his feet, the storm wall surrounding the island, and the sea in the distance disappeared.

This is a scene that looks like a different day.

Directly from a small island on the sea to a forest with countless giant trees, this is a mental world where you can change various scenes according to your own wishes - a sea of ​​stars!

In such an environment, it is difficult for the Wind Core to set off another storm, and all large-scale wind element skills will be affected by trees.

As a result, it is difficult to exert its due power!

Moreover, in his mental world, the core of the violent wind will be suppressed by his power accordingly, and its strength will decline a lot.

Although its current life level is still level 72, its combat effectiveness has dropped to around level 60.

This is still the result of his letting go. If Li Qiuzhi gets serious and uses all the power of the mental world to suppress it.

Not to mention weakening it, you can directly crush it into the Wind Core card element cookie.

Maybe Paimon would like to eat it. That guy often eats all kinds of slimes that are also elemental life forms.

"Li Qiuzhi, did you do this? Isn't it too exaggerated?" Bennett, holding a one-handed sword in his hand, stared at the changes around him in stunned silence.

Noelle and Barbara were also so surprised that they were speechless. They had never seen such a method of changing the situation.

Even Rosalia, who had always acted like she didn't care about anything, couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

Is this something humans can do?

But being mature and steady, she did not show her inner doubts and surprise on her face.

"Haha, it's just a small trick. Isn't this to weaken the core of the wind and give you some training as an opponent?

"It shouldn't be much stronger than you now. If you cooperate well, you should be able to defeat it smoothly!"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the Wind Core who seemed to be a little overwhelmed and said.

The Wind Core, which didn't have much wisdom to begin with, was just instinctively a little uncomfortable with the suddenly changing environment after experiencing demonization.

After regaining consciousness, its wind element shell shook, and a deep blue-black wind tunnel appeared in front of its body.

The wind tunnel slowly rotated, trying to absorb the wind element between heaven and earth to prepare some kind of attack.

But after idling for a moment, the wind tunnel was still the same, but nothing changed. As if it didn't believe in evil, the wind core continued to control the wind tunnel to rotate.

He also increased his own energy output, causing the demonic energy on his body to become much darker.

Although they didn't understand what was going on, Bennett and Noelle did not miss this opportunity, and each attached elemental power to their swords.

Noelle even used her own elemental burst - Clean Up!

The topaz-like light enveloped the great sword and enlarged the size of the great sword. He jumped up with a light step and struck the core of the wind with a head-on strike!

The core of the violent wind instinctively blocked the deep wind tunnel in front of him, and the rock element giant sword directly struck the wind tunnel.

The wind tunnel, which had not been condensed to begin with, suddenly became unstable after receiving this blow, and then Bennett stabbed it with another sword.


The blue wind tunnel exploded, and while Bennett and Noelle were thrown back, the wind core was also blown out and hit a giant tree behind!

The leaves fell, creating a huge dent in the tree trunk!

"Hey, what happened to it just now?"

Barbara had a puzzled look on her fair face, and she didn't understand why the Wind Core was allowed to be attacked.

"Because there is no elemental power in this space, the Wind Core cannot guide the elemental power in the space to attack except using the elemental power in its own body, so I paused."

Li Qiuzhi explained.

"So, as long as we hold on, the Wind Core, which cannot be replenished by elemental power, will soon be defeated!"

Barbara held her snow-white soft fists and said excitedly.

Elemental creatures are different from other creatures in that they mainly rely on absorbing the elemental power in the environment to survive.

If you go to an environment without elemental power, it will be okay at first, but over time, the elemental power in the body will be exhausted to a certain extent and cannot be replenished.

It won't take long for the state to plummet and become weak.

"Well, if nothing else, it should be like this!"

Li Qiuzhi nodded while continuing to pay attention to the battle between Bennett, Noelle and the Wind Core, and found that they were in danger and could not escape.

Just help block it. After all, it's just for them to exercise. There is no need to hurt them.

During this process, Li Qiuzhi also discovered that the black demonic energy on the Wind Core seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

There is a high probability that it is the same as the wind elemental power, which cannot be replenished in time.

Could it be that the reason for its demonization lies outside? Because it is pulled into the world of mental images, there is no way to replenish it.

Li Qiuzhi thought thoughtfully before slowly starting to change back to his original state.

If there is anything unusual outside, it seems that it is only the portal of the "Deep Spiral", and the core of the wind has always been above the portal.

Could it be that the demonic energy comes from the portal?

While Li Qiuzhi speculated on various reasons, the condition of the Wind Core became worse and worse as time went by.

He couldn't even use the wind element to create a decent counterattack. Facing the attacks of Noelle and Bennett, he could only rely on his hard shell to resist them.

Seeing this situation, Li Qiuzhi had nothing to train and could end the battle.

This would have to be done by Li Qiuzhi personally. After all, the shell of this wind core is very hard, even if it is unable to fight back due to excessive consumption of elemental power.

It can only be attacked by Noelle and Bennett, but with its hard shell, it can easily block their attacks.

This makes it impossible for them to fight for a long time.

So Li Qiuzhi summoned several translucent spiritual tentacles and hammered hard at the core of the wind.

Under the dual mental and physical damage, it was unable to sustain it for long, and was quickly transformed into wind elements and dispersed between heaven and earth.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 6092 experience points. 】

A prompt for gaining experience points pops up on the character panel. More than 6,000 experience points are not bad.

Everything in the mental world suddenly shrank back, as if a special effect of time regressing had been added.

The space changed, and I returned to the island where the portal of the "Deep Spiral" in Musk Reef was located.

Because the wind core was destroyed, the hurricane surrounding the island also began to slowly dissipate because it lost its power.

However, with the strong wind, even if the main source of power is lost, it is not so easy to reach the target in one step due to the inertia of the wind.

At this rate, it would take at least half a day to completely dissipate.

During this period, people waiting outside to venture into the "Deep Spiral" had no way to come in.

"Phew, it's finally done!"

Although Miss Rosalia and Li Qiuzhi were watching over her, Barbara could not help but feel nervous for a long time.

This is finally done. Noelle, Bennett and Mr. Honorary Knight successfully defeated the terrifying Wind Core!

[Barbara becomes fond of you and gains 260 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (160/500)]

At this time, Noelle and Bennett also came back, especially Bennett, the joy on his face was undisguised:

"Great, our commission is completed!"

Sure enough, as long as you go out on adventures with Li Qiuzhi, no matter what kind of bad luck it is, you can easily resolve it.

Only when you come out with him can your commission be completed so smoothly, without any surprises!

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face: "You performed well!"

"Hehe!" Bennett rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

Noelle put away the Zephyr sword and was recognized by Mr. Adventurer, and she was also very happy.

After all, it was the first time to face such a powerful enemy, so I was still very concerned about my performance.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Mr. Adventurer!"

So after learning that he performed well, Noelle's cute face showed a happy smile.

[Noelle has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (200/700)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the two favorable impression reminders that popped up and said with a faint smile:

"Very good. Now that the association's commission has been completed, let's go to the Deep Spiral to find the treasure!"

"Yes, but let's take a little rest first. I'm a little tired after fighting for so long!"

Bennett nodded first, and then said in a tired tone.

"Okay, it's noon anyway. Let's have something to eat and rest before setting off to the Deep Spiral in the afternoon."

Li Qiuzhi naturally agreed with Bennett's proposal.

"Hey, you guy, didn't you tell us before that you wanted to go to the Deep Spiral?"

Rosalia's pale but not weak face showed a look of dissatisfaction.

Going on an adventure in the "Deep Spiral" is obviously not something that can be done in a day or two, so does she need to go back to work?

Moreover, if Barbara doesn't go back for so long, the nuns in the church will definitely be anxious, and she will be the one who gets scolded in the end.

"We just went in to investigate and see if the demonization of the Wind Core has something to do with it.

"In that case, how about we come out and return to Mondstadt before tonight to submit the commission?"

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

Anyway, he can keep a "Sword God of Ying" in there to gain experience points, and he really doesn't need to stay there for long.

"Well, that's no problem, what do you think, Miss Rosalia?"

Barbara nodded, her pale golden twin tails swaying slightly, and then looked at Rosalia expectantly.

She actually wanted to follow him and take a look inside the "Deep Spiral".


Rosalia was helpless, but since Li Qiuzhi had the sense to not take Barbara around to make her worry about it, she had no choice but to agree.

[Rosalia has developed a liking for you and gained 260 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (10/400)]

"Well, let's take a rest first."

Li Qiuzhi relaxed his neck and said.

Afternoon, Musk Reef.

A small part of the hurricane surrounding the island has dispersed. Li Qiuzhi and the others also had a quick bite and prepared to explore the "Deep Spiral".

During this period, they also saw several adventure groups coming out of it, and asked them about the situation inside.

Finally, I learned that there seemed to be an abnormality in the earth veins inside, causing many monsters to become a lot more violent.

So I had to leave temporarily.

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