I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 488 Let’s get down to business (two-in-one)

Wonderland space.

Ning Guang, whose lips were blocked, was stunned for a moment and then quickly came to his senses. He gritted his teeth and said nothing to give Li Qiuzhi a chance.

After several failed attempts, he had to think of another way to make Ning Guang lower his guard.

Li Qiuzhi held Ningguang's hand from his back, pressed her waist and slowly slid it down to the slit of the cheongsam.

When he touched the rhombus-edged black safety shorts, he felt Ning Guang's body suddenly tense up.

A pair of hands wearing long black sleeves suddenly held Li Qiuzhi's cheek and pushed his head away.

Ning Guang pursed her lips, stood up with a slightly red face and said:

"Speaking of which, Miss Fischer wants to make her room more personalized, and I can give her some suggestions."

After saying that, without giving Li Qiuzhi a chance to stay, he walked away waving his long and shapely white legs.

Well, it seems that even Tianquanxing, when faced with this kind of thing, will lose control like a little girl because he is not prepared.

Li Qiuzhi thought a little funny.

In this case, he had no choice but to find another chance next time. Now he should first ask his demon residents where the powerful monsters were sealed.

The matter of brushing up experience points cannot be left behind either.

Li Qiuzhi walked towards the spiral staircase in the middle of the living room that winds around a huge load-bearing column. The staircase is the same as the central load-bearing column that runs through the four floors.

They were all painstakingly created by Ying, Ningguang and Yun Jin using rock elements.

And it has been specially reinforced. It is more than enough to serve as a load-bearing column for four floors.

The outside is decorated with smooth wooden boards that have been wiped with wood wax oil. The various textures are exquisite and have a warm feeling.

Overall, very nice looking.

He put his hand on the guardrail of the spiral staircase, tapping his fingers and humming a tune all the way up to the second floor.

At this time, the second floor has also been renovated.

Taking the spiral staircase in the middle as a line, the entire floor is divided into two parts, with the hot spring bathhouse on the left.

It uses the "endless" space characteristic to increase any energy in the space by one thousandth every day, acting on the space filled with fire elements at the bottom of the hot spring pool.

In this way, the fire element at the bottom of the hot spring will not only not be consumed by maintaining the temperature of the hot spring, but will also increase by one thousandth every day.

Wait for the fire element to be strong enough.

It can also condense pure fire element crystals, which can be used as breakthrough materials or alchemical materials.

He has been doing things that use the "endless" characteristics of space to produce energy crystals. For example, there is a special room in the warehouse to stack the elemental materials that everyone brings back.

There is also a little bit of immortal power from Shen He,

Every day they grow by one thousandth of what they were when they were first placed in the Wonderland space, just like saving money to earn interest.

The daily rate of return is one thousandth. Although it is not high, it is a guaranteed profit. As long as you live long enough and save a dollar, you can eventually become a billionaire!

On the left side of the second floor is the hot spring bathhouse, and on the right is the beach swimming pool.

There is a small beach next to the hot spring, and outside it is "sea water" made up of water element molecules.

Such a small piece of "artificial beach" was successfully created!

The size of more than two hundred square meters is enough for all the girls in the fairyland space to play and play here at the same time.

In the future, like the hot spring pool, it will continue to expand as the space grows.

It has just been built now, and no one was seen playing on the artificial beach at night.

Instead, his mental energy swept into the hot spring bathhouse.

I found Fischer, who had just come to look for me, and several other girls, including me and Mona, taking a comfortable bath in the hot spring pool.

Li Qiuzhi kind of wanted to join them, but when it was time to do things seriously, he couldn't be tempted by beauty, so he had to get down to business first.

Continue along the spiral staircase to the third floor.

It didn't take long.

He walked to the third floor, which was a little quieter. After all, it was where everyone studied, studied and worked.

Li Qiuzhi continued walking up and came to the warehouse floor on the fourth floor.

He first went to ask the Salt Demon God. She had previously said that she would tell him the locations of secret places or ruins that might contain treasures when she was hiding around with her subjects during the Demon God War.

Thousands of years have passed, and the ruins and secret realms may have disappeared due to various reasons, or they may have been discovered and explored by others.

But it cannot be denied that they may still be there.

So go explore and have a look. If it is really still there, there will be no shortage of monsters and treasure chests.

"Is Heulia here?"

Li Qiuzhi shouted casually as he walked towards the place where the "Salt of Divinity" was placed.

"It's you Li Qiuzhi, do you have anything to do with me?"

Small salt-white balls floated out from the "Saint of Divinity". Her size was larger than at the beginning after living there for so many days.

The soul has recovered well.

"I want to ask you about the location of the secret realm that you knew before. I'm going to explore it when I have some free time recently."

Li Qiuzhi explained his purpose of coming.

"So that's what happened. You can find the map of Liyue and I can roughly mark their locations for you."

Heulia, who was floating in mid-air, shook her head up and down and agreed as if she was nodding.

Thousands of years will not make the landscape change much, so it is no problem to use the current map of Liyue to roughly mark the location.

It happened that the maps of several countries he and Ying had visited were collected here. Soon he found them on a shelf and brought them to Heulia.

"I can't write like this, so I say you should write it."

Heulia said in a rather helpless tone.

"Well, let's start with the secret ruins that are relatively hidden and difficult to be discovered by others." Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to spread the map of Liyue in mid-air.

The salt-white ball came close to the map, judged it carefully for a while and said:

"The first is the most difficult to find secret place. It is at the bottom of the river upstream of Bishuiyuan, the second is at the foot of the back of Mount Aozang, and the third is"

Soon Heulia revealed the locations of six secret realms and ruins, all of which were relatively secretive and difficult to discover.

That's right, if it could be easily discovered, Heulia would not be able to hide with her subjects all the way to the Salt of the Earth.

But in this case, the plan to ask Raikage and Makoto where they found the sealed powerful demon, and then go to conquer it, would have to be done after exploring Heulia's secret realm.

"By the way, since my subjects are still living in Liyue, it is very likely that their ancestors have recorded these secret places for future generations to explore.

“There is a high probability that some secret places that are not very dangerous have been explored by them.

"It's a relatively dangerous secret place. It should be difficult for them to explore alone without my protection."

"When you go exploring, if you happen to encounter them trying to explore the secret ruins and encounter danger, then help them."

Heulia said as if she had thought of something.

The secret realm represents the possible existence of unknown treasures. If the declining people of the salt really know where the secret realm is.

It is very likely that he will explore it. After all, no one will refuse to gain more wealth.

"Of course there is no problem. Even if I don't say anything, if I see someone in danger, I will still help."

Li Qiuzhi agreed with a smile on his face.

Although Heulia has decided not to have contact with her subjects, in the end they are still her subjects.

It is normal to provide some help as much as possible.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Heulia thanked her.

[Heulia has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (200/400)]

After asking what he wanted, Li Qiuzhi said goodbye to Heulia and walked downstairs.

When I walked to the second floor, I found that Ying, Fischer, Mona and the other girls were still in the hot spring pool.

After all, it wasn't that long ago.

Li Qiuzhi raised the corner of his mouth slightly and walked straight into the hot spring bathhouse. In the dressing area, he saw the clothes the girls had changed.

White backless dress, over-the-knee boots, witch hat and semi-transparent black stockings

He also quickly changed his clothes and put them into the girls' clothes pile, and then used the behind-the-scenes permission entry function of "Interstellar Travel".

Teleported directly between Ying, Fischer, and Mona, the warm spring water reached the collarbone.

Before they could react, Li Qiuzhi stretched out his hands under the water and hugged the girls together!


A few shy exclamations sounded in the hot spring pool on the second floor.

the next morning.

Li Qiuzhi got up and prepared to ask Shang Ying and Fischer to go to the secret realm to find treasures together, but the two of them refused because their legs were weak after soaking in the hot springs last night.

And just like Mona, she stayed in bed and refused to get up.

Paimeng, who knew what it was with his butt, looked at Li Qiuzhi with disdain and disgust, which made him quite embarrassed.

Well, he was just being polite. If too many people went together, it might affect his efficiency in gaining favor with Noelle and the others.

Li Qiuzhi had breakfast and teleported back to the Knights with Captain Qin.

Noelle came over early to wait for him, and while waiting, he quickly cleaned up the entire knights.

The term "universal maid" can improve work efficiency, which matches Noelle's already super high work ability.

It can achieve such a powerful effect!

"Mr. Adventurer, I'm ready to go at any time!" Noelle said excitedly.

She has already experienced the entry ability given by Mr. Adventurer, and it is really powerful. In less than half an hour, she can clean up the entire knights!

In the past, it would have taken at least an hour and a half to do it!

Thinking of this, Noel's favorable impression of Li Qiuzhi improved a little:

[Noelle has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (630/800)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompt that popped up on the character panel in surprise, not expecting Noel to give him such a small surprise so early in the morning.

He smiled and said:

"Well, let's go to the West Wind Cathedral and call Miss Rosalia. She is quite capable. Our adventure will be much smoother with her."

After speaking, he glanced at Captain Qin and found that she was reading documents and did not pay attention to him. Li Qiuzhi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If she found out that she was plotting against Barbara, I don’t know if she would take out the Zephyr Sword and poke it into her nostril.

It would be better to wait until Barbara's favorable impression of him improves. By then, Barbara will recognize him, and then Captain Qin won't be able to say much.

"Hey, Miss Rosalia, well, let's go."

Although Noelle didn't understand why Mr. Adventurer wanted to call Miss Rosalia when he was already so powerful, she didn't think much about it.

Anyway, I believe Mr. Adventurer is right.

Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly, and then walked with Noelle towards the direction of West Wind Cathedral, passing by the Square of the God of Winds.

He saw Wendy telling the children stories again.

After listening carefully, I found out that it was him and Ying who took action to save several countries.

As a bard, Wendy is very qualified. All kinds of flattering words are arranged, and the story is told vividly and vividly.

Hearing that the children were extremely excited, even Noelle looked at her with admiration, making Li Qiuzhi want to hide under her skirt.

He pulled Noelle to speed up and chose to ignore Wendy.

But Wendy was a fun-loving person who didn't take things too seriously. When she found Li Qiuzhi, she pointed at him in pretense of surprise and said:

"Look, children, that is the legendary honorary knight himself!"

"What?! Where is it? I want to see Brother Honor Knight!" A group of children looked in the direction Wendy pointed and found that it was indeed the Honor Knight himself.

He was as excited as a group of deer in the forest, running over happily.


Barbatos, can't you do something serious? Li Qiuzhi looked at Wendy at the foot of the Wind God Statue in the distance speechlessly.

"Hey!" Wendy blinked one eye and stuck out her tongue playfully.

Fortunately, Noelle was very good at dealing with children, and Li Qiuzhi bought each of the children a lollipop and escaped smoothly.

Afterwards, he briefly chatted with this guy Wendy for a while, and he happened to meet her, so he asked him by the way.

As the God of Wind, he knows where powerful monsters exist, preferably those belonging to the Demon God or those who have just entered the Demon God's realm.

"Oh, why are you asking this? I have been asleep for nearly a thousand years, how can I still remember so many things?"

Wendy spread her hands, shook her head and said.

"Well, if you tell me, you won't be short of wine money in the near future!"

Li Qiuzhi took out a large bag of 10,000 mora and handed it to Wendy, and looked at him with a smile.

"Hey, I suddenly remembered something when I heard the wine. Now hurry up and take a few sips, and I should be able to remember it completely!"

Wendy was not polite, grabbed Maura and ran towards the tavern, and the bastard didn't explain the matter clearly first!

Li Qiuzhi had no choice but to ignore him and continue to go to the West Wind Cathedral with Noelle to find Barbara and Rosalia.

Things were going pretty well.

Enthusiastic Barbara quickly agreed to Li Qiuzhi and Noelle's invitation to go on an adventure together. However, Rosalia went out to work and was not invited to the church.

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