"Afternoon tea is okay. Do you want me to accompany you to buy ingredients?"

Li Qiuzhi happened to be going to the Adventurers Association to get the rough stone from Catherine, so he and Noelle could go shopping on the street and buy some ingredients for making snacks.

"Yeah!" Noelle nodded happily.

The breeze blew the hem of her skirt and brushed against the sides of her high-heeled armored boots, as gently as the waves caressing the rocks.

She rubbed her fingers and continued:

"However, Mr. Honorary Knight, please wait here for a while while I finish today's work first."

After saying that, Noelle stood up, picked up the broom and prepared to go inside the Knights to complete today's cleaning work.

"Let me help you too. Anyway, it's just idle time." Li Qiuzhi also stood up.

"Okay then, I'll take you to get the broom." Noelle thought for a while and said.

Li Qiuzhi nodded, then walked into the knights with Noelle, and started to help Noelle clean up.

About half an hour later, the two finished their work and went to tell Captain Qin and Lisa about preparing for afternoon tea.

Then the two of them went to the street to buy ingredients. During this period, Li Qiuzhi also made a spiritual entry for himself:

[Lingge entry·Breath circulation: This entry will only appear among humans. Those who have this entry can mobilize Qi, blood and spirit to circulate between the two without any reason when they stick to the opposite sex, forming an energy source to absorb external energy into the body, strengthening themselves to achieve powerful practice effects. 】

Maybe it was because of my good luck today that I only found a good entry after browsing more than twenty times.

To put it simply, you can become stronger by sticking with a girl, which is similar to the legendary dual cultivation technique. It is very suitable for him, although it is not an exclusive entry.

But Li Qiuzhi is very satisfied with the effect of this entry! I just don’t know yet how effective this entry is in practicing...

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and decided to try it with the girls more every day. After all, he now needed a lot of experience points to improve his level.

Now he can practice hard on his own, or he can practice with the girls using the Tie Tie method.

Or absorb dragon blood gems and raw stones to gain experience points. Finally, you can also defeat monsters to gain experience points.

These methods can all improve his strength.

With so many ways to level up, Li Qiuzhi feels that as long as he works a little harder, even the 10 million experience points required to level up shouldn't be difficult to complete!

He thought for a moment and decided to make a specific practice plan for himself, and then implemented it seriously so that he could steadily improve himself every day.

Otherwise, it would be too unstable to focus all your efforts to improve your strength on the shortcut of defeating monsters.

Well, when you wake up in the evening and morning, you can use "breath circulation" and girl stickers to practice. When you go to work, you can practice by yourself. In the afternoon, you can pick up commissions and find monsters to gain experience points.

I feel like this arrangement is pretty good.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it while chatting with Noelle, and quickly bought all the ingredients needed to make afternoon tea.

"Next, come with me to the Adventurers Association." He said to Noelle.

There are many pedestrians on the streets of Mondstadt, and there are even people riding bicycles, a novelty. If nothing else, it should be other chambers of commerce that cooperate with the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce".

Noelle had just heard that Li Qiuzhi was going to the Adventurers Association to get the rough stones, so he agreed with a slight nod.

The two continued to wander around the streets of Mondstadt. After a long time, when it was almost noon, Li Qiuzhi and Noelle walked to the Adventurers Association.

"Long time no see, you two. Are you here to pick up a commission?"

Catherine smiled gently and elegantly.

"Hello, Miss Catherine, I won't take any commissions today because I have a break. I'm here to ask how my commission to acquire rough stones went."

Li Qiuzhi greeted him politely and said.

"That's it." Catherine nodded, squatted down behind the counter to find the commission record, checked it and said to Li Qiuzhi:

"It has been more than a month since you last came to collect the rough stones. During this period, many adventurers have completed the commission. So far, a total of 205 rough stones have been acquired, and a total of 24.6 million molas have been spent.

"The 10 million commission fee you paid in advance has been paid to the adventurers, and there is still 14.6 million left to make up."

After hearing Catherine's detailed explanation, Li Qiuzhi said in surprise:

"Is there so much? You know, there used to be more than ten or twenty pieces."

"Haha, recently everyone has been venturing to Longji Snow Mountain, which has not been visited by many adventurers before. Naturally, more rough stones will be harvested.

"Moreover, the Knights also discovered a space crack leading to the Beast Realm on the snowy mountain. After the chief alchemist Mr. Abedo successfully developed the 'Demon Bear Leather Holster', adventurers can also use it to easily venture to the Beast Realm. Therefore, It’s not surprising that more rough diamonds are produced.”

Catherine explained with a smile.


Li Qiuzhi almost forgot that a large number of adventurers came to explore the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain and the Beast Realm. It was normal for there to be many treasures in areas that had not been explored before.

However, he remembered that there should be no treasure chests in the Beast Realm. The only treasure chest that the "Ying Sword God" found after exploring the Beast Realm for so long was still in a ruins in the "Golden" Reindot.

According to previous speculations, if there were no accidents, she should have brought the treasure box from Teyvat.

So if there is no treasure chest, how can there be rough stones?

Li Qiuzhi was a little confused about this, and asked Catherine if she had learned about it from adventurers.

"You said this, I have indeed heard adventurers mention it. It is said that although there are no treasure chests there, magical crystal stones such as rough stones do exist. Everyone can occasionally find one or two pieces during adventures, maybe from It comes from the earth veins, after all, there is everything in the earth veins."

Catherine replied with a smile.

Leylines? Li Qiuzhi thought to himself that the Beast Realm and Teyvat were relatively independent. If the earth veins could bring the rough stones there, there was no reason why Mora, holy relics, or treasure chests couldn't.

Compared to earth veins, he prefers it to be formed by natural condensation. After all, the original stone is actually the glow formed by the dreams and hopes of the owner.

Conceptual things like dreams and hopes should exist wherever life exists.

Therefore, it is not surprising that rough stones will appear in the beast realm.

Li Qiuzhi hadn't done any in-depth research and didn't know if his guess was correct. He didn't think about it any more. He opened the fairyland space and took out enough Mora from the warehouse and gave it to Catherine.

"Well, one thousand, four hundred and sixty-five moras with a face value of 10,000. The extra five are the association's service fees. The number is correct."

Catherine took some time to count the number, and then took out the rough stones she helped to acquire and handed them to Li Qiuzhi.

Sorry, last night's chapter was a little late because I had a cold, and there was still only one chapter, which was helpless. I have a runny nose while sitting today, and I don’t know if I’m catching a cold. Everyone, please wear more clothes and exercise more. The weather has turned cold recently and the flu is rampant. Many people have caught colds, and the author was unlucky to catch it.

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