I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 492 Harvest (two in one)

The tiny particles of golden sword intent, controlled by Li Qiuzhi, accurately locked onto the pitch-black particles transformed from the pitch-black snake and collided with them.

This kind of operation is only relatively easy to use in the mental world.

Without the mental world, even Li Qiuzhi would have difficulty locking in every tiny dark particle with his mental power and attacking.

As a large number of jet-black particles were annihilated by the sword, the jet-black snake also became a little panicked. Previously, it was only sealed.

And if all the jet black particles are destroyed, it will be equivalent to the destruction of its soul body, so it will be completely gone.

The big black snake quickly condensed its soul body again, opened its huge mouth and sent out invisible soul vibrations!

Wherever the soul wave passed, all the golden sword intention particles were crushed, as if nothing could stop it.

After the golden shield of the "Sword God of Ying" came into contact with this powerful soul vibration, it was also shattered into countless irregular cracks like spider webs.

It gives people a shaky feeling.

Li Qiuzhi contracted his mental power to form a shield around himself, protecting himself, Barbara and Noelle.

The soul attack followed closely, like silent thunder colliding with the tight shield!

Li Qiuzhi felt his head sink, as if a whole mountain had been weighed down mentally. He was worthy of being an enemy at the level of a demon god.

Now that the jet-black serpent had re-condensed into a physical entity, he continued to strengthen his mental power output while withstanding the attack.

Controlling the spiritual tentacles, he hit the black snake again!


Facing so many spiritual tentacles, the black snake had no time to dodge, so it had to turn into black particles again.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Sword intent particles appeared one after another around the "Sword God of Ying" in front, and then dispersed, penetrated, locked and chased all the dark particles.

In this dispersed particle state, the jet black snake may still have a slight influence on other weaker creatures.

It's like pouring all the dark particles into the bodies of other creatures, and then condensing them into shapes to swallow their souls.

But for Li Qiuzhi, who has full-range protection, it cannot carry out direct and effective attacks.

It's just a complete slow waiting to die.

The jet black snake obviously understood this truth, and condensed into a solid body before it escaped the spiritual tentacles and the sword intent particles attacked.

Such sword-like particles with weak attack power cannot cause too serious damage to it.

"You have no chance to make a comeback."

Li Qiuzhi showed a faint smile, as if he had already anticipated the dark snake's response.

The sword intention particles released by the "Sword God of Ying" during the slightest movement of his thoughts change at will and directly form a giant sword, and then disappear into the space.

When he reappeared, he had penetrated the soul of the dark snake!

"Damn it!"

The big black snake felt the sharp pain that ripped apart its soul. Suppressed by the mental world, it was no match for Li Qiuzhi.

Just when it was about to fight back, dozens of translucent spiritual tentacles swarmed up and bound the dark snake in an instant.

Use all your strength to crush it again!

When the jet-black snake scattered jet-black particles, the golden giant sword also turned into sword-intent particles simultaneously, and pounced on the nearby jet-black particles like a hungry wolf.

Perhaps because of the close relationship, the big black snake had no chance to react and was devoured most of it in an instant.

The big black snake that was a step slower managed to condense into a soul body, but it was visibly smaller and became very weak.

Even the strength to say harsh words seemed to be gone.

Li Qiuzhi seized the opportunity and finally used his spiritual tentacles to give the dark snake a final blow, knocking it into a dazed state!

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 129789 experience points. 】

Looking at the experience point prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi breathed a sigh of relief, finally defeating the black snake.

Of course, he didn't kill it. After all, creatures in the Demon God's Domain would have the risk of having their powers explode indiscriminately after death.

The only way to really kill them is to wait for time to "wear out" them, so that they can die safely without side effects.

Now, according to the previous idea, he will set "Command Spells" on these ancient demon gods that he defeated.

This will ensure that even if they break the seal, they will not be able to harm humans.

Moreover, when setting a "Command Spell", he usually sets conditions for people to obey his orders, so that in the future Teyvat will really be in turmoil due to forces such as the Abyss Order or the Fools.

It can be regarded as an extra demon-god-level existence that can be used at will, whether it is to help fight or to protect the countries with which it has deep ties.

All very useful!

"Huh, has it fainted?"

Through the scene synchronized by the "Ying Sword God", Barbara was slightly relieved to see the terrifying black snake in a state of being unable to move.

"Hehe, that's right." Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded.

"In this case, Mr. Adventurer, can you let go of your hand? My waist is a little sore."

Noelle looked down at the hem of her skirt covering her soft legs wrapped in translucent black stockings, and whispered softly with a slight blush.

After hearing Noelle's words, Barbara also reacted. She was being hugged by Mr. Honorary Knight. It was so embarrassing.

So he quickly nodded in agreement with Noel.

"All right"

Li Qiuzhi looked regretful and had no excuse to continue hugging them.

But Noel, are you serious when you say that your waist hurts when you hold your arms? You are obviously wearing hard armor, so if you say it hurts, it must be because my arms are sore!

Li Qiuzhi felt slightly amused.

Before letting go, he had the bad idea of ​​bullying the soft girl.

So Li Qiuzhi gently pinched Barbara's waist and the soft flesh of Noelle's arm that was not covered by the armor and stomach through the clothes.

"Yeah! I hate it!"

Both of them were startled by the sudden sore feeling. After they realized what was going on, their fair and lovely faces showed a look of shameful dissatisfaction.

Then he turned away his face as if he didn't want to pay attention to the annoying Mr. Honorary Knight.

[Noelle has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (890/900)]

[Barbara has developed a liking for you and gained 240 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (0/800)]

If they weren't still in the big blisters, they would probably be so shy that they would run away. Looking at the lovely faces of Barbara and Noelle, Li Qiuzhi felt that he was full of energy again.

But seeing that Noelle still had ten points of favorability and was about to reach the level but not all at once, this made Li Qiuzhi feel a little itchy.

Inexplicably, I felt a little emotional: Is this the retribution for bullying a girl?

After sighing with emotion, Li Qiuzhi did not continue to dilly-dally. It was time to set the "command spell" on the black snake, otherwise it would have to be knocked unconscious again when it woke up, which would be very troublesome.

He briefly explained to Barbara and Noelle, then disappeared and teleported to the fainted soul body of the dark snake.

【Absolutely obey my orders. 】

[Don’t do bad things, don’t hurt humans, stay in the secret place and don’t go out casually]

After setting a lot of "command spells" on the black snake to restrict its behavior to ensure that it poses absolutely no threat to the Teyvat continent.

He ignored it, took back the mental world and returned to the ruins of the sharks, taking Barbara and Noelle with him to continue searching for the treasures that might exist here.

Li Qiuzhi possesses the "Moon-covering Heavenly Power", which is a life-seat ability given by Ningguang's full-level favorability, which is basically within a range of more than a hundred meters.

No matter how deeply hidden it is, treasures that cannot be detected even with mental power will be discovered by him.

Soon they left the hall where the dark snake was and began to search for treasures in other unexplored places.

After all, this secret realm is not only a small place like the entrance corridor and deep hall, but also has connections to other places on the left and right.

At first, he led the two of them to explore to the left.

There are not many valuable treasures along the way, just a few ordinary treasure chests, but there are quite a lot of monsters.

Things like water slimes and fish-like water creatures are all immersed in water in this secret realm, and the water element is unusually abundant.

There are definitely lives related to the water element. Thousands of years have passed, and there are still a lot of these water element lives.

And their strength is not weak, generally around level 60 or 70, similar to the monsters on the third floor of the "Deep Corridor".

The "Sword God of Ying" over there had also finished cleaning up the monsters in the depths of the third layer when Li Qiuzhi was fighting the black snake just now.

He has gained a total of about 180,000 experience points. The experience points on his character panel are now:

[Experience point: 936092]

The more than 936,000 experience points were slightly different from the one million experience points he had previously expected.

Of course, this is not a big problem.

There are so many monsters in the secret realm. During the next exploration process, you can level up by defeating a few more!

Noon, Bishuiyuan.

Two ducks with snow-white feathers were playing in the water, cleaning each other's feathers.

Suddenly a black shadow appeared under them.

Seeing this, the two little ducks thought it was some terrifying monster that wanted to swallow them, and they were so frightened that they ran away frantically.

Not long after they swam away, the shadows under the water became larger and larger, and with a pop, a huge bubble suddenly appeared and floated on the surface.

You can clearly see three people, one man and two women, sitting inside. They are naturally Li Qiuzhi, Barbara and Noelle.

After defeating the big black snake and successfully controlling it, Li Qiuzhi and the others were searching for treasures and cleaning up monsters in the secret realm.

It was only at noon that they barely finished exploring. Using the ability of "Moon Covering Heavenly Power", they did find a lot of treasure chests.

The items stored inside are all molas, holy relics, weapons, etc., most of which are of low quality.

The total number of molas totaled more than three million. After all, the molas contained in treasure chests were usually molas with a denomination of one. It was already very good to have so many.

Divided equally among the three, each of them would have one million molas!

The most important ones are the holy relics and weapons. Although they are not gold-quality treasures, their total value is no less than 15 million molas.

It was truly a bumper harvest.

And because he was basically responsible for exploring this secret realm, Barbara and Noelle were too embarrassed to continue to divide it.

So he put them all into the Wonderland warehouse, increasing the entire space by a full fifteen square centimeters.

Well, it's better than nothing.

The important thing is that after defeating so many monsters in the secret realm, the experience points on his character panel are finally enough to level up:

[Experience point: 1085224]

There are more than 1,085,000 experience points, but only 950,000 are needed to upgrade the level. There will be a lot left after the level is upgraded.

He has been looking forward to it for so long, and naturally there is no reason to keep the experience points. What should be promoted will naturally be promoted.

Li Qiuzhi flew back to the shore with Barbara and Noelle, and at the same time put a lot of experience points into the levels:

Lv95 (0/950000)→Lv96 (0/960000)

The information displayed on the level bar only jumped one number from ninety-five to ninety-six.

But Li Qiuzhi felt an unprecedented warm current in his body, which slowly spread to every cell in his body.

And in the soul deep in the mind.

This feeling made him feel as if his body and soul were soaking in a hot spring and being held and massaged by many girls with their gentle fingers. It was very comfortable.

But this feeling came and went quickly. Before long, his body and soul had been strengthened:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv96 (0/960000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiqi

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Ying·Divinity 10 (Star Sea Ten Thousand), Wuxiang's Sword·Divinity 10 (Wuxian Wushuang), Shadow of the Abyss·Mystery 10 (Deep Jump), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique·Mystery 10 (Frost Flower Arrow) ), Wind Element Control 10 (full level), Fighting 10 (subtle)

Expertise: [Advent] [Girl Savior] [Anti-Devil Enhancement] [Plenty of Life] [Gospel of the Sky] [North Wind] [Spiritual Tentacle] [Reconciliation] [Thousand-Year Body] [Abyssal Vortex] [Charging Body] 】【Elemental Immunity】【Command Spell】【Lingge】【Wuxiang Thunder】【Blessing of the World Tree】

Experience points: 135224

Looking at the character panel with only 130,000 experience points left, Li Qiuzhi felt bored for a while. His experience points had bottomed out again.

Fortunately, the "Ying Sword God" on the "Deep Realm Spiral" side has entered the fourth floor of the corridor, and the "Ying Sword God" in the Beast Realm and other countries are also actively looking for powerful monsters.

He still has the location of several ruins and secret realms given by Heulia, and it is not far away to level up again.

It probably won't take long to even reach level 100, which is comparable to a demon god, and I don't know what expertise he will be given at that time.

The higher the level, the stronger the expertise given. Level 100 is the realm of the devil, so I think the racial expertise given here should be very good!

Li Qiuzhi and the two girls came to the shore, removed the big blisters and calmed down the random thoughts in their minds.

When I was about to tell Barbara and Noelle to go to Liyue Port for lunch, take a short rest and continue to the next secret place.

Suddenly, he found a familiar figure leaning against the big green bamboo beside the road on the left. He had a handsome and steady face with black hair. Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhongli?

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