Liyue, Qunyu Pavilion.

As the Hai Lantern Festival approaches, even a place like Qun Yu Pavilion that is usually sparsely populated, there are more people coming to visit.

Li Qiuzhi teleported to Ningguang, because she was arranging various things for the Hailantern Festival, and there was no way to talk to her yet.

I had to walk around alone.

"Hmm, aren't we busy people who are busy making friends with girls? How come we have time to come here?"

Just when Li Qiuzhi wandered to the turning point of the corridor, a snow-white arm suddenly stretched out and hugged his neck.

The vision in front of me darkened, and I felt that my face was pressed against something familiar and soft and bouncy, making me unable to breathe.

He moved his hands toward the middle, first pressing the equally soft buttocks, and then touching them along the soft lines up to the waist.

Use this to lift your head up.

What is close in front of you is the half-exposed snow-white skin of the chest. Looking up slightly, you can see the delicate collarbone, and then up.


Feeling the slight pain on his forehead, Li Qiuzhi shouted subconsciously.

"What are you looking at? You are so fascinated that my chin can't help but hit your head." Ye Lan rubbed her chin and looked at him with a smile in her eyes.

"Ahem, sorry, sorry."

Li Qiuzhi moved his gaze upward slightly awkwardly, stopping at his snow-white neck.

"Forget it." Ye Lan raised the corners of her mouth slightly, hugging her chest with a sly look on her face, "I'm so lucky, I met you just after Ning Guang arranged a task for me.

"As an apology for being rude to the lady, please come with me. It will save you time on the road and get off work early."

Li Qiuzhi looked at Ye Lan helplessly:

"How could I be rude? It was you who suddenly hugged me just now."

"Haha, don't tell me that a legendary adventurer who can even deal with demons couldn't find a weak woman standing at the corner in front of him, and was easily hugged by her!"

Ye Lan said with a chuckle.

"Well, people always let their guard down, especially for a beautiful lady like you." Li Qiuzhi forced himself to find an explanation.

"Oh?" Ye Lan continued to maintain a faint smile on her face, obviously in a good mood, "Okay, I reluctantly agree with your explanation."

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (560/800)]

Li Qiuzhi was also slightly happy when he saw the favorability prompt popping up on the character panel.

Yelan's favorability level for him is about to reach level nine. When it reaches level nine, is it still far from level ten? He is already looking forward to what kind of favorability skills she will give him.

"Although I agree with your explanation, you still have to accompany me to complete the task. Of course, I will reward you accordingly."

Twisting her silky hair, Ye Lan looked at Li Qiuzhi and said.

"What reward?" Li Qiuzhi was a little confused.

"If you're curious, I can pay you the reward first, but in that case, you can't refuse." Ye Lan said pretending to be mysterious.

"As for what you said, I am naturally willing to help regardless of whether there is any reward."

Li Qiuzhi patted his chest and said.

"In that case" she parted her soft lips, leaned forward slightly, and pressed her lips on Li Qiuzhi's mouth.

Li Qiuzhi was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Ye Lan parted his lips and said:

"How about this? Is this what you like?"

"I like it, but it's too short, right?" Li Qiuzhi put his arms around Ye Lan's waist and brought his mouth close, wanting to kiss her for a longer time.

Otherwise, in just these few seconds, he would still be a little unfinished.

"As long as you like it, just think of it as a 'deposit'. I'll pay the balance when you come back later. I'll allow you to extend it at that time~"

Ye Lan blocked Li Qiuzhi's approaching mouth with her palm and said with a sly smile.

Naturally, after kissing Li Qiuzhi in front of Ke Qing last time, she had some aftertaste of this feeling, and even wanted to try what it would be like to take it a step further.

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 340 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (100/900)]

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi continued with regret on his face, "Then can you tell me what Ningguang asked you to do?"

"It's nothing, it's just that the Sea Lantern Festival is approaching, and Liyue Port has changed a lot this year, and everything is booming. Ningguang wants to make this Sea Lantern Festival a grand one.

"So let me invite you all the 'Three Eyes and Five Appearance Immortals' to come over and witness the blossoming Liyue now!"

Yelan explained briefly.

"I see. To put it simply, we invite the 'Three-Eyed and Five-Appearance Immortals' to participate in the Sea Lantern Festival. But given the personalities of the Immortals, they may not be interested in coming."

Li Qiuzhi nodded to express his understanding.

"Indeed, they have not come here in the past few years. As immortals, they may not be interested in human things." Ye Lan also agreed with Li Qiuzhi's words.

"By the way, what's the matter with you coming here?"

she asked curiously.

"I came to Ningguang to get some swordsmanship secret books, and to see if there is anything I need help with." Li Qiuzhi explained simply.

"I see. Ning Guang should have some free time now. You can go there by yourself. I'll wait for you outside."

Yelan nodded slightly.


Li Qiuzhi responded, and after Ye Lan walked away, he also walked to Ningguang's office.

At this time, Ningguang was still arranging various trivial matters for her secretaries for the Hai Lantern Festival. When they saw Li Qiuzhi coming over, they stopped talking.

He told Ning Guang that he still needed some sword skills, and asked her if she needed help since she was so busy during the Hai Lantern Festival.

"Well, wait a moment, I'll let Baixiao get the sword skills.

"As for helping, I'm not very busy at the moment, but Ke Qing and Gan Yu are quite busy recently. You can ask them."

Ning Guangtou thought for a while and said.

"That's no problem. I'll go find them later." Li Qiuzhi said.

With the ability to travel through space, it doesn't take much time to visit several "three-eyed and five-manifestation immortals".

There is no problem in finding them after he and Ye Lan come back.

Soon, Ningguang asked Bai Xiao to bring back several swordsmanship secret books and gave them to Li Qiuzhi.

Saying goodbye to Ningguang, Li Qiuzhi walked to the platform outside Qunyu Pavilion. At this time, Yelan was looking at the scenery of Liyue Harbor in the distance.

There are a lot of people walking on every street.

Obviously the festival is approaching, making Liyue Port more lively... Li Qiuzhi smiled and said:

"Let's go, let's go to Jueyunjian first."

"Of course you have the final say. After all, I have to rely on you to get through this!" Ye Lan said, crossing her arms.

"Then please hold out your hand." Li Qiuzhi stretched out his right hand. Yelan satisfied his little wish and also stretched out her hand to hold it with him.

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (400/900)]

Sorry, I'm stuck. I haven't finished writing the second update yet, so I can only do it tomorrow...

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