I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 501 The Tenth Floor (Two in One)

The golden "Sword God of Ying" flew to the top of Li Qiuzhi's head, condensing his sword intention and turning it into a big umbrella to block the moonlight shining down.

Suddenly, Li Qiuzhi was shrouded in shadow.

He felt it carefully and found that the red moon's suppression on him had not weakened at all.

Is it because of the reflection from the ground and surrounding environment? Li Qiuzhi looked at the ground and thought speculatively.

He pondered for a moment, condensed his sword intention to form a golden sphere, and wrapped himself around him!

Sure enough, as expected by Li Qiuzhi, the suppression of the red moonlight on himself disappeared, but the suppression of the released spiritual power did not disappear.

But as time goes by, it can be clearly seen that the red moonlight penetrates into the sword intention.

After a simple experiment, after confirming that the red moonlight was indeed the factor that suppressed strength, Li Qiuzhi dispersed the golden spheres.

Now that he had found a way to deal with the red moonlight, he felt a little more relieved.

This red moonlight seems to only have the effect of suppressing strength, and it has not yet been found to have any other effects on Li Qiuzhi.

Even if his strength is suppressed by 30%, he is still very powerful, and it will not be a problem to deal with ordinary demons.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi was not too worried about some blind monster coming to attack him.

As he continued to walk forward, the "Sword God of Ying" looked alert from a high altitude. Not long after, he came to a cemetery.

This cemetery is surrounded by a white wooden fence less than two feet long. There is a doorless doorway in the middle. There are dry, leafless trees planted on both sides of the doorway.

Li Qiuzhi frowned slightly under his black hair. Why are there cemeteries built on both sides of the road?

Are the customs of the ancient civilization that built the "Deep Spiral" so strange? Or does this place always exist?

He couldn't think clearly for the time being, but he didn't walk in rashly.

After all, no monsters were found along the way, and the probability that there were no monsters in the "Deep Spiral" was low.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi suspected that there were some monsters hiding in this cemetery!

Without thinking too much, he controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to fly down from mid-air and fly into the cemetery.

Naturally, the task of exploring the road must be left to those who are not afraid of danger.

When the "Sword God of Ying" flew into the cemetery, Li Qiuzhi clearly felt something was wrong. The yin energy here was very heavy!

It was actually able to reach him through the "Sword God of Ying"!

There were gusts of cold wind blowing in the silent cemetery. Li Qiuzhi stopped outside the cemetery and let the 'Sword God of Ying' continue to move forward.

After the "Sword God of Ying" flew more than ten meters and completely penetrated into the cemetery, something strange happened. The tombstones on the left and right sides of the road began to tremble slightly.

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi watched with interest from outside, "There won't be a zombie crawling out or something, right?"

Seeing this situation, he instinctively thought of the zombie movies that brought some psychological shadow to him when he was a child.

It is in this quiet and dark environment that they crawl out of cemeteries, coffins and other places to attack humans.

But he guessed correctly that something came out, but it was not a zombie.

The tombstones were slowly lifted up, and some mud spilled out, as if they had wisdom.

It was connected with the mud coming out of other tombstones, forming a large pool of mud.

Li Qiuzhi watched as they surrounded the "Sword God of Ying", then rose up at the same time, turning into a curtain that seemed to swallow his incarnation at once!

Interestingly, Li Qiuzhi had never seen such a strange mud monster before. He opened his golden sin-destroying eyes and looked at the mud monster:

[Level: eighty-five]

It's up to level 85, which is pretty good. No wonder it can gain a foothold on the ninth floor. This mud monster still has something.

And it seems to be a boss template, and its real combat effectiveness should be much higher.

However, no matter how high the combat power is, it still cannot compare with Li Qiuzhi. When the "Sword God of Ying" tries to swallow him up, the mud monster tries to swallow him up.

The golden rapier in his hand slid upwards gently!


A large amount of golden sword intent broke through the sky, and the mud monster's body that was about to merge was directly knocked away again!

Golden light pillars appeared one after another.

The mud monster that ran out from under the tombstone seemed to feel no pain and was not affected, and once again integrated with the blasted body as if nothing had happened.

The movement is obviously very slow, but it feels calm when you look at it.

Li Qiuzhi's sword energy didn't seem to have as big an effect on it as he imagined, even though he could easily split it in half with his sword energy.

Then it was easily integrated back again.

It seems that although the level of this mud monster is not high, if you want to defeat it, you have to use other methods. Well, there it is!

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment, then his thoughts moved slightly, and a power that changed reality broke out in the "Sword God of Ying"!

"Mental image" replaced "phenomenon", and the gray land beneath her was replaced by red. In less than a second, it spread outward like an explosion!

Soon, the entire cemetery was replaced by magma, and only the mud monster was in direct contact with the magma on the ground.

The hot magma bakes the mud monster. While the water in its body is constantly being dried, its huge body is constantly sinking under the magma!

Li Qiuzhi only saw the huge mud monster splitting his body continuously, squirming and trying to escape.

But precisely because of its behavior of splitting its body, each part of its body becomes smaller, making it easier to be engulfed by magma!

The body that might have taken more than ten minutes to swallow was completely sunk into the magma in less than half a minute under the mud monster's own manipulations.

Become one with it!

About three minutes later, Li Qiuzhi saw a prompt pop up on the character panel:

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 56772 experience points. 】

As expected of a monster above level 80, Li Qiuzhi thought happily that he had gained nearly 60,000 experience points in one fell swoop.

In this way, his total experience points will be about 430,000, and with more than 500,000, he can level up again!

After defeating the powerful mud monster, he controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to put away the world of mental images.


Pieces of mud that had lost their moisture fell from the air. The moment they hit the ground, they instantly fell into powder and were slightly raised by the cold wind in the cemetery.

In this environment, it feels like the ashes of the deceased.

After dealing with the dangerous monster Mud Monster, Li Qiuzhi did not let his guard down, but used his mental energy to search carefully.

Only after finding that there were no other dangerous monsters was he continued to move forward.

After passing the cemetery where there were no zombie ghosts but mud monsters, Li Qiuzhi walked along the road and found himself in a dark forest.

Under the red moonlight, the withered trees in the forest looked extremely eerie and strange, with only branches and leaves left.

I didn't expect that the ninth floor of the "Deep Spiral" in reality was so different from the one in the game. It was both a cemetery and a gloomy forest.

It’s a bit too scary!

Li Qiuzhi didn't let Li Qiuzhi wait long. Not long after he controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to enter, some white mist quietly appeared in this gloomy forest.

And as time goes by, it slowly becomes more intense.

If you look closely at the white mist around you, you can seem to find some white translucent ghosts hiding in it.

They showed no mercy to the golden intruders. They floated around the "Sword God of Ying", opened their mouths and launched "Soul Absorbing" from a distance!

Perhaps because of the mental attack, the "Sword God of Ying" was actually "tugged" by many ghosts and became a little unstable.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the white mist in the dark forest with his golden eyes, and suddenly densely packed grade marks appeared in the mist!

[Level: eighty-two]

[Level: eighty]

[Level: eighty-one]

He counted carefully and found that there were sixteen ghosts surrounding the "Sword God of Ying" launching some kind of spiritual attack on her.

Li Qiuzhi felt that there seemed to be a suction force from any direction, trying to suck the "Sword God of Ying" away.

"Ha!" He chuckled.

If you want to suck it, then suck it. Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to give up resistance. The next moment, she was directly torn into sixteen pieces of golden light, flying in all directions at high speed.

But during the flight, all the golden light groups turned into sharp swords, flying in the direction of the suction force at an even faster speed!

By the time the wandering souls reacted, it was already too late, and the sharp sword had passed through their throats!

Immediately afterwards, sharp spikes protruded from the blade of the golden sword, instantly stabbing the wandering souls into shower heads!

Then the spikes rotated, smashing the souls of all the wandering souls into countless pieces.

Without the stable soul structure, the shattered soul fragments began to slowly disappear into the white mist.

Li Qiuzhi's character panel popped up prompts for gaining experience points:

[Defeat 16 powerful enemies and gain 128909 experience points. 】

Sixteen wandering souls only have about 120,000 experience points. It seems that they are not leader-level existences, and their combat effectiveness is slightly worse than that of mud monsters.

After defeating all the ghosts, the golden swords reunited to form the "Sword God of Ying".

Li Qiuzhi controlled her and continued to wander in the dark woods for a while. When the fog gradually faded and no other ghosts were seen, he continued to move forward.

After passing the woods and walking for about twenty minutes, he finally reached the depths of the ninth floor and saw the portal leading to the tenth floor from a distance.

But in front of the portal, there is a mountain-like monster blocking it.

It has black fur, and its three dog heads are neatly distributed like the Chinese character "pin". The top dog head is red, and a trace of fire will emit from its breath.

There are two dog heads on the left and right, one ice white and one aqua blue. It doesn’t take much thinking to know that they control the elements of ice and water respectively!

A three-headed dog? It was quite strange to encounter such a monster. Li Qiuzhi stopped about a hundred meters away from it.

[Level: ninety]

At level 90, and with such a powerful aura, he should be the boss monster along with the mud monster. I remember that I defeated a level 90 monster near the Salt of the Earth before.

There seem to be more than 100,000 experience points.

You have to defeat it to gain such a big harvest, so you can’t miss it!

Seeing Li Qiuzhi and the "Sword God of Ying" appear, the six eyes of the elemental three-headed dog opened at the same time and locked onto them.

While the terrifying aura was released unscrupulously, he slowly stood up his limbs, and his pupils were gradually dyed with a hint of violent red!

The red moonlight seems to bless its power!

"If you are an ordinary person, if you are greatly suppressed and you are strengthened, you may have no choice but to run for your life, but unfortunately you met me."

Li Qiuzhi pulled the hem of his clothes to slightly smooth out the wrinkles on it, and also released a powerful aura and walked towards the elemental three-headed dog step by step!


That momentum pressed against it, causing the elemental three-headed dog to let out a vigilant growl, trying to threaten Li Qiuzhi to make him retreat.

Li Qiuzhi naturally ignored its intimidation, but continued to slowly approach and amplify his breath to intimidate it.

The elemental three-headed dog's eyes flashed red, and its three huge mouths opened simultaneously and aimed at Li Qiuzhi, with terrifying elemental energy condensing in its mouths.

"Okay, it doesn't seem to scare you. Is it because of the red moon?"

Li Qiuzhi looked up at the sky, smiled and summoned three huge materialized translucent tentacles!

They didn't wait for the elemental three-headed dog to finish charging up, and directly hit its three heads!

The elemental three-headed dog seemed to sense the threat, and closed its huge mouth forcibly, interrupting its charging state and jumping to the side.

But before it could stand firm, the ordinary-sized "Sword God of Ying" suddenly grew huge, becoming taller than the hill-like three-headed elemental dog.

It's like the ratio of a normal human to an ordinary dog, and then the "Sword God of Ying" slashes down with the golden sword!

All that was left for the elemental three-headed dog was a golden light, and then the head in the middle instantly lost consciousness, while the heads on both sides watched half of their bodies fall.


The two halves of the elemental three-headed dog hit the ground, raising a huge cloud of dust.

He has a body, but his level is not as high as that of Li Qiuzhi. For him, it is just a matter of letting the "Sword God of Ying" strike with a sword!

[Defeat powerful enemies and obtain 111525]

110,000 experience points, not bad! Li Qiuzhi nodded and ignored the fallen elemental three-headed dog.

First, let the "Sword God of Ying" enter the portal to explore the way. After finding that there was no problem, he also walked in.

The tenth level of the "Deep Spiral" has a similar environment, with a red moon hanging in the starless sky.

But the surrounding environment turned into a ruins, and Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to explore forward.

Immediately, a bunch of monsters with a level of at least eighty-five or above were found wandering around. They had a lot of hair and looked like orangutans.

Li Qiuzhi did not hesitate to let the "Sword God of Ying" fly up to attract their attention, and then stood far away.

Use the materialized spiritual tentacles to sneak attack, appear from the back of their heads, and kill one with one poke!

Experience points +10020

Experience points +10043

Experience point +11523

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