I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 486 Tough Will (Two in One)

These ruins guards were already scrapped before they could even stand up.

Li Qiuzhi also gained a lot of experience points, and the number on the panel exceeded 300,000.

"Okay, everyone can take a look here. I'll go over and block the ley lines leaking the demonic energy, and then go back."

He said something to everyone.


Bennett and the others were unable to help at the moment, so naturally they had no objections.

Li Qiuzhi walked past several ruins guards and came to the ground stone, carefully observing its condition.

The function of the Earth Vein Suppression Stone is to suppress abnormal conditions that seal the Earth Vein.

It's just that it has broken at this time, and the abnormal ground veins can no longer be suppressed, so black smoke comes out.

As for why there is black smoke

Mainly because there is everything in the earth veins, so it is not surprising that these demonic auras that make monsters mad will emerge.

Otherwise, it would not be sealed with the Earth Vein Stone.

However, Li Qiuzhi discovered that this ground stone did not seem to have broken naturally due to time.

Or maybe it was broken from the inside because it couldn't stop the demonic energy leaking from the earth veins.

Instead, it looks a bit like it was vandalized.

Because at the edge of the cracks in the earth vein stone, you can see that the direction of the cracks is from the outside to the inside.

It was obviously caused by people or monsters, intentionally or accidentally being smashed by external forces.

If the latter is easier to say, it can be said to be an accident. If someone did it on purpose, then who among them is planning some harmful conspiracy!

Li Qiuzhi used his mental energy and found no trace of anyone other than them.

After thinking about it, he had to temporarily put down the search for the reason why the Earth Vein Suppressor Stone cracked, and fix the abnormal Earth Veins first.

This is indeed not difficult for Li Qiuzhi.

Abnormalities in the earth's veins are nothing more than excessive accumulation of various energies at one place, leading to blockage, which in turn affects the outside world.

There is also a breach in the earth's veins, which is the earth's silt that often appears on the continent of Teyvat.

This situation has both good and bad consequences for humans.

Good nature is the overflow of more positive energy that will not cause harm to the world, and then give birth to the flower of revelation, or the flower of hidden gold.

If the energy that is bad for the world overflows, black mud, dead areas, forbidden knowledge, etc. may appear.

Apparently, the black smoke that leaks out after the Earth Veins Stone is broken is similar.

Li Qiuzhi only needs to see if there are any abnormalities in the ground veins, and use his own abilities to unblock and repair them.

He used the ability of the "Blessing of the World Tree" specialty to carefully sense the earth's veins here.

The earth veins are like the "blood vessels" of the Teyvat continent, with all kinds of energy flowing through them.

It does not exist physically, it is like an energy channel that cannot be touched.

One needs to master a certain ability to interfere with the earth's veins in order to be able to truly sense its existence.

As expected, the abnormality in the earth veins here is due to a tiny breach in the energy channels of the earth veins.

The black smoke slowly seeped out from here.

In this case, it's just a minor problem, and it's not difficult to solve. Li Qiuzhi first controlled the energy of the earth's veins to block the crack.

Then use the energy of these earth veins to divert the black smoke near the cracks in the earth veins.

Then guide the more positive leyline energy to occupy the original location of the black smoke.

The energy that leaked out in this way became earth vein energy, and this energy was simply arranged into a formation just like he did in the layered rock abyss last time.

Even if the repair is completed, nothing will leak out for the time being. As time goes by, this tiny crack should slowly recover under the nourishment of the energy of the earth veins.

By then, there should be no need for his lame sealing formation that is just like a cat or a tiger.

After solving the problem of demonic energy leakage, Li Qiuzhi greeted everyone to prepare to leave.

Bennett and several girls also felt that it was almost time to go back.

Not long after, Li Qiuzhi and the others began to walk back, but before leaving, he left a "Sword God of Ying" here.

Let her continue exploring the "Deep Spiral" on his behalf.

Night falls, there is no bright moon, and the stars are looming.

The storm on Musk Reef has almost dissipated, and the adventurers on the nearby islands have not yet brought their ships over.

The main reason is that it is too late now and it is not the right time to explore the "Deep Spiral".

At this time, the portal on the small island in the middle of Musk Reef also glowed slightly.

Like gentle ripples in the water, five figures walked out.

Rosalia, who was holding her arms, looked at the sky and realized that with the current color of the sky, even if she flew back, she would probably have to arrive in the early morning.

Her expression sank slightly when she thought of this. When she brought Barbara back to the church, she would inevitably be lectured by the nuns annoyingly.

Alas, it seems I can only avoid them these days.

Li Qiuzhi seemed to notice her helpless mood, and said with a slight smile:

"It's not a big problem. We'll use space teleportation to go back later. We'll be there in a few minutes."

"Oh? Then what are you waiting for? Without further ado, let's go quickly. It's time for me to get off work."

When Rosalia heard this, a little surprise appeared on her pale face, then she smiled imperceptibly, and then said in a calm tone.

"Oh Well."

Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly, and the starry sky-like scenery spread out like ink beneath his feet, pulling Rosalia and the others into a world of mental images.

Then he traveled through space and returned to Mondstadt.

The speed of space travel is very fast. Except for the slightly higher consumption, everything else is perfect.

After walking five or six kilometers at a time, Li Qiuzhi saw the city wall of Mondstadt within a few minutes.

At this time, the city was still brightly lit, and it was only about seven o'clock in the evening, which was not too late.

Arriving near the Adventurers Association, Li Qiuzhi released everyone from the mental world, smiled and said:

"Okay, we're here, let's submit the commission!"

"Okay, so fast!"

After only staying in that unknown space for a few minutes, I actually returned to Mondstadt from Musk Reef on the sea!

However, when I thought it was Li Qiuzhi, I wasn't too surprised.

"Oh, as expected of you, okay, then Barbara and I will take the first step."

Rosalia was in a good mood and reluctantly praised her.

Then he took Barbara and walked in the direction of Zephyr Cathedral.

This time, Li Qiuzhi and the others could not be allowed to leave Barbara behind endlessly for reasons such as eating first and dividing the spoils.

First, wait for her to get Barbara back to the church safely without being talked about by the nuns.

Li Qiuzhi and the others could find Barbara and go to "Angel's Gift" to drink all night long. Anyway, she wouldn't have to be scolded by the nuns.

[Rosalia has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (310/400)]

"Hey, Miss Rosalia, please don't leave so fast. I haven't said goodbye to Mr. Honorary Knight and the others yet!"

Barbara said while being pulled forward by the wrist.

But she didn't get a response, so she had to turn around and thank Li Qiuzhi and the others for taking her to see the "Deep Spiral".

Then Li Qiuzhi’s character panel also popped up a prompt to gain favor:

[Barbara becomes fond of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (480/500)]

"Okay, let's go on an adventure with you next time!"

He, Noelle and Bennett waved to Barbara. After a moment, Li Qiuzhi turned to look at Bennett and Noelle:

"Now let's submit the completed commission!"


Bennett nodded heavily, and he was somewhat looking forward to this. After all, this was a high-level commission that he had never received before.

He was able to get a lot of trust funds, and he planned to continue saving them as pensions for his fathers.

Noelle felt a little guilty about this, after all, Mr. Adventurer was the one who contributed the most.

But she knew that Li Qiuzhi was never stingy with his friends, so she didn't waste her efforts to shirk him.

[Noelle has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (50/800)]

At the counter of the Adventurers Association, Catherine still stood there day and night to provide commission-related services to adventurers.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi and others coming back, he looked a little surprised and said:

"He is worthy of being an honorary knight of the Knights of the West Wind, a legendary adventurer who saved several countries. The speed with which he completed the commission can only be described as blazing speed!"

"Haha, does Catherine believe that we must have completed the commission? Maybe we failed!"

Li Qiuzhi said jokingly.

"Please don't be ridiculous. You have never failed in any of the tasks you have received from the Adventurers Association."

Catherine also shook her head in amusement and said.

"Miss Catherine, your guess is quite correct. Here is our order form and the entrustment report."

Li Qiuzhi submitted the commission order and commission report to Catherine.

The receptionist reached out and took it, read it carefully, nodded and said:

"Well, that's right. After we confirm that the problem of Musk Reef has been solved in a few days, all the commission money will be handed over to you."

For entrustments with larger entrustment amounts, no matter what the situation is.

It must be confirmed on site that there are no problems before the commission money is handed over to the adventurer who completed the commission.

Otherwise, the Adventurers Association would be easily deceived.

After all, the money was given but the commission was not completed. Then wouldn’t the other party take away the funds of the Adventurers Association in vain?

"Well, when the time comes, please divide it evenly into three withdrawal notes with the same amount."

Li Qiuzhi said.


Of course Catherine would not refuse. After all, the Adventurers Association had similar arrangements.

"Okay, let's go first."

After submitting the commission, Li Qiuzhi and others waved goodbye to Catherine. After a little discussion, they decided to have dinner at the "Deer Hunter" restaurant.

It can also be regarded as a reward for myself for working hard to complete the commission.

Not long after sitting down, the waiter quickly brought the dishes ordered by several people. After slowly finishing the dinner, Li Qiuzhi decided to follow his original idea.

Help Noelle write an entry that can distinguish between good and evil, and also give Bennett an entry to make his future adventures smoother.

It would be even better if the problem of bad luck could be solved.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi briefly told Bennett and Noelle about the entry.

"What?! Do you actually have such a magical ability!"

Bennett said in surprise.

After so many years of misfortune, if this problem could really be solved, he had no reason to refuse, even if it couldn't be solved.

It would also be very good to weaken it a little and reduce the number of bad luck or the degree of danger!

Compared to Bennett's surprise and expectation, Noelle's reaction was a bit too upright. She hesitated for a moment and said:

"Well, if you directly give me the ability to see the good and evil of others, would it be equivalent to cheating during the knight selection?"

The girl wearing a rose hair ornament looked confused.

She knew she was lacking in this area, so she really wanted this ability.

But Noelle, who has always been strict with himself according to the knight's code, does not want to use this to cheat the knight selection.

It would make her feel uneasy inside.


Li Qiuzhi pulled his sleeves awkwardly. It seemed that he had not thought about it beforehand.

With Noel's honest character, would he accept using trickery to pass the selection?

He thought for a while and said:

"How about this? Once you get the entry on distinguishing between good and evil, you don't need to use it when selecting knights.

“But before you select a knight, you can use the ability of the entry to walk around Mondstadt and let it help you see who is the bad guy and who is the good guy.

“After watching more, you should be able to pass the knight selection based on your experience.

"This is just using your ability to help you improve your learning speed. It's not cheating."

"Well, in that case, it seems okay." Noelle folded his hands on the table, looked down at the bowls and chopsticks, and thought for a while.

Realizing that this was indeed not cheating, I happily nodded in agreement.

"Okay, let's write an entry for Bennett first. After all, it's only half a month until the knight selection, so there's no rush.

"As for Bennett, if you can have less bad luck, try to have as little bad luck as possible."

Li Qiuzhi said while activating the ability of "Lingge".

I hope Bennett's bad luck won't happen at this time, otherwise he will have enough "spirituality" stored up to give five entries.

I don't know if it's enough.

Not long after, "Lingge" fed back a piece of information, the entry was successfully assigned, and the name of the entry was - "Hot-Blooded Boy".

This is an entry that provides a burst state, which is very good for improving combat effectiveness. It also has the effect of increasing the power of the fire element.

Overall, it's a good fit for Bennett, but it doesn't do anything about his bad luck, which is obviously not what they want.

Without hesitation, Li Qiuzhi continued to give the second entry. Bennett soon got the new entry "Golden Sword", and he knew from the name that it was not what he wanted.

The third time the entry is given, the entry obtained is called "Blazing Field", which still improves combat effectiveness until the fourth time:

[Lingge entry·Tough will: This entry will only appear among intelligent creatures. Those with this entry will become extremely tough physically and mentally, and each time they experience a "tribulation", their luck will increase. The specific magnitude is directly related to the size of the "tribulation". 】

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