I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 580 Qiliangliang (two in one)

Kamisato Yashiki.

After listening to Kamisato Ayaka's explanation, Li Qiuzhi also understood what was going on.

To put it simply, the affairs managed by the society are mainly cultural matters such as sacrificial activities, celebrations and entertainment, when Inazuma is busy everywhere.

It will seem a little idle.

Although there are fixed days for ritual activities and other activities, it is normal to take a leisurely time.

It's just that when other departments are busy, you seem to be relatively idle, which will inevitably make outsiders feel that you are not doing anything.

It just so happens that the society hopes to play a part in this.

But you have to help the development of Inazuma in your own responsibilities, think about it, realize people's wishes, and help them solve some troublesome trivial matters.

In this way, everyone can devote themselves to work with full enthusiasm without any worries, which will also make a significant contribution to the development of Inazuma.

After all, many people are often too busy to do this or that because of trivial things.

In the end, things at work were not done well, and my own trivial matters were not solved, which made me feel very worried.

If the community can help, people will definitely be grateful.

"But, if this is the case, will the club have enough manpower? And the funds..."

Li Qiuzhi asked with doubts on his face.

Rice Wife is very big, and if it is really implemented, the manpower and funds required are not small.

After all, you can't just deal with some troublesome things for people in Inazuma City, as this will attract criticism.

"Yeah." Kamisato Ayaka nodded slightly and explained:

"So the club is planning to ask adventurers for help in the form of entrustment, so as to solve the problem of shortage of manpower.

"As for the issue of funds, the company has many industries. When holding celebrations, there is still a surplus. It is naturally not a problem to allocate part of it as commission funds."

She shook her head and said not to worry.

In terms of entrustment, it is actually similar to asking people who have trivial matters to deal with to go to the Adventurers Association to issue entrustments, but the association will pay the entrustment fee.

It just turned into a society that proactively collects people's wishes and then asks people to help.

"Hehe, it's because of the lack of manpower that Linghua asked us to help!"

Xiao Gong patted his chest and said.

Looking at the slightly swaying bandage, Li Qiuzhi nodded and said, "Okay, I am an adventurer anyway, so I have no problem accepting any commission."

"Then I'll trouble you." A smile appeared on Kamisato Ayaka's fair face.

[Kamizato Ayaka has a good impression of you and gained 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (20/600)]

Seeing the prompt for gaining favor pop up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi felt that he could still make money without commission money.

So he asked:

"So who are we going to help solve trouble next?"

"People's wishes have been collected, and most of the less troublesome things have been completed by Thomas leading the society and the adventurers who accepted the commission.

"The remaining two commissions involve the Narukami Grand Shrine and the Tianling Enshrinement. I think only a 'big shot' like you is more suitable to complete it."

Kamisato Ayaka covered her lips with a painting fan and smiled gracefully.

"Oh? Tell me in detail?" Li Qiuzhi continued to ask.

"The first one is the trouble of Miss Kuqi Shinobu, the deputy of the Arataki faction. In order to promote the reputation of their boss and the Arataki faction, they put up small advertisements everywhere.

"They even posted leaflets in Narukami Taisha Shrine. Haha, I heard that the Palace Secretary has sent them to the execution center. Ms. Kuki Shinobu is worried about bailing them out."

The snow-white hair on Kamisato Ayaka's forehead swayed slightly when the wind blew outside.

"Well, I remember that if it's not a big deal, you should be able to get out on bail by paying a small deposit, right?"

The golden-orange haired Xiaogong said slightly surprised.

"Generally speaking, this is true, but, except for Ms. Kuki Shinobu, everyone else in the Arataki sect is a regular visitor to the shrine.

"So this time the deposit alone is not enough. We must also obtain the shrine's understanding before we can release it."

Kamisato Ayaka explained.

"I see, the Arataki faction, except for Kuki Shinobi, are all a bit weird." Li Qiuzhi smiled and was not surprised, "Then there is another commission?"

"The other one is Ms. Kirarayoshi, the courier of Komagaya. Due to unexpected circumstances, she lost a package from General Kujo, the leader of Tianling.

"We are in extreme anxiety right now! According to the priority of the situation, we should go and help Miss Kirarayoshi first, and then go to Miss Kuki Shinobu."

Kamisato Ayaka gives her own advice.

"Hmm, let's set off now!" Xiao Gong looked at Li Qiuzhi with great interest and said.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Then I leave these two orders to you." Kamisato Ayaka handed the orders recording the details of the two wishes to Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong:

"I'll just wait for the good news from you two in Kamisato Yashiki."

After leaving the agency, Li Qiuzhi followed the instructions on the order form, first returned to Inazuma Castle with Xiaogong, and then walked to Komaga House.

Kogaya is a multinational express delivery company that highlights safety, punctuality, in-depth service, and ability to deliver express to any country.

The Inazuma people rate it quite highly.

After a while, the two of them walked to Koga House. It didn't look big, but compared to other express delivery companies, the business was relatively good.

Because they have a very outstanding clerk here - Qi Liangliang!

Her identity is a "yokai", Nekomata with two tails on her back, and her express delivery can usually be delivered to customers safely and on time.

Moreover, the people are very lively and cute, and the praise rate is very high.

This time she lost the express delivery due to unexpected circumstances, and it was also the express delivery of Kujo Sharo that Tianling followed, which made her very nervous.

I really hope to get the express delivery back before it times out.

Just when the girl was anxious, she suddenly saw two young men and a woman walking outside the door.

"Are you here to send express delivery?" Seeing the guests, Qi Liangliang had no choice but to suppress the anxiety in his heart and asked the two of them.

The girl was wearing a blue-green coat, and the black top barely covered her breasts, exposing her snow-white belly.

The lower body is a short skirt that exposes the legs, and the two cat tails are swaying slightly behind the back.

If you pay closer attention, you can see that her feet are not human feet, but Nekomata feet that reveal her true form.

Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong didn't need to guess, they knew that this was Miss Qiliangliang who needed help.

"No, we were sent by the Society to help you solve your trouble. Do you remember, someone just came to you and asked about your wishes not long ago, right?"

Xiao Gong explained their origins.

"Hey, is it true? When those people asked me yesterday if I had any wishes that needed to be fulfilled, I just said it casually. I didn't expect that they would actually send someone here!"

Kirarayang said in surprise.

[Qi Liangliang has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (20/300)]

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said:

"As She Fengxing said, naturally he will not just come to make people happy, but really want to help people realize their wishes.

"So, can you please explain in detail what happened to the missing express?"

"Okay, I'll tell you everything in detail, and you must help me!"

As if he had found a savior, Qi Liangliang explained in detail the reason why the express delivery was lost.

Just yesterday at noon, she received a package at the doll factory outside Inazuma Castle. It was said that it contained a cartoon doll that was limited to 500 pieces and looked like a shogun.

Because of the limited quantity, they sold very hotly.

It's still difficult to get your hands on one, and you often have to squat in the store the night in advance to have a chance of buying it.

Kujo Sora was given this one by winning a lottery, and the store happened to be out of stock, so he asked the factory to continue making a small part.

Responsible for redeeming it for the person who won the lottery.

And such a popular product was lost, and it was delivered by Kujo Sora-sama.

In order to prevent the general from arresting him, the only way is to find the package again and give it to Kujo Sora before the timeout.

This will solve the problem.

Based on her work experience, logically speaking, it should not be easy to lose the express delivery, but when she got the express delivery, she was on her way to Tianling.

Suddenly, I encountered a gust of sea breeze blowing from the sea. There was a slight fishy smell in the wind.

Seeing that it was still early, she followed the smell and found a group of wandering warriors grilling fish on the beach.

They may have done something illegal, so when they saw Qi Liangliang, they wanted to kill him and silence him.

After all, if they let her go, exposing their traces and attracting shogunate soldiers, endless jail time would be waiting for them.

For this group of desperadoes, this is certainly an unacceptable result.

But facing the sudden sword confrontation of the wandering warriors, Kiraragi, as a monster, is naturally very skilled. Even if the opponent relies on the strength of their numbers, it will be impossible to decide the outcome for a while.

But she is much more agile than the wandering warriors, and she can easily retreat if she wants to.

But just when she easily got rid of the wandering warriors and was about to go to Tian Ling to hand over the package to Kujo Sara, she suddenly found that there was a hole in her package.

It had apparently been slashed by a sword during a battle with wandering warriors, and all the contents inside were missing.

No need to think too much, there is a high probability that it will be dropped unknowingly during the battle.

But when she went back to look for it, she saw no stray warriors anywhere, only an empty space with fish bones remaining.

Naturally, all the items he dropped are gone.

"In general, you just want us to help find him and get the general's puppet back, right?"

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Well, that's right." Kirarayang nodded lightly, "The dolls have no effect on them. We have to find them quickly, otherwise it will be even more troublesome to find them if they throw away the dolls at will."

"Then Miss Kirarayang, it's up to you to be our guide and take us to the place where you met the wandering warrior."

Xiaogong said.

"Yeah, no problem. Thank you very much. I'll take you there now."

Kirara said with great gratitude.

[Qi Liangliang has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (20/400)]

Looking at the favorable impression prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi was a little happy, and then said "It doesn't matter."

The two of them followed Qi Liangliang towards the outside of Inazuma Castle.

In order to save time, Li Qiuzhi asked for the previous location of the wandering warrior and directly used his space ability to teleport there.

The sea breeze is very cool, and you can still see leftover fish skeletons on the beach.

When Li Qiuzhi and others appeared here, the place was as deserted as last night. For ordinary people, it would be difficult to find those wandering warriors under such conditions.

Moreover, the footprints on the seashore have been smoothed away by the repeated cycles of rising and falling tides.

There are no clues at all. Unless a powerful detective is hired, it will be even more difficult to deduce the whereabouts of the wandering warriors from the nearby clues.

"Shall we use our mental energy to look for it?" Xiao Gong looked at Li Qiuzhi and said.

Although her own strength has not yet reached the point where she can use her mental power externally, she often uses it when seeing Li Qiuzhi.

If you think about expanding the scope of your search, you might find something different.

Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly when he heard the words, and used his mental energy to observe carefully, and found that the nearby footprints were indeed erased by the sea water, and there was no way to know which direction they went.

But things soon turned around.

He found dirt marks like footprints on the leaves of a bush by the sea, and they looked very new.

Someone must have walked by recently.

Li Qiuzhi is still not sure that the people who have been here recently are the wandering warriors Qi Liangliang met.

So it continued to spread outward in the direction of the footprints, and the invisible mental power carefully observed the surroundings like a scanning machine.

It didn't take long to find some shallow footprints on the relatively soft land.

Judging from the previous place, the anti-reconnaissance awareness of those wandering warriors is quite strong, but it may be because the vision was not good last night.

Therefore, those shallow footprints were not discovered, and there was no time to deal with them, and now the direction they were walking was exposed.

Li Qiuzhi's mental power continued to spread forward along the direction of the shoe prints, and finally found them on the beach at the foot of Ganjin Island.

This group of wandering warriors were leaning against the wall behind Ganjin Island, and there were some shelters nearby. People might not be able to spot them unless they went over to take a look.

"Let's go, I've found them."

Li Qiuzhi told the two about his discovery of the wandering warrior.

"It's so fast, and it's only one night. They won't be able to go far. Let's go over quickly and see if we can find Kujo Sora-sama's express delivery!"

Xiao Gong urged.

"Yes!" Qi Liangliang also nodded excitedly.

[Xiaogong has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (420/900)]

[Qi Liangliang has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (320/400)]

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