I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 587 Cold-faced and warm-hearted

The cosmic beast, the stomach.

One after another, stinging insects flew toward Li Qiuzhi, attacking in a primitive way with their mouthparts.

Li Qiuzhi also took out the edgeless sword that had not been used for a long time, and used the newly learned swordsmanship on the insects.

Ninja-style swordsmanship, swordsmanship inherited from the ghost clan, light and elegant Dandelion swordsmanship, elegant ceremonial swordsmanship, heavy earth swordsmanship, and extraordinary thunder swordsmanship

Various sword skills can be switched freely, and it is very light and flexible.

By almost noon, he had mastered all kinds of swordsmanship and had basically reached level seven or eight.

The effect is better than expected. If you practice it later, you can basically reach the full level.

After all, with his level of swordsmanship, it is not easy to practice several secret-level swordsmanship.

So he continued to spend some time practicing until about lunch time, and successfully practiced several secret-level swordsmanship skills to the full level.

At the same time, he also gained a lot of experience points because of defeating many bugs.

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv103 (125536/13000000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Outstanding Citizen of Liyue, Legendary Adventurer, General of the Sea, Xumi Sage

Inherent talent: Entangled favor

Skills: Power of Light · Divine Realm 10 (Star Sea Ten Thousand), Wuxiang's Sword· Divine Realm 10 (Wuxiang Wushuang), Objective Illusory Shadow Realm · Divine Realm 10 (Unobservable State), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique· Mysterious 10 (Frost Flower) Arrow), Elemental Control 10 (Full Level), Fighting 10 (Micro), Ninja-style Swordsmanship 10 (Severance), Oni Heritage Swordsmanship 10 (Ghosts and Gods), Dandelion Swordsmanship 10 (Floating), Sword Riding Skill 10 (Charge), Dong Thunder Sword Skill 10 (Thunder), Earth Sword Skill 10 (Shatter), Ceremonial Sword Skill 10 (Elegant Stance)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Wuxiang Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Touch of Demon (Exclusive)] [Lingge (Exclusive)]

Experience point: 5266831

The progress of about 120,000 points in the practice progress came from yesterday's practice with Qin and Ningguang. When he practiced with the two of them in bed last night.

Controlling the condensation of ice water into a thin film to wrap around most of the body, it is also considered as soaking in ice water, and the effect of practice is additionally improved.

Although it is a bit troublesome, it is worth it to increase the speed of practice.

A large number of sword skills have reached the full level, and Li Qiuzhi has mastered many skill characteristics. It is almost time for Li Qiuzhi to meet.

He left the stomach of the cosmic beast and returned to the wonderland space. While waiting for lunch to begin, he began to integrate sword skills.

The seven esoteric-level swordsmanship skills can be combined into at least one esoteric-level swordsmanship skill.

Li Qiuzhi sat on the sofa and began to combine sword skills one by one.

The first is the ninja-style swordsmanship and the ghost clan's inherited swordsmanship. The two are combined to form the "inherited ninja-demon sword", which is also a secret-level skill.

It's still close to reaching the Mysterious Level.

So he integrated the sword riding skills into it and turned it into "Ninja Swordsmanship: Ghost Riding", a swordsmanship that is infinitely close to the secret level, but it has not yet reached the secret level.

It seems that there is still a little bit left. If you integrate another sword skill, you will definitely be able to advance to the secret level!

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and decided to make the final fusion of ritual swordsmanship with it. The two skills were continuously twisted and fused on the character panel.

Finally, a brand new name appeared on the panel - Ritual Ninja Sword Skill·Ghost Riding Stance 1 (0/5000).

After successfully integrating a secret-level swordsmanship, four secret-level skills were used, and now there are still three swordsmanship skills left on the character panel.

Maybe it wasn't enough to fuse them into a secret-level swordsmanship, but Li Qiuzhi decided to fuse them first and ask Ningguang about it at night.

By acquiring a few more swordsmanships from Liyue, I should be able to fuse two or three more secret-level swordsmanships. If I'm lucky, I can have another divine-level swordsmanship!

But what is a little surprising is that after he integrated the Dandelion Swordsmanship with the Thunder Swordsmanship and the Sword of the Earth, he was lucky enough to be directly promoted to the Secret Level - Three-Element Sword Skill, Secret 1 (0/5000)!

In this way, you will have two arcana-level swordsmanship skills at once, and one more will reach the minimum standard for promotion to the divine realm level!

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

He thought for a moment and thought it would be better to talk to Ning Guang now and ask her to bring it back when she comes back tonight.

This way, he doesn't have to go through any troublesome procedures. With Ningguang, the Tianquan star, coming forward, everything will be convenient and simple.

Speaking of which, he had previously wanted Captain Qin to bring back some sword skills directly, but when he thought of going to find Barbara, he followed the process.

Li Qiuzhi used the "beacon" to contact Ningguang in Liyue Port with some anticipation, and spoke out his request.

It's just a few swordsmanships, so it won't be a problem for Tianquan Xing Ningguang.

She promised to help bring it back tonight.

After lunch, Li Qiuzhi, Noelle and Nilu practiced for a while, helping them improve their strength a little.

After these days of continuous hard work, Nilu has been promoted to level 80 or above.

In a few days, he should be able to catch up with everyone's progress. Now he is level 103, and the effect of harmonizing the energy to raise the girls to level 93 is very significant.

But if you go up, the effect will be attenuated a lot, just like the shadows and others, the effect is there, but it cannot be quickly improved in a day or two.

In the afternoon, Li Qiuzhi came to West Wind Cathedral again as agreed.

Rosalia was already waiting for him at the door. He smiled and said, "How about it? I didn't keep you waiting long, did I?"

"It's okay, I just came here too." Rosalia shook her head with a cold expression.

"So, where should we go first?"

Li Qiuzhi asked about business.

"It's very simple. The locations for the tour are Star-Zhailing Cliff where you can best feel the breath of Qianfeng, Fengqi Land, and Qingquan Town where there are many hunters.

"The main reason for going to Qingquan Town is to promote the belief in the God of Wind."

The places Rosalia mentioned are not very dangerous, and the distances are not too far, so we can probably get there today.

"In that case, how about we fly back along the road from Star Reaching Cliff to Fengqi Land and then to Qingquan Town?"

Li Qiuzhi made suggestions.

"No, the church is planning to start from Qingquan Town and patrol all the way to Star Picking Cliff. We just need to reconnoiter the situation on this road."

Rosalia briefly explained the church's plan.

"I see, let's set off now." Li Qiuzhi understood and nodded to indicate there was no problem.

He guided the wind elements to condense in front of him to form a wind field. The two spread out their wind wings and rode the updraft, flying high into the sky and looking out of the city.

"Well, please."

Rosalia expressed her gratitude again, obviously a cold-hearted person.

[Rosalia has developed a liking for you and gained 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (50/600)]

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