I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 503 Let me help you improve your strength

Li Qiuzhi looked at the introduction of the new expertise and found that in addition to integrating the previous expertise, the effect had been greatly improved.

For example, the exclusive specialty of "Girl Lover" has not changed in that it is not recorded in the world, but it has greatly improved its charm for girls.

The effect of making the other person have a good impression of you has been greatly improved. Now maybe you can get a good impression by simply showing concern!

And the "universal energy" that originally "harmonized" the specialty can now be transmitted to others with just physical contact!

This is just right, and it is much more efficient for everyone to improve their strength.

After all, no one else is able to hang out with too many girls at the same time. Now, simply holding hands is enough.

As long as the body has enough energy, everyone's strength can be greatly improved in one day!

When you go back in the evening, you can find someone to try it and see how much it can be improved.

Because the storage capacity has also been greatly increased due to the integration with the "charger", he felt it carefully.

It is about ten times the original body energy before the fusion expertise. The improvement is quite large!

It seems that there is no big problem if it is used to upgrade all the girls in the fairyland space.

It is even more outrageous that "universal energy" can be used to replenish various energies including lifespan. Doesn't this mean that lifespan will never be exhausted!

This effect is not inferior to the endless lifespan of the "Demon God", it is even better. After all, it can be used by others.

The final elemental saving throw effect is the same as before, but there is no change.

The second exclusive specialty, "The Wuxiang Gospel of the World Tree", provides a basis for mastering various energies, if it were not for the inability to unify various elements.

This specialty is even more powerful than the option of "Primary Elemental Dragon King". Fortunately, he chose "Human Sublimation" with determination!

The third specialty is based on the spiritual tentacles, which adds extra damage to monsters and the ability to ignore energy shields.

Well, compared to the low probability of penetration of the shield by the "North Wind" specialty in the past, it is indeed a very big improvement to just ignore it now.

The name of the final specialty has not changed, it is still "Lingge", because it is only fused with the "Command Spell" specialty, and the changes it brings are not big.

There is an additional effect that can specify the type of entry at twice the cost of "Spirit". The practicality should be quite good.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the character panel and found some changes:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv100 (0/10000000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiqi

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Ying·Divinity 10 (Star Sea Ten Thousand), Wuxiang's Sword·Divinity 10 (Wuxian Wushuang), Shadow of the Abyss·Mystery 10 (Deep Jump), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique·Mystery 10 (Frost Flower Arrow) ), Elemental Control 10 (full level), Fighting 10 (subtle)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience points: 25762

The experience points required to upgrade the level have become 10 million, which I have to say is a very helpless number.

I have to clean up monsters all day long and I don’t know when I will be able to level up. Of course, this is much faster than normal practice.

But if you want to go faster, you may have to leave the Teyvat continent and take a look at the realms of the Star Sea outside.

Otherwise, if he wants to ascend to the level of top demon gods like Wendy and Zhongli, he may not even be able to clear out the demons in Teyvat.

Even if he had enough, he couldn't do it. After all, monsters were part of the ecology of Teyvat continent.

Many adventurers also rely on them to make a living. The materials on monsters are needed by holders of the Eye of God to make breakthroughs, and by scholars for research and experiments.

It is obviously unfeasible and inconsistent with the principle of sustainable development to completely clear the Teyvat continent of monsters.

Li Qiuzhi would naturally not do this kind of thing that only benefits himself but does more harm than good to everyone in the world unless he has no choice but to do it.

It seems that the next step is to personally contribute to the infrastructure construction of Teyvat Continent and quickly improve the level of social development.

Otherwise, when will his spaceship be built?

Lisa on Mondstadt's side has developed an elemental memory that can be mass-produced, and Ningguang on Liyue's side has also developed elemental steam engines and cars.

Xumi's "void" system is also developing towards the Internet.

But Li Qiuzhi felt that it would probably take less than a year or two before they could be used in Teyvat Continent.

Cars, in particular, are very important to the development of the world. After all, cars represent fast logistics.

With fast logistics, development is possible in even remote places!

But if you want to make full use of the role of cars, you need hard, flat roads, which do not have the most basic infrastructure.

Even if you own a car, it will only be used by wealthy businessmen to drive around the city to show off, and then it will be of no practical use.

He had to discuss with Ning Guang and ask her to speed up the paving of the road. As for how to do it specifically, he already had a simple idea.

The general direction should be feasible. Li Qiuzhi nodded secretly, and then controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to fly to the eleventh floor.

I have been exploring the "Deep Spiral" for a long time. Let's go back as soon as possible after completing the exploration.

Just when Li Qiuzhi confirmed that there was no threat to him on the eleventh floor and was about to go there, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Idiot attendant, where have you been? You're about to have dinner and you're not back yet?"

This is Fischer's voice.

Li Qiuzhi took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and found that it was indeed around six o'clock in the afternoon. It seemed that he was concentrating on cleaning up the monsters and didn't pay much attention to the time.

"Okay, I'll be right back." Li Qiuzhi responded.

Forget it, let's go back first, mention the infrastructure construction to Ningguang by the way, and ask her what kind of arrangements she has.

Just let the "Sword God of Ying" go to the next eleventh and twelfth floors. Anyway, with his current strength, there should be no reason why he can't pass them.

Wonderland space, living room.

Lisa, Yula and Sugar were cooking dinner in the kitchen. Only Fisher, Amber, Ying and Paimeng were in the living room.

The other girls seemed to be still busy with their work and would probably not come back until dinner was ready.

Li Qiuzhi himself had been busy for so long and felt a little tired when he got home. He yawned.

With a smile on his face, he walked to the girls who were chatting and sat down. He hugged little Amy and said:

"Haha, I just happened to have a big breakthrough in strength, let me help you improve your strength!"

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