Li Qiuzhi's idea was recognized, and they decided to boldly tease the fierce King Qiuqiu Yanhelm.

Several people continued to go deeper. According to Oz's reconnaissance, they could reach the entrance to the third floor guarded by the Rock Helmet King in about five minutes.

The torch mechanism on the wall emits light, dispelling the darkness nearby.

Not long after, this improvised adventure team stopped moving forward. They had already seen the fierce monster sitting on the ground about 150 meters ahead.

With a body as strong as a mountain rock, Qiuqiu people's thugs are much inferior to it.

"It's right here. It's a bit dangerous to go any further." Nightcrow Oz turned his head and said to everyone.

It is about 150 meters away from the fierce monster. This is the reaction distance for everyone to escape in case of any unexpected situation.

After all, the Qiuqiuyan Helm King is not bloated and huge, his body is full of well-developed muscles, and he runs like an out-of-control carriage loaded with cargo.

That violent and ferocious appearance was like a demon in the world.

"Hmph, let the Princess of Judgment judge you!"

Fischer covered her left eye, a smile appeared on her fair face, and a long bow like a musical note appeared in her hand.

This four-star bow and arrow, coupled with Fischer's pretty good archery skills, should be able to successfully hit the Rock Helmet King in the distance.

Li Qiuzhi also prepared his own adventurer hunting bow.

Since the target was far away, Li Qiuzhi and the others did not rely on the power of the arrows themselves to cause damage to the Rock Helmet King, but relied on the elemental power and the elemental reactions between them.

Fischer held the longbow in his left hand, put the arrow on the tight bow string with his right hand, and then easily pulled it away.

The elbows wrapped in long, slightly translucent black gloves were lifted back and raised to the level of the shoulders. His eyes went along the arms, and what came into view was the soft white under the armpits.

The rich thunder element began to accumulate on the tip of Fischer's arrow, shining with a blazing white and blue light.

Li Qiuzhi also took out the quenching rocket, but it was so dim when it was not stimulated by air resistance friction.

Two arrows were shot out one after another.

The lightning element arrows fell like blue meteors on the head of Qiuqiu Rock Helm King.

Li Qiuzhi considered that his arrows shot faster, so he shot the quenched rocket after confirming that Fischer had hit.

Meteors of the thunder element hit the Rock Helmet King who was in a daze, and the next moment arrows of the fire element were released one after another.

The overload reaction burst out and exploded, causing the Rock Helmet King to lift its upper body and back. Then it woke up instantly, only to see two arrows that had lost power falling from its head.

He had a body like mountain armor, but he also felt slight burning and paralysis.

Although their IQs are not too high, even cows and horses know that they have been attacked by disgusting insects, let alone Qiuqiu people with primitive social civilization.

As the king among Qiuqiu people, no one has ever dared to flirt with him in front of him!

The Qiuqiu Rock Helm King suddenly stood up and roared. On his strong body, the rock-like armor exuded the heavy brilliance of the rock element!

Angry eyes moved left and right, and finally saw a few fast-running insects from a long distance away.

The Rock Helmet King squatted down slightly, his black calves full of muscles suddenly expanded, and his blood veins emerged. He jumped up and smashed down more than ten meters away, and the brick ground collapsed under his feet.

Using the strength of the sunken ground cracked like spider patterns, the air rubbed against it, like a mad war bull, rushing towards the insects that dared to challenge it!


At this time, Li Qiuzhi and the others wished they had two more legs, which were simply not enough!

Originally, they thought that even if the attack did little harm to Qiu Qiuyan Helm King, he would still be stunned for a while, but they did not expect that it would only shake his head.

Then this guy unexpectedly held a grudge and rushed over directly.

"With such power, is it the devil?"

With his hands clinging to the black silk sleeves constantly swinging, Fischer glanced behind him and visually estimated that the Rock Helmet King had already chased him within a hundred meters.

"It's too scary!" Bennett ran away with his eyes closed.

This Qiuqiu Rock Helm King is unexpectedly powerful. If converted into levels, it may not be below level 50.

No wonder the apostles of the abyss keep guarding the gate here.

Listening to the constant sound of Fischer's short boots hitting the ground next to him, Li Qiuzhi casually pushed aside the tail of her black skirt that was carried by the airflow while running and covered his face.

Then he spoke:

"Calm down, it may not chase very far. After all, it has the task of guarding the entrance to the third floor!"

His fairly good physique allowed him to talk while running without being out of breath.

In fact, he could run faster, but that would leave his two partners behind, which would be too selfish and inconsiderate.

Moreover, due to Bennett's unlucky physique, there is a high chance that they will be caught up by the Qiu Qiu Rock Helm King if they fall behind.

That's too dangerous!

Looking at Qiuqiuyan Helm King getting closer and closer, Li Qiuzhi didn't have much time to think.

Although he had not defeated all the monsters in the previous battles, he had gained quite a lot in terms of experience points.

Experience points: 5573

Looking at the total of more than 5,000 experience points on the panel, I thought for a moment and put them all into the character level.

Experience Point-5573

Immediately countless warm currents appeared in his body, fully nourishing and evolving his body.

There is no big change in appearance. The improvement in level is the improvement of life level and the evolution of race. The power gained in this way is relatively restrained.

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: 14 (973/1400)

Race: Human

Title: None

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Hunter Archery 10 (Shadowless and Silent) West Wind Archery·Basic 2 (0/200) Fighting 2 (0/200) West Wind Sword Skill·Basic 1 (1/100) West Wind Sword Skill·Clan 1 (2/100) Stealth Assassination 4 (0/400)

Specialties: [Adventurer] [Girl Savior]

Experience points: 0

Looking at the character panel that had been upgraded to four levels in a row, this was the first time that Li Qiuzhi had reset the experience point column to zero.

In the past, I would keep a little bit, not to mention as a spare, and it would be more comfortable to look at.

It’s level 15 with less than half of the experience points, which is really good.

The process of leveling up only took a moment, and he was not caught up by the Qiu Qiu Yan Helm King because of this.

"Servant, didn't you say it was going to guard the entrance? Why are you still chasing it!"

Fischer looked at the approaching beast, a drop of sweat fell on his fair face, and his eyes were a little nervous.

"Miss, let me defend you all!" Oz flew to the side looking much more relaxed.

"Huh." Li Qiuzhi took a deep breath and exhaled, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Li Qiuzhi slowed down half a step, then changed positions with Fischer. When he came to the middle, he continued:

"Next, I'll take you to run!"

He first got close to Fischer, stretched his right hand from her back, then hugged her soft waist under the short dress, and lifted her up slightly to let her feet off the ground.


Fischer suddenly turned her head forward, her field of vision drooping, and the receding ground dazzled her.

Li Qiuzhi used the same method to bring Bennett, who ran to the left and was speechless.

He carried the extra body weight of two people by himself and ran at a faster speed.

Even Oz, who could fly, was suddenly pulled away, and he quickly flapped his wings a few times before catching up again.

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