There are many mountains in the desert that have been eroded by wind and sand. They have been blown to the point where their ridges have disappeared, and they have become quite rounded and have clear layers, like a thousand-layer cake.

Under one of the larger mountains, there is a sunken depression, where a small village is built.

This is the destination of this trip - Aru Village.

When Disiya got up in the morning, Li Qiuzhi and the others continued to set off. They encountered some Qiuqiu people, scorpions and other monsters on the way. He cleaned them up and gained some experience points.

Finally, before noon, the group successfully arrived at Aru Village.

There are some Xumi soldiers guarding the entrance of the village, mainly to prevent unknown people from running in.

"Hi, Desiya, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are they your new members?"

The soldiers at the door obviously knew Disiya, but they were a little confused about Li Qiuzhi and Nilu, whom they had never met before.

"Long time no see, Alai." Desiya said hello with a smile, and then explained, "They are my friends who came to the desert for adventure."

"I see, then you go in."

The soldier named Alai was not worried that Li Qiuzhi and the others were bad guys. First of all, they were brought by Disiya, and she had a very good relationship with the guardian.

Secondly, with the Guardian here, anyone who dares to cause trouble in the village will be brought to justice!

"Thank you!"

Disiya nodded and walked into the village with Li Qiuzhi and Nilu.

"This village is so big, and it's quite lively." Wearing transparent short boots with water elements that could see the white pantyhose on her feet, Nilu looked at both sides of the street as she walked.

As a rare and safe human gathering place in the desert, Aru Village is naturally relatively prosperous and not as sparsely populated as an ordinary village.

"After all, the village is in the desert and needs a lot of materials. If there is a demand, there will naturally be merchants willing to do business." Disiya also looked at the nearby area.

She hadn't been to Aru Village for a few days, and it felt inexplicably fresh.

"Next, I will take you to find Candice, the guardian here. She will arrange a place for you. You can stay here for a few days if you want."

Desiya said with a smile.

"When I went to the 'Void Forum' yesterday to inquire about the news about Aru Village, I heard that the guardian here is a true descendant of the Red King. He has the blessing of the gods and can control sandstorms to drown all invading enemies. I feel very It’s awesome!”

As Nelu walked, she seemed to be a little curious about the guardian.

"Huh? Is that Candice guy so powerful? Why didn't I know?" Desiya crossed her arms and shook her head and said:

"Hmph, it must be that those guys who wanted to cause trouble in Aru Village were taught a lesson by Candice, and they were frightened and thought she really had some magical power.

"Just listen to such rumors, there is no need to believe them."

"So that's it? I thought she could really master the sandstorm." Nilu subconsciously touched the red hair hanging down on the side of her face, looking embarrassed.

"That guy is just a holder of the Eye of the Water Elemental God like you. I have competed with her, and I feel that her strength is similar to mine. She only controls sandstorms, but I have never seen her before."

Desiya explained.

"We're here. The front is where the guardian usually works." She looked up and looked ahead.

Li Qiuzhi looked along and found that it was a relatively high-end house compared to the surrounding houses, so it was easy to identify.

The color is similar to that of sand, and the buildings in the entire village are similar, which can reduce the probability of being noticed by monsters high in the sky.

After all, in the vast desert, with the same color at a glance, it is difficult to notice Aru Village.

Soon, several people arrived at the guardian's office.

Just when Desiya was about to say hello to the guards and ask them to go inside to notify Candice that someone was looking for her, the door to the house opened on its own.

A lady with long dark blue hair and rare heterochromatic eyes came out.

"Oh? Isn't this Disiya? Didn't you go to Xumi City to be the bodyguard of a rich lady? How come you have time to come here?"

This lady with heterochromatic eyes and honey-colored skin, like Disiya, showed an unexpected look.

"Hey, long time no see, Candice." Desiya greeted with a smile, "This is Nilu, a dancer who came to the desert to find inspiration. This is Li Qiuzhi, whom Nilu hired to protect her. adventurer."

She introduced Li Qiuzhi and Nilu to Candice.

"Hello, I am Candice, the guardian of Aru Village. Nice to meet you." Candice said with a smile.

Li Qiuzhi and Nilu also responded politely.

"I came here this time to donate a sum of money to the children in Aru Village. The details will be discussed later. Please arrange a place for us to live first, and then give us a map with the nearby oasis marked on it."

Desiya continued.

"You asked me to do this and that from the very beginning. You are really good at it, Disiya, but for the sake of your donation, I don't care." Candice looked at Disiya with a speechless expression.

"Haha, let's go, it's noon, I invite you to eat!"

Disiya seemed not to notice Candice's speechlessness, and then put her arm around her shoulders, greeted Li Qiuzhi and Nilu, and walked to a nearby restaurant together.

Li Qiuzhi and Nilu looked at each other, and both felt that Disiya was hurting their friends.

At noon, we finished our lunch.

Li Qiuzhi and the others returned to the place where Candice worked. She gave Li Qiuzhi a nearby map with the locations of some oases marked on it.

Then we chatted briefly for a while and then took them to where they lived.

It is said that when important guests come, the place where they stay is considered the best hotel in Aru Village.

Candice saw that Li Qiuzhi and Nilu were friends of Disiya, and she also recognized Li Qiuzhi, a very powerful legendary adventurer.

So I thought I would not charge any money and treat you as if you were your own friend.

But Nilu was obviously a thin-skinned girl who was embarrassed to take advantage of her, so she insisted on giving money.

After all, as a popular dancer in Xumi City, he wouldn't be unable to afford a hotel stay for a few days.

Candice thought about it and decided to respect Nelu's idea.

In the afternoon, Desiya was going to arrange with Candice how the donated funds should be used, and they had to be used where children were most in need.

It was worthy of careful discussion between the two of them, and it seemed to be a considerable sum of money.

Li Qiuzhi, at Nilu's request, accompanied her throughout Aru Village. Although the village was prosperous, it was only the size of an ordinary village.

One afternoon was enough for the two of them to visit every street.

(There is one more chapter, maybe a little later.)

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